高中英语 Module 5 Ethnic Culture Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版选修7

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高中英语 Module 5 Ethnic Culture Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版选修7_第3页
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Module 5Ethnic CultureSection Other Parts of the Module.选词填空fish,lame,jewellery,awkward,loose,waist,firm,fasten,garage,adjust1He works in a_.He doesnt go to school any more.答案:garage2He wore a long,_coat.答案:loose3The beach is a good place to_from.答案:fish4I dont think the chair is_enough to stand on.答案:firm5He_himself very quickly to the life style of the country.答案:adjusted6I feel_as everyone except me is in evening dress.答案:awkward7Have you_all the doors and windows?答案:fastened8Cant you borrow some_from a friend?答案:jewellery9He walks with a stick because he is_.答案:lame10Her hair nearly reached down to her_.答案:waist.单句语法填空1The Tshirt I received is not the same as is shown online._come? But I promise you well look into it right away.答案:How2He had no choice but_(make)_an excuse to explain his being late.答案:to make;up3My camera can_automatically_(adjust) to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.答案:be;adjusted4The room_(furnish) with the simplest essentials like a bed,a chair and a table,so it looks spacious.答案:was furnished5How much farther shall we have to go?Another five miles until we reach the mountain in_distance.答案:the6In the dark forests_(lie) a lake,it large enough to hold several English towns.答案:lies7What time are you planning to set_tomorrow?Its up to you.答案:off8The American diplomat is said_(adopt) a Chinese girl,who is receiving American education now.答案:to have adopted9Theres no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery_another man,also intelligent,fails.答案:while10I thought you had more sense than to do such a_thing.答案:foolish.完成句子1We must_(采取坚决的措施) to control the pollution.答案:take firm measures2I cant see the sign clearly_(在远处的)答案:in the distance3At the formal party,I_(感到非常尴尬)and out of place.答案:felt very awkward4She found it hard to_(适应工作) at night.答案:adjust to working5_(你是愚蠢的) to leave school.答案:It was foolish of you6_(人们曾认为) the sun travelled around the earth.答案:It was thought that.阅读理解Easter Island is a strange and mysterious place with some facelike huge statues,Moai,on it.It is in the Pacific Ocean,thousands of miles away from the nearest population center.The island,called Rapa Nui in the local language,got its English name from Hollands Captain Jacob Roggeveen,who landed there on Easter Sunday in 1722.Historians now believe that the Moai had something to do with the religion that the Rapa Nui practiced,and that the stones were representative of the spirits of the chieftains (酋长) and the gods. The stones themselves dont all look alike,but they follow a handful of patterns. Archaeologists think the patterns were close to how the Rapa Nui chieftains looked.In all,887 13foottall,14ton Moai have been standing on it.Only 288 of those were moved to the clifftops where they were finally found.Historians think that the inhabitants of Easter Island built and transported the giant stone carvings between 1400 and 1600 ADHistorians think they were moved on wooden logs used as rollers,much like the ancient Egyptians moved the huge stones that made up the Pyramids.Using a series of rollers and ropes,the Rapa Nui,the local people,got the large stones from quarries (采石场) to the cliffs.Then they used levers (杠杆) and ropes and built stone slopes to move the Moai into an upright position.Today,the Rapa Nui number in the hundreds.In some historians ideas,it is due to plagues (瘟疫) and civil wars which also made the Moai targets.The original 7,000 inhabitants became less and less.Todays Rapa Nui keep alive their traditions and stories,and archaeological efforts in recent years have protected the Moai from further destruction.语篇解读本文为说明文,主要讲述了复活节岛上为什么会有数百尊神秘的巨型石像,以及这些石像是如何被搬运到悬崖上的。1According to the text,the facelike huge statues in Easter Island_.Ahad different height and weightBonly stood for the spirits of the godsChad the similar look with the chieftains thereDwere made by the people who made the Pyramids解析:细节理解题。从文章第二、三、四段首句分别可以排除选项B、A、D。只有C项正确,故入选。答案:C2According to the text,we can learn that_.Athe Moai were given religious meaningsBthe Moai all look the sameCtherere 887 Moai on the clifftops todayDthere were 887 Moai built on the clifftops centuries ago解析:细节理解题。由第二段第一句可知,Moai这种巨大的人面石像,与当地人所信仰的宗教有关,故选A项。第二段第二句提到这些石像并不是都看起来相似,故排除B项;由第三段的第一、二句看出,岛上共有石像887座,只有288座被搬运到悬崖顶上。故排除C、D项。答案:A3Paragraph 4 mainly talks about_.Ahow the Moai were madeBhow the Moai were transportedCwhy the Moai were madeDwhy the Moai were transported解析:段落大意题。第四段主要讲述了石像是如何被搬运的。短文并未提及石像的制作过程,以及它们为什么被搬运到悬崖顶上,故排除A、D项;C项是第二段的段意,故排除。答案:B4The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to_.Athe increase in the Rapa Nui numberBthe protection of the MoaiCthe decrease in the Rapa Nui numberDthe destruction of the Moai解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段第一、二句可知,当地居民Rapa Nui现在只有几百人,在一些历史学家看来,因为内战和瘟疫,岛上最初的7 000居民变得越来越少。故C项符合题意。答案:C.任务型阅读Dogs are great companions for people.However,there is a wide variety to choose from._1_Read the following tips to help you find the right dog.Be aware of your housemates.Youll first want to think about the people and creatures that you live with.If you have a roommate or family member who is allergic to dogs,doesnt like them,or simply doesnt want one,this problem will need to be resolved.Similarly,if you have other pets that are not compatible (和谐共存的) with dogs,you will want to reconsider._2_3_Once youve decided that it is possible for you to get a dog,you will need to decide what size of dog is best for you.With a small amount of space,you wont want to get a very large dog.Many apartments have a limit on dog size,even if they allow dogs.Think about the amount of time you have._4_Because if you dont have enough time to give him long walks,then youll have problems with training.Consider your lifestyle.You will also need to think about your life and how a dog will fit into it.A large dog will absolutely require walks to keep healthy and mentally alert,especially if you dont have a large space for them to run around in._5_If you are constantly traveling or working,and spending little time at home,you probably wont have the necessary time to devote to an animal.ADecide the best size.BChoose an appropriate age.CYou may find that it is not possible for you to get a dog.DYou will also have better access to the dogs medical history.EDifferent dogs will fit some lifestyles and people better than others.FGetting a dog that needs lots of exercise when you work a lot is bad.GMost dogs are very social and require a great deal of attention and love.答案:1.E2.C3.A4.F5.G.短文改错I have been planning to join in our college basketball team next year.Now Im spending as more time as I can with other people who likes to play.They are teaching themselves the important rules and techniques of the game,but Im getting better all the time.We have a neighborhood teams that plays against other teams in the area.One of my neighbors is helping rest of us improved our skills.Tonight we are playing for one of the best teams in the city,and I think we can beat them if we wont make any mistakes.答案I have been planning to join in our college basketball team next year. Now Im spending as time as I can with other people who to play.They are teaching the important rules and techniques of the game, Im getting better all the time.We have a neighborhood that plays against other teams in the area.One of my neighbors is helping rest of us our skills.Tonight we are playing one of the best teams in the city,and I think we can beat them if we make any mistakes.

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