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第九讲八年级(下)Units 12.单项选择( C )1.(2016滨州中考改编)We cant_making a plan.Cleanup Day is only two weeks from now.Yes,I think so.Aput onBput upCput off( C )2.May 31st is World NoSmoking Day.I hope more and more people _ smoking.Agive out Bturn on Cgive up( B )3.(2015岳阳中考)I have a cold.You_lie down and rest.Acant Bshould Chas to( C )4.(2016绥化中考)_cold weather it is!AHow a BWhat a CWhat( C )5.(2015抚顺中考)We must learn to protect_while playing sports.Awe Bour Courselves( C )6.(2016张家界中考模拟)This Tshirt_comfortable.Its made of 100% cotton.Asounds Btastes Cfeels( A )7.(2016常德中考模拟)The food looked bad,but it_OK.So we cant judge a man only by his appearance.Atasted Bsounded Cfelt( C )8.(2017原创预测)I can do many kinds of housework_cooking.Ill learn it from my mother.Afor Bwithout Cexcept( A )9.(2017原创预测)The story is so_that it made all of us feel frightened.AterribleBbeautifulCinteresting( B )10.(2017原创预测)We should not always blame him for his mistakes._,he has tried his best to do it well.AAt last BIn fact CAt once.完形填空Everyone wants to have healthy teeth.When you laugh,you will open your mouth and_1_your teeth.The healthier your teeth are,the_2_you feel.Why is that?Its because your_3_are important in many ways.Take care of them,and theyll help to take care of you.Strong,healthy teeth help you grow.They also help you speak_4_.You can take care of your teeth by doing like these.Brush your teeth_5_a day,after getting up and before bedtime.And you brush_6_of your teeth,not just the front ones.Spend some time on the teeth along the sides in the back.Take your time while brushing.Spend_7_three minutes each time you brush.Be sure your toothbrush is soft.Ask your parents to help you get a new toothbrush every three_8_.Clean between your teeth with dental floss(牙线)It feels strange when you do it at first,_9_soon youll get used to doing it.Brushing keeps your teeth healthy.You also need to care about what you eat and_10_.Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of drinks.Do you want to have white and healthy teeth?Please brush your teeth!【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了保护牙齿健康、强壮的重要性,文章给出了一些保护牙齿的建议:早晚刷牙,刷牙要刷全部,每次刷至少3分钟,牙刷要软,牙刷每3个月更换一次,用牙线清洁牙齿等。( C )1.A.wash Bclose Cshow( B )2.A.happy Bhappier Chappiest( C )3.A.mouth Beyes Cteeth( A )4.A.clearly Baloud Cslowly( B )5.A.once Btwice Cthree times( C )6.A.some Bmost Call( A )7.A.at least Bat most Cat once( B )8.A.years Bmonths Cdays( B )9.A.or Bbut Cso( C )10.A.play Bmake Cdrink.(2016怀化中考模拟)阅读技能Li Chuang is a 15yearold boy,but he has been a smoker for three years.His teeth and fingers have turned a bit yellow.“I first tried smoking after watching TV.It makes me feel excited and I think it looks cool,”he said.Not all students smoke as much as Li but there are lots of child smokers.A report says 32% of boys and 13% of girls in middle schools in China have smoked.Some are as young as 11 when they first try!May 31st is World_No_Tobacco_DayHealth experts(专家) are asking young people not to smoke.Doctors say smoking can make people get illnesses,like lung cancer(肺癌)Not only that,smoking costs a lot of money,too!Stop smoking,children!Its bad for your health!( A )1.Li Chuang began to smoke when he was_A12 B13 C15( B )2.More_have smoked than_in middle schools in China.Agirls;boysBboys;girlsCstudents;teachers( C )3.“World No Tobacco Day”means“_”in Chinese.A世界无癌日B世界节能日C世界无烟日( C )4.Which of the following is TRUE?ASmoking is good for health.BSmoking doesnt cost much money.CSome kids begin to smoke when they are 11 years old.( A )5.What does the writer probably ask the readers to do?ATo give up smoking.BTo go to hospital before you smoke.CTo celebrate World No Tobacco Day every year.(2017原创预测)综合填空Health is very important to everyone.We should value health more than 1._anything_(something) else including money.You can take away 2._our_(we) money,house,car or even our clothes.But without health,we would die.That is why we always try to eat in a 3._healthy_(health) way and exercise regularly.In order to eat healthily,we should stop 4._eating_(eat) fast food,like French fries or hamburgers.Instead we need to eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.Taking exercise every day 5._helps_(help) us build a strong body.Exercising regularly is an important part of keeping healthy.英汉互译As we all know many people like to eat fast food.1.We_can_notice_that_many_people_are_fond_of_it.Especially the youth and kids like fast food.Most of them even think fast food is more tasteful than Chinese food,so fast food restaurants become more and more popular in China.The reason is that they sell food that tastes good and dont cost a lot of money.2.快餐就是可以很快被准备好的食物。Fast food restaurants usually have a window where you can buy your food.And there are many different kinds of food that are prepared well.3.如果你很忙,你可以吃快餐来节省时间。Is fast food bad for your health?Is some fast food healthier than others?4Is_some_fast_food_really_cheaper_than_others?Fast food is usually cheap because its often made with cheaper ingredients(成分) instead of nutritious(营养丰富的) foods such as lean(瘦的) meat,fruits,and vegetables.5.Eating_more_fast_food_can_make_you_fat.So doctors tell us eating more fast food is bad for our health.And doctor also tell us not to eat fast food more than once a week.1_我们可以注意到有很多人喜欢它。_2_Fast_food_means_food_that_can_be_prepared_quickly._3_If_you_are_busy,you_can_eat_fast_food_to_save_time._4_快餐真的比其他食物便宜么?_5_吃太多快餐会使你变胖。_.(2017原创预测)书面表达随着现在生活步调的加快,越来越多的人呈现亚健康状态。假如你是健康达人康康,今天特意被邀请给我们讲解如何保持健康,那么你将从哪几个方面来表述呢?健康的重要性又有哪些呢?请你以“How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇文章。要求:1.80个词左右;2字迹工整,语言规范;3鼓励写出真实情感;4文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、地址、学校等相关信息。_How_to_Keep_Healthy_As we all know,good health is more important than wealth.But what should we do to keep healthy?First,its necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.Food gives us energy.But we shouldnt choose the wrong food because it may make us sick.Water is important and we should drink enough water every day.Second,its necessary for us to have healthy living habits.We should go to bed and get up early.And we should take a bath and change clothes often.In addition,keep fingernails short and brush teeth twice a day.Third,exercise and happiness can also help us keep fit.Finally,we should keep our environment clean and the air fresh all the time.Good health is important to everyone,so we should keep good habits to help us build up good health.4

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