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Unit 3综合水平测试听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择相对应的图片。(5分)听力材料:1.Could you please sweep the floor?2Im going to work on the computer.3Could I go to the movies with my friends tonight?4Zhang Peng is doing the dishes in the kitchen now.5I have to finish my homework before watching TV.1_B_2._D_3._A_4._E_5._C_二、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(5分)听力材料:6.Could you please take out the rubbish?7Please dont throw paper on the floor.8Why not invite your friends to your birthday party tonight?9Cindy,would you mind closing the window?Its cold outside.10Im very sorry.I cant help you clean the living room,Mom.( C )6.A.Yes,I do.BI dont want it.CNo problem.( A )7.A.Sorry,I wont. BThats all right.CIt doesnt matter.( C )8.A.Sorry to hear that. BThank you. CSounds great.( B )9.A.Id like to. BNot at all.Ill do it right now.CNo,I wouldnt.( A )10.A.It doesnt matter. BYoud better not. CIts too bad.三、听对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)听力材料:M:Could you help me walk the dog,Lisa?W:Sorry,Dad.I am tired.( C )11.What does Father want Lisa to do?ATo give the dog a bath. BTo have a walk with him.CTo take the dog for a walk.听力材料:M:I think as students,we should help with the housework.W:I think so.Doing housework can help to develop our independence.( C )12.What are the speakers talking about?AWork. BHomework. CHousework.听力材料:M:Could I go out for dinner with my friends?W:Sure.But you should come back before half past nine.( C )13.What is the boy going to do?ATo have dinner with his family. BTo have lunch with friends.CTo eat out with friends.听力材料:M:Could you please pass me the salt?W:Sure,here you are.( A )14.Where are the speakers?AIn the dining hall. BIn the classroom.CIn the cinema.听力材料:M:What do you think of doing chores?W:I hate doing chores.Its boring.M:But I think its interesting.( B )15.What does the girl think of doing chores?ATiring. BBoring. CInteresting.四、听短文,完成下列表格。每空词数不限。(5分)听力材料:Dear Sandy,Could you please take care of my pet bird this week?My family is going on a trip to the USA for vacation.I cant take her with me.And I love her very much.So I ask you for help.Could you please do the things for me?Feed her three times a day and give her some water once a day.Then every afternoon dont forget to take her to the park.In the evening you can put her cage in the tree in the garden.Change the water and clean her cage in the morning.I think you will love her.Thanks a lot.Yours,JackWhat petJacks pet is a 16.bird.Where to goJacks family will go to 17.the_USA for vacation.How many timesSandy can feed the pet 18.three_times a day.What to doJack asks Sandy to take the pet to the 19.park every afternoon.WhenSandy should change the water 20.in_the_morning.笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(15分)( C )21.Mike,is _ shirt on the sofa yours?No.Mine is on the bed.Aa Ban Cthe D/( B )22.My sister looked at me _ surprise and said nothing after I told her the good news.Ato Bin Cat Don( C )23.Could you please _ the rubbish here?Adont put Bnot to put Cnot put Dto not put( A )24.I often have much stress and fall _ before exams.You must learn to be relaxed.Aill Bhappy Chealthy Dstrong( D )25.Linda _ a book from me yesterday and she didnt give it back to me.Akept Blent Csent Dborrowed( B )26.Will you go to the beach tomorrow?It _ the weather.If its fine,Ill go there.Agoes on Bdepends on Cputs on Ddecides on( C )27.Do you mind _ a message to Mrs.Yang for me?Of course not.Atake Btook Ctaking Dto take( B )28.Its not enough _ only the classroom clean.Akeeping Bto keep Ckept Dkeeps( C )29.Mrs. Smith _ us with enough food and water.Oh,she is a kind woman.Arefused Bagreed Cprovided Dgave( B )30._ youre Lisas good friend,you should help her.I see,Ms. Jones.Ill do my best.ABefore BSince CAfter DWhile( D )31.My father was very tired yesterday._ he got home,he went to bed.AAs long as BBecauseCAlthough DAs soon as( A )32.Dont worry about me while youre away.I will _ myself.Atake care of Btake afterClook for Dlook forward to( C )33.I dont want to go fishing tomorrow._.I want to go swimming.ASo I do BSo do ICNeither do I DNeither I do( A )34._ you work,_ you will get.AThe harder;the more BHarder;moreCThe hard;the much DThe harder;the much( B )35.Could I watch a movie?