八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters翻译训练题(新版)牛津版

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八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters翻译训练题(新版)牛津版_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters翻译训练题(新版)牛津版_第2页
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Unit 8 Natural disasters班级_ 姓名_55. 如果你不和我回家,谁把水拖干净?Who will _ the water if I go home without you? 56. 当开始下雨时,Hobo在睡觉吗?Was Hobo_ when it started to rain? 57. 今年的汽车事故造成了上千人死亡吗?Have car _ this year killed _ people? 58. 因为暴雨中的闪电击中了这个建筑物而着火。The building _ because a _ hit it in that _. 59. 他感到轻轻的一震并且听到像雷一样的巨响。He felt a _ and heard a loud noise like_. 60. 当砖块和碎玻璃下落时,人们在四处奔跑吗?Were people running _ while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down?61. 震动结束后,他的周围一片黑暗寂静吗?Was it _ and_ around him after the _ended? 62. 他感到紧张并且心跳得厉害。He felt nervous and his heart was beating fast. 63. 一阵恐惧掠过我的脑海,但我告诉自己要镇定下来,因为我仍然活着。 A moment of _ went through his _, but he told himself to _ since he was _ . 64.当他试图找到出口时,突然听到上面激动的叫喊声。 As he was _ , he _ heard excited _ above him. 65.由于天冷他爸爸的小汽车出了故障。 His parents car _ the cold weather. 66. 他的外孙得了严重的牙痛,因为住在乡下的时候吃了太多的薄煎饼。His _ had an _ eating too many _ when living in the_. 67. 当大雪在他们周围一直下的时候,他们几乎摔倒了。They_ while heavy snow_ around them.


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