八年级英语12月月考试题 牛津版

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江苏省启东市长江中学2016-2017学年八年级英语12月月考试题 (时间:120分钟 总分:150分)第一卷 选择题(共80分)一 听力理解 (20分)I. 听对话回答问题(计10分)本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后你还有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。1. What is Australia famous for?A. B. C. 2. Which animal is not mentioned?A. B. C. 3. Which kind of animal are they talking about?A. B. C. 4. Which bird does the woman like best?A. B. C. 5. What will Jeff do on Saturday? A. Go to the party.B. Visit his aunt.C. Visit a partner.6. Why cant Cathy go to the party? A. Because she doesnt feel comfortable. B. Because she has to do homework. C. Because she is going to the movies.7. What lesson does the man have on Sunday? A. Piano lesson.B. Painting lesson.C. Violin lesson.8. How does the girl usually go to school? A. By bus.B. On foot.C. By bike.9. Where does Paul come from? A. France.B. New Zealand.C. Singapore.10. How many books can Eddie borrow today? A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.II. 听对话和短文答题(计10分)你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题仍有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。听一段对话,回答11-12小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。11. How long does it take Tim to school? A. Around fifteen minutes. B. Around twenty-five minutes. C. Around thirty-five minutes.12. How does Jane get to school? A. By bike.B. By bus.C. On foot.听第一篇短文,回答13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一篇短文。13. A. Birdwatching ClubB. a secondary schoolC. Zhalong14. A. an hour and a halfB. half an hourC. an hour15. A. 5 p.m. B. 3.30 p.m. C. 4 p.m. 听第二篇短文,回答16-20小题。16. How old is Jim? A. 20 years old.B. 22 years old.C. 24 years old.17. How many students go home by train? A. 13.B. 15.C. 16.18. Why do some students go home in a train? A. Because they live far from the university. B. Because they like to take the train. C. Because they cant afford the air ticket.19. Why do some students go home by plane? A. Because they live far away from their university. B. Because they want to see the beautiful sights. C. Because they want to get home as quickly as they can.20. How does Jim get to his home?A. He takes a train.B. He rides a bike.C. He takes his parents car.二 单项选择(20分)( ) 1. I think its really _ hard work for me to finish the job in ten minutes. A. 不填 B. the C. an D. a( ) 2. -Its raining again. I forgot to take the raincoat with me. -Dont worry. We _ share the umbrella together. A. may B. maybe C. may beD. be( ) 3. -A large number of birds _to Qidong for a short stay every year. -Yes. But no one knows what the number of the birds_. A. to come, is B. comes, are C. come, is D. coming, are( ) 4. _ do you call the baby panda? A. What B. How C. WhyD. How about( ) 5. We should do everything we can _ the birds _ danger. A. to protect, away B. protect, from C. protect, in D to protect, in( ) 6. Do you know when a tiger begin to eat meat? Im not sure. Maybe _ a few months old. A. at B. for C. in D. on( ) 7. Mary keeps running every morning._,she becomes healthier and healthier. A. But B. In order toC. However D. As a result( ) 8. _ did you weigh when you were born? My mother says I weighed only 3 kilograms at birth. A. How heavy B. What C. How many D. How much( )9. _ does your new friend _ ? She is tall and slim with long hair and bright eyes. A. How; look like B. What; look like C. What; look D.How; like ( ) 10. -Wow, your new phone looks the same _. -Really? A. like him B. as his C. like his D. as ( ) 11. Leon took the first bus to work _be late again. A. so that B. in order not to C. in order to D. in order to not ( ) 12. Is Zhalong Nature Reserve a beautiful place ? -Yes. It _ wildlife _ enough living areas. A. provides, with B. protect, from C. protects, from D. provides, for ( ) 13. _ news report about saving the wild tigers! A. What useful B. How useful C. What a useful D. How a useful( ) 14. You can call me _ 1234567 or email me _ sunny126.com. A. at, at B. on; at C. on; on D. at; on( ) 15. There was some cakes in the fridge, but there is _now. A. no one B. no C. nothing D. none( ) 16. Ellen spends _ time on English study than her brother, but shes still good at it. A. fewer B. fewest C. least D. less( ) 17. Did you see him_ basketball with his friends this morning? A. played B. play C. is playing D. to play( ) 18. Which animal does your sister like _ of all? -Snakes. They are very dangerous. A. better B. less C. leastD. best( ) 19. People there live very long because they eat _ fruit and nuts. A. mainB. most C. almostD. mainly( ) 20. The children tried their best, but at last they lost the the football match _. A. It doesnt matter. B. Thats OK. C. What a pity! D. Not at all.