_.You should prepare for your math exam.AYes,you could BNo,you cantCNo,you couldnt DYes,you can六、完形填空。(10分)Greg,Todd,and Rob are brothers.All of them _36_ the chores at home.Every weekend,each of them should do _37_ chores.They always draw (抽签) to decide what to do because it is _38_It was Saturday today.Greg drew _39_His task (任务) was to take out the rubbish.It was a(n) _40_ but fast job.Then Todd drew.He had to clean the garden.It was the longest job.He would have to _41_ a whole morning in doing it.Rob drew at last.He had to clean the windows.Rob _42_ doing it.He thought it was a boring job.Rob drew first in the next round.His task was to _43_ after lunch.He was glad to help clean the plates and bowls._44_ the rest drew,we knew that Todd had to feed the cats and Greg had to help wash the car.Greg was the _45_ kid today because it was easier and faster to do his two jobs.( B )36.A.show Bshare Cgive Dmake( A )37.A.two Bthree Cfour Dfive( D )38.A.important Bsame Cdifficult Dfair( A )39.A.first Bnext Cthen Dfinally( D )40.A.dangerous Bexciting Cinteresting Ddirty( C )41.A.take Bcut Cspend Dcost( D )42.A.practiced Bfinished Cenjoyed Dhated( A )43.A.do the dishes Bdo the laundryCfold the clothes Dsweep the floor( C )44.A.When BBefore CAfter DBecause( B )45.A.saddest Bhappiest Clongest Dfastest七、阅读理解。(30分)AHi!Im Lily.My family and I live in a big house.Im 11 and I have a younger brother,Tom.He is 8.My mom is a nurse,and she works in a hospital.She works a lot,and usually at night.She doesnt have enough time to do the housework,so my dad often helps her and he likes it.My dad works in a bank.He arrives home at about 4 pm.,so he can do a lot of things at home.Every evening Dad cooks dinner.My brother and I help him.After dinner Dad does the dishes and I help him dry them.Then we take a shower and Dad reads us short stories.In the morning,Mom makes breakfast.Tom and I make our beds.Then Dad takes us to school by car.On Saturday,we clean the house.I clean the furniture (家具) and Dad sweeps the floor.Tom takes the rubbish out and waters the plants.Dad likes cleaning the windows but he hates ironing (熨)He never does it.My grandma comes to us twice a week and she irons our clothes.On Sunday,we wash the car together and Dad often takes us to play in the park and eat in our favorite restaurant.根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。( F )46.Lily is four years older than Tom.( F )47.Lilys mom never works at night.( T )48.Lily and her brother go to school by car.( F )49.Lilys brother is so little that he cant do any housework.( T )50.Lilys father doesnt like ironing,but he likes cleaning the windows.BNobody likes to do chores,especially kids.How can you make your kids get into a good habit of doing their chores?Try making chores fun for them.Play some music:Music makes everything seem like a party,doesnt it?Play your kids favorite music and let them dance around while they are doing their chores.Make it treasure hunt (寻宝):Its a good way when you would like them to clean the house.Let them know that you hide (隐藏) a $5 bill someplace.If they find it,they can keep it.Change often:If your kids keep doing the same chores for months,they may feel bored.Teaching them a new task (任务) is fun for both you and the kids.They will feel more grown up when they get a new task.Do it together:Its never fun to be the only one working and watching everyone else relaxing.If everyone takes part in doing chores,you will finish them faster and have more fun.( C )51.The article is for _.Aschools Bteachers Cparents Dkids( B )52.There are _ pieces of advice in the article.Athree Bfour Cfive Dsix( B )53.The writer thinks its better to _ while asking kids to clean the house.Aplay their favorite musicBhide something for them to findCgive them a new taskDdo it together with them( D )54.Kids may feel _ if they keep on doing the same chores for months.Atired Bfun Cinterested Dbored( C )55.Which is the best title of the article?ADoing chores is good for kids BHelp kids set a good habitCMake chores fun for kids DEveryone should do choresCMany children dont like doing chores,because they think it is boring.56._C_ In fact,doing chores is good for children.First,doing chores can teach children certain skills.57._A_ Cleaning and cooking may seem boring,but knowing how to do them well will make life a lot easier.If children can successfully handle (处理) chores at home,they will handle life better too.58_E_ Some chores like sweeping the floor and cleaning the room can be regarded as (被认为) a kind of physical exercise.Children should not study all the time.A happy life needs balance (平衡)Last but not least,everyone in the family will be happy by sharing chores.Nowadays its common for both parents to work.59._D_ If children can help their parents with some simple housework,their parents will be very happy.60._B_根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。