高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版必修2

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高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版必修2_第1页
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高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版必修2_第2页
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高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 4 Other Parts of the Module课时作业 外研版必修2_第3页
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Module 1Our Body and Healthy HabitsSection Other Parts of the Module.语法填空1The movie last night couldnt be_(good)I want to see it a second time.答案:better2Mike is the most suitable person_(finish) the task.答案:to finish3_a result of her hard work and much practice,Joan won the first place in the English speaking contest.答案:As4It wont work;_begin with,it would take too long,and secondly it would cost too much.答案:to5It would be_(awfully) if he found the truth that I had cheated in the exam.答案:awful6Help others whenever you can_you will make the world a nicer place to live in.答案:and7Although Tom was well out of_(breathe) when he got to the classroom,he thought it was well worth the effort.答案:breath8Its surprising that your brother picked_Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long.答案:up.翻译句子1你如果累了,可以躺下休息一会儿。(lie down)_答案:If you are tired,you may lie down to rest for a while.2这本书是以一个感人的故事开头的。(begin with)_答案:This book begins with a moving story.3上网是获取知识和信息的最快方法。(用不定式作后置定语)_答案:Surfing the Internet is the fastest way to get knowledge and information.4休班三天,你就会康复的。(be off work,pick up)_答案:Be off work for three days and you will pick up.5所有的人都来帮忙,结果他们按时完成了工作。(as a result)_答案:All people came to help.As a result,they finished the work on time.完形填空There was once a boy hungry for success.For him,winning was_1_and success could only be measured (衡量) by such a(n)_2_.One day,the boy was to_3_in a race with two other boys.A large crowd came to _4_it,including an old man.The two other boys were_5_enough,but the boy tried his best and crossed the finish line first at the last minute.The crowd cheered for the boy except the old man.He seemed_6_,expressing no feelings.A second race was called,and two new boys came forward to_7_with the boy.He finished first once again.The old man_8_expressed no feelings.“Another race!” pleaded (恳求) the boy.“Then run with these two,” said the old man.“Are you serious?An old lady and a blind man?” said the boy in _9_.“Yes,” said the old man.The race began and the boy was the_10_finisher.The other two were left standing at the starting line.The boy was_11_and he raised his arms in happiness.The crowd,_12_were silent.“Why dont the people join in my_13_ ?” he asked.“Race again,” replied the old man.“This time,all three of you_14_together,” he continued.The boy_15_a little,and then stood between the two people,and took them by the hand.The race began and they walked _16_to the finish line and crossed it.The crowd cheered.The old man _17_,gently nodding his head.“Old man,I dont_18_!Who are the crowd cheering for?” asked the boy.The old man looked at him and replied,“Boy,the crowd are touched by your_19_;they respect you.For this race,youve_20_much more than in any other race.”语篇解读本文是记叙文。一个男孩渴望成功,在他看来只有赢才是成功。通过几次比赛,男孩懂得了不以成败论英雄的道理。1A.nothing BanythingCsomething Deverything答案:D2A.idea Bresult Creason Dtruth解析:根据下文描述可知,男孩渴望成功。在他看来,赢意味着“一切(everything)”,只有赢这个“结果(result)”才能证明成功。答案:B3A.run Bride Cswim Ddrive解析:根据下文的run with these two可知,这个男孩在跟别人“赛跑(run)”。答案:A4A.enjoy Breport Cwatch Djoin解析:根据下文的The crowd cheered for the boy可知,这些人是来“观看(watch)”比赛的。答案:C5A.healthy Bgood Clucky Dclever解析:根据下文的crossed the finish line first at the last minute可知,跟男孩赛跑的其他两位选手很“优秀(good)”。 答案:B6A.calm BlonelyCsurprised Dconfident解析:根据下文的expressing no feelings可知,老人看起来挺“平静的(calm)”。答案:A7A.play BspeakCcompete Dcelebrate解析:第二场比赛开始了,另外两个男孩要跟男孩“比赛(compete)”。答案:C8A.also Bnever Calways Dstill解析:男孩第一次赢得比赛时,老人就无动于衷,这次“依然(still)”如此。答案:D9A.anger BdoubtChappiness Ddisappointment解析:男孩要求再赛一场。老人给他挑了一位老妇人和一位盲人。男孩“怀疑地(in doubt)”问老人,“你是认真的吗?”答案:B10A.last Breal Conly Dnext解析:根据下文的The other two were left standing at the starting line可知,男孩是“唯一(only)”跑完的人。 答案:C11A.excited BworriedCtired Dinterested解析:根据下文的raised his arms in happiness可知,男孩赢得了比赛,很“兴奋(excited)”。答案:A12A.finally BinsteadCtherefore Dhowever解析:由happiness与silent的对比可以看出,这里应该填表示转折的however。答案:D13A.game BsuccessCchallenge Dpreparation解析:观众沉默了,男孩问,“他们为什么不一同庆祝我的成功(success)呢?”答案:B14A.leave BchangeCfinish Dshout解析:老人回答说,“再比一次,这次,你们三人一同完成(finish)。”答案:C15A.thought BpracticedCpassed Dtried解析:男孩以为比赛重要的就是赢,但这位老人却要三个人一起完成比赛,他有点疑惑,所以“思考了(thought)”一下老人的意思。答案:A16A.gladly BquicklyCquietly Dslowly解析:三个人中有一位老妇人和一位盲人,由此可推知他们应该走得“慢(slowly)”。