高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality Section 3 Grammar课时作业 外研版必修5

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Module 5 The Great Sports Personality Section 3 Grammar.单句改错1I remember the time as my grandmother was telling stories to me._答案:aswhen2Child although he was,he looked quite calm in that difficult situation._答案:althoughas3Im sure it wont be long until we find out the truth._答案:untilbefore4We will finish the work on time,however difficulties we meet._答案:howeverwhatever5Tom told me that he was shopping yesterday morning,he met one of his old friends._答案:thatwhen6I have been surprised each time when my son has come home from school with a message saying his teacher wants to see me._答案:去掉when.完成句子1_I achieve something in my studies,my mother has a big smile on her face.每次我在学习上取得进步时,我妈妈的脸上都会带着开心的笑容。答案:Every time2Mary went to France in 2010,and it wasnt long_she became a French citizen.玛丽2010年去的法国,没过多久她就成了法籍居民。答案:before3The driver got out of the car _it caught fire.车一着火,司机就从汽车里跑出来了。答案:the minute/moment4I will go for a walk in the park this weekend_it doesnt rain.这个周末只要不下雨我就去公园里散步。答案:as/so long as5You may keep the book a further week_no one else requires it.如果没有人需要这本书的话,你就可以再借阅一个星期。答案:if6Li Hua tried his best to solve the problem,_it was.不管这个问题多么难,李华都尽全力去解决了。答案:no matter how difficult.语法与写作(用所给连词将下列句子改为含有状语从句的复合句)1The rain will stop.You may stay here.(until)_答案:You may stay here until the rain stops.2He came into the room.He took off his cap and sat down.(after)_答案:He took off his cap and sat down after he came into the room.3People always seem to be anxious to make more money.They are rich.(however)_答案:However rich they are,people always seem to be anxious to make more money.4You should be polite to him.You do not like him.(though)_答案:Though you dont like him,you should be polite to him.5Hearing the good news,the boys shouted happily.(when)_答案:Hardly had they heard the good news when the boys shouted happily.6How can you expect to be a good speaker?You never dare to speak in public.(if)_答案:How can you expect to be a good speaker if you never dare to speak in public?.阅读理解Would you be happier if you spent more time discussing the state of the world and the meaning of lifeand less time talking about the weather?It may sound counterintuitive,but people who spend more of their day having deep discussions and less time on small talk seem to be happier,said Matthias Mehl,a psychologist who published a study in Psychological Science.“We found this so interesting,because it could have gone the other waypeople usually believe that as long as you surf on the shallow (浅的) level of life youre happy,and if you go into the depths (深度) youll be unhappy,” Dr.Mehl said.But,he suggested,deep conversations seemed to hold the key to happiness for two main reasons:both because human beings are driven to find and create meaning in their lives,and because we are social animals who want and need to connect with other people. “By making meaningful conversations,we manage to work out the meaning of this world,” Dr.Mehl said.“And,as you find this meaning,you connect with your partner,and we know that interpersonal (人与人之间的) connection and communication is a basis of happiness.”The study involved 79 college students wearing an electronic recorder that recorded their conversation every 12.5 minutes for four days.Researchers then went through the tapes and classified (分类) the conversation as small talk about the weather or having watched a TV show,and more meaningful talk about current affairs,philosophy,or the role of education.A conversation about a TV show wasnt always considered small talk;it could be classified as deep if the speakers studied the characters.The research found that about 45.9 percent of the days conversations the happiest person had were important and serious,while only 21.8 percent of the unhappiest persons conversations were important and serious.Small talk made up only 10 percent of the happiest persons conversations,while it made up almost three times as much of the unhappiest persons conversations.Next,Dr.Mehl wants to see if people can actually make themselves happier by having more deep conversations.语篇解读本文是说明文。一项最新研究认为深度交流有利于增进人的幸福感。