三 完形填空(10分) I learned how to accept life as it is from my father. However, he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy, but when he was 1 and ill. My father was once a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness _2 all that away. Now he cannot walk any more, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day, even talking is 3 . One night, I went to visit him with my sisters. We started talking about life, and I told them about one thing I believe in. I said that we must very often give things up as we growour youth, our beauty, our friendsbut it always needs that after we give something up, we get something new in its place. Then suddenly my father 4 up. He said, “But, Peter. I gave up 5 ! What did I get?” I thought and thought, but I could not think of anything to say. 6 , he answered his own question. “I 7 the love of my family.” I looked at my sisters, and saw them crying, along with hope and thankfulness. I was also moved by his words. After that, when I began to feel angry at someone, I would remember his words and become _8 . He could replace his great sadness with a feeling of love for others, then I should be _9 to give up my small anger. In this way, I learned the power of acceptance from my father. Sometimes I 10 what other things I could learn from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, I am thankful for this gift.( ) 1. A. tired B. weak C. poor D. slow ( ) 2. A. took B. threw C. sent D. put ( ) 3. A. impossible B. difficult C. helpless D. hopeless ( ) 4. A. spoke B. turned C. got D. opened ( ) 5. A. something B. anythingC. nothing D. everything( ) 6. A. SurprisinglyB. ExcitedlyC. Naturally D. Certainly ( ) 7. A. made B. acceptedC. got D. enjoyed ( ) 8. A. quiet B. calmC. sad D. happy( ) 9. A. ready B. difficultC. free D. able ( ) 10. A. learn B. wonderC. know D. guess 四 阅读理解(30分) A Whole Wheat(小麦) Apple PancakesWhat you need: 2 cups of whole wheat flour 1/2 teaspoonful of salt 2 eggs 1/4 cup of vegetable oil 2 large apples 1 cup of butterDirections: In a large bowl, stir(搅拌) the flour and salt. Put eggs, oil and apples into the flour. Heat a large pan over medium heat. Put a large teaspoon of batter(面糊) onto the pan and cook until the butter becomes dry. Then flip the pancake and cook until it becomes brown on the other side. When both sides have a light brown colour, the pancake is ready. Heat the butter over medium heat and add it to the pancake. It makes the pancake taste more delicious. 1. The passage tells us how to make _. A. breadB. dumplings C. pancakesD. hamburgers2. How much vegetable oil do you need? A. 1 cupB. 1/2 teaspoonC. 2 cupsD. 1/4 cup3. To make whole wheat apple pancakes, you need the following things EXCEPT _ A. milkB. saltC. flourD. Butter4 Whats the right order of making pancakes? (1)put eggs, oil and apples into the flour. (2)Cook the batter. (3)Stir the flour and salt. (4)Heat the pan. A. (3) (1) (2) (4) B. (3) (1) (4) (2) C. (1) (2) (3) (4) D. (1) (4) (2) (3) 5 What does the underlined word “flip” mean in Chinese? A. 凉拌 B 爆炒 C. 翻动 D. 切碎B One Thursday afternoon, when I was in Grade 8, a new boy came into my classroom. He was short and thin. He walked up to the teacher and told her, very seriously(紧张), that he was new. His name was Christian. He sat down, took a look at me, and then looked away. I didnt think he was very nice and I was sure he wasnt the type I would like to become friends with. During that year, I didnt talk to him much, but he smiled at me when our eyes met, always shyly. He never ate lunch with anybody, and he never talked to anybody but me. But one day I joined those unkind kids making fun of him. We made fun of him though(虽然)I thought it was wrong. “Dont you have any friends?”a kid asked Christian, who walked past us alone, head down. “No, he doesnt have any friends. Hes too stupid and shy,”I said. Then Christian looked up at me with the saddest dog eyes . I felt very sorry at that moment. That