高中英语 3 Integrating Skills练习3 外研版必修2

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Integrating Skills姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.选择方框内所给单词,并用其正确形式填空1The government officials _ the offices and spoke to students and staff. 2The _ of a symphony is similar to the commander of an army.3. Headlines, by definition, are short and _ so that they can attract potential readers.4How many _ has the singer released so far?About ten. 5Her lawyer made a statement to the judges in _ that she was innocent.6An _ of millions watched the wedding on TV. 7. Mike drums for the school _ and he is a good singer, too. 8The _ expresses his sorrow in his music. 9Listen carefully and you can find the violin is not quite in _ with the piano. 10A _ is a long song or poem which tells a story in simple language. 答案:1toured2.director3.catchy4.albums5.court6.audience7.band8.composer9.tune10. ballad .完成句子1Shakespeare is wellknown _ a great writer _ his excellent plays.2I was much _(impress)with the beauty of the music.3Our monitor is a _(talent) man. He has a talent _organisation.4The old man,_(work)abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.5Vegetables usually go _(bad/badly) as soon as we are at sea.6When the dancers finished their performances,all the _(audience/customers) gave them warm applause.7His friends as well as his wife _(invite)to the party the day before yesterday.8We had to break into the house as we _(lose) the key.9By the time the firemen arrived,the building _(burn) to pieces.10My shoes are different _ yours.答案:1as;forbe wellknown as“作为而闻名”;be wellknown for“以/因而闻名”。2impressedsb. be impressed with sth.“表示某物给某人留下了深刻印象”。3talented;fortalented adj.表示有“天赋的”;have a talent for 表示“具有的天赋”。4having worked因为work这个动作发生在主句谓语动词之前,所以用现在分词的完成式。5badgo bad“变坏”,go是系动词后接形容词作表语。6audience句意:当舞者们演出结束时,所有的观众给以热烈的掌声。audience意为“观众”,符合题意。customer“(商店的)顾客”。7were invited句意:前天他的妻子和朋友都被邀请参加那个晚会。as well as连接并列主语时,谓语动词与其前面的名词保持一致。8had lost句意:因为钥匙丢了,我们不得不破门而入。丢钥匙的动作发生在破门之前,所以用过去完成时。9had been burntby the time“到为止”,主句中用完成时态,根据句意,应该用被动语态,表示房子被烧成碎片。10frombe different from是固定结构,意为“和不同”。句意为“我的鞋和你的(鞋)是不一样的”。语篇提能阅读理解AToday, at 28, the young German violinist Anne Sophie Mutter is at the top. “She gives radiance(光辉) to the music,” wrote Geoffrey Norris in the Daily Telegraph, London. Mutter was also one of the worlds youngest professors.Born in Rheinfelden on June 29, 1963, Anne Sophie grew up in Wehr, a small town just five kilometers from the Swiss border. Her father, Kad Wilhelm Mutter, and her mother, Gerlinde, considered music lessons part of a good education. Thus, their first son, Andreas, began practicing the violin at eight, and his younger brother, Christoph, had piano lessons. It came as no surprise when Anne Sophie said she wanted a violin for her fifth birthday.Her parents thought she was too young for the violin, and persuaded her to start on the piano. But Anne Sophie always had a mind of her own. “I longed to play the violin,” she said. “It seemed to me a much more interesting instrument.” After six months, her parents gave in.The famous violin teacher Erna Honigberger, who lived nearly, became Anne Sophies tutor(家庭教师). After only nine months of lessons, she entered in a nationwide competition for young musicians. With Christoph accompanying her(为她伴奏) on the piano, Anne Sophie won the first prize.In 1974, Erna Honigberger died. Anne Sophies new teacher was Aida Stucki. She taught Anne Sophie to develop her own ideas on how a piece should be played, not just to imitate(模仿) others. This is one of the violinists strongest, most distinctive characteristics(与众不同的观点) today.Though the Mutters were short of money at times, they limited their daughters performances to one or two a year. “We are glad we went the family road,” said her father. “No outsider(外人) can ever have an effect on our daughters career(生涯) or push her into playing more concerts than she wants to.” Later she was allowed to give six to eight concerts a year and make some recordings. Only when she turned 18 did she begin her professional career.1Anne Sophies career dates back to_.Athe late 1960sBher family educationCthe late 1970sDher fifth birthday2Anne Sophies concerts are_.Alimited to one or two a yearBaccompanied on the piano by ChristophChighly praised throughout the worldDappreciated by professors in London3Which sentence shows Anne Sophies strong point as a violinist?AShe wanted a violin for her fifth birthday.BShe has always had a mind of her own.CShe had two famous violin teachers.DViolin seemed to her a much more interesting instrument.4Which of the following is TRUE?AMutters family had an effect on her.BAnne Sophies concerts are limited to one or two a year.CAnne Sophie liked to imitate others.DAnne Sophie liked all the instruments.