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第五讲八年级(上)Units 13.单项选择( B )1._he had failed many times,he didnt give up and succeeded in the end.AUnlessBAlthoughCIf( A )2.Yesterday was his _ birthday.He enjoyed himself.AtwelfthBtwelveCthe twelfth( A )3._terrible news!Three of us didnt pass the exam.AWhat BHow CWhat a( A )4.Alex,look _ you!Youre wet.Aat Bfor Cafter( B )5.People who wont work should be made_Awork Bto work Cworking( C )6.Guiyang is a beautiful and clean city.There are many flowers on _ sides of the streets.Aeither Bneither Cboth( C )7.Hey guys,Chinese way of _ the road is very dangerous.You must wait for the green lights on.Thank you for your advice,sir.Agoing Bwalking Ccrossing( C )8.(2016岳阳中考模拟)There is going _ a football match this weekend.Ato have Bhave Cto be( A )9.(2016永州中考模拟)Your school things are here and there.Will you please _?Aput them awayBput it awayCput away them( A )10.(2017原创预测)Turn the TV down,its too_Im doing my homework now.AnoisyBquietCinteresting.(2017原创预测)完形填空Last year I met Mr.Black.He told me that it had been_1_for a month. He said,“The water on the streets got higher and higher every day.We used_2_instead of cars.We_3_lots of things, including our businesses,our jobs and our homes.”Communal facilities(公共设施) and farms were destroyed.We ran out of food and_4_water. In some places the water was higher than the buildings.I felt like we lived in a(n)_5_world. Because of the flood,lots of illness broke out.Because of the dead animals,some people_6_.The soil and other things made the water become very,very dirty.That was in summer time,_7_it was raining,the temperature was still high.The hot weather and really dirty water_8_the air very bad.Hospitals didnt have enough rooms for_9_.We had to_10_our city,take care of the sick people,and start our schools again.I just hope that one day,people can stop the natural disasters whenever they happen.After all,people are very clever.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了布莱克的家乡由于遭受了持续一个月的大雨而引发的各种问题,如公共设施和农田被毁,缺干净的水,疾病蔓延等。最后他们需要重建家园,恢复正常生活。( B )1.A.snowing BrainingCwinding( C )2.A.bikes Btrains Cboats( B )3.A.missed Blost Cmade( B )4.A.dirty Bclean Cdelicious( A )5.A.water Bfire Cice( C )6.A.ran Bslept Cdied( B )7.A.because Balthough Ceven( B )8.A.had Bmade Cchanged( C )9.A.nurses Bdoctors Cpatients( A )10.A.rebuild Breturn Cremain.阅读技能Honesty of American StudentsWhen I first arrived in America,I was surprised by the honesty of my classmates.Over my first month at school,I didnt see or hear anyone cheating.I found two reasons for this.First,if any student cheats,he or she will get punished.My school has a rule called the Honor Code.It asks students not to steal,lie or cheat.If someone goes against the code,he or she will have to leave the school.During my first year in the school,seven students left the school because of cheating.Second,American students dont care about scores as much as Chinese students do.They know that colleges will look at their allround abilities instead of only scores.So they have fewer reasons to cheat.1The writer didnt see or hear anyone cheating when she first arrived in America,did she?_No.She_didnt._2What is the Honor Code about?_It_asks_students_not_to_steal,lie_or_cheat._3What will happen if students go against the code?_They_will_have_to_leave_the_school._4Who does the writer think care more about scores,American students or Chinese students?_Chinese_students._5Do American colleges think allround abilities are important for students?_Yes,they_do._.(2017原创预测)综合填空What a 1._difference_(different) a day makes!My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.We wanted to walk up to the top,but then it started 2._raining_(rain) a little so we 3._waited_(wait) over an hour for the train because there were too many people.When we got to the top,it was raining 4._really_(real) hard.We didnt have an umbrella so we were wet and cold.It was terrible!And because 5._of_ the bad weather,we couldnt see anything below.(2016衡阳中考模拟)句子翻译1Every_year_thousands_of_people_get_hurt_or_die_when_they_are_crossing_the_road.Most of these people are old people and children.Old people often get hurt or die because they cant see or hear very well.Children usually meet with accidents because they are careless.They forget to look around when they cross the road.How can we lessen(减少) traffic accidents?2.我们所有人都必须遵守交通规则。For the drivers,they shouldnt drive toofast.3.If_they_drive_too_fastit_will_be_very_difficult_to_stop_the_car_in_a_very_short_time.For the pedestrians(行人),its very important to be careful while they are walking on the road.Therefore,when we walk across the road,we must try to walk along the pavements(人行道).4.We_must_stop_and_look_both_ways_before_crossing_the_road.Look left first,next look right,and then look left again.Only when we are sure that the road is clear,we can cross it.The right way to cross the road is to walk slowly.5.对于我们来说,走得太慢或跑得快都不安全。If people run across the road,they may fall down.As teenagers,we should try to help children,old people or blind people to cross the road.The last one is that we should never play in the street.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了由过马路引起的交通事故,及过马路时的注意事项。1_每年成千上万的人在过马路时受伤或死亡。_2_All_of_us_must_obey_the_traffic_rules._3_如果他们开得太快,将很难在短时间内紧急刹车。_4_过马路前,我们必须先停下来看一下马路两边。_5_It_is_not_safe_for_us_to_walk_slowly_or_run_quickly._.根据下列情景从方框中选择正确选项完成对话(RRickHHelen)R:Hi,Helen.1._B_H:Hi,Rick.Yes.I was on vacation last month.R:Oh,2._F_H:Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family.R:Wow!3._D_H:Yes,I did.4._A_ We took quite a few photos there.What about you?5._C_R:Not really.I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.AIt was wonderful.BLong time no see.CDid you do anything special last month?DDid you see Huang guo shu waterfall?EDid you enjoy yourself?Fdid you go anywhere interesting?GDid you have a happy weekend?.书面表达学校英语报正在征稿,请按照以下要求用英语写一篇文章投稿。1描述你班级所在的教室;2说说你最喜欢教室里的什么;3谈谈你即将离开这间教室的时候的感受。注意:1.60词左右;2文中不能出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息。This is my classroom.Its bright and clean.There are twentyfive desks,fifty chairs and a teachers desk in it.There are also two blackboards.The front one is for our teachers to write on.The other is at the back,which is for our wall newspaper.I like the back blackboard best.I often write and draw something funny with my classmates.Sometimes we write our dreams and ambitions on it.I feel very sad as soon as I think of leaving here soon.I hope to remember every happy moment forever. 4

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