night, I couldnt sleep because I couldnt get Christians face out of my mind. In the following weeks , he never met my eyes in class and never smiled at me. It was really hard for me to decide to write him a note asking him to forgive(原谅) me. But I thought I should. The next day in class, I wrote him a note telling him how sorry I felt. About five minutes later, I turned and saw tears in his eyes. “You will never know what your apology(道歉) means to me, Jimmy.” he said to me. “I hope we can become friends.”We had lunch together that noon and we had the best talk . Over the years at high school, we were close friends. When I think back, I know that, if I did not apologize, I would never know what a lovely person Christian was. Apologies can really change your life, so never miss the chance to tell somebody you are sorry.6. From the passage, we know Christian was a _ boy. A. tall and fatB. short and shy C. short and active D. lovely and fat7. Jimmy didnt talk to Christian much at first because _ A. he didnt think Christian was the type he wanted to become friends with B. Christian wasnt nice to people around him after he came to the new class C. Christian made friends with others D. Christian had the saddest dog eyes8. Jimmy felt _ after he made fun of Christian with other unkind kids. A. happy B. interested C. sorry D. bored9. Jimmy asked Christian to forgive him by _ A. sending an e-mail B. wearing a smile C. eating supper together D. writing a note10. This article tells us that _ A. we should make an apology when we hurt others B. Jimmys apology was unimportant to Christian C. Christian wasnt lovely in fact D. it is impossible to say sorry to othersCAlmost every Chinese person know the two lines of the famous poem, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦).” However, many of us dont actually get the real meaning of these lines: Dont waste food. A CCTV program, News One Plus One, reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is much enough to feed 200 million people for a year. Do we have too much food? Of course not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2013, especially in developing countries. Six million children die of hunger every year. Chinese people are well known for being hospitable(好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests eat all the food on the table. Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, lost the job because she took some left food home for her son. But many people stood by her. What should we do in our daily lives to waste less food? Here are some tips: Do not order too much in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cant eat up all the food, take the rest of it home. Dont be too picky(挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it. Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Dont buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit. 11. How many people were hungry in the world in 2013 according to the UN World Food Program?A. 200 million. B. Six million. C. 925 million. D. 625 million.12. What does the writer want to show us through Li Hongs story? A. The restaurants waste a large number of food.B. Many Chinese people are kind-hearted and ready to help the weak.C. Chinese people feel that they lose face if their guests eat all the food.D. Many Chinese people dont agree to waste food.13.According to the passage, we shouldnt waste food because .A. food comes from very hard work B. six million children die of hunger every day C. there is enough food to feed all the people D. Chinese are hospitable and generous14. Which of the following is a good way to save food? A. Ordering more than you need at a restaurant. B. Taking the rest food home if you cant eat it up.C. Not knowing what you already have at home when shopping.D. Not eating the food you dont like even if its healthy.15. Which of the following is the best title of the passage? A. The problem of food B. Dont waste food. C. The people in hunger D. Generous Chinese people第二卷 非选择题 (共70分)五词汇(20分)A. 根据中文提示、英文释义、句意写出句中所缺单词。 1. The _(政府) of many countries make laws to protect the cranes. 2. Would you please spend three minutes _(介绍) yourself to us? 3. When did you become a member of the Birdwatching _ (协会)? 4. To our surprise, the boy worked out the problem _(without any difficulty). 