高中英语 Unit 1 Great scientists测评卷 新人教版必修5

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Unit 1Great scientists学校:_班级:_姓名:_考号:_第卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where is the man going to hang the picture?AIn his office.BIn the living room.CIn his bedroom.2What does the man devote himself to?ATeaching.BWriting.CResearching.3What will the woman do?AShell go abroad.BShell have a holiday.CShell go shopping.4How long have the womans friends been away?ATwentyone days.BFourteen days.CAbout a month.5How much change does the man get?A25 cents.B75 cents.C50 cents.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第6至7题。6What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?AEmployer and employee.BClassmates.CTeacher and student.7What can we know about the man?AHe will graduate.BHe will take an exam.CHe will study in another school.听第7段对话,回答第8至9题。8What did the man do last night?AHe visited one of his friends.BHe attended a wedding party.CHe went to a birthday party.9How long has the man been married?AAbout ten years.BMore than three years.CLess than three years.听第8段对话,回答第10至12题。10Where does the conversation take place?AIn a subway.BAt a bus stop.COn a train.11Why did Michael want to beat the young man?AHe wanted to give the young man a lesson.BThe young man kept smoking in front of him.CThe young man didnt listen to his advice.12What do you think of the young man?AHe is stupid.BHe has bad manners.CHe is crazy.听第9段对话,回答第13至16题。13Where did the conversation take place?AIn the womans office.BIn a restaurant.CAt a garage.14Where is the garage the man referred to?AIt is near the mans flat.BIt is near the mans office building.CIt is far from the womans flat.15What day is it when they are talking?AIt is Friday.BIt is Saturday.CIt is Sunday.16What can you learn from the conversation?AThe woman doesnt know where the man lives.BThe mans car broke down halfway.CThe man told a lie to the woman.听第10段独白,回答第17至20题。17How many people are there in the speakers family?AFour.BFive.CSix.18What do the speakers parents do?AThey are both teachers.BHis mum is a teacher and his dad is a manager.CHis dad is a teacher and his mum is a worker.19What is the speakers sister like?AShe is friendly and funny.BShe is kind and friendly.CShe is clever and humorous.20What can we learn from the monologue?AThe speaker has many friends in his class.BThe speakers parents are too busy to look after him.CThe speaker loves his family very much.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhen leaving school,I was pleased that my exam results meantthatIcouldstudy engineering at university.But I also wanted to travel before starting my course.A friend of mine told me about the Schools Exploring Society,an organization which helps students take a gap year (a year between leaving school and going to college)It has three foreign journeys a year,taking 1620yearolds on science and nature trips.I love being outdoors,and a mountaineering trip to Alaska was on offer.So I signed up (报名) immediately.There was one problem,though.I had to raise a large amount of money for the trip.It was a big task,but I managed to make it.I washed cars,worked in a cafe and also sold off some of my old books,clothes and CDs.Then,just before starting out,I started worrying.Can I do this?Am I fit enough?What if I see a bear?Seventy of us traveled to Alaska.The first two days after arrival were spent in a school hall preparing our equipment and five tons of food.Then we left for the beautiful Talkeetna Mountain.On the trip we dug paths and recognized plant species.Then we climbed a mountain that was over 6,000 feet high.It was tiring but exciting.Looking back,a gap year was so right for me.I learned a lot about accepting other people for what they are.We had to help each other and it made me less selfish.My gap year has also made me more able to concentrate (专心)Now,whenever Im worried about anything,I think I did AlaskaI can do this!21We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the author_.Ahadnt taken foreign trips beforeBmade the trip together with his friendsCwas not satisfied with his exam resultsDwas going to study engineering at a college22What was the problem for the author?AHis body was not strong.BHe couldnt afford the trip.CHe had no outdoor experience.DHe had little time to prepare for the trip.23How did the author feel afterwards about his trip to Alaska?AIt was too expensive.BIt was very dangerous.CIt built his courage. DIt was difficult and boring. 