高考英语一轮复习 第2部分 专题3 冠词课时作业

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高考英语一轮复习 第2部分 专题3 冠词课时作业_第2页
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冠词演练提升.用适当的冠词填空1If you want to improve your working efficiency,it will be a must for you to make the most of your time.2Well,that is one of the most expensive hotels in town,Im afraid.Do you mean wed better choose a cheaper one?3We Chinese have a dreama dream to turn a welloff life into a reality by 2020.4Here is the very person we are looking for,one with a good knowledge of German.5It is a great pleasure for me to give a speech on the nature of human beings.6The viewers will have a second chance to watch The Voice of China on Channel 4 tonight.7Making a lecture in public is the last thing I want to do.Just have a try.I am sure you can make it.8The young boss couldnt remember when the story happened exactly,but it might be a winter morning when he was in London.9Our headmaster has put forward a most challenging question for us to answer.Yes,it really is.Ive never heard a harder one.10Once you click the button,an email will be sent to you via your email address.单句改错1(2014辽宁高考短文改错)Cleo tends to bark a average of six hours a day.第一个aan2(2014全国卷短文改错)As result,the plants are growing everywhere.As后加a3(2015安徽高考改编)Food serves as the form of communication in two fundamental ways.thea4(2015广东高考改编)Tv doesnt take place of reading for most children.take后加the5(2015课标短文改错)Now I am living in a city,but I miss my home in countryside.countryside前加the6I have visited many cities since the September 2006.去掉the7We all know that the man is the most developed animal in the world.去掉第一个the8Im cheerful boy.Besides my courses,I have many hobbies,like playing football,basketball and swimming.cheerful前加a9There I saw a guitar player playing guitar,which I really enjoyed.guitar前加the10He would greet us in a tree outside our bedroom,calling “hello” as we lay in bed in the morning.athe11Simply email or message a introduction with your name and a few hobbies.第一个aan12After about half a hour,the rain stopped and I went home.aan.语篇填空(在空格中填入适当的冠词,或用括号中所给词的适当形式填空)Once,in a lovely garden,lived 1.the most beautiful butterfly in the world.She was so pretty,and had won so many beauty 2.contests (contest) that she had become very proud.One day,the naughty cockroach (蟑螂) got fed up with her showing off,and decided to teach her 3.a lesson.She went to see the butterfly,and in front of everyone she said that 4.the butterfly wasnt really that beautiful,and that the butterfly only won the 5.competitions (compete) because the judges had been paid.In 6.reality (real),the cockroach was the most beautiful.The butterfly was angry and said to the cockroach,“I will beat you in 7.a beauty contest,with whichever judges you yourself choose.”“OK,I accept.See you on Saturday,”answered the cockroach,and left without waiting for 8.a reply.That Saturday everyone went to 9.the beauty contest.The butterfly arrived completely confident of victory until she saw who the judges were:cockroaches,worms,beetles.All of them preferred the ugliness and bad smell of the cockroach.The butterfly was left sobbing and disappointed,wanting never to enter another beauty contest in her life.Fortunately,the cockroach forgave the butterfly for her 10.pride (proud) and they became friends.


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