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益阳市箴言中学20162017学年高二12月月考英语试题时量:120分钟 分值:150分 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节: 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man do?A. A student. B. A shopkeeper. C. A librarian. 2. What kind of job would the woman prefer?A. Any job with a high salary. B. An average job with a nice salary. C. An exciting job with an average salary. 3. When will the speakers have a meeting?A. At 3:10. B. At 3:40. C. At 10:00. 4. What taste does the woman want to try?A. Sweet. B. Sour. C. Spicy. 5. What is the woman going to do?A. Attend a meeting. B. Pick up her son. C. Go to her office. 第二节: 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. What is Adam busy doing?A. Preparing for a speech contest. B. Taking a holiday in China. C. Writing his new book. 7. What will the man do tomorrow?A. Read a new book. B. Write at home all day. C. Spend an hour in the park. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. What seems to be the mans problem?A. Hes caught in a traffic jam. B. He cant find a room. C. He lost his way. 9. How does the man sound?A. Worried. B. Angry. C. Calm. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Interviewer and applicant. B. Boss and secretary. C. Colleagues. 11. What are the mans strengths?A. He is easy-going and learns quickly. B. He is patient and sociable. C. He is honest and generous. 12. What do we know about the mans French?A. His written French is poor. B. He speaks excellent French. C. Its not as good as her Spanish. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13. What is the woman doing?A. Checking in. B. Confirming the booking. C. Making a reservation. 14. What kind of room does the woman want?A. A single room. B. A standard room. C. A double room. 15. When will the woman check out?A. On December 23rd. B. On December 24th. C. On December 27th. 16. What is the womans confirmation number?A. NB13579. B. NB13597. C. NB13759. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17. Who is the speaker?A. A TV host. B. A citizen from Boston. C. A chef. 18. What does the speaker say about Apple Snow?A. It was invented by Tom Smith. B. It is a common dish in Boston. C. It is a traditional country dessert. 19. How many eggs are needed to make the dish?A. 7. B. 3. C. 2. 20. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do at last?A. Taste some Apple Snow. B. Decorate the dish with sweets. C. Share a recipe. 第二部分:阅读部分(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)第一节:共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分A Tabloids (小报) are newspapers that usually report news about people. However, the stories often leave readers wondering,“Could this really be true?” Read the following stories from the hottest tabloids in town. Brasilia, Brazil After Gilberto Carvalho a million-dollar lottery (彩票) winner told reporters that his luck had come from a particular fish in a park pond, more than 200 other Brazilians spoke up with similar stories. They had touched this fish and soon after had won a prize! Although this “magic fish”is being studied and off-limits to the public, many people have won money simply by touching its picture.Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. Bruce Zalmer, 32, is fireproof. His skin can withstand (禁得住) flames without pain or damage. And his lungs can take in oxygen from smoky air. Medical scientists are amazed that a human could have either of thesequalities, let alone both. Although Zalmer sees himself as“just a regular guy”, he once saved a family of four from a burning building after firefighters had given up hope.Nakuru, Kenya As tourists in a bus looked on in amazement, a spaceship caught 11 elephants from a wildlife park. The bus driver had stopped at a watering hole and the tourists were watching the elephants when a huge spaceship appeared. The ship shot down a powerful beam of orange light that sucked up (吸走) the elephants and then flew off. Park officials confirmed that 11 full-grown elephants had disappeared.Monterrey, Mexico Doctors say that hundreds of people who had been old and sick became young and healthy again by drinking from a water fountain in a public park. Park officials removed the fountain because crowds were becoming a danger. Yet the people who had drunk its water remained young and healthy and made others young and healthy, too, simply by hugging them!21. In Brasilia, its said that there is a magic fish that _.A. brings people good luck B. knows how to win prizesC. can communicate with humans D. can recognize different types of money22. Which of the following can best describe Bruce Zalmer?A. Smart. B. Brave. C. Dangerous. D. Far-sighted.23. All the stories mentioned in the passage are _.A. reasonable B. frightening C. encouraging D. unbelievableB People who realize and master the art of small talk can use it to improve relationships. Small talk can lead to “big” talk more important discussions. Using small talk, you can achieve big results. But many people do have fears that hold them back from making small talk.For one thing, those who refuse to make small talk usually fear the unknown. When I was little, my mom said,“ Dont talk to strangers!” For some people, that childhood fear of strangers continues into adulthood. Suppose you are at a business networking event and have checked out who is there and found potential ( 潜在的) conversation partners. Youre ready to make your move, but there are butterflies in your stomach. You are too frightened to introduce yourself to total strangers. Consider a different situation for the next networking event you attend. To overcome your nervousness, you can think of yourself as an events host and not its guest. As a host, you would introduce yourself to people you dont know and introduce them to others. You can play the role of the host even though you are not the actual host. Get in the habit of holding out your hand first and saying, “Hi, my name is .” Another reason why people refuse to open their mouth is the fear of rejection. Anytime you open your mouth and speak, you risk rejection. If you never talk to people, you wont be rejected. But