高考题型攻略篇 高考题型之四 完形填空 专题七 完形填空之记叙文

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专题七完形填空之记叙文 限时15分钟A(2016新课标丙卷)When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team.That meant_1_Miller King, who was the best_2_at our school.Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out.I carried my football everywhere for3.Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm.I went to see him after he came back from_4_.He looked very_5_, but he didnt cry.That season, I_6_all of Millers records while he_7_the home games from the bench.We went 101 and I was named most valuable player,_8_I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Millers_9_.One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller_10_going over a fencewhich wasnt_11_to climb if you had both arms.Im sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept_12_from.But even that challenge he accepted.I_13_him move slowly over the fence.When we were finally_14_on the other side, he said to me, “You know, I didnt tell you this during the season, but you did_15_.Thank you for filling in for_16_.”His words freed me from my bad_17_.I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader.Damaged but not defeated, he was_18_ahead of me.I was right to have_19_him.From that day on, I grew_20_and a little more real.语篇解读这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了“我”的唯一目标就是要成为我们学校足球队的明星。当“我”如愿以偿时,我却经常身心不安。这究竟是什么原因呢?品读全文便见分晓。1A.cheering for Bbeating outCrelying on Dstaying with解析动词短语辨析。“我”要成为足球明星,就意味着要击败(beat out)最佳球员Miller King。B项符合语境。答案B2A.coachBstudentCteacherDplayer解析名词辨析。从第一句的表述可推知Miller为最佳球员,不是教练。答案D3A.practice Bshow Ccomfort Dpleasure解析名词辨析。为了实现自己的目标,“我”带着足球到处训练(practice)。答案A4A.school Bvacation Chospital Dtraining解析名词辨析。由于出了车祸,可推出他从医院(hospital)回来后“我”去看他。答案C5A.pale Bcalm Crelaxed Dashamed解析形容词辨析。因为刚出院,他看上去应是脸色苍白(pale)。答案A6A.held Bbroke Cset Dtried解析动词辨析。由下文“We went 101 and I was named the most valuable player”可推知是打破了(broke)Miller的所有记录。答案B7A.reported Bjudged Corganized Dwatched解析动词辨析。因为Miller是球员,又受伤在家,只能做的是观看(watched)比赛。答案D8A.and Bthen Cbut Dthus解析连词辨析。“我”被命名为最有价值球员,和“我”常做狂想梦之间应为转折关系,所以选C项(but)。答案C9A.decision Bmistake Caccident Dsacrifice解析名词辨析。“我”梦中常为Miller的事故(accident)而自责。答案C10A.stuck Bhurt Ctired Dlost解析动词辨析。由下文“going over a fence, which wasnt hard to climb”可知Miller由于失去一支手臂而被卡(stuck)在上面。答案A11A.steady Bhard Cfun Dfit解析形容词辨析。由语境可知“对于有双臂的人来说,该篱笆墙不难(hard)爬。”答案B12A.praise Badvice Cassistance Dapology解析名词辨析。根据上文描述的内容可推知,“我”是Miller最不想求助(assistance)的人。答案C13A.let Bhelped Chad Dnoticed解析动词辨析。由“But even that challenge he accepted”可知,Miller接受了我的帮助。所以“我”帮助(helped)他爬过了篱笆墙。答案B14A.dropped Bready Ctrapped Dsafe解析形容词辨析。爬过了篱笆,当然我们就安全了(safe)。答案D15A.fine Bwrong Cquickly Dnormally解析副词辨析。此处是Miller对“我”的赞扬。“我”在这个赛季表现不错,做得好(fine)。答案A16A.us Byourself Cme Dthem解析代词辨析。这是Miller的原话。“谢谢你,填补了我(me)的空缺。”答案C17A.memories Bideas Cattitudes Ddreams解析名词辨析。上文提到“我”常做恶梦自责。此处Miller的话把我从恶梦(dreams)中解放出来。答案D18A.still Balso Cyet Djust解析副词辨析。Miller身残志不残。他仍然(still)领先于“我”。答案A19A.challenged Bcured Cinvited Dadmired解析动词辨析。“我”原来很羡慕(admired)他是正确的。答案D20A.healthier Bbigger Ccleverer Dcooler解析形容词辨析。从那天起,“我”觉得“我”长大(bigger)了。答案BB(2016四川)Lainey finished third grade.She had good grades and could read_1_grade level, but she did not like to read.On a family car trip, her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of Harry Potter, as a surprise for her_2_.But Lainey took one look at it,_3_her eyes, and said, “Boring!”Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the book to her students, and they loved it._4_the youngest children in the class were_5_by the story.They_6_with great interest, and then_7_joined in grand conversations about Harrys adventures.“How can you say its8?Have you read it?” asked Aunt Dede.“No, its too long and it doesnt have any9,” complained Lainey.“Oh, thats where you are10; there are lots of pictures.Every page is full of pictures; you just have to read the words to11them.Its like magic.”“Nice try, Aunt Dede,”Lainey replied12from the back seat.Another13was in order.“Well, if you dont want to read it, give it14.Maybe your mom would15hearing the story.” The book sailed through the air to Aunt Dede and she began to read it aloud.By the end of the first chapter,16were coming from the back seat: “Please read a little17”Lainey is an example of an18reader.As shown here, Lainey can become19about reading when20with literature on topics that interest her, and when the people around her model involvement in the reading process.语篇解读Lainey上完三年级了,她学习成绩很好,但是不喜观阅读。在一次家庭旅行中,她的当教师的姑姑想办法让她喜欢上了阅读。1A.within Bon Cto Dabove解析根据上文She had good grades可知,此处表示“超过她的年级阅读水平”,应用above。答案D2A.daughter Bniece Cstudent Dfriend解析根据上文的Aunt Dede可知,她们之间是aunt和niece的关系。答案B3A.opened Bdried Crolled Dshaded解析roll ones eyes(at)表示“(对)翻白眼”,在此处表示一种不屑的态度。答案C4A.Even BStill CJust DYet答案A5A.surprised Bannoyed Cpuzzled Dattracted解析学生们很喜欢这本书,甚至(even)班里最小的孩子也被故事吸引了(attracted)。本句中用程度副词even表示强调语气。surprise使惊讶;annoy生气,烦恼;puzzle疑惑。答案D6A.read Btold Clistened Dwrote解析与上文Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the book to her students对应,老师读,学生们听,因此用listened。答案C7A.suspectedly BanxiouslyCcalmly Denthusiastically解析听完故事后,孩子们充满热情地(enthusiastically)加入到关于哈利波特冒险的交谈中。suspectedly怀疑地;anxiously焦虑地;calmly镇静地。答案D8A.amazing Bboring Cridiculous Dhumorous解析根据第一段中“and saidBoring”可知,此处用boring。答案B9A.pictures BstoriesCadventures Dconversations解析根据下文中的“there are lots of pictures”可知,Lainey是在抱怨书中没有图画。答案A10A.crazy Bfoolish Cwrong Ddifferent解析Lainey说书中没有图画,而Aunt Dede说书中有许多图画,由此语境可知,Aunt Dede说Lainey错了。答案C11A.see Bmatch Cshow Drecognize解析根据语境可知,你只有读才能看见它们,故选A项。答案A12A.sourly Bpatiently Ceagerly Dshyly解析根据上下文语境可以分析出,Lainey的态度还没有发生转变,nice try是反语,在口语中可以表示“得了吧”,因此此处仍表示Lainey的不认同的态度。sourly有“怪怪地,没好气地”意思,符合此处语境。patiently有耐心地;eagerly热切地;shyly害羞地。答案A13A.idea Btry Cbelief Dbehavior解析此处表示Aunt Dede为了让Lainey喜欢上阅读而做的尝试和努力,因此用try。答案B14A.away Bout Cin Dback解析根据下文“The book sailed through the air to Aunt Dede”可知,此处表示“如果你不想读,应把它还回去。”give back归还。故选D项。答案D15A.enjoy Badmit Cmind Dfinish解析根据下文“She began to read it aloud”可知,此处表示“或许你妈妈喜欢听这个故事”。enjoy喜爱,符合语境,故选A项。答案A16A.decisions Brequests Ccomments Dpromises解析根据下文Lainey所说的内容可知,Lainey提出了请求(requests)。答案B17A.more clearly BlongerClouder Dmore carefully解析上文两次出现from the back seat,由此可以推断,Lainey坐在车后排,请求Aunt Dede再大点声读,因此选C项。答案C18A.unpleasant BinnocentCunwilling Dindependent解析根据上文内容可知,Aunt Dede让Lainey读书时,她是很不情愿的,因此用unwilling。unpleasant不愉快的;innocent无辜的;independent独立的。答案C19A.astonished Bworried Cconfused Dexcited解析Lainey对阅读的态度最终发生了转变,她变得喜欢阅读了,因此用excited。astonished惊讶的;worried担忧的;confused困惑的。答案D20A.presented Bconcerned Cdisturbed Dreplaced解析present呈现,提出;concern关注,担忧;disturb打扰;replace代替。根据语境“当提供给Lainey感兴趣的文学作品时,她会对阅读变得很兴奋。”答案A

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