1What does the underlined word “counterintuitive” in Paragraph 2 mean?AAgainst expectation.BWidely known.CObvious or natural.DScientific and true.解析:词义猜测题。文章先介绍了最新的研究成果people who spend more of their day having deep discussions and less time on small talk seem to be happier,下文中又说people usually believe that as long as you surf on the shallow level of life youre happy,由此可知,最新研究得出的结论和人们固有的观念是不一样的,所以A项正确。答案:A2According to the research,which of the following most probably makes you happier in general?ATalking about the weather.BTalking about a TV show.CTalking about philosophy.DTalking about fashion.解析:细节理解题。根据研究者的分类,一般而言,A、B、D项都是small talk,只有C项是deep conversations。根据该研究,deep conversations会让人更快乐。答案:C3The author of the text seems to_.Abelieve the more deep talk,the happierBdoubt the conclusions of the researchCbe confused about the researchDreport fairly on the research解析:观点态度题。本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一项最新研究成果及其研究的过程。文章大量引用了研究者的观点以及研究数据,作者并没有在文中表达自己的观点,所以正确答案是D。答案:D4Whats the best title for the text?AWhat is deep talk?BTalk deeply,be happy?CHow to talk deeply?DSuggestions on conversation解析:标题归纳题。文章介绍了一项最新的研究deep conversations会让人更快乐,并且介绍了研究的过程,解释了原因。答案:BIts common for new mothers to experience depression (抑郁) because of hormonal changes and lack of sleep after childbirth.But new research shows that depression after the arrival of a child isnt limited to birth parents:adoptive (收养的) parents are also at risk of depression after bringing a child home.Depression appears to be common among the two million couples in the United States who adopt children every year.A study of 39 adoptive mothers showed 15 percent were experiencing depression six weeks after the adoption.25 percent of parents had experienced depression before the child had arrived,which can be explained by the uncertainty and hopes that are common during the adoption process.To find out more about what causes the adoptive parents to experience depression,a Purdue University professor,Karen JFoli,who is also an adoptive parent,interviewed 21 parents who had adopted children from newborn to 12 years.The research found that the depression experienced by adoptive parents often stemmed_from unmet or unrealistic expectations of the parenting experience.During the adoption process,parents put lots of efforts into proving they will be nice parents.After the adoption,some struggle with the fact that they arent the “superparents” they promised to be,Dr Foli said.Adoptive parents also must cope with family members who dont treat a new adopted child the same way they treat other biological children in the family.In addition,while birth parents often spend their time together as a couple and pay close attention to the mothers health,adoptive parents have to do a large amount of scrutiny (审查),paperwork and travel.Often,Dr Foli explained,they are simply tired by the time the child arrives.语篇解读收养孩子的父母也可能经历抑郁。5Whats the main idea of the passage?AAdoptive parents are also likely to experience depression.BIts common for Americans to adopt children.CIts more difficult to adopt a child than many think.DTheres no cure for new mothersdepression.解析:主旨大意题。本文告诉我们:收养孩子的父母也可能经历抑郁。答案:A6According to the 3rd paragraph,Professor Foli interviewed 21 parents in order to_.Alisten to othersexperience as adoptive parentsBprove her opinion on how to be a nice parentCfind out how to cure the depression of adoptive parentsDfind out the reasons why adoptive parents experience depression解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的To find out more about what causes the adoptive parents to experience depression,.可知答案。答案:D7The underlined phrase “stemmed from” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by “_”Aled to Bmade upCresulted from Dcalled for解析:词义猜测题。根据后边的解释可知stemmed from意为“因为”。答案:C8What are the reasons for adoptive parentsdepression?aThat they experience hormonal changes in their bodies.bThat they have to face the fact that they are not the parents they promised to be.cThat they have to deal with family members who treat the adopted child differently.dThat they get tired after doing lots of paperwork and travel.AabBbcd CcdDabc解析:细节理解题。根据第四段可推出b;根据第五段可推出c;根据最后一段推出d,因此选B。答案:B

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