中考英语复习 教材整理复习篇 七下 Units 1-6巩固练习(一)

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中考英语复习 教材整理复习篇 七下 Units 1-6巩固练习(一)_第1页
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中考英语复习 教材整理复习篇 七下 Units 1-6巩固练习(一)_第3页
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七年级下册 Units16一、单项填空1. Its eight oclock. Its time _. Come on. A. for class B. to class C. have classD. having class2. Mr. Wang _ gets up early. So he is _ late for work. A. always; always B. never; neverC. always; never D. always; often3. Your new dress looks very nice! _ A. Yes, it is so nice. B. Where? Where? C. Thats all right. D. Thank you.4. The man _ a nice car. In the car, _ a beautiful model plane. A. have; there is B. there is; hasC. there is; have D. has; there is5. Excuse me, do you have an eraser? Sorry, I dont have one. _. A. Thank you.B. Thank you all the same.C. Me, too. D. Youre welcome.6. How long can I _ the English workbooks? Three days. A. buyB. borrowC. keepD. take7. What are you doing? Im _ my pencil, but I cant _ it. A. looking for; findB. look for; findC. finding; look forD. looking; find8. Here is some money for you. You can use it to buy _ books. A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little9. Today is Sunday. Why not go out to play? Good idea. What about _ kites in the park? A. flyB. fliesC. to flyD. flying10. How does Mr. Gao often go to work? He often goes to work _. But I often _ to work. A. by his car; on foot B. by car; on foot C. by car; walk D. drive a car; walk11. _ Mondays we have two Chinese classes. One is in the morning, the other is _ 3:30 p.m. A. On; on B. On; atC. In; on D. In; at12. What _ Xiao Fang usually _ in her free time? She usually goes to the park. A. do; do B. is; doing C. does; do D. does; does13. Excuse me, is this _ workbook? No, its not _. A. your; mineB. yours; my C. you; mineD. your; my14. Where is the teachers desk, Kangkang? Oh, its _ the classroom. A. in the front of B. in the frontC. in frontD. in front of15. There _ two desks in my study. Whats in your study? There _ a computer and two chairs. A. are; areB. is; areC. is; isD. are; is16. Maria, dont put your books on the floor. _, please. OK, Mom. A. try them onB. try on them C. put them awayD. put away them17. Look! Ann _ in the gym. Oh, she usually _ after school. A. is dancing; is dancing B. is dancing; dancesC. dances; is dancing D. dances; dances18. Could you _ me _ your school? Of course. A. show; ofB. show; out C. show; aroundD. show; on19. What do you think of the movie? Its a little _. I dont want to see it again. A. wonderfulB. boring C. difficultD. nice20. What is Tom doing? He is talking _ Jane _ their favorite songs in the living room. A. with; aboutB. about; with C. with; toD. to; with二、完形填空Its Wednesday afternoon. School is over. The students _21_their books and pencil-boxes into their schoolbags. The teacher comes and _22_to the students, “Dont go away now, children. I have something to tell you._23_me carefully(认真地).Tomorrow is _24_.There is going to be(将有)a _25_meeting in our school. The meeting is at nine in the morning. Here are your school reports(成绩单)and letters_26_your parents. Take them home. Give your parents the letters_27_your school reports. Ask them _28_to the meeting. They should be_29_time tomorrow, because I m going to say something_30_next term(学期).”( )21.A.are putting B. put C. is putting D. putting( )22. A. say B. tells C. speaks D. says( )23. A. Watch B. Listen to C. Look at D. See( )24. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Monday( )25. A. students B. parents C. class D. teachers( )26. A. give B. of C. for D. from( )27. A. about B. or C. with D. and( )28. A. come B. to come C. coming D. to( )29. A. in B. at C. on D. by( )30. A. from B. about C. to D. by三、阅读理解Rick usually gets up at around six twenty in the morning. He does his homework at seven oclock, and then he eats breakfast at home. He goes to school at eight thirty. School starts at nine oclock.He eats lunch at school. He usually goes home at four thirty in the afternoon. He takes a shower at five ten. He eats dinner with his father and mother at around six oclock in the evening, then he does his homework. At around 9:40, he goes to bed.( )31. Rick eats breakfast _.A. at 7:00 B. at 8:30 C. at home D. at school( ) 32. Rick eats lunch _.A. at home B. at school C. at 4:30 D. at 5:10( ) 33. Rick eats dinner with_ at around 6:00 in the evening.A. his father B. his mother C. his parents D. grandparents( ) 34. At 5:10 in the afternoon, Rick _.A. goes to bed B. eats dinner C. goes home D. takes a shower( ) 35. At _, Rick goes to bed. A. around 9:45 B. about 9:40 C. about 9:00 D. around 9:14四、补全对话阅读下面对话,从方框内的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话,其中有两项是多余的。请将答案写在答题卡上。Jane: Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you usually do at weekends(周末)?A. Once a week.B. I like movies, too.C. This Saturday.D. I usually do my homework.E. Thank you.F. My good friend, Kate.G. Harry Potter. (哈利波特)Bill: 36 . What about you?Jane: I often go to see a movie.Bill: 37 How often do you see a movie?Jane: 38 Bill: Whats your favorite movie?Jane: 39 Bill: Who do you often go with?Jane: 40 Bill: Will you go to see a movie this weekend?Jane: Yes, do you want to go with me?Bill: Sorry, I have a lot of homework to do. 参考答案一、15 ACDDB 610 CABDC 1115 BCAAD 1620 CBCBA二、2125 ADBBB 2630 CCBBB 三、3135 CBCDB 四、3640 DBAGF4

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