答案:1解析:从文章可知安索菲生于1963年,在她五岁时想要一把小提琴作为生日礼物,这个时候起,她的艺术生涯就开始了。答案:A2解析:归纳总结题。尽管缺钱,父母仍然把她的表演限制在一年12次,后来她被允许一年举行68场音乐会,故A项错误;文中仅提到:在一次全国比赛中,Christoph为她伴奏,并非每场音乐会都是Christoph伴奏,故B项也错误;D项在文中并未提及,也可排除,唯有C项为正确答案。答案:C3解析:根据文中的“.to develop her own ideas on how a piece should be played,not just to imitate others.”可见她作为一个小提琴家最大的优点就是有自己的思想,不是一味模仿他人。答案:B4解析:根据第二题的分析,可知B项错误,故排除;从第三题的分析中,我们可以排除C项;通过索菲的话,“I loved to play the violin,it seemed to me a much more interesting instrument.”可以判断D项错误。答案:ABBEIJINGAlmost half of the Chinese tourists prefer the United States as their destination for their overseas selfdriving trip, according to a survey. Figures from the China outbound (驶向国外的)selfdriving 2014 report shows that more than 46 percent of the Chinese tourists prefer the United States for the destination of selfdriving trips, far more popular than other countries that ranked high, including Germany at 7.89 percent, Australia at 7.6 percent, France at 6.23 percent, and Thailand at 4.94 percent.With easier visa(签证) application process, rapidly developing online tourism agencies in China, an everincreasing disposable(可支配的) personal income of surging (剧增) middle class families and the increasing impulse to explore the world in an exclusive way, selfdriving trips are more than ever popular with Chinese tourists, especially the young.“For me the selfdrive holiday is the best way to see and explore a country,” said Tony Wang, a 33yearold Shanghai resident, who went on a road trip in the United States last year. “You simply avoid waiting for local buses, taxis or trains and travel at your own pace, and there is nothing quite like the freedom of a selfdrive holiday.” Just like Wang, many of those who fancy selfdriving trips are between 25 to 44 years old, mostly industry experts; middle and senior managers and entrepreneurs(企业家), said the report. Some 28.5 percent of the interviewees report an annual income of 260,000500,000 yuan, followed by 25.7 percent of the selfdriving enthusiasts who report an annual income of 160,000 to 250,000 yuan, it said.According to the report, the United States also had a relatively lower car rental cost, around 287 yuan each day on average, a little bit higher than Thailand with the daily expense of 184 yuan and Australia with a daily 260 yuan cost, while cheaper than the other destinations including Germany, Turkey and the Great Britain with around 300 yuan each day, and Canada, New Zealand, France and Italy even more than that.5Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AChinese rank US No.1 selfdriving trip destinationBChinese tourism is developing very fast CMore and more Chinese people like travelling abroadDTravel agencies are trying to attract tourists to visit foreign countries6The main idea of Paragraph 2 is _.Aonline tourism agencies are developing very fastBit is easier to get an American visa than beforeCselfdriving is a good way to see and explore a countryDthe reasons why selfdriving trips are becoming more popular with Chinese tourists.7Which of the following words can replace the underlined word “ fancy” in Para.3?AhostBlikeCexamine Dpermit8We learn from the passage that _.Ain England the average car rental cost is about 300 yuan per day BTony Wang went on a trip with a travel party in the United States last yearC6.23 percent of the Chinese tourists prefer Germany for the destination of selfdriving tripsDSome 25.7 percent of the interviewees report an annual income of 260,000500,000 yuan答案:5解析:主旨大意题。根据全文尤其是开头:Almost half of the Chinese tourists prefer the United States as their destination for their overseas selfdriving trip可知答案。答案:A6解析:段落大意题。根据第二段列举的四个自驾游的原因可知答案。答案:D7解析:词意猜测题。根据该词前面的Just like Wang和其宾语selfdriving trips可知该词是“喜欢”的意思。答案:B8解析:事实判断题。根据第四段:Turkey and the Great Britain with around 300 yuan each day可知答案。答案:A

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