高三英语复习 虚拟语气学案

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虚拟语气类别用法例句if引导的条件从句与现在事实相反从句动词:过去式(be用were);主句动词:should/would/could/might +动词原形If he were here, he would help us.与过去事实相反从句动词:had +过去分词;主句动词:should/would/could/might +have +过去分词If I had been free, I would have visited you.与将来事实相反从句动词:过去式/should +动词原形/were +不定式;主句动词:should/would/could/might +动词原形If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go camping.其他状语从句as if 引导的状语从句中动词用过去式或过去完成式They are talking as if they had been friends for years.even if/though 引导的从句, 与现在将来/事实相反:从句动词用过去式,主句动词用should/would +动词原形。与过去事实相反:从句动词:had +过去分词;主句动词:should/would +have +过去分词Even if they were to fail, they wouldnt lose courage.宾语从句demand, suggest, order, insist等表命令、建议、要求后的从句中动词(should)+动词原形He suggested that we not change our mind.wish后的从句中分别用过去式、过去完成式和could/would+动词原形表示与现在、过去和将来情况相反I wish I could be a pop singer.主语从句在It is necessary/important/strange that, It is suggested/demanded/ordered/requested that等从句中,谓语动词用(should)+动词原形It is strange that such a person should be our friends.表语从句和同位语从句作idea, advice, order, demand, request等表命令、建议、要求的词的表语从句和同位语从句,其谓语动词用(should)+动词原形My advice is that you (should) finish your homework first.The idea that you (should) go is right.其他句型中It is time that句型中动词用过去式或should+动词原形Its high time that we left.would rather所接的从句中动词用过去式或者过去完成式I would rather you stayed at home now.If only句型中动词常用过去式或者过去完成式,表示强烈的愿望If only our dream had come true!二 其他要注意的事项1. 虚拟语气中出现be的过去式,只能用were。2. suggest表 “暗示、表明”和 insist表示 “坚持认为”,其后的宾语从句用陈述句语气。 例如:You pale face suggests that you are ill. / He insisted that he was right.3. if虚拟语气条件句中如有had, should, were,可省略if, 将其提前引起倒装。 例如:Were I you, I would remain. / Had you told me earlier, I wouldnt have missed it.4. 可用with, but for代替虚拟语气条件句。例如:But for your help. I would have failed the exam. Without air there would be no life.as if/though, even if/though也可以不用虚拟,表示真实的情况。例如:It looks as if it is going to rain.II、实战演练用所给动词的适当形式填空-If he _ (warn), he _ (not take) that food.-Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _ (break).I would rather they _ (not hear) of the news.I wish I _ (have) a room of my own when I was a child.To the surprise of the public, the identification of the cause of such a simple event _ (take) more than a year.Without air to hold some of the suns heat, the earth at night _ (be) freezing cold, too cold for us to stay.If I had worked harder at school, I _(sit) in a comfortable office now.Her pale face suggested that she _ (be) ill, and her colleagues suggested that she _ (have) a medical examination.I insisted he _ (go) to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing _ (be) wrong with him.He asks that he _ (give) an opportunity to explain why hes refused to go there.It is high time we _ (get) down to discussing this plan.If it were not for the fact that you _ (be) too busy, I would ask you to help me do this right now.Who do you suggest _ (send) to work there?I would have come earlier, but I _ (not know) that you were waiting for me.If it _ (rain) tomorrow, the outing would be cancelled.

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