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题型组合练(五).单项填空1Mike,may I use your new iPhone 6 to order a takeaway?_AWith pleasureBTake your timeCBy all meansDThats a good ideaC句意:迈克。我可以用你的iPhone 6订个外卖吗?没问题。With pleasure很乐意,用于表示对方请你帮忙时的答语;Take your time慢慢来;By all means(表示同意)当然可以,没问题,务必;Thats a good idea好主意。故选C。2The boy,though afraid of being blamed,_ courage and asked Mrs Brook how come she thought his behavior unacceptable.Akept upBpicked upCstepped upDturned upB考查动词短语。句意:尽管担心被责备,这个男孩还是鼓起勇气问Mrs Brook为什么她认为他的行为不能接受。pick up意为“恢复的精神,振作(精神),鼓起(勇气);捡起;获得;收拾;不费力地学会”;keep up意为“保持;继续;不低落;不落后”;step up意为“加紧;加快;增加”;turn up意为“出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧”。3Nowadays many volunteers are working in areas_have dry climates,such as Kenya and Sudan.AwhereBwhoCwhichDwhatC句意:现在许多志愿者正在具有干旱气候的地区工作,比如肯尼亚和苏丹。先行词为areas,定语从句中缺少主语,故应填which/that。where在定语从句中作地点状语;who指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语;what不能用来引导定语从句。故选C。 【导学号:57732076】4He did not regret saying what he said but felt that he_it differently.Acould expressBwould expressCcould have expressedDmust have expressedC根据上文的did not regret知道本句讲的是发生在过去的事,could have expressed为情态动词加动词的完成时表示对过去事实的虚拟,本来可以用不同的方式表达而实际上没有。musthave过去分词表示对过去事实的肯定推测。故选C。5Do you have a minute,Lucy?Sure._AWhats up?BTake your time.CHere it is.DHow come?A句意:有时间吗,露西?当然。什么事?Whats up?什么事?Take your time别着急,慢慢来;Here it is给你;How come?怎么会呢?根据语境选A。6For nearly ten years,he_very few interviews or concerts.His simple life might have continued but for the great musician.AdidBhas doneCdoesDhas been doingA句意:将近10年的时间,他做了很少的采访或举办音乐会。如果不是那位伟大的音乐家,他简朴的生活也许还会继续。根据第二句中的might have done可知,此处表示对过去事实的可能性推测,故真实的语境就是过去。前一分句也一样,应用一般过去时。故选A。 7Not many of us really get to see the hard work that happens _the scenes to make our favorite movies come to life.AwithoutBtoCbehindDbyC句意:我们很少能真正了解那些幕后所做的辛苦工作,这些工作使我们所喜爱的电影变得更有趣。behind the scenes幕后,符合句意。without没有;to到,去;by经,由。8In the lecture,the professor told his students how to write an_of a graduate paper,expressing the main argument.AaccountBabstractCapplicationDaddressB句意:在讲演中,教授告诉他的学生如何写毕业论文的摘要,以表述主要的观点。account叙述;abstract(文献等的)概要,摘要;application申请;address地址。根据句意选B。9Everyone present certainly thinks there_be a total ban on cigarette advertising.AwouldBcouldCshouldDmightC 句意:在场的每个人无疑都认为应该对香烟的广告有个全面的禁令。would将会;could能,会;should应该,竟然;might可能。故选C。10The real evidence is the least of our worries_we have known about it.AsinceBthoughCunlessDwhileA句意:既然我们已经知道了关于它的情况,最少的焦虑就是真实的证明。since既然;though虽然;unless除非;while尽管,在期间。故选A。11My mom held me and my brother tight,tears of happiness_her face,feeling proud of our final success.Ato coverBcoveredChaving coveredDcoveringD句意:我的妈妈紧紧抱住我和弟弟,满脸都是幸福的眼泪,为我们最后的成功感到骄傲。此处是独立主格结构,tears是cover的动作执行者,且动作正在进行,故应用现在分词构成独立主格结构。故选D。12My lack of interest in the job as a lawyer is becoming increasingly_Youd better apply for another job.AtypicalBconcreteCevidentDregularC句意:我对作为律师的这份工作缺乏兴趣变得越来越明显了。你最好申请另一份工作。typical典型的;concrete具体的;evident明显的;regular有规律的。故选C。13When making small talk at holiday parties,dont tell someone who_weight how amazing they look.That implies they looked terrible before.Ahas lostBwould loseCwill be losingDhad lostA句意:在假期的派对上聊天时,不要告诉已经减肥的人他们看起来多么令人惊奇。那就暗示着他们以前看起来很难看。根据题干中后面的那句话可判断是已经减肥,强调减肥的影响,故选A。14Over 1.8 million of Hong Kongs residents have sent out a clear message against the movement_they want an end to disorders and a return to normal life.AwhatBthatCwhichDwhereB考查同位语从句。句意:超过一百八十万的香港居民发出反对运动的明确信息,他们想要结束混乱,恢复正常的生活。设空处引导的句子为message的同位语,由于从句不缺少成分且意思完整,故填that,答案选B。15How you_the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game,whether you are a winner or a loser.Arespond toBsubmit toCcommit toDstick toA句意:你对下半场如何反应将会决定比赛后你成为成功者还是失败者。respond to作出反应;submit to提交,呈递;commit to忠诚,全心全意于;stick to坚持。故选A。.