高中英语 单元检测卷(五)新人教版必修1

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单元检测卷(五)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)。第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5个小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the woman want to do?APay the mans bill.BHelp with the computer.CAsk for a favour.2Why can the man NOT go exercising?AHe is busy. BHe is tired. CHe is sick.3What does the man ask the woman to do?ACome back to work.BTake some medicine.CHave a rest.4What does the woman think of Steves communication skill?ALearned. BBorn. CCopied.5Where does the conversation probably take place?AIn a mall.BOn the street.CIn a bank.第二节(共15个小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6Why does the woman want to buy a new skirt?AFor a wedding.BFor a party.CFor a ceremony.7What colour does the woman choose at last?AWhite. BBlue. CYellow.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Where are the speakers going to have the picnic?AIn the mountain.BOn the beach.CBy the lake.9What will they do after the picnic?AGo swimming.BGo fishing.CGo walking.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10When is the conversation most probably taking place?AMonday. BFriday. CSunday.11What does the man advise the woman to do?AFinish her report.BEntertain her friend.CEnjoy her life.12Who called this afternoon?AThe mans girlfriend.BThe womans boyfriend.CThe womans colleague.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What are the two speakers doing?AHaving a discussion.BHaving an interview.CHaving a meeting.14Why does the man quit school?AHe doesnt like studying.BHe has to support the family.CHis parents ask him to do so.15Whats the mans favorite subject in high school?AMath. BChemistry. CPhysics.16What can be inferred from the womans last word?AThe man shouldnt continue to study.BThe man is advised to go to college.CThe man is refused to work in the college.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What is the speaker probably?AA researcher. BA host.CA teacher.18Why is it important to record births and deaths?AFor financial aid.BFor economic growth.CFor accurate policy making.19How many births are not recorded every year according to the news?AAbout 50 million.BAbout 57 million.CAbout 128 million.20What did the organization supported by WHO start a campaign for?ASupplying financial aid to developing countries.BEstablishing registration system of births and deaths.CRegistering all the births and deaths around the world.听力原文Text 1W:You helped me with my computer last week.I want to repay the favour.M:No,its my turn to treat you.You paid last time!Text 2M:I work so hard that I do not have the energy to exercise.W:That is just an excuse.You can always find some time to exercise.Text 3M:Whats the matter with you?W:Oh,Im having a bad day.I am recovering from a cold.M:Maybe you should take a day off and come back to work when you feel well.Text 4W:Steve has a real skill when it comes to communication.M:Do you know what makes him so skilled?W:Its a natural gift.He just knows how to communicate with peopleText 5M:Would you cash these travellers checks,please?W:How would you like them?M:In ten dollar bills,please.Text 6M:Can I show you anything,Miss?W:Id like to see a new skirt for the party.M:Here are some latest styles.How do you like this one?W:I like this style,but the colour doesnt fit me.M:What about this one?Its design is fashionable and attractive.W:It looks well.But I dont like the material,I like pure cotton.Oh,I have an eye on that long white skirt.M:You have a good taste.This kind of stylish dress sells well.W:Can I try it on?M:Of course.This way,please.W:Wonderful!Ill take this one.Text 7M:What are you up to next weekend?W:Nothing special.M:Why dont you have a picnic with us?This season is great for a picnic.W:Great,Id love to.Where do you plan to go?M:We are going to the lake in the suburbs.W:Good idea.I love the grass,the sun and the fresh air there.Oh,we can have the picnic by the lake and enjoy the scenery.M:Yeah.After that,we can go fishing by the lake.W:We can also chat while lying on the grass in the sun.What do I need to take?M:Ill bring vegetables,sandwiches,meat and some drinks.W:Okay.I think we can have a dance by the lake.M:Great!Text 8M:Youre not going to work overtime this evening,are you?W:Well,Ill have to finish this report for next Mondays meeting.Is Ted coming to pick you up?M:No.Well meet at my house.He invited my family to spend the weekend with his family at their apartment.W:Thats nice.Where is his apartment?M:Its not his apartment,but his fathers.I think its somewhere in Florida.Im not sure.And I think that you work too much.You