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九年级英语周测(7)Class:_ Name:_ _ Score:_一、完形填空。(20分) How have you changed these years? Now more and more teenagers like to be trendy(时髦的). They buy popular clothes, _1_ popular food, sing popular songs, and even play popular online games. They think that the world is changing, and they should change with the world, too. In their opinions,_2_ everyone keeps the old fashion(时尚),there wont be any _3_. On the other hand, some teenagers dont follow the trend. They think it needs lots of money and it will _4_ them too much time .they should pay more attention to their studies than to their clothes. They believe the most _5_thing for them is to study. As for me, I _6_ the second opinion, Teenagers should not be allowed to choose their own fashion all by _7_. They arent calm(冷静) enough. Theyre too wild to decide when to stop and _8_to go. They should be trendy teens instead of big_9_of fashion. So parents and schools should help them _10_what they need exactly.( )1Adrink Beat Ccook Dhate( )2Aif Bso Cthough Dbecause( )3Apollution Bprogress Cstyle Dpressure( )4Aspend Bpay Cbring Dtake( )5Adifficult Bcommon Cboring Dimportant( )6Aturn down Btake down Cagree with Dpart with( )7Athey Btheir Cthem Dthemselves( )8Awhere Bwhat Cwhich Dthat( )9Afans Badults Cnames Dforeigners( )10 Atry out Bgive out Cfind out Dcut out二、单项填空(40分)( )1Shh! Stop_. The teacher is coming. A talk BtalkedCtalking Dto talk( )2Could you please _ here? Anot smokeBdont smoke Cnot to smokeDto not smoke( )3No one knows _ . Awhen he died Bwhat did he do Cwhere did he goDhow old is he( )4He was very_ about winning the first prize. Aboring Bbored CexcitingDexcited( )5He regretted_ you that you fail in the English test.AtellBtelling Cto tell Dtold( )6He regretted _after his mother when she was alive. He misses her every day now.AlookingBtaking Cnot looking Dnot taking( )7Keep quiet, please! Talking _ during the meeting. Ais not allowed Bis allowed Cdoesnt allow Dallows( )8Study hard, or you will fail _English. Ain Bon Cat Dfor( )9We are all _to school at 6:00a.m. We will be too tired to focus on the schoolwork. Afor go Bfor going Cagainst go Dagainst going( )10Sometimes hobbies can get in the way _childrens schoolwork. Aof B. to C. from D. with( )11Listen to English radio programs every morning ._, you will improve your listening. ABy the way BGet the way CIn this way DMake a way( )12Teenagers should _to take care of themselves from a young age. AeducateBbe educatedChave educated Dbe educating( )13I am _building a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in. Awith Bagainst Cfor Din( )14Remember _your 2B pencil here to answer the English paper tomorrow. Ataking Bto take Cbringing Dto bring( )15We saw Laura_ her breakfast in the dessert shop every morning.Abuy Bbuys Cbuying Dto buy( )16There is something wrong with my phone, so I have to get it_. Arepair Brepairing Crepaired Dto repair( )17He was very_ about winning the first prize. Aboring Bbored Cexcited Dexciting( )18We want to find a room that is _for eight people to live in.Alarge enough Benough large Csmall enough Denough small( )19_ is important for us _ each other. AIt; helping BIt; to help CThis; help DThat; to help( )20My parents dont allow me _out at night.A Bto go Cgoing Dto going 三、短文填空(20分)Necole is 8 years old. She thinks that she is old_1_to decide he own things .She hates eating _2 _ and will become angry if there is no meat for a meal.Necoles mother is worried _3_ her health. One night, she made _4_bowl of salad for her . Nicole sat down and saw a lot of vegetables in her bowl.”Is there any chicken in _ 5_?” Nicole thought, “I will eat the chicken instead of the vegetables.” But when she looked deep into the bowl, she found that there was no chicken_6_ other meat at all. She became _7_ and shouted to her mother,“Mon! I cant find any_8_! Is there anything wrong with my meal?” Her mother came and sat down with her. “No, there is nothing wrong,”her mother said.“You should eat more vegetables_9 _it is good for your health.” “I can _ 10_ my own decisions!” Nicole shouted. “No! You cant!” her mother said angrily.“If you dont eat this, theres nothing else for you to eat tonight! ”1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5._6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10._四、翻译以下短语。(20分) 1. 允许某人做某事 6. 妨碍_2. 对。很认真 _ 7. 后悔做了某事_3. 顶嘴 _ 8. 在乎_4.自己做主 9. 在校队 _ 5. 实现梦想 10. 长大 _

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