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Is There Life on Earth?NEW WORDS humorous a. funny; that makers people laugh 幽默的 humor n. essay n. 散文,随笔 excitementn. the state or quality of being excited planet n. large body in space that moves round a star esp. round the sun 行星 Venusian a. of or having to do with the plant Venus 金星的n. supposed Venus being 金星人 satelliten. spacecraft that goes round the planet earth and sends back radio and television signals; heavenly body that goes round a plant (人造)卫星 signaln. 信号;暗号 astronomern. person who studies the science of the sun, moon, stars and planets 天文学家 telescope n. instrument with special glasses used for seeing distant things extremely ad. very 极端,非常 extremea. feasibilityad. possibility of being carried or done 可行性 feasible a. manned a. occupied by one or more persons 载人的 saucern. 浅碟;茶托 flying saucern. 飞碟 conferencen. meeting press conferencen. meeting arranged by an important person to which news reporters are invited to listen to a statement or ask questions 记者招待会 technologyn. 技术 conclusionn. decision of opinion reached by reasoning 结论 conclude v. reporterv. person who gathers news for a newspaper, magazine, or radio or TV station 记者 composevt. make up, form 组成,构成 concreten. building material made by mixing cement with sand, small stones and water 混凝土 atmospheren. all the gasses round the earth; air in a place 大气;空气 carbonn. 碳 monoxide n. 一氧化物 deadlya. causing death; likely to cause death 致命的 gas n. 气体 survive vi. remain alive; continue to live or exist 活下来;幸存vt. remain alive after; live longer than 经历.后还活着;比.活得长 survivaln. program n. plan of what it to be done 计划 concern vt. be of importance or interest to; have an effect on 涉及,关系到 oxygenn. 氧,氧气 originallyad. formerly 起初,原来 original a. hazard n. danger hovervi. stay in or near one place in the air 盘旋 consolidateda. untied; combined 联合的 consolidatevt. beltn. area that has some special quality; zone (地)带 indicatevt. show indication n. pollutevt. make (air, water, soil, etc.) dirty with manmade waste 污染 pollutionn. unfita. not good enough; not suitable particlen. 粒子;微粒 emitvt. send out 散发,射出 emissionn. crashv. (cause to) break into pieces violently 坠落;猛撞 smashv. (cause to) break into pieces violently (使)碎裂 stalagmite n. 石笋 projectionn. sth. that stands out from a surface 凸出物 typen. a particular kind, class or group 类型,种类 graniten. hard grey stone used for building 花岗岩 formationn. sth. that is formed; way in which sth. is formed 形成(物) skyscrapern. very tall building 摩天大楼 scrape vt. rub with sth. rough or sharp 刮,擦 proceed vi. continue after having stopped (停顿后)继续进行 fundn. sum of money set apart or available for a special purpose 资金;基金 billionn. one thousand million zilchn. zero; nothing at allPHRASES & EXPRESSIONS (be) known as also publicly called; named 以.闻名,通常名叫 name after give the same name as 以.名字命名 as to about, concerning 关于 base on / upon use as a basis or foundation for 以.为基础,把.基于 for one thing . (for another) in the first place. (in the second place) be composed of have as members or parts 由.组成 as far as . be concerned to the degree that it matters to 就.而言 stick up stand upright; project 直立;突出 give off emit; send out 发出;散发出 set back delay the advance of development of 耽搁;阻碍 PEOPER NAMES Art Buchwald 阿特.布奇沃德 Venus 金星 Manhattan 曼哈顿(纽约市中心) Zog 佐格(姓氏) Edison 爱迪生(姓氏) Glom 格洛姆(姓氏)UNIT 2. The Dinner Party NEW WORDS heateda. with strong, excited, and often angry feelings 热烈的;激烈的 unexpecteda. not expected 意外的 naturalist n. one who makes a special study of plants or animals outdoors 博物学家(尤指直接观察动植物者) shortlyad. Soon; (in) a little time 不久,马上 coloniala. of or related to a colony or colonies 殖民地的 spaciousa. big; having much space 广阔的;宽阔的 dining n. 餐厅 barea. not covered (with a carpet); empty 不铺地毯的;赤裸的;光秃的 marblen. 大理石 raftern. one of the sloping beams that support 椽 ontoprep. to a position or point on 到.之上; 向.之上 veranda n. 阳台 spiriteda. full of spirit; lively outgrowvt. leave behind, as one grows older or more mature 长大得使.不再适用; 成长得不再要 mousen. 鼠 eran. 时代,年代 majorn. 少校 crisis n. time of difficulty, danger, etc. 危机 ouncen. 