should learn how to entertain yourself and enjoy your life.W:I know,but I am a workaholic.M:Well!Ive got to go now.W:Have a nice weekend!M:You too.Oh,I forgot to tell you one thing.A guy called this afternoon.He said he was your boyfriend.He wanted you to call him back.W:Did he mention anything else?M:No,nothing else.See you Monday.W:See you.Text 9W:Good morning!Have a seat.M:Good morning!Thank you.W:I have your letter here.Your name is Robert Martin,right?M:Thats right.W:And you hope to work here next month?M:Yes,madam,if I can.W:Fine.You finished high school a year ago.Why didnt you go to college that year?M:Well,I have a sister in college now,and there will be another one next year.So,I have to make a little money for us.W:Good!It seems that you are a good young man.By the way,whats your best lesson in high school?M:Physics.I really enjoyed it.W:Thats fine.Have you discussed this with your parents?M:Oh,sure.My parents said I should decide it myself.W:OK,you can work here,but youd better go to college if you have a chance.Good luck,young man!M:Thank you,madam!Good-bye.Text 10M:Good evening.This is the 8 oclock news.Governments may be accused of keeping too many records on their people.But no one seems to argue with recording births,deaths and marriages.This is called civil registration.Birth and death records help governments count the population and know how long people live and what they die from.This information is important for planning schools,hospitals and other services.Yet the World Health Organization believes that almost 40 percent of all births are not recorded.It estimates that 128 million babies are born each year.So one way to look at this is to say that every year close to 50 million people are not recorded.Researchers say most developing countries have limited civil registration systems or none at all.Last week an organization supported by WHO started a campaign to register all of the worlds births and deaths.The director general of WHO,Margaret Chan,said,“Without these numbers,who knows if 120 billion dollars in official development aid each year is being spent wisely?”答案1.A2.B3.C4.B5.C6.B7.A8.C9.B10.B11.C12.B13.B14.B15.C16.B17.B18.C19.A20.C第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10个小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AKids will often ignore your requests for them to shut off the TV,start their chores(杂事),or do their homework as a way to avoid following your directions.Before you know it,youve started to sound like a broken record as you repeatedly ask them to do their assignments,clean their rooms,or take out the trash.Rather than saying,“Do your chores now.”Youll be more effective if you set a target time for when the chores have to be completed.So instead of arguing about starting chores,just say,“If chores arent done by 4 pm.,here are the consequences.” Then its up to your child to complete the chores.Put the ball back in their court.Dont argue or fight with them,just say,“Thats the way its going to be.” It shouldnt be punitive(惩罚性的)as much as it should be persuasive.“If your chores arent done by 4 pm.,then no video game time until chores are done.And if finishing those chores runs into homework time,thats going to be your loss.”On the other hand,when dealing with homework,keep it very simple.Have a time when homework starts,and at that time,all electronics go off and do not go back on until you see that their homework is done.If your kids say they have no homework,then they should use that time to study or read.Either way,there should be a time set aside when the electronics are off.When a kid wears his iPod or headphones when youre trying to talk to him,make no bones about it;he is not ignoring you,he is disrespecting you.At that point,everything else should stop until he takes the earplugs out of his ears.Dont try to communicate with him when hes wearing headphoneseven if he tells you he can hear you.Wearing them while youre talking to him is a sign of disrespect.Parents should be very tough about this kind of thing.Remember,mutual respect becomes more important as children mature.21When the kid is doing his homework,parents _Ashould provide him with a good learning environmentBcan do whatever they likeCcan stay aside watching TVDmust switch off the power答案A细节理解题。从第一段可知“在孩子做作业时,家长要关掉所有的电器给孩子创造一个良好的学习环境”。D项“关掉电源”与文章不符。22It can be inferred from the passage that _Aparents should take off his headphones when trying to have a talk with their childBit will make no difference that a kid is wearing his earplugs while talking to his parentsCparents shouldnt give in to their kid when he shows no sign of respectDkids purposely talking to their parents with iPod gives them a sense of power and control答案C推理判断题。