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专题限时集训(二十三)A请阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最适当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。The National Federation of the Blind says there are no special colleges or universities for blind students. But there are some for deaf students. One of them is Gallaudet University (GU) in Washington, DC. Gallaudet says it is the worlds only openminded arts university where everything is designed for deaf or hardofhearing students. About 2,000 students attend Gallaudet. Half of them come from developing countries. The cost for international students is about 33,000 dollars a year, including undergraduates and graduates.Financial aid is available in the form of scholarships, but only after the first year of studies. Most scholarship aid goes to students in financial need who do well in their first year. One scholarship for international students is for deaf students from developing countries. Another is just for students from China. The university also offers an English Language Institute. But Gallaudet says this program does not guarantee acceptance to the university.In the past year, students at Gallaudet protested(抗议) over the administrations choice of a new president for the university. The protests resulted in the choice of a different president, Robert Davila, who is more popular with the students. He is a former chief executive officer of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID). This technical college is in Rochester, New York. It is one of eight colleges in the Rochester Institute of Technology.More than 1,000 students attend the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. About 100 of them are international students. They come from Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. The cost is about 28,000 dollars a year for an international undergraduate student.Foreign graduate students pay about 20, 000 dollars. Both undergraduate and graduate students can receive limited financial aid in the form of scholarships. They can also take part in the student employment program. This program makes it possible for students to work at the school.The Special Colleges or Universities for the DeafGU,1_ president is a former chief executive officer of the NTID.Its 2._ in Washington, DC.In it, everything is 3._ for the deaf or hardofhearing students.There are about 4._ students from developing countries.The cost is $33,000 a year for international students, undergraduates and graduates 5._.Students who do well in their studies in the 6._ year can receive financial aid in the form of scholarships.NTID is one of eight colleges in the Rochester Institute of Technology.It lies in Rochester, New York.About 100 of the students are 7_ students.The cost is about 28,000 dollars a year for an international undergraduate student and about 20,000 dollars for each graduate student from 8._ countries.Apart from 9._ financial aid, the students can also have the 10._ to work at the school.【答案】1.whose2.located/situated3.designed41,0005.included6.first7.international8foreign9.limited10.chance/opportunityB请阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最适当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。The Tenement Museum at Orchard Street is the smallest museum in New York. It lets visitors experience how early immigrants to the United States lived in 1863. The word “tenement” comes from a Latin word meaning “to hold”. A tenement building holds many rooms where different families lived. The word is not used much any more in the United States. When people use the word today, they mean an old crowded building where poor families live in terrible, unhealthy conditions. But in the 1800s, the word “tenement” simply meant a building in which many families lived. Later, many immigrant families improved their living conditions by moving from the lower east side to other areas. Some lived in the same kinds of buildings, but the living areas were cleaner and larger. They did not want to call them tenements, so they called them apartment buildings instead.The building at Orchard Street shows the kind of spaces where families lived. The front room was the largest. It was the only one with a window.Behind it were a kitchen for cooking and a small bedroom for sleeping. The apartment had no running water, no bathroom, toilet or shower. There were six places where people left their body wastes in the back yard, next to the only place to get drinking water. Such unhealthy conditions led to the spread of disease.Over the years, New York officials passed laws to improve conditions in the tenements. The owners of Orchard Street placed gas lighting in the building in the 1890s. They added water and indoor toilets in 1905, and electric power in 1924. Then they refused to make any more improvements. They closed the building in 1935. In 1998, the federal government declared the building a protected National Historic Place.Museum officials researched the history of the building and its twenty apartments. They found more than 1,000 objects that belonged to people who lived there.These include kitchen devices, medicine bottles, letters, newspapers, money and pieces of cloth. They also learned the histories of many of the 7, 000 people from more than 20 European countries who lived there. And they spoke with and recorded memories of people who lived there as children. Museum officials used this information to recreate some of the apartments as they would have looked during different time periods in the buildings history. These apartments are what people see when they visit the Tenement Museum.The Tenement MuseumOriginThe “tenement” is a 11._ house that holds many poor families.The Tenement Museum was built at Orchard Street in New York about one and a half 12._ ago.Early 13._ found no enough place to live in, but had to live together.Charactersa. Many families lived in a building without 14._ security.b. Many residents are mostly poor immigrants from 5._.DevelopmentBefore 1935a. The tenements were improved by installing the 16._ and water system and so on.b. Owners closed the tenements because they dont want more 17._.After1998a. American government decided to 18._ it as a historic site.b. The Tenement Museum was built based on 19._ tenements.c. The museum recorded the real information from 20._ inhabitants.【答案】11.crowded 12.centuries13.immigrants14.health15.Europe16.lighting 17improvements18.protect19.twenty 20previous 【导学号:57732063】4

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