盎司;少量 argumentn. discussion by persons who disagree; dispute 争论;辩论 hostessn. 女主人 musclen. 肌肉 contractvi. become shorter or smaller 收缩 contractionn. slightlyad. a little 稍微地 slighta. motionvi. give a signal by moving the hand or head 打手势;点(或摇)头示意 widen v. make or become wider baitn. food used to attract fish, animals, or birds so that they may be caught 诱饵 cobran. poisonous snake found in India and Africa 眼镜蛇 likelya. probable 可能的 impulsen. sudden wish to do sth. 冲动 commotion n. noisy confusion or excitement 混乱;骚动 tonen. quality of voice or music 语气;音调 commandinga. authoritative 威严的 forfeitvt. suffer the loss of (sth.) as a punishment (作为惩罚而)失去 rupeen. monetary unit of India, Pakistan, etc. 卢比 imagen. statue 雕像 emergevi. come or appear (from somewhere) emergencen. slamvt. shut loudly and with force 砰地关上 hostn. man who receives guests 男主人 fainta. weak, indistinct 微弱的;不明显的 crawlvi move slowly by pulling the body along the ground 爬行UNIT 3. Lesson from Jefferson NEW WORDS declaration n. document containing an open public announcement 宣言 independencen. freedom from the control of others 独立 obtain vt. get through effort 获得 sourcen. place from which sth. comes; place where a river starts (来)源;源头 personala. done in person; belonging to a person 亲自的;个人的 investigationn. detailed or careful examination 调查 investigatevt. appoint vt. put (sb.) in a position 任命 appointmentn. committeen. a group of people chosen for special duties 委员会 capitoln. (美国)州议会大厦 canoen. light boat moved by a paddle 独木舟 on-the-spota. at the place of the action 现场的 humblea. low in position 地位低下的 originn. parentage; birth; beginning 血统;出身;起源 gardenern. person who works in a garden either for pay or as a hobby 园丁 waitern. person who serves food to the tables in a restaurant (男)侍者 noblemann. 贵族 dissatisfyvt. hang over dangerously; utter a threat against 使不满 threatenvt. hang over dangerously; utter a threat against 威胁 threatn. rejectvt. refuse to take, believe, use of consider 拒绝 rejectionn. nephewn. the son of ones brother or sister errorn. mistake; sth. done wrongly falsea. not true or correct judgmentn. opinion 判断, 看法 hesitatevi. feel doubtful; be undecided 犹豫,迟疑不决 hesitationn. prefervt. like better; choose (one thing) rather than (another) 更喜欢;宁愿 preferencen. lattera. nearer to the end 后面的;后半的n. the second of two persons or things just spoken of 后者 conflictn. be opposed; clash 冲突n. disagreement; clash; fight unquestioning a. given or done without question or doubt agreementn. having the same opinion(s); thinking in the same way 同意;一致的 criticismn. unfavourable remarks of judgments 批评 critic n. person who makes judgments about the good and bad qualities of sth.; person who points out mistakes 评论家;批评者 criticizevt. philosophyn. 哲学 resentvt. feel angry or bitter at 对.忿恨;对.不满 action n. the process of doing things; sth. done 行动过程;行动 customn. 习惯,风俗 perpetuala. never-ending; going on for a long time or without stopping 永恒的;连续不断的 constitutionn. 宪法;章程 livinga. alive now 活(着)的 remarkvt. say; comment 说;评论说n. 话语;评论 eviln. sth. bad; sin 邪恶,罪恶a. very bad 邪恶的,坏的 idealismn. 理想主义;唯心主义 arch(a)eologyn. study of ancient things, esp. remains of prehistoric times 考古学 rotationn. 轮作;旋转 rotate v. conservationn. protecting from loss of from being used up 保护;保存 conservevt. superiora. good or better in quality or value 较好的;优的 superiorityn. existencen. the state of existing 存在 influencevt. have an effect on 影响 architecturen. art and science of building 建筑术;建筑学 constantlyad. continuously; frequently 不断地;经常地 constanta. performvt. do, carry out 做,履行 talentn. special natural ability 才能,天资 centrala. chief; main; most important 主要的 tireless a. never or rarely getting tired writern. a person who writes esp. as a way of earning money 作家 publishvt. have (a book, etc.) printed and put on sale 出版 volumen. book, esp. one of a set of books 卷;册 thrillvi. have a very exciting feeling 非常激动 self-evidenta. clear without proof 不言而喻的 createvt. make (sth. that has not been made before) 创造 creationn. anniversaryn. the yearly return of a special date 周年纪念日 countryman n. a person from ones own country 周胞 legacy n. sth. that one person leaves to another when he dies 遗产 owe vt. 