从第二段前两句可判断选项C正确。23The main idea of the passage is _Athat respecting each other is more important than anything elseBhow kids behave to ignore and disrespect their parentsCthat children should make choices and decisions on their ownDhow parents can deal with their kids behavior effectively答案D主旨大意题。本文旨在帮助父母有效应对孩子不听话的问题。BQiao is a sixth grader at Yuhui Primary School.He is only 12 years old but has been smoking for three years.Liu,15,is a Junior 2 student at Chicheng No.2 Middle School.He began smoking four years ago.“Smoking is part of my life,” Liu said.Qiao and Liu are not those boys real names.But their problem,smoking,is a very real problem.In many countries,smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people.Most smokers start in their teens (years of a persons age from 13 to 19) or earlier.A study of 8,000 Beijing students last May told us that smoking is a problem for many Chinese kids.More than 21% of middle school students and 6% of primary school pupils said they smoked.“If young people start smoking early,they will probably get addicted to nicotine.And it will be very hard to give up later on,” said a professor.Every year,about four million people die because of smoking.And if people keep smoking,that number will go up to about 10 million a year by 2030,the World Health Organization (WHO) says.So we have to learn and tell others about the dangers of smoking.24The study in the passage shows that _Asmoking is a serious problem among Chinese studentsBthere are more and more smokers in ChinaCsome student smokers have already been seriously addictedDmost of smokers are young students答案A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句话可知答案为A。25The main idea of this passage is that _Asmoking is becoming a bigger problem for young peopleBmany people die because of smoking every yearCWHO asks young people to give up smokingDnicotine makes people addicted 答案A主旨大意题。根据文章第一段可找到本文的主题句是“In many countries,smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people.”。 26As middle school students,what should we do from now on? AWe should start smoking after middle school.BWe should ask others to smoke outside.CWe should laugh at smokers.DWe should say no to smoking.答案D推理判断题。读完全文,我们清楚地了解到了吸烟的危害性,因此我们应该拒绝吸烟。CI will always remember my mothers last few days in this world.On February 14th,2000,my class went on a field trip to the beach.I had so much fun.When we returned to school,my teacher told me to go to the headmasters office.When I got into the office,I saw a police officer.Suddenly I realized something was wrong.The police officer told me what had happened and we went to pick my sister up.After that,we went to the hospital and waited.Time went slowly.Finally,we got to see our mother.It was terrible.The next day,the headmaster came and told my two teachers what had happened.I was taking a test that day.I knew it had something to do with my mother.I kept thinking that she either died or had gotten better.How I wished that she had gotten better.When my teacher took me outside,my sister ran up to me.she started crying,“Shes gone,Teresa,mommys gone.Shes dead.” I couldnt believe it.We jumped into the car and drove straight to the hospital.Most of my family were there.The silence was terrible.I knew I had to say goodbye.Today when I look back,I still miss my mother very much,but I know that I will live.My mother was a strong mother,who had the biggest heart.My mother was an angel walking on the earth.I will always remember her as living.When someone is asked who their hero(英雄)is,they usually say someone famous,like Michael Jordan or Britney Spears.When someone asks me who my hero is,I tell them,my mother.My mother lives every day.That is what makes her a true hero.27Where was the writer when she learned her mother was very ill?AOn the beach. BAt the hospital.CAt school. DAt home.答案C由第二段第二句可知。28Who brought the writer the bad news that her mother was ill?AHer sister. BThe headmaster.CHer teacher. DThe police officer.答案D由第二段的第四句可知。29From the last paragraph of the passage,we know that _Athe writer is afraid of her motherBthe writer is proud of her motherCthe writer feels sad about her motherDthe writer feels sorry for her mother答案B在最后一段,作者反复提到这样的字眼:a strong mother,had the biggest heart,an angel,字里行间都充满着自豪之情。30The writer must think her mother is a _ woman.Afamous Bfree Clazy Dgreat答案D最后一段说母亲有世界上最宽容的心,她是一位坚强的(strong)母亲,她是一位真正的英雄,这些都说明了作者心中母亲很great(伟大)。