24.What might be the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo explain how to prepare for trips.BTo advise on how to spend a gap year.CTo describe his experience in his gap year.DTo encourage students to do parttime work.BThere have certainly been records that have been hugely popular and some of those have had a message.Can there be many songs that really did change the world?Did they really change the hearts and minds of ordinary people?Thereisone,Goettingen,which did,but its hardly known now.Even though France and Germany are neighbors,there wasbadfeeling between them 50 years ago as a result of World War .Into this area of hatred and anger stepped a singer with a gentle voice.Barbara was her stage name.She took it from her Russian grandmother.She was born in Paris in 1930.She was Jewish and so a target (目标) for the Nazis.But,twenty years after the end of the Second World War,she travelled to the German city Goettingen.She fell in love with the city and its people and recorded the song Goettingen,first in French and then in German.It moved her German audience at the theatre.The song became a hit.A street was named after her.The city gave itsMedal of Honor to her.The songs popularity made animportant contribution to repairing FranceGermanyrelations.One of the people in the audience was a student by thename of Gerhard Schroeder.He later became Chancellor ofGermany.He said:“I was a college student when she cameto sing.It went to our hearts,the start of a wonderfulfriendship between our countries.” Listening to the song today,its easy to understand itsattraction then.It is still a beautiful song of love,although itis a bit sad in parts.Barbara had much to be sad about.Shewas extremely frightened by the war.In Germany,she was loved for the love she had givento the people.In France,she was a star.Streets were namedafter her there,too.A stamp had her face on it.When shedied in 1997,250 thousand people went to the funeral (葬礼)Lionel Jospin,who served as Prime Minister of Francefrom 1997 to 2002,once said:“Barbara was a woman whoknew suffering and understood the suffering of others.”25The author raises questions in the first paragraph to_.Aintroduce the topicBexpect an answerCcriticize some songs Dsupport his argument26It can be learned from the text that_.ABarbara died in her eightiesBa French city was named after BarbaraCBarbara once appeared on Germany stampsDLionel Jospin believed Barbara was a caring lady27What would be the best title for the text?ABarbara,a great singerBA song that made historyCGermanFrench friendship DAn unknown beautiful song28The text is most probably taken from_.Aa tour guide Ba news reportCa personal diaryDan entertainment magazineCPopular Clone by ME.Castle is a book that is perfect for middle school students and younger high school students.It was published on Jan.24,2012.Fisher Bas is a 12yearold boy with some serious bullying (欺负) events.Fisher is the son of two scientists and is not short of interest in science.He is smart,a bit of a dreamer and small.This has got the attention of one teacher and three bullies who have named themselves the Vikings.In his willingness to escape the rules of school,Fisher develops an idea of using his mother s top secret experiment to make a perfect clone(克隆)He creates a clone who goes to school and bears those terrible things while he himself stays at home and enjoys video games and snack food.His plan could have results ranging from perfect to disastrous.I think Fisher is a character that most children and adults can relate themselves to on some levels.He does not try to keep away from some forms of conflict (冲突) or uncomfortable moments simply by blending (混合) into the background.He has little faith in himself,except when it comes to his scientific skills and experiments.His clone,Two,does not like Fisher.He steps up and becomes more accepted and popular than Fisher himself ever was.I recommend Popular Clone to middle school aged students and anyone who just wants to keep away from bullies and conflict.Anyone who has ever faced a disaster in selfrespect will see a little bit of themselves in Fisher.The story could really make a difference in the life of young readers,showing them that being true to themselves is important and that standing up for themselves does not rely on negative actions.29What can we learn about the hero of the book,Fisher Bas?AHe is not brave though he is clever.BHe makes friends with three bullies.CHe is 12 and he loses interest in science.DHis dad is a professor while his mom isnt.30Fisher uses his mothers top secret experiment to_.Alearn more about scientific knowledgeBcreate a clone to go to school in the name of himCcreate a teacher to teach him lessonsDlearn more about the knowledge of cloning a man31We can infer from the passage