欠(债等);应把.归功于 debtn. something owed to someone else 债(务) educatevt. train; teach how to read, write, think, etc.PHRASES & EXPRESSIONS go out of ones way (to do sth.) take particular trouble; make a special effort 特地 leave.to leave sb. in charge of 交托,委托 act on act according to 按照.行事 leave behind abandon; fall to take or bring 丢弃;留下,忘带 in existence existing 存在 above all most important of all 首先,尤其是PROPER NAMES Bruce Bilven 布鲁斯.布利文 Thomas Jefferson 托马斯.杰斐逊 George Washington 乔治.华盛顿 Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕.林肯 the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 the James River 詹姆斯河 Lafayette 拉斐特 France 法国 Heaven 上帝;天堂 Philadelphia 费城(美国港市)UNIT 4. My First Job NEW WORDS applyvi. write to ask for (a job, membership. etc.), esp. officially 申请 applicationn. interviewn. 面试;接见;会见 advertisevt. make know to people by printing a notice in a newspaper, etc. or by broadcasting on television, ets. 为.做广告 advertisementn. local of, special to, a place or district 当地的;地方性的 postn. job or position 职位 suburbn. outer area of a town or city, where people live 郊区 slima. small, slight; slender 微小的;苗条的 depressvt. make sad 使沮丧 depressionn. brickn. 砖 graveln. 砾石 evergreena. with green leaves throughout the year 常绿的 shrubn. low bush with several woody stems 灌木 fumen. strong-smelling smoke, gas or vapour 浓烈难闻的烟,气,汽 headmastern. (中,小学的)校长 sandy-coloureda. yellowish-red 沙色的,黄中带红的 moustachen. hair growing on the upper lip 小胡子 disapprovaln. unfavorable opinion or feeling; dislike 不赞成;不满 coloneln. 上校 privaten. soldier of the lowest rank 列兵;士兵 bootlace n. shoelace for a high shoe or boot 靴带 undovt. untie, unfasten 解开;松开 ahinterj. (a cry of surprise, pity, pain, joy, dislike, etc.) 啊 gruntvt. 咕哝着说出 unpleasantlyad. 令人不愉快地 stalea. not fresh 不新鲜的 cabbagen. 卷心菜 crumbn. very small, broken piece of bread or cake 面包屑;糕饼屑 carpetn. heavy woven material fir covering floors or stairs 地毯 certificaten. 证(明)书 bloodshota. (眼睛)充血的 vitala. very necessary; of the greatest importance 必不可少的,极其重要的 mumblevt. speak (words) unclearly 含糊地说 attachvt. give (to); fasten (to) 把.给予;系,贴 importancen. the quality of being important obviouslyad. it can be easily seen; plainly 明显地,显然 obviousa. consist (of)vi. be made up (of) 组成,构成 rangevi. vary between certain limits (在一定的范围内)变动 cricketn. 板球 set-upn. arrangement dismayvt. make discouraged or afraid 使灰心,使害怕 algebran. 代数学 geometryn. 几何学 incompetenta. completely unskillful; not good enough at doing a job, etc. 无能力的;不胜任的 competenta. opposite of incompetent leisuren. free time; time which one can spend as one likes 闲暇;悠闲 salaryn. fixed (usually monthly) pay for regular work 薪水 plus prep. with the addition of 加(上) protestvi. express a strong objection 抗议;反对 strawn. 稻草;麦杆 prospectvi. sth. expected or considered probable; possibility 期望中的事;展望;前景 constitutevt. form; make up; be 组成,构成 ultimatea. greatest; utmost; last or final 最大的;终极的,最终的 indignityn. injury to ones dignity; insult 侮辱 PHRASES & EXPRESSIONS be short of not having enough of 缺少 smell of have, give out the smell of 有.的气味 judging by forming an opinion based on attach importance to consider important 重视 in common shared with someone else 共有的,共同的 consist of be made up of in turn one after another 轮流PROPER NAMES London 伦敦(英国首都) Croydon 克洛伊登(英国地名)UNIT 5. The Professor and the Yo-Yo NEW WORDS modesta. having or expressing a not too high opinion of ones merits, abilities, etc. 谦虚的 yo-yon. 游游(一种用线扯动使用权忽上忽来的轮形玩具) easen. freedom from work, discomfort, trouble, difficulty, worry, etc. 悠闲;舒适;自在;安心 display n. show 展示 loopvt. 把(绳等)打成环n. 圈;环 strongn. 细绳;线;弦 balancen. condition of being steady 平衡v. keep in a state of balance properlyad. really; completely 非常;完全地 impressvt. have a strong effect on the mind or feelings of 给.深刻的印象 mail vt. send by post poemn. piece of writing in verse 诗 personalityn. character 个性 logicn. the science or method of reasoning 逻辑(学);推理(法) simplicityn. the state of being simple; an absence of pretense 简单;简朴;单纯 functionvi. work intellectuala. 智力的 frustraten. cause to have feeling of annoyed disappointment; defeat 使沮丧;挫败 frustrationn. jealousyn. envy 妒忌 jealousa. vanityn. state of being too proud of oneself or ones looks, abilities, etc. 