高中英语 1.1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending练习 新人教版选修6

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Unit 1ArtSection Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending课时训练基础夯实.单词拼写1.It was e to me that he was not telling the truth.答案:evident2.The boys a to leave for camping but they were stopped by their parents.答案:attempted3.The artist combines different t in the same painting.答案:techniques4.You can never p what would happen next.答案:predict5.It was r that this should be so difficult to say.答案:ridiculous6.We may talk of beautiful things,but beauty itself is (抽象的).答案:abstract7.It was rather a (巧合)that she appeared at that exact moment.答案:coincidence8.The teacher (采用)the new method of teaching was popular with the students.答案:adopting9.The girl has lost(信任)in her boyfriend.答案:faith10.Internet connections through(常规的)phone lines are fairly slow.答案:conventional.选词填空aimadoptpossesstypicalby coincidenceattemptpredicthave faith inon the other handa great deal1.The parents wanted to go for a ride,but ,the children wanted to stay at home and play with their friends.答案:on the other hand2.It was said that she had been married to a man older than herself.答案:a great deal3.He decided to give away everything he to help the poor.答案:possessed4.This meal is of local cookery.答案:typical5.Teamwork is required in order to achieve these .答案:aims6.He to swim across the channel,but failed because of the terrible weather.答案:attempted7.Pupils should be helped to a positive approach to the environment.答案:adopt8.No one believed her that the tsunami would arrive on December 26.答案:prediction9.,we arrived here at the same time.答案:By coincidence10. oneself is the first step to succeed.答案:Having faith in.完成句子1.The film (由改编)the popular novel for children.答案:was adapted from2.The workers worked hard (试图完成这项任务)before July.答案:in an attempt to finish the task3.Jack was always (第一个到校的学生).答案:the first student to arrive at school4.Because of his gambling,Scott (失去了他拥有的一切).答案:lost everything he possessed5. (我急于学会)how to ride my new bicycle once I got it.答案:I was eager to learn6. (巧合的是),Paul and Jim were traveling on the same train.答案:By coincidence.翻译句子1.如果没有电,我们的生活会很困难。(without)答案:Without electricity,life would be difficult for us.2.这就是我们所谓的人性。(what we call)答案:This is what we call life.3.他们的对手在比赛的大部分时间里控制着球。(in possession of)答案:Their opponents were in possession of the ball for most of the match.4.我们从他身上学到了很多东西。(deal)答案:We learned a great deal from him.5.他想赶最后一班公共汽车,好及时赶回家吃晚饭。(aim)答案:He aimed to catch the last bus so that he could get home in time for supper.6.他是队伍里第一个游过那条很宽的河流的人。(across)答案:He was the first person to swim across that wide river in the team.课文浓缩The styles in Western art have changed many times.Art is influenced by the customs and 1. of a people.During the Middle Ages,the main 2. of painters was to 3. religious themes and paintings from this period were full of religious symbols.In the Renaissance,people began to concentrate less on religious themes and 4. a more humanistic attitude to life.In the late 19th century,Europe changed 5.Naturally,these changes led to new painting styles.The 6. were the first painters to work outdoors.They wanted to show how light and 7. fell on objects at different times of day.Nowadays,some modern art is 8. and some is 9.Who can 10. what painting styles there will be in the future?答案:1.faith2.aim3.represent4.adopt5.a great deal6.Impressionists7.shadow8.abstract9.realistic10.predict能力提升.阅读理解(导学号51970000)Sugar art is a specialty within the candy and pastry(酥皮点心) making field which involves using sugar to create complex shapes,scenes,textures,and patterns.Displays of sugar art appear from wedding cakes to store windows,with sugar art being especially common during the winter season.Artisans(工匠) at the top of their field even attend sugar art competitions to pit their skills against those of others.Some people specialize in eatable sugar art,such as decorations for cakes.Others may use stabilizers which are unsafe to eat to make more long-lasting sculptures.A wide variety of techniques can be used for sugar art,including blown and pulled sugar,and all of these techniques require skills.Sugar can be very hard to work with,and sometimes dangerous,in the case of sugar working techniques which involve heating sugar to high temperatures.It is impossible to master all these techniques without repeated attempts.Pulled sugar may be used to create ribbons of sugar and similar decorative items,and people may also work with sugar which has been molded into various shapes.A skilled artisan can create a range of shapes in blown sugar,including animals and ornaments.While some artisans work with plain sugar,most use coloring,for everything from surprisingly realistic flowers to delicate blown sugar ornaments on a holiday-themed cake.Sugar art will start to weaken and melt if it is exposed to high moisture(湿度) or high temperature,especially in summer,and many sugar creations are also very delicate.This nature of sugar is the thing that most appeals to artisans.People who are interested in learning sugar art can take specialty courses from culinary(烹饪的) schools in which they will learn about handling sugar.Some cooks also offer at-home workshops to people who can organize a small group of interested individuals who want to learn about sugar art at home.1.Why is sugar art especially common in winter?A.There are many important holidays in winter.B.Many art competitions are held in winter.C.Winter has low temperature and low moisture.D.It is the season when people do the most shopping.