that_.AFisher Bas believes in himselfBFishers mothers experiment is successfulCFisher is embarrassed as the secret is let outDFisher becomes the best student in his class32Which is the lesson that Fishers story gives us?AWe must be true to ourselves.BScientific technology is important.COne should face difficulty bravely.DStudents should like their studies.DOffice workers should know that long periods of sitting at your desk may be a killer.Scientists have shown a new threat from this lifestyle that they call “muscular inactivity (肌肉迟钝)”Sitting still for long periods of time leads to the buildup of substances (物质) in the blood that are harmful to health.And exercise alone wont drive them away.Millions of people spend their days between car,office desk and the sofa in front of the TV.While the bad influences are well rocognized,it has been thought that they can be changed by regular trips to the gym or swimming pool.Now researchers say that is not enough.In addition to regular exercise,office workers need to keep moving while they work,by making regular trips to the printer,coffee machine or to chat with workmates.Elin EkblomBak,an expert on health,says research shows long periods of sitting and lack (缺乏) of “whole body muscular movement” are strongly linked to obesity,heart disease and cancer,and a higher risk of death,regardless of (不管) whether they take enough exercise.“Everyone knows about the health benefits of regular exercise.But what we havent realized before is that longperiod sitting down carries an extra risk that cannot be dealt with by taking exercise,” Dr EkblomBak said,adding that sitting still should be recognized as a risk to health.“It is important to have a fiveminute break from desk work every 45 minutes.Dont email workmateswalk across the office to give them the message.Take a coffee break or put the printer in the next room.I am a desk worker and I try to do it.It is not difficult but sometimes you get lost in your work and you forget about it.”However,more studies are needed to confirm the ill effects of sitting for too long and ways of fighting them.But at present they conclude that “keep moving” should be added to the advice to “keep exercising.”33Nowadays,many office workers wrongly think that_.Along periods of sitting has bad influences on themBregular exercise benefits them after long periods of sittingCthey are living a lifestyle called “muscular inactivity”Dits unfair for them to sit in the office for too long34What does the author suggest office workers should do?AChat with workmates often.BSend emails instead of chatting.CKeep moving in the office regularly.DTake more exercise after work.35What would be the best title for the passage?AA new threat:longperiod sittingBOffice workers should keep exercisingCTaking exercise benefits a lotDKeep moving,it could save your life第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。How to sing better if you think you are badHave you ever had those times when one of your relatives or friends wanted to hear your singing voice,but you were afraid because you think your singing voice is bad?Here are the tips you can follow.1Take facetoface vocal (声音的)lessons.The only safe way to learn the correct singing techniques and to improve properly is to take facetoface singing lessons with a fully trained vocal teacher (in case you do not have a teacher yet)!_36_,so that he/she could give you proper feedback.2Warm up your voice in a proper way.Always remember to warm up your voice properly,but please know your limits and dont overdo your voice!Remember the diaphragmatic (隔膜的) support;do not strain your throat too much!Also,remember good body posture!3Never do those as followed.aAvoid dairy products,caffeinated products (coffee & tea included,they dry up your throat) and hot food!_37_,but never before singing!bDo not shout,yell,scream or abuse your voice at any time!Besides,_38_;if your teacher says you are,say,more of an baritone (男中音) if you are male,then you are more of an baritone.cDo not try to imitate anyone famous,which will usually give you just bad habits and even damage your throat._39_,so please learn to cherish that.The world does not need copycats.dDo not sing,whisper,shout,yell or scream if having a sore throat/cold/flu,also,do speak as little as you can if you have a flu/cold/sore throat!eRemember to drink at least 2 liters of roomtemperature water every day,_40_!fSmoking is a big nono,as is breathing in secondhand smoke.Also,avoid staying in dusty or moldy environment.AYou are YOU and your voice is uniqueBnot just during singing daysCAvoid ice creams or cold drinksDThe teacher has to be in the same room with youEYou can consume these thingsFaim to have at least one pint of water a dayGplease respect your vocal range第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In France,there once lived a famous man named the Marquis de Lafayette.When he was a little boy,his mother called him Gilbert.Gilberts father and grandfather had both been_41_men in his village.He was proud of them,and he_42_that he might grow up to be like them.Gilberts home was near a _43_.One day word came that a cruel_44_had been seen in the woods.Men said it had killed many of the villagers sheep.Gilbert was only seven,but all his_45_were about the cruel animal.