答案:D17A.smiled BrelaxedCbelieved Dcheered解析:根据下文的gently nodding his head可知,老人对男孩这次的表现很满意,终于“笑了(smiled)”。答案:A18A.care BagreeCremember Dunderstand解析:根据男孩的问题Who are the crowd cheering for可知,他不“明白(understand)”人们在为谁欢呼。 答案:D19A.attention BcourageCkindness Dappearance解析:根据上文男孩在最后一次比赛中的表现以及下文的they respect you可知,人们被男孩的“善良(kindness)”感动了。答案:C20A.missed BwonCpromised Ddiscovered解析:最后一句是点睛之笔。在这次比赛中,男孩“赢得了(won)”比其他任何比赛更多的东西。答案:B.阅读理解Twin sisters Kirstie and Catherine Fields suffered from a progressive (渐进性) muscle pain.Its the worlds rarest medical condition.And they are the only two people on the planet who suffer from the disease,so its named after themthe Fields Condition.They have more than 100 muscle spasms (肌肉痉挛) a day,which are uncontrollable and leave them in great pain.The illness robbed them of their voices four years ago,but now they are talking again.They have been given the best 18th birthday present they could have wished for.The NHS has given them electronic speech machines to get their voices back.Their friends can tell them apart without doubt,because Kirstie chose an Australian accent and Catherine went for an American one.Catherine said,“We both lost our voices at the same time.It has been difficult to communicate with family and friends.Our communication aids have opened up a new world to us.They are great birthday presents for us.”Their parents are delighted that they are able to communicate again after the NHS funded (资助) their new voices.Mrs Fields said,“Im excited they have their voices back.They can argue and quarrel with each other now.They can sit there and just chat happily.I feel very proud of the girls for what theyve gone through.They never give up and just carry on,regardless of great trouble.”The twins said their condition had taught them to make the most of life.Through her voice box,Kirstie said,“Dont feel sorry for us;life is too short.No one lives forever.Be happy and smile.”语篇解读双胞胎姐妹同时罹患怪病并失去声音。幸运的是,现在她们得到了NHS的资助,利用语音机就能够发声了。为了加以区别姐妹俩,她们分别选用了不同的口音。1Why was the Fields Condition named after the twins?ABecause their names are easy to remember.BBecause they are the only people with the illness.CBecause they found a cure for the illness.DBecause doctors couldnt think of a better one.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段的And they are the only two people on the planet who suffer from the disease,so its named after their namesthe Fields Condition可知,双胞胎姐妹Kirstie和Catherine是世界上唯一罹患这种怪病的两个人,所以这种疾病以她们的姓名命名。答案:B2Whats the good news for the twins?AThey were cured of the illness.BThey raised lots of money from the public.CThey got their voice back with the help of a machine.DThey got their favorite presents from their parents.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段的They have been given the best 18th birthday present they could have wished for.The NHS has given electronic speech machines to get their voices back可知,这对姐妹得到了NHS的资助,利用语音机能够发声与人交流了。答案:C3How can people tell the twins from each other?ABy their different accents.BBy their different appearances.CBy their different characters.DBy their different hobbies.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,人们可以根据口音来区分姐妹俩。答案:A4From the passage,we can know that the twins are_.Apoor Boptimistic Cproud Dcaring解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后两段可推断,尽管Kirstie和Catherine罹患疾病,但是她们仍然积极乐观地面对生活。答案:B.短文改错 The Olympic Games is a great international sports festival,in that almost every nation send teams of selected athletes to take part.Both the Summer or Winter Olympic Games take place every four years.In 2008,the 29th Olympic Games was held in Beijing.It was the three time that the Summer Olympic Games have taken place in Asia.Athlete from 204 National Olympic Committees were competed in 28 sports and 302 events.The Chinese team won 51 gold medals,ranked first of all the competing countries.We Chinese managed to make the 29th Olympic Games best ever.The friendly people and beautiful scenery of China left a deep impression for athletes and sports fans from all over the world.答案 The Olympic Games is a great international sports festival,in almost every nation teams of selected athletes to take part.Both the Summer Winter Olympic Games take place every four years.In 2008,the 29th Olympic Games was held in Beijing.It was the time that the Summer Olympic Games taken place in Asia. from 204 National Olympic Committees were competed in 28 sports and 302 events.The Chinese team won 51 gold medals, first of all the competing countries.We Chinese managed to make the 29th Olympic Games best ever.The friendly people and beautiful scenery of China left a deep impression athletes and sports fans from all over the world.

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