完形填空说明文(2016银川检测)As a boy,like many others,I used to love looking through maps.My family spent the _1_ holidays beside the coast in Dorset,in southern England,and on the _2_ of the cottage where we stayed there was a large framed _3_ of an Ordnance Survey map from 1963, _4_ the surrounding area at a scale of six inches to one mile._5_ it rained which,since this was summer time in Britain,was very often I would _6_ this blackandwhite map,marvelling (感到惊奇) at its complex system of marks and symbols.Even today,when I go for a long walk in the countryside,I still like to _7_ an OS Explorer map.Its _8_ than, say, an app on my smartphone,which is prone to run out of power,or losing its _9_This is the thing about maps: properly _10_,they feel objective and authoritative (权威性的 ) _11_ tools that allow us to locate ourselves within the world.Indeed,the Ordnance Survey,Britains famous mapping agency, still _12_ itself on being as comprehensive and _13_ as possible.Today it has _14_ developed into a digital powerhouse maintaining an enormous _15_ of geographical information.All of its maps are produced from its _16_ “OS MasterMap” of Great Britain,which _17_ more than 460 million geographic features and is continually _18_ astonishingly,more than 10,000 times a day by a team of 270 surveyors using GPS _19_“Our survey is to centimetre accuracy,” explains OS sector manager Elaine Owen,“our mapping database is the most _20_ geographical database in the world.”本文为说明文。主要介绍了OS Explorer map,该地图对地形和地点描述精确,有助于游人探险。1A.springBsummerCautumnDwinterB考查语境选词。由下文中的“since this was summer time in Britain”可知,此处只有summer符合题意。2A.floorBwallCTVDdeskB考查语境选词和常识。由常识可知地图一般是挂在墙上的,故选B。3A.sheetBbookCpictureDpaperA考查语境选词。由本句可知墙上挂着的是英国测绘局1963年印制的一张大型地图,再由本文的主题可判定选项中的picture,book不符合题意。而选项D中的paper“纸”为不可数名词,不与a large连用。所以A项sheet“一张”符合题意。4A.drawingBrepresentingCdottingDchartingD考查动词辨析。本文讲的是地图,在这儿作者暗示地图制作精致,该图对周围地形的制图标准是“图上六英寸,实际一英里”。所以本题应填与绘图有关的词语。draw“描绘”,多指手绘;represent“描绘,展示”;dot“加点于”;chart“绘制(区域)的地图”。故选D。5A.HoweverBWhereverCWheneverDIfC考查语境选词。根据语境可知,此处表示只要天一下雨,作者就会待在家里研究地图。所以C项whenever符合题意。6A.studyBwriteCreadDobserveA考查语境选词。参考上题解析可知,此处表示只要天一下雨,作者就会待在家里研究地图。英语中表示看地图一般用study,所以选A项。7A.buyBborrowCpackDdrawC考查语境选词。由本文首句“As a boy,like many others,I used to love looking through maps.”可知,作者喜欢地图。此处是说作者无论到哪里都喜欢带上一份地图。所以pack“塞进,装”符合题意。8A.cheaperBmore reliableCmore convenientDsimplerB考查语境选词。空格后面提到“an app on my smartphone,which is prone to run out of power,or.”,由此可推知作者认为地图比智能手机上面的app可靠。9A.mapBsystemsCinformationDsignalD考查生活常识。依据常识可知手机的不便之处除了比较容易没电之外就是没信号,所以D项signal“信号”符合题意。10A.carriedBpackedCproducedDstudiedC考查语境选词。从本段内容看,作为一个著名的地图制作商,在印制地图时必须遵循客观性、权威性和科学性这三大原则,这样人们在使用地图时才能正确确定方向。此处的produce表示“制作,印制”,其他选项不符合题意。11A.scientificBexploringCtravellingDresearchingA考查语境选词。根据上文和本句前面的“objective and authoritative(权威性的)”可知,地图是一种严谨的科学性工具,再加上后半句的“that allow us to locate ourselves within the world”,并综合四个选项exploring(探索的),scientific(科学的),travelling(旅行的)和researching(研究的)可推知只有A项符合题意。12A.pursuesBfocusesCtriesDpridesD考查语境选词。从全文看,the Ordnance Survey是英国著名的地图制作公司,而且它以其精良的地图品质和综合功能见长,由此可以判断出该地图生产商对其产品引以为豪。故选D。13A.convenientBaccurateCcomplexDsimpleB考查语境选词。既然the Ordnance Survey对它的产品引以为豪,且该产品为地图,结合选项可知,应选B。准确性是评价地图质量的最重要的因素。14A.astonishinglyBexpectedlyCgraduallyDpromptlyC考查语境选词。从下文中的“.more than 460 million geographic features and is continually.more than 10,000 times a dayby a team of 270 surveyors.”可以看出该公司紧随时代科技的发展而不断发展。所以,gradually“逐步地,逐渐地”为最佳选项。15A.amountBdatabaseCsystemDsignalsB考查语境选词。由上下文中出现的digital,“geographic features”和“geographical database”可判断出此处database符合题意。16A.originalBnewlyCwellknownDsocalledD考查语境选词。根据语境可知,此处表示所有的地图都是根据这个所谓的英国“OS MasterMap”制作而成的。故选D。17A.collectsBproducesCanalyzesDcontainsD考查语境选词。从本段叙述看,此处表示“OS MasterMap”of Great Britain公司所有产品的信息含量非常大,而且在不断地自动更新,而本文并没向读者讲述该公司是如何collect(收集),也没论述如何analyze(分析),再则这些数据不可能是自动produce(生产)的,故contain“含有,包含”符合题意。18A.updatedBchangedCdownloadedDcycledA考查语境选词。