if you never talk to people, you will also be very lonely. The best way Ive found to overcome the fear of rejection is to focus on how I feel when I am accepted.So ask yourself: what do I have to lose? Nothing! What do I have to gain? Possibly everything! Think back to when you first met your best friend or any important person in your life. How did it all start? You probably started withsmall talk.24. In Paragraph 1, the author wants to tell us that small talk is _.A. worth doing B. hard to make C. often ignored D. very interesting25. The underlined part “there are butterflies in your stomach” probably means you are _.A. busy B. nervous C. confident D. excited26. When you are at a business networking event, you are advised to _.A. talk with the host B. behave yourselfC. try to be helpful D. play an active role27. Whats the purpose of the passage?A. To advise. B. To discuss. C. To describe. D. To introduce.C Have you ever done something that was really dangerous just because you thought it was safe? Maybe you did a dangerous trick on your bicycle or skateboard because you were wearing a helmet(头盔) and thought you couldnt get hurt. The psychology(心理)of this sort of behavior is called the Peltzman Effect(佩尔兹曼效应),named after Sam Peltzman, professor of economics at the University of Chicago. Peltzman believes that those moments when people think they are the safest are the times when they act most dangerously. Peltzman said that people drove more dangerously when they wore seal belts(安全带).Driving a large four-wheel drive vehicle has a similar effect on drivers behavior. Because drivers of large vehicles sit up higher and can see better, they feel they can make better judgments when they drive. They are better protected in accidents, so they act more dangerously. This makes driving more hazardous to other drivers. The Peltzman Effect isnt just limited to driving. In l972,the American Food and Drug Administration(FDA)passed a law requiring child safety caps on most medicine bottles. The safety caps were designed to prevent children from accidentally taking the medicine,especially painkillers such as aspirin. Requiring safety caps sounded like a great idea, but there was an unexpected side effect. Because the safety caps are so hard to take off, some people leave them off altogether. Worse, some parents leave the bottles where kids can reach them because they feel that it is safe because of the cap. A study on the Peltzman Effect showed that more than 3,500 children have been harmed by aspirin because of the safety caps. The Peltzman Effect describes how were likely to take more risks and act more dangerously when we feel safest. Whats more, the effects of these behaviors can be quite different from what we expect.28. What is the Peltzman Effect? A. People behave less safely when they feel safe. B. People feel safest when they are under protection. C. Something that seems dangerous turns out to be safe. D. People who act dangerously are likely to be together. 29. What does the underlined word “hazardous”in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Interesting. B. Expensive. C. Dangerous. D. Important.30. Why do some people leave the safety caps of medicine bottles open?A. The caps dont work at all. B. The caps cant be opened easily.C. The bottles are out of the reach of children. D. The bottles without caps are less attractive to kids.31. What would be the best title for the text? A. Unsafe Safety Measures B. Types of Decision MakingC. Peoples Fear of Taking Risks D. Different Behaviors of People in DangerD I had dressed quite nicely for my first day as a student at St. Annes College of Further Education. In celebration of this new beginning, I had changed my unusual clothes to formal clothing. Like many young people my age, 1 was under the impression that the best way to show your personality was by wearing the kind of clothing that my mother considered was not fit to be seen in public. But for my first day as a student I had made an effort to 1ook what my mother called respectable(体面的). There were fifteen of us. sitting in the theatre hall,while the head of the drama(戏剧) department, Mr. Wilson, gave us a warn welcoming speech. To my horror(恐惧),he then invited us to say why we had decided to do a drama course. I had no idea what I would say. The truth was that although I had a taste for unusual clothing, I was painfully shy. My worry grew as it came closer to my turn. One by one,the new students excitedly explained their reasons. Then it was the turn of a girl who I hadnt really noticed until that moment because I was too busy thinking about what 1 would say. My names Tracy and Im from Blackburn. She said, and then added no further information. Everyone smiled politely in silence but I was impressed at her bravery in saying almost nothing even under pressure(压力) I relaxed, knowing that you could get away with saying so little about yourself. It gave me confidence. After Mr. Wilson at long last let us out of the hall to go to lunch,I managed to find the courage to go up to Tracy. She looked very unfriendly. Taking a deep breath, I introduced myself. To my surprise, she looked up at me and gave me a very bright,sweet smile. That was twenty-seven years ago, and although we never did become famous stars, were still best friends.32. Why did the author change her appearance for her first day at college? A. She wanted to fit in with the other students. B. She was under pressure from her mother. C. She wanted to look like a great star. D. She felt a need to dress properly.33. According to Paragraph 3,the author . A. hated the head of her department B. was not as active as she might have seemedC. was afraid that she would find the course too hardD. was unsure of her reasons for wanting to do the course 34. The author was nervous because . A. it was her turn to start first B. she had never spoken in public C. the other students were so excited D. she didnt know what to talk about 35. What does the underlined word“It”in Paragraph 5 refer to? A. All attention was on Tracy. B. Tracy also seemed extremely worried. C. Tracy hadnt said very much. D. The other students reacted politely to Tracy. 