高三英语上学期第二次月考试题1 (3)

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2016-2017 承德一中高三上学期第二次月考英语试题 第 I 卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给出的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. When is the mans birthday?A. April 1st. B. April 2nd. C. April 3rd.2. What can be inferred about Mark?A. He cant wait to see Janes parents.B. He has the same hobby as Janes father.C. He is unwilling to meet Janes parents.3. What does the woman want to remind herself to do?A. To lock the door. B. To take her keys. C. To close the door.4. What do we know about the two speakers?A. They are now traveling in Mexico.B. They pained some pictures in Mexico.C. They have been to a festival in Mexico.5. Where was Bill just now according to the man?A. In the supermarket. B. In his bedroom. C. In the classroom.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。6. When did miss King graduate?A. This year. B. Last year. C. Two years ago.7. Why didnt miss king find a job after her graduation?A. She wanted to have a good rest.B. She was in poor health at that time.C. She had to look after her mother.8. What seems to be the result of the interview?A. Miss King will get a satisfying job.B. Miss King will start to work at once.C. Miss King should come for a second interview.听第7段材料,回答9-11题。9. What does the man probably want to do?A. Make a phone call. B. Send for a doctor. C. Rob the house.10. Where does the conversation take place?A. At the womans door. B. At the mans door. C. At a hospital.11. Who does the woman say she will call?A. The mans wife. B. The neighbors. C. The police.听第8段材料,回答第12-14题。12. What do we know about the woman?A. She smokes. B. She owns a shop. C. Shes market manager.13. What has the woman changed?A. The list of goods and closing time.B. The location of the shop.C. The marketing policy.14. What does the woman feel about her job?A. Tiresome. B. Satisfied. C. Bored.听第9段材料,回答第15-17题。15. How will the two speakers go to the concert?A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot.16. From whom did the man get the bicycle?A. His mother. B. His father. C. His brother.17. How does the woman think of the birthday gift?A. Very expensive. B. Very cheap. C. Perfect.听第10段材料,回答第18-20题。18. Why do drag race tracks have to be straight?A. The fast cars cant make a sharp turn.B. Each race lasts only about seven seconds.C. The cars might run into people in the street.19. Why is it sometimes impossible to see the racers?A. The tracks are too straight. B. There is too much smoke. C. The racing cars go too fast.20. What do we know about drag racing?A. It costs more money than other car races.B. It has nothing in common with other car races.C. It has changed from a teenage pastime to business.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A Everything was put neatly into my suitcase. Im a flight attendant. Im so organized, my half of the closet could be a display at The Container Store. My husbands half of the closet? Just thinking about it make my head ache. I carried my suitcase downstairs. Bill was in the kitchen cooking. Looking at the messy kitchen, I shouted, “Why do you have to be so messy?” Bill look hurt, “What?” I sighed and left for the airport. On my last flight, an elderly couple had the seats in my section. They held hands during takeoff. Later I caught them looking into each others eyes. Something about that look was familiar. Then I realized: it was the look Bill and I had worn in our wedding photographs. I couldnt resist asking them about the secret of their long-lasting marriage. “Have fun together,” the man said, “and never take each other for granted.” Her words circled in my head long after we landed. Bill wasnt perfect. But then, was I? I kept complaining about his messiness and forgot his kindness, his ability to see the bright side of every situation-qualities that ran so much deeper, the reasons I had married him in the first place. I took out my cell phone and called Bill. “I miss you already.” I said. “I miss you too, Kim,” he said. As soon as my flights were over, I rushed home. Bill met me at the door. “I have a surprise for you.” he said and led me into the kitchen. I glanced around the room. He really had worked hard. In spite of the fingerprints on that microwave floor, I could see our reflection in it: my husband and I, our smiles glowing with love for each other, just like in our wedding photos.21. Why did Kim get so angry with her husband? A. She found his weaknesses one morning. B. She didnt love him any more. C. He left things in an untidy state. D. He turned a deaf ear to