结合语境特别是下文中的“more than 10,000 times a day”可知,此处表示信息不断更新,故选A。19A.smartphonesBtechnologyCinformationDsystemsB考查语境选词。信息的更新和升级主要是靠“a team of 270 surveyors”运用GPS(全球定位系统)这项先进技术来进行的。由此可知选项B符合题意。20A.convenientBcomplexCdetailedDdifficultC考查语境选词。由文中的accuracy,“maintaining an enormous _15_ of geographical information”和“more than 460 million geographic features”这些信息可以判断出,此处为“详尽”之意。故选C。 【导学号:57732077】.阅读理解科普知识(2016四川攀枝花三次统考)What if I took that big jump on my bike? Whats the worst thing that could happen if I go out at midnight? Should I try smoking? The teen years can play out like a chooseyourownadventure novel.Teenagers must act on endless choices.Some choices,including smoking,come with serious consequences.As a result,adolescents often find themselves trapped (陷入困境) between their impulsive tendencies (冲动的倾向) (Just try it!) and their new found ability to make wellinformed and reasonable choices (Wait,maybe thats not such a good idea!)So what makes the teenagers brain so complex? What drives adolescentsmore than any other age group to sometimes make foolish or questionable decisions?If you have ever thought that the choices teenagers make are all about exploring and pushing limits,you get the point.Experts believe that this tendency marks a necessary period in teen development.The process helps prepare teenagers to face the world on their own.It is something all humans have evolved to experienceyes,teens everywhere go through this exploratory period.Nor is it unusually special to people: Even laboratory mice experience a similar stage during their development.For example,laboratory experiments show that young mice stay close by their mothers for safety.As mice grow,their behavior does too.“When they reach puberty,theyre like,Im going to start checking out how this environment looks without my mom .”explains Beatriz Luna,of the University of Pittsburgh.As a developmental cognitive neuroscientist (认知神经科学家),Luna studies those changes that occur in the brain as children develop into adults.She and other researchers are showing how the teen experience can lead to powerful advantages later in life.Take mice again: Young mice that explore most tend to live longestthat is,unless a cat eats them,Luna adds.本文是一篇说明文。主要讨论了青少年成长的过程中,大脑的变化促使他们区别于其他年龄段的人。1What does the writer want to tell us by taking mice for example?A. Young mice try to look for safety.BMice experience different stages.CYoung mice like to stay with their mothers.DMice also experience a period to explore the world.D写作意图题。根据第四段中的“teens everywhere go through this exploratory period.Even laboratory mice experience a similar stage during their development”可知,文中提到老鼠的例子是为了说明即使是老鼠也会像人一样经历探索的时期。故答案选D。2According to the text,the teenager who explores most will _A. make few mistakes in his lifeBhave advantages over othersClose his confidence and even his lifeDexperience no failure and live longestB细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句中的“She and other researchers are showing how the teen experience can lead to powerful advantages later in life.”可知,在青少年时期对世界探索多的人会比别人有优势。故答案选B。3.What may the text discuss in the next part?A. How a teenager can make right choices.BWhat really goes on in the teenage brain.CWhat has been discovered in the lab experiment.DWhy the parents shouldnt allow teenagers to smoke.B推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句中的“.Luna studies those changes that occur in the brain as children develop into adults.”可知,认知神经科学家Luna研究青少年成长为成年人的过程中大脑的变化。由此可推知,下文可能会讲青少年的大脑究竟有什么样的变化。故答案选B。4.What is the main idea of the text?A. Researches about the teenagers.BHow the teenage brain develops.CTeenagers make endless choices.DThe teenage brain drives them to be different.D主旨大意题。通读全文内容可知,本文主要讨论了在青少年成长的过程中,大脑的变化促使他们区别于其他年龄段的人。故答案选D。9

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