高中英语 Module 3 The Violence of Nature Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版必修3

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高中英语 Module 3 The Violence of Nature Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版必修3_第3页
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Module 3The Violence of NatureSection Other Parts of the Module.短语填空end up,set fire to,catch fire,put out,return to,a total of,take place,in al 1She was standing too close to the fireplace and her dress_.答案:caught fire2The police are trying to find more clues,hoping to find out who_the storehouse.答案:set fire to3The 30th Olympic Games will_in London in 2012.答案:take place4With the wind blowing so strongly,it became more difficult for the firemen to_the fire.答案:put out5So far,ten people_have witnessed the UFO flying over this town.答案:in all6After many years abroad he wanted to_his home country.答案:return to7The ship carried_94 people,including ten scientists from America.答案:a total of8At first,they wanted to have a discussion,but finally_fighting and left sadly.答案:ended up.完成句子1数百间房屋被洪水冲走了。_houses have been_by the floods.答案:Hundreds of;washed away2人们相信用不了多久就会有更多的普通家庭拥有小汽车。It is believed that_before more ordinary families own cars.答案:it wont be long3应该教会学生当地震发生的时候该怎么办。Students should be taught_when an earthquake happens.答案:what to do4我们有可能尽快找到准确预测地震的方法吗?_that we can find the exact way to predict earthquakes as soon as possible?答案:Is it possible.阅读理解The summer of 2012 was full of reports of extreme weather:one of the warmest years on record in the US,the wettest summer in the UK,and the worst drought (旱灾) in East Africa.In short,extreme weather seems to be becoming the new normal.Weather extremes are not that extreme any more.Heatwaves,droughts and wildfires are the new reality of a warming world.And this should not come as a surprise.Scientists have been warning for years that as the planet heats up,we will have to deal with more dreadful weather.Although not every extreme weather event is the result of climate (气候) change, scientists are now much more confident about connecting weather events with climate change.In 2011,the UK had a warm November.Researchers say that it was at least 60 times more likely (可能的) to happen because of climate change than because of natural changes in the earths weather systems (系统)All the news shows that climate breakdown is occurring faster than most climate scientists had expected.But isnt it too expensive to stop the climate from changing?Well, yes it costs.So everything is just as usual.It would be wrong to believe that to let things continue as they always do is the cheap choice.Instead,it is very expensive.Just one example:droughts in the US,Russia and the Ukraine sent food prices to a record high.According to the World Bank,the price for corn (玉米) increased by 113% in some markets in Mozambique and in Sudan.This is the kind of cost that often gets ignored.I believe intelligent climate action can help create new opportunities for jobs in Europe,for encouraging creativity and competitiveness,for spending less money on energy.语篇解读本文是议论文。文章主要讨论了现在频发的极端天气。1According to the text,in 2012_.Athe UK had a warm NovemberBthe US had many wildfiresCthe UK had a dry summerDEast Africa had little rain解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的the worst drought in East Africa可知,2012年东非降雨少。答案:D2The underlined word “dreadful” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “_”AlovelyBterribleCseasonable Dfreezing解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段中所举的例子可知,这里说的是我们将会面临更加“可怕的”天气。答案:B3The author mentions the increase of food prices in Paragraph 3 to_.Ashow a lot of people are hungryBprove food prices are very changeableCprove were paying for extreme weatherDshow its expensive to stop the climate from changing解析:推理判断题。第三段说到极端天气导致食品价格上涨,这就说明我们在为气候变化买单。答案:C4Which of the following statements does the author probably agree with?AProper climate action will be useful.BEurope is providing limited job opportunities.CIts everyones duty to protect the environment.DEveryone needs time to get used to extreme weather.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段作者的观点可知,针对气候变化的一些恰当的做法是有用的。答案:A.任务型阅读Most people have a hard time studying effectively (有效地)_1_The following are some tips on how to study effectively.Consider the place and the time.When you wish to study effectively,consider the place and the time._2_You can study at the place in which you are most comfortable.This will actually help you focus as you can associate (将联系起来) the time and place every time you study.You can actually make it a habit to study at the usual place and time._3_Most of the time,people believe that coffee is the best drink to take while studying.They think coffee can actually keep them awake.It is true that coffee helps in keeping you awake,but coffee also has negative effects._4_Water is always the best drink while studying.Take breaks.It is very important that you take a break before you feel tired and begin to lose your concentration (注意力) completely.Regular breaks can actually help you keep your concentration._5_If you think you need longer breaks,then it is best that you do so.AWater helps a lot.BArrive at school on time.CYou are allowed to drink water in class.DIt is always best to study at the same time and place.EIt can slow down your memory and increase your anxiety.FThe length of breaks may depend on the persons ability to focus.GNo matter how hard they try,some things always take their attention away.答案:1.G2.D3.A4.E5.F.短文改错 The most exciting event in this week was the sports meet on Tuesday.I took part in the boys 400meter relay race,in it there were four teams competing.I was a third to run in my team.At the very beginning,our teams first runner fell behind the others three teams.Then our teams second runner catches up with one of them.When I started to run,I ran as faster as I could hope to change the situation,but it was no use.We got the third place when the race ended,we still thought we were the winners because we have tried our best.答案 The most exciting event in this week was the sports meet on Tuesday.I took part in the 400meter relay race,in i there were four teams competing.I was third to run in my team.At the very beginning,our teams first runner fell behind the other three teams.Then our teams second runner catche up with one of them.When I started to run,I ran as faste as I could hop to change the situation,but it was no use.We got the third place when the race ended, we still thought we were the winners because we hav tried our best.

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