AChildren can learn classification (分类) skills when they pick up their toys and put them away.BAnd children can also find great pleasure in helping their parents.CSome children think that they just need to learn their subjects well and it isnt necessary for them to do chores.DWhen they get home,they are often tired.ESecond,doing chores can help children keep healthy.八、词汇运用:根据句意及汉语提示写单词。(5分)61Her neighbor (邻居) is an old man and he has no son or daughter.62He makes a terrible mess (杂乱) in the kitchen when hes cooking.63He folded (折叠) the paper and then put it into the bag carefully.64A country can develop (发展) fast when it opens up to the outside world.65Everyone put their fingers (手指) in their ears because of the big noise.九、根据汉语意思完成下列句子翻译。(10分)66为了保持健康,他每天跑步大约半小时。In order to keep healthy,he runs for about half an hour every day.67我认为玩电脑游戏是浪费时间。I think playing computer games is a waste of time68我让他一下班回来就给你打电话。Ill ask him to call you the minute he comes back from work.69我认为没必要这么早动身。I think there is no need to start so early.70我的英语现在相当不错我在工作中反复用到它。My English is quite good nowI use it all the time in my job.十、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(10分)A:Hey,Mom.What are you doing?B:Im preparing supper.71._D_A:Sure.B:72._G_A:OK.Ill do it right away.Anything else?B:Yes.Could you please clean the dining table and chairs?A:Oh,no.73._E_ What else do you want me to do?B:Could you go and buy two bags of salt?A:Of course.74._A_B:No,you cant.Its dangerous for you to do so.A:Well,Ill ride my bike there.75._B_B:Sure,but dont eat too much.ABut could I drive your car to the store?BOh,could I buy icecream there?CHow much salt do we need?DCould you please help me with a few things?EI hate to do it because its boring.FWhat would you like for supper?GCould you please take out the rubbish first?十一、综合填空:阅读短文,从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(10分)spirit,housework,her,look,develop,worry,ill,care,while,withYour parents always look after you carefully when you are ill.But have you ever looked after them when they are ill?Last year,my mother fell 76.illThe doctor said she had to undergo surgery (接受手术) and stay in hospital for about two months.I felt 77.worried because I didnt know whether (是否) I could look after her well.78.While she was in hospital,I looked after my mother with all my heart.She seemed to be in high 79.spirits,although she got aches from the surgery.Two months later,the doctor said it was OK for my mother to go home.I learned to take 80.care of her at home.I cooked food and washed clothes for her.She said that she could do all these things by 81.herselfOf course,I was sure that she could,but I wouldnt let her do these things.I hardly ever did any 82.housework before.But after doing it,I knew it was time for me to 83.develop my independence.I learned much from the experience of 84.looking after my mother.I thought I would always share the housework 85.with my mother in the future.十二、书面表达。(10分)你们外教想知道班里同学做家务的情况,作为班长你为此进行了一项调查。请你根据下表中的调查内容,给外教介绍一下调查结果,并谈谈你的观点。90词左右,可适当发挥。The number of the studentsChoresLikes or dislikesReason20clean the roominteresting10do the dishesboring5wash clothesrelaxing,easy3One possible version:There_are_38_students_in_our_class.Most_of_us_do_chores_at_home.20_students_clean_their_rooms_every_day.They_think_it_is_very_interesting.They_make_their_beds,sweep_the_floor_and_so_on.10_students_have_to_do_the_dishes_after_dinner_every_day.They_hate_doing_it.They_think_its_so_boring.5_students_dont_mind_washing_clothes.They_think_its_relaxing_and_easy.Only_3_students_dont_do_any_chores.Their_parents_do_all_the_chores.I_think_its_bad_for_them.7

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