her complaints.22. Whats special about the old couple? A. They never quarreled with each other. B. They often made fun of each other. C. They kept their lives so fresh. D. They took each other for granted.23. Kim changed her attitude towards her husband after _. A. she realized Bill wasnt perfect B. she got inspired by the old couple C. her husband had cleaned up the kitchen D. they had their wedding photos taken24. The best title of the passage might be _. A. Love You, Lover Your Mess B. Love is Blind, Love is messy C. The Wedding Photos D. A Loving Old CoupleB The Year In Miracles: Inspirational Quotes These miracle (奇迹)stories inspire use with their heroes, amazing acts of kindness, and moments of grace.Walking home from work as a New York City bus driver, Stephen St. Bernard, 52, heard screaming and saw seven-year-old KeylaMcCree standing on top of an air-conditioning unit outside the window of her third-floor apartment. He rushed over in time to catch the child as she fell the 25 feet. The force of the lifesaving catch tore a tendon(腱)in St. Bernards shoulder; the girl suffered only minor injuries.When a gunman opened fire on the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, in Oak Creek, 65-year-old Satwant Singh Kalela saved lives while sacrificing his own by fighting the murderer with a butter knife. Around the same time, Lt Brian Murphy urged fellow officers to help others despite having been shot nine times at close range. He survived. In a record-setting chain of anonymous (匿名的)giving, total strangers from all over the country donated a kidney to someone in New Jersey. Inspired by the anonymous gift to her uncle, the receivers niece, Teresa A. Gavin donated her kidney to Brook R. Kitzman, a needy patient in Michigan. Kitzemans ex-boyfriend continued to pay it forward by giving a kidney to someone he didnt know in Pennsylvania. When it was all over, 30 receivers and 30 donors had participated in the chain.After her student fell into a flooded mine, a kindergarten teacher near Hanover, Germany, jumped in after him and didnt stop falling for 75 feet. Once she splashed down, she kept the boys head above the cold water for two hours until they were rescued.25. During the lifesaving move, Stephen St. Bernard _. A. regained love from his ex-girlfriend B. had his shoulder seriously hurt C. was shot 9 times at a short distance D. Waited for rescue with the girl26. When the gunshot occurred, _ faced the gunman bravely.A.TeresaA.Gavin and Lt Brian Murphy B. Brook R. Kitzman and KeylaMcCree C. Satwant Singh Kalela and Lt Brian Murphy D. Stephen St. Bernard and Rick Ruzzamenti27. Kitzmans former boyfriend gave his kidney away to someone in _. A. Wisconsin B. Michigan C. California D. PennsylvaniaCAn Ofsted (英国教育标准办公室)study reports that teachers are discouraging students who want to leave school and work as apprentices (学徒)in beauty salons (美容中心)or hair dressers.Inspectors questioned 105 young people for a report on apprenticeships published on Wednesday. They found several examples of young people who felt they had been laughed at by their teachers for wanting to progress to work-based learning, particularly in care or hairdressing, rather than stay on at school.Right or wrong, is it any surprise that this is happening? From 2014,the government will measure schools according to the rate of their pupils who go to university. Brian Lightman, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, says the government has already put teachers under “very great pressure to focus on academic subjects”.On the other hand, the Education Act 2011,which came into force in November, places schools under a duty to give fair career advice to pupils. This advice must include information on all post-16 education and training choices, including apprenticeships. This doesnt appear to be happening in several schools, according to Ofsteds report. Many of the young people the inspectors talked to said the advice they had received on apprenticeships was “unsatisfactory”.Schools were also blamed for lack of work experience courses, which are particularly important for teenagers considering an apprenticeship. They help students decide whether they enjoy a line of work and enable employers to see whether those on work experience have the potential to be hired as apprentices in future years.But there is a good reason why they cant do this: theyd be unable to adapt to GCSE (英国齊通中等教育证书)exams if they did. Sometimes, it seems, schools just cant win.28. Why do teachers oppose the students leaving school and working as apprentices?A. The government