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分类突破(四)(半)开放作文解题指导写(半)开放性作文,考生首先要读懂所给的提示,弄清情况和要求,然后抓住关键词句,进行记叙、解释、说明、议论,再根据要求加以合理想象,并用通顺的语言表达出来。要具体做到:1认真审题,把握要求,找准关键句,提炼主题。2依据主线,草拟提纲,梳理文章脉络。3定位人称,确立时态,遣词造句组篇章。(半)开放作文人称的使用较为灵活,考生应根据文章提示准确定位人称,然后将重点放在文章的遣词造句上,尽可能运用自己熟悉的表达形式来灵活表达。实战演练假如你是李华,最近你所居住的城市(北京)的雾霾严重影响了人们的生活。请根据写作要点给报社写一篇稿件反映这一问题。写作要点:1.雾霾带来的危害;2你的建议。注意:词数100左右。参考词汇:雾霾smog构思要点请写出要点提纲 范文赏析欣赏并背诵满分作文As we all know,smog has always been a serious problem in Beijing,which has done great harm to our daily life.Recently it has become more and more serious.The heavy smog has caused many traffic accidents,which has brought great sadness to many families.In the street,you can see many people wear masks.But unluckily,many old people and babies cant escape suffering from illness caused by smog.Therefore,it is very urgent for us to take measures to reduce the smog.It is very vital to educate people,especially factory owners to raise awareness of protecting the environment.Moreover,people should go to work by bus or bike instead of driving every day.And media should call on citizens to work together to do something to save the air that we cant live without.作文升级依据括号内提示改写满分作文 众所周知,雾霾一直是北京的严重问题;用主语从句),which has done great harm to our daily life.Recently it has become more and more serious.The heavy smog has caused many traffic accidents, (使许多家庭陷入悲伤;用现在分词短语作结果状语)You can see many people wear masks, (这在大街上很普遍;用非限制性定语从句)But unluckily,many old people and babies cant escape suffering from illness caused by smog.Therefore, (必须采取紧急措施来减少雾霾;用被动语态)It is very vital to educate people,especially factory owners to raise awareness of protecting the environment.Moreover, (建议;用主语从句)people should go to work by bus or bike instead of driving every day.And media should call on citizens to work together to do something to save the air that we cant live without.答案It is known to all that smog has always been a serious problem in Beijingbringing great sadness to many familieswhich is common in the streeturgent measures should be taken to reduce the smogit is suggested that对点训练学校英文报社正在进行题目为“My Favorite Proverb”的征文活动。请根据图中谚语(proverb)写一篇英语短文,给英语校报投稿。要点如下:1你的理解和看法;2举例说明理由。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3题目已给出,不计入总词数。My Favorite Proverb 参考范文My Favorite Proverb“Practice makes perfect!” is my favorite proverb,which has inspired me to achieve great success.As we know,the proverb mentioned above is very simple to understand.Whatever we do,we can not do it well at the very beginning.However,the more we practice,the better we will do it,just as the proverb illustrates.When I began to speak English,I used to make mistakes.And I wanted to give it up.It was my teacher who encouraged me to keep it on.“Practice makes perfect!” was repeated around me.Later,not only can I speak English in public,but also I can talk with foreigners fluently.Such is my favorite proverb,a simple but an effective one.3

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