高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality测试题2 外研版必修5

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Module 5 根据首字母提示或汉语注释写出下列句中单词的正确形式。1. The girl has got the position because she has an a_ over the others she knows how to type.2. Generally speaking, the goods of high q_ sell well.3. To our joy, our team s_ 2 points in the second half.4. He was asked to continue teaching after r_ age.5. Many people p_ against killing wild animals for food.6. The Greeks gained several v_ over the enemy. They were overjoyed.7. The Beijing Olympic Committee announced that the s_ for the 2008 Olympics will be One World, One Dream.8. Gerard Yosca is one of Americas most famous fashion jewelry _(设计师).9. After a heated discussion, they _ (宣布) the list of national football team eventually.10. She _(表现) well in the final round, which won her the champion.11. I _(保证) your success in the exam because you have been working hard at school.12. I came here to find out some _(具体) policies.13. Liu Xiang is one of the best _(田径运动员) in the world.14. The _(最终的) cost of the job was over a hundred dollars.15. There were many _ (竞争者) hoping to increase trade with China.句型转换根据第一句意思,在第二句空白处填上合适的词,使两句意思基本相符。1. The number of young students choosing Korean as their major is increasing. The number of young students choosing Korean as their major is _ _ _.2. It is likely that athletes will achieve their ambition by training hard. athletes will achieve their ambition by training hard.3. She soon learned French when she went to live with a local family in France. She soon _ _French when she went to live with a local family in France.4. Lang Ping decided to act as general coach of American Women Volleyball Team. Lang Ping _ _to act as general coach of American Women Volleyball Team.5. Although you are experienced, you should be modest. _ _ _ _, you should be modest.从A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. We went to Xishuangbanna to travel and a native _ as our guide.A. performed B. showed C. acted D. played2. In playing basketball, Yao Ming has an advantage others. A. with B. for C. over D. on3. Every Cannon digital camera we sell comes with a two-year_.A. guarantee B. safety C. protection D. promise 4. You mustnt use the money in the drawer. It is to be used for one _purpose: paying rent. A. general B. unusual C. exact D. specific5. The branch of olive is the _of peace. A. symbol B. sign C. signal D. mark6. The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _absent for different reasons. A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were7. Three_ and two people were killed in the accident last week. A. scores B. score C. scores of D. score of8. It was in the classroom _ he spent most of his time in the high school.A. where B. which C. who D. that 9. The local government has begun a _ in this city to cut down the traffic accidents. A. protest B. protect C. project D. propose10. The audience _ their feet and began to applaud as the fashion show was over.get to B. arose C. stood on D. set翻译1. 虽然他在雅典奥运会上取得了金牌,但他不敢保证在29届奥运会上能打败其他对手。(guarantee)2. 不要盲目地(aimlessly)去购买那些便宜但没用的东西,因为那是浪费钱。(purchase; a waste of money)3. 选择在中国投资的外国商人在逐年增加。 (on the increase)4. 他迅速地向四周看了看,站起身来。(rise to ones feet)5. 两个女孩互相比赛夺取最高的分数。(compete with)6. 很可能他已经听到这个消息了。(chances are that)Section B Grammar语法专练从A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. You cant have this football back you promise not to kick it at my cat again, the old man said firmly. A. because B. since C. when D. until2. _ environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem (生态系统) to recover. A. Even ifB. If onlyC. WhileD. Once3. _ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships. A. No matter what B. No matter which C Whatever D. Whichever4.Did Linda see the traffic accident?No, no sooner impossible now does seem possible.A. had she gone B. she had gone C. has she gone D. she has gone5. youve tried it. you cant imagine how pleasant it is. A. UnlessB. BecauseC. AlthoughD. When6. In peace, too, the Red Cross is expected to send help_ there is human suffering. A. whoever B. however C. whatever D. wherever7. he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience. A. Since B. Unless C. As D. Although8. We dont keep winning games _ we keep playing well. A. becauseB. unlessC. whenD. while9. In time of serious accidents, _we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives. A. whether B. untilC. if D. unless10. Why didnt you tell him about the meeting? He rushed out of the room _ I could say a word. A. before B. until C. when D. after11. _Jack is still a green hand, he isnt fit to do the work. Child _he is, he knows a lot. A. Because; for B. Since; as C. As; though D. Though; as12. May I take _much I want? Yes, and _you want to. A. how; when B. no matter how; whenever C. no matter how; no matter when D. however; whenever13. Put your luggage in the van quickly _ the train will be off in a minute. A. since B. so that C. before D. unless14. Anyone can borrow books from the library _ he keeps them clean and returns them in time. A. even if B. unless C. so that D. as long as15. It was not_ she took off her dark glasses_ I realized she was a famous film star. A. when; that B. until; that C. until; when D. when; then Section C Everyday English情景对话Agreeing and disagreeing根据括号提示完成句子。高一5班同学在讨论去国外学习的利弊。SA: Ive heard that our school will organize some students to go to England for the summer holiday.SB: Great! Ive longed for the chance for a long time. Ill enter for it right now.SC: Its wonderful! I think it will do us good to study abroad. _1_(还有一个理由是我可以去著名的剑桥和牛津大学参观了).SB: _2_(我很赞同你的意见). And Its better to study there for one or two years.SD: _3_(这一点我赞成), but it will cost me at least ¥20,000. Its too much for my family. We cant afford it.SA: Youve got a point. And Ive heard that some middle school students couldnt support themselves while staying abroad.SB: _4_(或许你错了). Im sure I can manage. I can do some part-time jobs to earn some money.SD: Really? I dont think you can afford the tuition(学费) even if you do some jobs. Thats a large sum of money!SA: Exactly. _5_(这也正是我对这事的想法).You know, money is the biggest problem.参考答案词语1. advantage 2. quality 3. scored 4. retirement 5. protest 6. victories 7. slogan 8. designers 9. declared 10. performed 11. guarantee 12. specific 13. athletes 14. ultimate 15. competitors句型转换1. on the increase 2. The chances are 3. picked up 4. was determined 5. Experienced as you选择1-5 CCADA 6-10 CBDCA翻译1. Although he got a gold medal in the Athens Olympics, he cant guarantee that he will beat all the other rivals in the 29th Olympics.2. Dont purchase those cheap but useless goods aimlessly because it is a waste of money.3. The number of foreign businessmen who choose to invest in China is on the increase year by year.4. He glanced round quickly, and rose to his feet.5. The two girls competed with each other for the highest mark.6. The chances are that hes already heard the news.语法专练 1-5 DDDAA 6-10 DDBCA 11-15 BDADB 情景对话And another reason is that I can go to visit the famous Cambridge University and Oxford UniversityI agree absolutely You are right about thatIm afraid I dont agreeThats how I feel about the matter

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