高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 语法突破 专题9 并列句和状语从句对点特训

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专题9 并列句和状语从句.单句语法填空1My son is addicted to computer games. He is hopeless, isnt he?Yes, unless he is determined to give up and start all over.2Dont turn off the computer before closing all programs or you could have problems.3Once I suddenly found my longtime used bag disappeared. I really got lost and regretted quite some time for my own carelessness.4Since the parking regulations have become stricter, more people will use public transport and leave their cars at home.5Although/Though Sandys damage is unlikely to last long,it would apparently hurt the total economic output of the fourth quarter.6So you have to think about storms in summer; think about rocks when/as/while you enjoy the sand and sun.7When I saw the beautifullydecorated house, I really wondered how she could manage that all by herself.8Before he could call the police, the thieves had run away with the suitcase, leaving him shocked and helpless.9Well, Jane has many advantages, too.Oh, yes. Where others are weak, she is strong.10Once/If the damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover.11It is so cold that you cant go outside unless fully covered in thick clothes.12We need to get to the root of the problem before we can solve it.13Just as a single word can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.14Although/Though/While scientists have learned a lot about the universe, there is much we still dont know.15Where he once felt like giving up, he now has the determination to push further and keep on going.16Although/Though/While the job takes a significant amount of time, most students agree that the experience is worth it.17I believe you will have a wonderful time here once/if you get to know everyone else.18He was about to go to school when a strong wind began to blow.19Wherever he goes, he will take his pet dog with him.20Whenever I meet with trouble, my parents will help me out.单句改错1Unsatisfied he was with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.【答案】第一个he前加though2Mary enjoyed herself so much that she visited her friends in Canada last year.【答案】thatwhen3If you find yourself when no one will help you, please call me.【答案】whenwhere4Even the price of gas is starting to come down, many people are choosing to take the bus or the train instead.【答案】even后加if/though5When disturbed, your mind becomes difficult to see.And you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.【答案】AndIf6Cathy spent her summer vacation in reviewing her lessons so she would achieve marks in the coming examination.【答案】so后加that7I will appreciate it while you can change your plan a little bit to make it more workable.【答案】whileif8Thank you so much for looking after my dog that we were away.【答案】thatwhile9To my great disappointment, my best friend left the city until I could have a word with her.【答案】untilbefore10The woman rushed out instant she felt the house shaking.【答案】out后加the11After the war, a new school building was put up at there had once been a theatre.【答案】atwhere12I wonder how much you charge for your services.The first two are free but the third costs $30.【答案】butwhile13How can they expect to learn anything if they never listen?【答案】ifwhen14Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or when it is convenient for you.【答案】whenwhenever15Scientists are warning that if emissions of carbon(碳排放) are cut, we could be heading for an environmental disaster.【答案】ifunless16The movie Life of Pi is so attractive that it holds the audiences curiosity while the story reaches the end.【答案】whileuntil17How interesting a book it is, the boy never seems to be able to finish it off.【答案】HowHowever18You seem to have a readymade answer when I ask you a question.【答案】whenwhenever19The cheater thought he could get money from David in such a dishonest way, he was wrong.【答案】The前加If20We need some more facts and figures when we make the final decision.【答案】whenbefore.语法填空Passage 1My classmate Michael studied very hard 1.after he went to senior school. Every day he worked 2.until everyone else in my class left the classroom. He said he wouldnt stop trying 3.unless he got satisfying scores in his studies. Hard 4.as/though he tried, he made little progress, but he didnt lose heart at all 5.because/as he believed as long as he persisted he would succeed one day. 6.As time went by, he made improvements in his studies and he was admitted to a university in Beijing at last. We had a gettogether party 7.before we started our new life in university. Everyone had got offers from universities, 8.so we had a very good time. When we stood 9.where we used to play and study, we couldnt help thinking of our happy old days. We believed we would never forget each other, 10.wherever we would go or whatever we would do.体裁:记叙文题材:校园生活主题:回忆高中时代语篇导读:通过回忆“我”的同学Michael的高中生活,想起了我们一起奋斗的那些青春岁月和难舍难分的纯真友谊。1【解析】句意:自Michael上高中以后,他学习非常努力。由于主句为一般过去时,所以不能用since。2【解析】句意:每天他都学习到我们班所有其他同学都离开教室为止。until直到为止。3【解析】句意:他说除非他取得令人满意的成绩,否则他不会停止努力。unless除非(否则)。4【解析】句意:尽管他非常努力,但是进步很小。副词hard位于句首,所以此处为让步状语从句的倒装形式。5【解析】句意:他没有灰心,因为他相信只要他坚持不懈,他迟早会成功的。此处解释他不灰心的理由,故答案为because或as。6【解析】as time goes/went by 随着时间的推移。7【解析】句意:上大学前,我们举行了一次聚会。这是时间状语从句,由前后两个动作发生的先后顺序可知填before。8【解析】句意:由于每个人都得到了大学录取通知书,所以我们玩得特别开心。本题考查并列连词。前后两个分句为因果关系,故答案为so。9【解析】句意:当站在我们昔日一起玩耍,一起学习的地方时,我们不禁想起了昔日快乐的时光。where引导地点状语从句。10【解析】句意:我们相信无论我们将来身在何方,也无论我们将来做什么,我们都不会忘记彼此。Passage 2“Christmas is not fun 1.when youre poor,” I thought to myself 2.as/when I slowly climbed the steps to my cold, damp apartment. I was a young, struggling teacher 3.whose salary was very low and it was Christmas. My wife and I couldnt even afford to get gifts for each other and the only gifts we could get for our young daughter 4.and son were a few stuffed animal toys that I had found on sale.I opened the door to the apartment and brought in the gifts I had hidden in our old car until Christmas. Then I handed them to my 4yearold son and 18monthold daug0hter. I watched them with a sad smile 5.when they did their best to tear off the wrapping paper. Pulling out their toys, they became so excited 6.that they jumped up and down with joy. My daughter happily hugged her stuffed animal and then hugged her mom and me as well. I laughed 7.as I watched my children play with their stuffed animals for hours that day.8Although/Though it has been over twenty years so far, I still remember that Christmas as if it were yesterday. It is one of those special days 9.that/which will stay in my heart forever. I still have the gift of pure love that my son and daughter gave me that day, 10.which I will try to share in my own life every day.体裁:记叙文题材:人际关系主题:礼轻情意重语篇导读:由于生活拮据,“我”在圣诞节只能给孩子们买填充的动物玩具,但当孩子们收到“我”的礼物时竟然喜出望外。直到今天,“我”仍旧保存着那份纯洁的爱的“见证”。1【解析】句意:当你穷困潦倒的时候,圣诞节并没有乐趣。2【解析】句意:当我慢腾腾地走入那阴冷、潮湿的公寓时,我心里想。3【解析】引导定语从句,在从句中作定语。4【解析】句中 young daughter 和 son 为并列名词。5【解析】引导时间状语从句。6【解析】sothat如此以至于。7【解析】as引导时间状语从句,表示“一边一边”。8【解析】句意:虽然到现在已经过去二十多年了,不过我仍旧记得那次圣诞节,它就像是发生在昨天一样。9【解析】引导定语从句,在从句中作主语。10【解析】引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作宾语,指事物。

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