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Annoying Mobile Phone Users What really annoys(使不悦) me most about modern life is the way some people use their mobile phones. 36 However, there are some people out there who just dont care about other peoples feeling when they use a phone. These mobile phone users make life painful for the rest of us. Lets divide these users into groups. The first group are those people who shout on the phone, especially in enclosed places like trains or lifts. 37 It isnt necessary. 38 Some ringtones are truly unpleasanta 1oud, electronic version(版本) of Beethoven with a hip hop(嘻哈乐)beat, for example. This is especially annoying in the cinema. The third group of people who annoy me are those who have to walk around while they speak.39Finally, the worst group are people who take a phone call while you are in a conversation with them. This is extremely rude in my opinion. I would like to end with a message to all the above mobile phone users:You think you look cool and important talking on your mobile all the time. 40 A. But believe meyou dont!B. Next are those with annoying ringtones.C. I dont know why they have to talk so loudly. D. This group of people keep talking on the phone. E. I have no idea where they get, the noisy ringtones. F. They stand in the way just when you want to get past. G. The mobile phone is an important part of life for most of us. 第三部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I had always wanted to go on a high mountain walk. There are some good long-distance walks in the UK,but there arent any really 41 mountains. Before leaving,I 42 my clothes,equipment(装备), and the weather forecast. I 43 read a couple of books and looked at some photos and travel blogs on the Internet. This was fine, but you cant 44 them with the real thing!A lot of incredible things happened during the 45 . Perhaps the best was the complete 46 from city life. While I was 47,there were no cars, no noise, no rush. The 48 was of course very impressive:valleys, mountain lakes, and there were plants and wildlife that you 49 see on TV. And I 50 so many interesting people along the way, from Europe, Canada, and Japan. When I arrived at my accommodation,I made new 51.They told me where theyd been; I told them where I was going;we exchanged(交换)stories and advice. It was just 52!But of course there were 53. There always are. In this case, the weather. High mountains 54 that the weather can change very quickly. We even had snowstorms in July! When your clothes get very wet,it isnt 55 to dry them,so youre 56 the next day. And climbing mountains is hard on your knees, too. And theres always the 57 of falling on the paths,where not even a mobile phone can 58 you very much. For me,however, the whole walk was a special 59 that Ill always remember. 60 I did the trip again,theres just one other thing I would do differently:lots of physical training before the walk!41. A. high B. beautiful C. rocky D. distant42. A. provided B. required C. needed D. checked 43. A. also B. just C. soon D. once44. A. discuss B. put C. compare D. bring45. A. task B. trip C. summer D. planning46. A. patience B. treatment C. change D. story47. A. riding B. walking C. running D. sleeping48. A. sky B. wildlife C. collection D. scenery49. A. again B. 1ater C. only D. even50. A. met B.1isted C. expected D. recognized51. A. visits B. friends C. choices D. preparations52. A. amazing B. popular C. tiring D. strange53. A. chances B. promises C. disagreements D. problems54. A. show B. mean C. seem D. decide55. A. useful B. necessary C. easy D. good56. A. unlucky B. dangerous C. stupid D. uncomfortable57. A. risk B. truth C. fun D. courage58. A. control B. prevent C. help D. give59. A. training B. experience C. offer D. interest60. A. Although B. Unless C. As D. If第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。As children,we all dream of what we want to be when we grow 61. .When I was younger, I wanted to be a fashion designer. Therefore, I chose to study fashion design at university only to find that I wasnt 62 (interest) in the courseI no longer wanted to become part of the fashion industry.This spring, I started working as a language assistant, 63. (teach) English to hundreds of students. It was a truly rewarding experience. However, I didnt 64 (real) want to go into teaching. This summer, I have an internship(实习) with a publishing company. Im looking forward to 65. (try) out something new and I hope to figure out whether its something 66. I would like to do in the future. I think that our choices 67. (influence) by our parents. Some parents only want their children to study subjects like engineering,science or medicine. This can make young people feel pressured into studying certain subjectsActually theres no rush to decide 68 you want to do with the rest of your life when you are young. Many people change careers(职业) several times during 69. (they) lifetime,so theres always time 70 (choose) a different career path!第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词的下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。When I was a child, I spent more than ten years learn the violin. Therefore, I couldnt understand the “real music”. After I graduated at high school, a friend of my suggested that we started to learn the guitar because we both thought it was cool. I will never forget the day on which we went to buy guitars in the guitar store. There I saw a guitar player playing the guitar, that I really enjoyed. He became my the first guitar teacher. It took me such a long time choose a guitar among several wonderful model. Now the guitar is the most importantly part of my life and I practise it every day.第二节 书面表达(25分)现在越来越多的国家面临水资源短缺的问题。请根据以下所给要点写一篇短文,阐述造成这种状况的原因,并谈谈我们应该如何节约用水,保护水资源。水资源短缺的原因:1. 人口剧增,需水量大。2. 工农业发展需要大量的水。3. 浪费、污染严重,很多水不再可用。解决措施:(至少三点)注意:1. 对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2. 词数100左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3. 参考词汇:分布不均 unbalanced distributionNow more and more countries are faced with the problem of water shortage. _


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