“Shall we take a_46_?” asked his mother.“Oh,yes!” said Gilbert.“We may see that wolf in the forest.But dont be_47_.”His mother smiled,_48_she felt quite sure that there was no_49_.They did not go far into the woods.The mother sat down under a tree and began to_50_.Seeing Mom interested in her book,Gilbert decided to_51_the animal.He walked quietly into a wilder place.He looked_52_around,but saw only a rabbit.Then,_53_,he heard footsteps.He stood still and_54_.When the animal was very_55_to him,he jumped out of his hiding place and held it round its neck.It did not try to bite.But it threw Gilbert upon the_56_.Gilbert was soon on his feet again.He was not_57_at all.He looked at the animal:It was not a wolf but a calf (牛犊) The boy felt very_58_.He hurried back to his mother,tears in his eyes.He told her what had happened.His mother said,“You were very_59_.You are my hero because you_60_what you thought was a great danger and you were not afraid.”41A.famousBwiseCbraveDgenerous42A.wishedBguessedCrealizedDbelieved43A.mountainBforestCfarm Driver44A.tigerBlionCbear Dwolf45A.thoughtsBquestionsCplansDcomplaints46A.bath Bpicture CwalkDbreak 47. AtiredBafraidCcruel Dsurprised48A.soBonceCbut Dfor49A.dangerBwonderCuseDpoint50A.singBreadCsleepDdraw51A.give upBworry aboutClook forDask about52A.angrilyBhurriedlyCproudlyDcarefully53A.finallyBsuddenlyCgraduallyDstrangely54A.listened BcriedCwaitedDwatched55A.closeBfamiliarCblind Dharmful56A.stoneBwallCtreeDground57A.defeated Bbothered Cfrightened Dhurt58A.annoyedBashamedCnervousDexcited59A.smart BcuriousCcourageous Dlucky60A.facedBavoidedCchose Daccepted第卷 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jenson:Wheres the report I asked you_61_(finish) for today,Doug?Doug:Im really sorry,Ms Jenson,_62_its not quite ready.Ill have it by tomorrow.Jenson:Thatll be too late,Doug._63_is needed at the board meeting this afternoon.You _64_(work) on it for three weeks now.Why cant you have your work_65_(do) on time?Doug:Ive just had a lot of other things to do,and I still havent caught _66_with the work I missed while I was on vacation.Jenson:Well,Im really_67_(tire) of your excuses,Doug.Your work has been getting worse for the past several months.Ive said a few things about it in the past,but nothing seems to help.Doug:I am really sorry.I know Im not working up to my abilities.Youll see a real _68_(improve) in my work from now on,Ms Jenson.I can promise you that.Jenson:I certainly hope _69_.I know youre able to do much_70_(well) than youve shown in the last few months.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Ladies and Gentlemen,May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking for a passenger,Mr White,he is from America.And he is now leaving Beijing to America by Flight 2748.But we were told that Mr White forgot his passport as well his wallet in Friendship Hotel where he had stayed.The manager of the hotel has just telephoned to tell him about it.The manager has been sent his secretary to bring the passport and the wallet here,and she will come sooner.Will Mr White go to gate of our airport and wait for your passport and wallet?She will arrive at about ten minutes.第二节书面表达(满分25分)假如你是李华,你的朋友Mary为了准备期中考试,学习过于劳累,结果病倒了。请你给她写封信,就健康和学习方面提一些建议。词数:100左右。详解答案1C2.B3.A4.B5.C6.B7.C8.B 9C10.C11.A12.B13.B14.A15.C 16C17.A18.A19.C20.C听力材料Text 1W:Where will you hang the painting?M:I will hang it in the room where I can appreciate it before I fall asleep every night.Text 2M:I finally got my novel published.Good news,isnt it?W:Thats great!Congratulations!Text 3W:Ill go to France and work as a translator for a company.M:Thats a good chance!Be sure to have your pictures taken in front of the Eiffel Tower!Text 4W:My friends left just two weeks ago.M: Will they get back next week?W:Yes.According to them,theyll be back in a week.Text 5M:How much is a ticket for the exhibition?W:Twentyfive cents.M:Here is a dollar.Two tickets,please.W:OK.Heres your change.听第6段对话,回答


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