第二节(共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Doctors Say Most Heart Disease PreventableHeart disease is the number one killer,worldwide,of men and women over the age of 60.But people of all ages die of heart attacks each year.And while death rates have declined in the US.and many western European countries,they are on the rise in the developing world._31_No one would have guessed that Barbara Teng would have a heart attack.She was not overweight.She did not smoke or exercise.“In 2004,the week after I turned 49,when I was on a business trip in Chicago,I had a major heart attack”,she said._32_She now exercises daily,and monitors her heart health.Dr.Patrice Nickens,who is with the National Heart,Lung and Blood Institute,thinks that heart disease is 82 percent preventable.“_33_,” she said,“Men are also facing the same problem,and the key to staying healthy is knowing your numbers”“Your weight,your blood cholesterol,blood sugar and your blood pressure are important numbers that can help you take action and reduce your risk,” she said._34_“And the steps to take are simple:dont smoke,maintain a healthy weight,exercise,know your numbers and talk to your physician and control these risks,” she said.African-Americans are at higher-than-average risk for heart disease and stroke;people dont even know they have it,which increases the risk.Medstar Washington Hospital Center is trying to reach this population._35_For example,helping the people monitor their blood pressure.If people realize they are at risk for heart disease,theyll make lifestyle changes:lose weight,exercise,eat the right foods and keep in touch with a doctor.AA healthy lifestyle can prevent heart diseaseBSo we must cure heart diseaseCIt is the leading cause of death for women DWith the right training,they can play an important role in community healthEAnd that changed her lifeFLack of exercise causes heart attacksGYet most heart disease is preventable答案31.G32.E33.C34.A35.D第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20个小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body.Through the years I would _36_ the correct answer.When I was younger,I thought _37_ was very important to us as humans,so I said,“My ears,Mummy.”She said,“No.Many people are _38_Keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon.”Several years passed before she asked me again.Since making my first _39_,I had often thought over the question.So this time I told her,“Mummy,it must be our eyes.” She looked at me and said,“You are _40_ fast but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind.”_41_ the years,Mother asked me a couple more _42_ and always her response to my answers was,“No,but you are getting _43_ every year,my child.”Then last year,my Grandpa _44_Everybody was crying.My mum looked at me when it was our _45_ to say our final goodbye to Grandpa.She asked me,“Do you know the most important body part yet,my dear?”I was _46_ when she asked me this now.I always thought this was a _47_ between her and me.She saw the _48_ on my face and told me,“This question is very important.It shows that you have really _49_ your life.” I saw her eyes well up with tears.She said,“My dear,the most important body part is your _50_”I asked,“Is it because they hold up your head?” She replied,“No,it is _51_ on them a crying friend or loved one can rest their heads.I only hope that you have enough _52_ and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry _53_ when you need it.”Then and there I understood the most important body part is not a _54_ one.“It is sympathetic (同情的) to the pain of _55_”36A.notice Bbelieve Cdoubt Dguess答案D由下文可知,作者这些年一直在猜测正确答案。37A.love Bhealth Csound Dsight答案C由下文的ears可知是声音。38A.blind BdeafCinvisible Dthoughtful答案B由No.可知此处表示转折,有许多人是听不见声音的,是聋的。39A.discovery BdecisionCattempt Dsuggestion答案C自从第一次试着回答那个问题后,我就经常在思考这个问题。40A.learning Bthinking Cgrowing Dchanging答案A妈妈夸我学东西有进步。41A.Before BTill CBeyond DOver答案DOver the years相当于During the years,意为“这些年来”。42A.ways Bthings Cquestions Dtimes答案D妈妈又问了我几次这个问题。43A.stronger Btaller Csmarter Dnicer答案C由上下文可知,每次回答时,我都认真思考了,妈妈夸我变得更聪明了。44A.left Bgot illCdied Dgot wounded答案C由下文可知,爷爷去世了。45A.duty Bturn Cpity Dchance答案B轮到我们和爷爷的遗体告别。It is/was ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事。46A.shocked Bsatisfied Cinterested Dexcited答案A在这种场合下,妈妈再次问这个问题让我很吃惊。47A game Btest Cmatch Dsecret答案A我原以为这只是我和妈妈之间的一场游戏。game在此处指母子之间问问题和答问题的举动。48A.worry BpuzzlementCregret Dpain答案B母亲看出我脸上的困惑,然后向我解释。49A.enjoyed Bfound Cdisliked Dlived答案Dlive ones life意为“活过,生活”,是固定搭配。50A.shoulders BfeetChands Dhair答案A由下文的they hold up your head可知应是shoulders。51A.how Bbecause Cwhy Dwhether答案Bbecause表示原因,与上句Is it because they hold up your head?相照应。52A respect Bfavour Clove Dfun答案C妈妈希望我拥有足够的爱和在需要的时候可以依靠肩膀哭泣的朋友。53A.by Bon Cabove Dfor答案Bto cry on是不定式作定语,修饰前面的a shoulder。54A.valuable Buseful Cselfish Dp

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