虚荣心 bitternessn. the quality or state of being bitter 苦;痛苦 resentmentn. feeling that one has when insulted, ignored, injured, etc. 怨恨 ambitionn. strong desire for success, power, riches, etc. 野心,抱负 ambitiousa. immunea. 有免疫力的;不受影响的 immunity n. emotionn. strong feeling pretensionn. 矫饰,做作,不受影响 correspondvi. exchange letter regularly 通信 stationeryn. paper for writing letters, usu. with matching envelopes; writing materials 信笺;文具 watermarkn. mark made on paper by the maker, seen when it is held against light 水印 padn. a number of sheets of writing paper fixed along one edge 便笺簿 razor n. sharp instrument for taking hair off the body 剃刀 shavevt. cut off (hair or beard) with a razor creamn. any thick, soft liquid 膏状物 argue vt. give reasons for or against (sth.) 争辨 painfula. causing pain shrugvi. lift (the shoulders) slightly (to show in difference, doubt, etc.) 耸肩 finallyad. at last; lastly 最终;最后 presentvt. give; offer 赠送;提供 tuben. 管;软管 beam vi. look or smile happily and cheerfully 面露喜色;高兴地微笑 beardn. hair of the lower part of the face (excluding the moustache) 胡须 thereafterad. after that; afterwards revertvi return (to a former state, condition, etc.) 回复,回返 exclusivelyad. only; completely exclusivea. person who forms theories 理论家 theoristn. 方程式 equationn. small in degree, not considerable or serious 微小的,轻微的 applicationn. using 应用 theoryn. (explanation of the) general principles of an art or science 理论 theoreticala. reactorn. 反应堆 atomica. of or concerning an atom or atoms 原子的 atomn. photoelectrica. 光电的 seriesn. group of things of the same kind that come one after another 系列;套,组 relatively ad. comparatively 相对地;比较地 relativea. relativity n. curiosityn. the desire to know or learn 好奇心 observev. see and again repeatedlyad. again and again dunkvt. put under water for a limited time 把.浸一浸 deducevt. reach a conclusion by reasoning 演绎,推断 deductionn. principlen. 原理;原则 flawn. fault 缺点,瑕疵 reasoningn. process of reaching conclusions by using ones reason 推理 pursuevt. work at, be busy with, go on with 从事;忙于;继续 apartad. separate(ly) 分离,分开 approachn. method of doing sth. 方式,方法 solutionn. sth. that one cannot understand or explain 谜 famen. (condition of) being famous profounda. needing much thought or study to understand; deep 深奥的;深刻的 capablea. able capabilityn. householdn. all the people living in a housea. familiar and common household word n. word or name known and spoken of by almost everyone 家喻户晓的词或名字 civilized a. 文明的 civilizevt. civilizationn. fortunen. luck bewildervt. confuse; puzzle 把.弄糊涂;使迷惑 statesmann. political or government leader, esp. one who is wise and fair-minded 政治家 housewifen. married woman who manages a householdPHRASES & EXPRESSIONS at ease free from worry or nervousness; comfortable off balance not in balance; unsteady 失去平衡的 come to terms with accept (sth. one does not want to accept) and deal with it in the best way one can 与.达成协议;与.妥协 as far as to the degree that 到.程度 mean nothing to be of no importance to believe in have confidence in the value of so much so that to such an extent that a series of a number of (thing or events) of the same kind that follow each other 一系列,一连串 take apart separate (a small machine, clock, etc.) into pieces 拆开 work out solve, find the answer to 解决;算出;想出 capable of having the ability, power or inclination (to do) single out choose from a group for special treatment 选出,挑出PROPER NAMES Thomas Lee Bucky 托马斯.李.巴基 Joseph Blank 约瑟夫.布兰克 Albert Einstein 阿伯特.爱因斯坦 Woolworth 伍尔沃叫(姓氏) Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖金6. The Making of a Surgeon NEW WORDS surgeon n. doctor who performs operations 外科医生 self-confidencen. 自信心 making n. means of gaining success 成功之道 residentn. 住院医生 concludevt. arrive at a belief or opinion by reasoning 得出结论 surgical a. of, by, or for surgery 外科的;手术的 competentlyad. with the necessary skill 称职地;胜任地 competenta. nearvt. approach; come closer to emergencyn. sudden and dangerous happening needing immediate action 紧急情况;急症 encountervt. be faced with (difficultie

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