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“.with sugar art being especially common during the winter season.”以及第四段中的“Sugar art will start to weaken and melt if it is exposed to high moisture(湿度) or high temperature,especially in summer.”可知冬天气温低,湿度低,适合糖果艺术。2.What technique is needed to create the shape of a tiger on the birthday cake?A.Pulled sugar.B.Plain sugar.C.Blown sugar.D.Coloring sugar.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“A skilled artisan can create a range of shapes in blown sugar,including animals and ornaments.”可知答案:。 3.To most sugar artisans,sugar art is attractive because .A.they can enjoy delicious sugary food during the processB.the works they create can only be enjoyed for a short period of timeC.it is a kind of art that can make a person become famous quicklyD.they can make a lot of money by making creative works of art答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的内容可知糖果艺术无法长期存在,而这一特点让手艺人尤为着迷。 4.From the passage we can learn that .A.sugar art is the most popular decorative form in storesB.learning sugar art has been a suject in many schoolsC.only eatable materials can be used in sugar artD.it is not an easy thing to create a piece of sugar art答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据第二段以及第四段可知创造出糖果艺术作品不是件容易的事。 .七选五(导学号51970001)The Suanpan,otherwise known as the Chinese abacus was officially listed as an intangible cultural heritage at the 8th Annual UNESCO World Heritage Congress on December 4th in Baku,Azerbaijan.1 It is regarded as the fifth invention in Chinese history and was listed as a national-level intangible cultural heritage in 2008.The abacuss popularity has been compromised over the course of time by the emergence of digital calculators.2 Today,the abacus has a richer value as a cultural symbol rather than a practical calculating tool.The UNESCO stated that intangible cultural heritage could bring a sense of identification to the people who own it.3 Since 2001,China has successfully applied for 37 items to be listed as World Intangible Cultural Heritage,including Kunqu opera,the shadow play(皮影戏) and acupuncture(针灸).China currently has 30 intangible cultural heritage items listed by UNESCO.4 Facts about the abacus:The Chinese abacus,also called suanpan,can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period.It has two decks and more than seven rods.The upper deck,which is known as the heaven,has two beads on each rod.These beads each have the value of five.5 Each of these has the value of one.The beads are moved up and down during calculation.A.There are five beads on the bottom deck,known as the earth.B.China has the most among all countries throughout the world.C.However,they are still in use in many Chinas rural marketplaces.D.And it is essential to maintain cultural diversity and human creativity.E.The abacus is an ancient calculating method with a history of over 2,500 years.F.The event can both help more people know more about the abacus and greatly enhance the Chinese peoples national pride.G.In January,2009 China applied for the items to be listed as World Intangible Cultural Heritage but not successfully.答案:15 ECDBA.语法填空(导学号51970002)Qi Baishi,one of Chinas greatest painters,followed the 1.(tradition)Chinese style of painting.Chinese painting is known 2. its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours.Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very carefully,and his paintings are special because of this.Xu Beihong was one of Chinas best-known twentieth-century artists.Like Qi Baishi,Xu painted in the traditional Chinese style.Both painters have a beautiful brush line.Xu Beihong believed that artists should show 3.(real),but not just imitate it.Instead,a picture should try to show the “life” of its subject.He is most famous for his 4.(live)paintings of horses.Pablo Picasso is the twentieth-centurys greatest western artist.He was born in Spain and at the age of ten was already 5.excellent artist.He had his first 6.(exhibit)at the age of 16.Picasso studied art in Spain,but moved to France 7. his early twenties.From 1902 to 1904 he painted a series of pictures where the main colour was blue.These pictures showed poor,8.(happy)people who are known as Picassos “blue period”.From 1904 to 1906 Picasso painted much happier pictures in the colour pink.This period was known as Picassos “pink period”.With another Spanish artist 9.(call)George Braque,Picasso then started an important new 10.(art)movement called Cubism(立体派).答案:1.traditional2.for3.reality4.lively5.an6.exhibition7.in8.unhappy9.called10.artistic6

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