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第六讲八年级(上)Units 46.单项选择( B )1.Eat your own food.Dont eat_AmeBmineCit( B )2.Must I return the book today?No,you_You can do it tomorrow.Acant Bneednt Cmustnt( B )3.Our teacher tells us_on the street because its too dangerous.Anot play soccerBnot to play soccerCto not play soccer( B )4.Is there_in todays newspaper?Yes,a terrible accident happened in Hubei.Aspecial somethingBanything specialCsomething special( A )5.Dont forget_it to me when you finish reading the book.Ato bring Bbringing Cbring( A )6.On May 22,a Han taxi driver_an old lady to the hospital as soon as he could in Xinjiang.Asent Bsends Cis sending( C )7.David Beckham has_children.Brooklyn Beckham is his_son.Athird;firstBthree;oneCthree;first( B )8.The picnic is only in three days.Have you made any_?Not yet.So lets discuss what to prepare.Awishes Bplans Cmistakes( A )9.(2017原创预测)The food my mother cooked tastes_,we all like it.And I hope I can learn to make it.AdeliciousBbeautifulCterrible( A )10.(2017原创预测)Theres nothing to be_of.We are all standing by your side.Aafraid Bpatient Cconfident.完形填空Have you ever had a day when everything goes wrong?Not too long ago,I was having one of those days.In low spirits,I was unhappy and_1_when I was thinking about my problems.After all,no one else was_2_the same problems as I was.I expressed my sad_3_to my mother,hoping for some pity.Instead,she said,“I heard Lily was having a difficult day,_4_.Why dont you make her some cookies and well take them to her this afternoon?”I made the_5_and placed them on a plate.Then I made a card with a sunflower on it and wrote a small warm and sweet note.That_6_,we dropped in at my friends house.She didnt expect our visit.So she looked at us in surprise._7_she could say anything.I rushed,“I heard that you were having a hard day and decided to bring you something.I hope your day goes_8_.”The look on Lilys face was getting bright.It was as if a dark sky suddenly shined with the golden rays of the sun.Her day was_9_.That day I experienced the truth “Those who bring a_10_to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述不久前的一天,“我”总是出错,并且情绪不好。“我”把这些告诉了妈妈,希望得到她的慰藉,然而,妈妈却告诉“我”说丽莉心情也不好,希望“我”做一些曲奇饼干送给她,去逗她开心。结果,当“我”到丽莉家里时,这个意外的礼物使得她特别开心,同时“我”自己也开心了起来。( C )1.A.excitedBangry Csad( A )2.A.experiencingBexpectingCexercising( C )3.A.plan Bidea Cstate( B )4.A.also Btoo Ceither( B )5.A.hamburgers Bcookies Ccakes( C )6.A.morning Bevening Cafternoon( B )7.A.After BBefore CDuring( C )8.A.bad Bworse Cbetter( A )9.A.cheered up Bwoken up Cturned up( B )10.A.cookie Bsunshine Cpresent.(2016郴州中考)阅读技能In class,Peter put up his hand and said to his teacher,“I lost my baby tooth.”“Congratulations.”Mrs.Gilbert said.Then she asked the class if anyone had any advice for Peter.Keiko,a Japanese girl,put up her hand first.“If it is a lower tooth,you should throw it over the roof of your house;if it is an upper tooth,you should put it under the floor.Then your new adult tooth will grow properly.”“You shuldnt throw your baby tooth away,Peter.You should keep it and give it to your mother.”said Jack,a French boy.“Why should I do that?”asked Peter.“She will make it into a necklace(项链) for you to wear.”said Jack.Jorge,who was from Mexico,had some different advice.“You should take your tooth home and put it under your pillow(枕头) when you go to sleep.”Jorge said.“Why should I do that?”asked Peter.“Because the tooth fairy(仙女) will come to keep your tooth and give you good luck.Sometimes she even brings a small toy.”Peter liked Jorges advice the best.Mrs.Gilbert said to him.“Whatever you decide,you should show your mother your tooth when you get home.”When Peter got home,he showed his mother his tooth and told her his plan.The next morning,Peter woke up and looked under his pillow.The tooth was gone.In its place.he found a dollar and a letter.This is what the letter said:Dear Peter,Congratulations!You lost your first tooth.I will keep it forever.You should buy something nice for yourself forever with this money.Love,The Tooth Fairy( C )1.Peter put up his hand to_Aanswer the teachers questionBask the teacher a questionCtell the teacher he lost his baby tooth( B )2._is from France.AKeikoBJackCJorge( C )3.What did Peter do with his lost baby tooth?AHe threw it over the roof of his house.BHe asked his mother to make a necklace for him.CHe put it under his pillow.( A )4.From the passage,we can infer(推断) that Peter is a_Aprimary school studentBhigh school studentCcollege student( C )5.In fact,who gave Peter a dollar?AMrs.Gilbert.BThe Tooth Fairy.CPeters mother.(2016济南中考改编)综合填空Jack was in the park with his grandmother,Mrs.Watson.“I can hear music,”she said.“Do you know where it 1._comes_(come) from?”“Its the ring on my mobile phone.”said Jack.“Are you going to answer it?”asked Mrs.Watson.“No,”replied Jack.“Whoever it is can leave a message on my voicemail,and I will call 2._them_(they) back later.”Mrs.Watson had never used a mobile phone,and was interested to know how it worked,so Jack took his out 3._of_ his pocket to show her.“You use it just like a common telephone,”he said.“But you can make phone calls when you are out of the house.And mobile phones can do other 4._things_(thing)For example,you can use it to do 5._shopping_(shop) online or use the GPS to guide you home whenever you are lost.”.(2015娄底中考)句子翻译Jake thought today was going to be very bad.To start with,it was raining,and the rainy days made him sad.1.今天是他的生日。But when he got up in the morning,no one was at home,and his mother and his father didnt leave him any gifts.2.He_walked_to_school_with_his_best_friend,Mike.Mike didnt say anything to him,either.3这使他不高兴。Jake said “Happy birthday”to him last week,but he didnt remember his birthday!In class,the teacher asked him for his homework,but as he was so sad when he left home,he forgot to bring it with him.This made him annoyed(烦恼的) with himself.4.But_things_became_better_in_the_afternoon.Mike invited him for supper.Jake was so happy to hear Mike say“Happy birthday”to him on the way to the restaurant.5He_was_very_glad_to_see_his_parents_and_all_his_friends_were_there.Jake had a wonderful surprised birthday supper.That made him very happy.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了杰克生日那天发生的事情。起初他很难过,因为起床后家里没有人,也没有生日礼物。他的好朋友也没有跟他说生日快乐。以及学校的事情都使他很不开心。但是下午的时候,朋友邀请他一起共进晚餐,在那里他见到了父母和所有的朋友。这个惊喜的生日晚餐使他很开心。1_Today_was_his_birthday._2_他和他最好的朋友迈克步行去学校。_3_It_made_him_unhappy._4_但是在下午,所有的事情变得好起来了。_5_他很高兴看到父母和他所有的朋友都在那里。_4


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