urges teachers to concentrate on academic subjects.B. The students are only wasting time working as apprentices.C. Employers are under great pressure of taking GCSE exams.D. Employers dont give students chances to work as apprentices.29.Pressure for schools to provide pupils with career advice comes from _A. Association of School and College LeadersB. Education Act 2011C. GCSE examsD. Ofsted30. The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 5 refers to _.A. schools B. employersC. work experience courses D. teenagers considering an apprenticeship31. What does the author think of teachers discouraging students working as apprentices?A. Surprising. B. Understandable. C. Wrong. D. Right.DAs many people hit middle age, they often start to notice their memory is not what it used to be. We suddenly cant remember where we put the keys just moments ago. As the brain fades, we mildly refer to these occurrences as “senior moments”. While seemingly no big deal, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a detrimental influence on our professional, social, and personal happiness.Neuroscientists (神经系统科学家)are increasingly showing theres actually a lot that can be done. The brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental exercise can greatly improve our basic cognitive (认知)functions. Now, a new San Francisco Web-based company has taken it a step further and developed the first “brain training program” Lumosity. It is far more than an online place to exercise your mental skills. Thats because they have combined these exercises into a Web-based program that allows you to systematically improve your memory and attention skills. The program records your progress and provides detailed feedback (反馈)on your performance and improvement. Most importantly, it constantly improves the games you play to build on the strengths you are developing.Obviously it does work. The company says, according to the clinical trials, its users have reported clearer and quicker thinking, improved memory for names, numbers, directions, etc and better concentration at work. While many of the games at Lumosity are free, a reasonable subscription fee is required to use the full program over the long term. However, Lumosity is currently offering a free trial of their program to new users who create an account so that you can see how well it works before you decide to subscribe.32.The underlined word “detrimental” probably means _.A. harmful B. beneficial C. major D. decisive33. What is Lumosity?A. A program aiming to exercise your muscles.B. A Web-based company located in San Francisco.C. An online program offering brain training exercises.D. A series of games providing detailed feedback.34.If you want to be a user of Lumosity, _.A. no fee is required for you to use the full program.B. an account is not necessary for trial useC. youre asked to pay a reasonable fee before subscriptionD. you can try it for free before you buy the full version35.The writer intends to _through the passage.A. persuade people to try LumosityB. introduce neuroscience to readersC. show his support for online gamesD. question the effect of the program第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。(如果所用的答题卡没有E、F、G选项,则选E涂A、B,选F涂A、C,选G 涂 A、D。)How to Become an Effective LeaderThe key to becoming an effective leader is not to focus on making other people follow, buton making yourself the kind of person they want to follow. 36_ It takes time tobecome a trustworthy leader.As you prepare yourself to become a better leader, use the following guidelines to help you grow:1. Dont be self-centeredThe truly great leaders are not in leadership for personal gain. 37 _ Perhaps that is why Lawrence D. Bell remarked, “A man who cannot bother to do little things for others are unlikely become a good leader.”2. 38 _Rare is the effective leader who didnt learn to become a good follower first. That is why a leadership institution such as the United States Military Academy teaches its officers to become effective followers first.3. Work with excellenceNo one respects and follows mediocrity (平庸)Leaders who earn the right to lead give their all to what they do. They bring into play not only their skills and talents, but also great passion and hard work. 39 _4. Give your power awayWhat makes leadership so special is that you become a better leader by sharing whateverpower you have, not by saving it all for yourself. 40 _ If you use your power toempower others, your leadership will extend far beyond your grasp.A. Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.B. They lead in order to serve other people.C. Become a good follower first.D. Leaders help people to reach their potential.E. They perform on the highest level of which they are capable.F. Youre meant to be a river, not a pool.G Leadership isnt learned or earned in a moment.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)“Shabby” is the very word that comes, also describes my state of mind when I think back to that time and place. I was a new mother then, having given birth to my first 41child. The birth was difficult, including forty hours of 42. On this 43day, with my husbands absence, I had no family and no friends in this new area. Sitting there 44my baby, I felt hopelessly sad and tired. Looking around, then at my beautiful little daughter, I 45how I could care for her, or even cook dinner later. When a(n) 46 sounded at my door next moment, I just wanted to cry, but managed to47 the tears to 48 the door. There stood a smiling young woman 49to my own age, carrying a big pot. She stepped 50, placed it on my kitchen table, 51 herself. She lived in 52shabby house nearby, and 53 had learned that a new mum lived here. She, too, had a new baby, and knew that I would 54be too tired to cook. So, she brought me a big pot of homemade soup. Her kindness 55me up and the soup 56 for many days. So it was with our friendship for years, 57we both moved away , sadly losing touch of each other. I havent forgotten the wonderful 58of her heart given to me at my lowest time, by my caring 59 . And I have continued the 60and have given a pot of soup to many new mothers along the way.41. A. preciousB. disabledC. advantageousD. valuable42. A. painB. treatmentC. protectionD. labor43. A. fancyB. particularC. responsibleD. loose44. A. watching overB. holdingC. observingD. faced with45. A. knewB. made itC. wonderedD. determined46. A. knockB. strikeC. bellD. attack47. A. hold back B. care aboutC. cryD. call for48. A. turn offB. settleC. releaseD. answer49. A. similarityB. differentC. closeD. contrary50. A. forwardB. outsideC. insideD. nearby51. A. introducingB. instructingC. blamingD. telling52. A. one anotherB. another C. lonelyD. the other53. A. thereforeB. moreoverC. meanwhileD. somehow54. A. graduallyB. frequentlyC. undoubtedlyD. hopefully55. A. cheeredB. aroseC. lookedD. turned56. A. continuedB. lastedC. remainedD. stayed57. A. in caseB. for certainC. afterD. until58. A. soupB. giftC. kindnessD. generosity59. A. husbandB. womanC. neighborD. daughter60. A. friendshipB. attitudeC. principleD. tradition第II卷第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Every day has the potential to be a good and, in some cases, a great day for you. Few of us get up in the morning 61 (think) that we want this to be a bad day. Yet in many cases the day turns that way because of a person or an event that we worry about.Think about those small 62 (event) which can throw you off balance and affect your whole day 63 (negative). Who stole your day? Was it a boss, an unruly child, and erratic driver 64 the way to work, getting 65 “F” on a history paper,66 an impolite waiter at lunch that did?Every day numerous people or events can prevent us from 67 (have) a good day, if we let them. The key is that we should adopt a positive attitude towards life. We cannot control 68happens to us in many cases, but we can control how we react to these events.Lao-tzu, a Chinese philosopher, 69 (say), “He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers 70 (he)is mighty.”第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师耍求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1 .每处错误及其修改均限一词。2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(此部分试题请在答题卡上作答)第一节短文改错(10分)Last summer I went to California to visit my aunt and uncle. It was reallyan excited trip. During my stay here, they took me to see plenty of cool thing thatI didnt know. I saw the Crystal Cathedral, that was a place for praying. Inside thecathedral were a huge statue of Jesus. Other place I went to see was Disneyland.What a fun it was to have so many rides that I have never been on before. The lastplace to which I went was the local Outlets. It was a great shopping place where crowdsvisitors were attracting. I will never forget the trip to California.第二节书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,刚刚以优异成绩从美国某大学毕业。你的美国朋友Tony邀请你去他的公司工作.但是你想回国工作。请给Tony写一封邮件婉拒他的邀请。内容要点包括:1. 报效祖国;2. 照顾父母;3. 发展空间大。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tony Thanks for offering me a job in your company,but I have decided to go back to work in China. _

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