5. A homeless dog _ (lose life) in the big fire last night. 6. The young man has no p_ on poor people, so nobody likes him. 7. Do you know wild animals l_ areas are becoming fewer and fewer? B. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。nature, she, lose, eight, tour, sad, act 8. If you have a plan, you should put it into _ . 9. Keeping listening and speaking is the _ way to learn a language. 10. This years Seafood Festival is on the _ of May. 11. Are the books those _? Yes, and I have to return them later. 12. Read the map carefully, or you will get _ in the forest. 13. _, giant pandas face serious problems in the wild. 14. The little girl had to look after _ at a very young age.not notice, visit, plan, learn, put, soundC. 根据句意从方框中选用合适的动词,并用其适当形式填空。 15. My cousin and I _to go birdwatching these days. 16. Excuse me! Look at the sign “No photos”. Sorry, I _ it. 17. Tony, _ on your coat before you go out. Its really cold outside. 18. Which city are you flying to _ your grandparents? 19. They _ a new subject next term, arent they? 20. Listen! The songs _ so nice. 6 句型转换(10分,每空1分) 1. Sandy didnt hear the birds singing this morning. (改为肯定句) Sandy _ the birds _ this morning. 2. Its really wonderful to see so many dolphins. (改为感叹句) _ _ it is to see so many dolphins! 3. I know a lot about Zhalong Nature Reserve. (划线提问) _ _ do you know about Zhalong Nature Reserve? 4. She began to study English at the age of four. (同义句) She began to study English _ she _four. 5. Sometimes the old lady forgets where she can find her glasses. (同义句) Sometimes the old lady forgets _ _ find her glasses. 7 短文首字母填空 What will you think if you see a fish walking? Will you look again if you see it? It is called the tree-climbing fish. People believe that a traveller to India first told about the tree-climbing fish. The fish was h_1_ up in a tree. What was the fish doing in that tree? How did it get there? The traveller t_2_ a bird might put it there. The next day the traveller saw a fish come o_3_of the water. It was hard to believe, but the fish went up the road. It used its fins and tail to pull i_4_ along. It stopped to eat some worms. After the fish ate, it w_5_ slowly over to a tree. Up, up it climbed. When it got high up in the tree, it had a rest. The traveller was s_6_ to see these things and t_7_ other people about the fish. The people wanted to know what this fish looked l_8_. He told them it was dark brown and about one foot long. People can find the tree-climbing fish not only in India but a_9_ in Thailand, Philippines and other places. At one time, people saw the fish in America. Because of cold weather, it was not able to live there any m_10_. 八任务型阅读(10分) The haze(雾霾)season is back. How much do you know about haze? Haze can also be called “Smog”. The word smog is from the words “smoke” and “fog”, It first appeared in the early 20th century. It is a kind of air pollution(污染)caused(导致)mostly by cars and factories. Smog will do great harm(伤害)to your health, especially lungs(肺).It can make you cough and cause skin and eye problems. It seems that we can do nothing to stop it, but only wait until the wind blows all the smog away. However, there are some easy ways to prevent it hurting you. Here are some of them.1. Dont do exercise in the open. Exercising in the open makes you breathe(呼吸)deeply, and you will take in the particles(颗粒物)deep into your lungs.2. Stay indoors and keep the air clean. If you can, just stay in your room and keep the doors and windows closed. Remember to air your room twice a day, you can open the window at noon or at night for half an hour.3. Wear a mask. Paper and cotton masks can not help you in the haze weather. Some special masks, such as N95 masks, can keep you from breathing in the particles in the air. 4. Change your diet. Scientists find that vitamin A, C and E can greatly help protect your eyes, nose and lungs. So eat more green vegetables and fresh fruit everyday. Whats more, do not eat food with too much fat(脂肪),its bad for your lungs.1. How many ways are mentioned to prevent the haze? _. 2. When did the smog first appear? _. 3. What caused this kind of air pollution? _. 4. Why should we eat more vegetables and fruit with vitamin A, C and E? _. 5. What will you do to protect yourself from the haze?(自拟一句话) _. 九 书面表达 (20分)上周你看了一部名叫海豚湾的纪录片,很有感触,准备用英语写一篇70词左右的短文向校广播站投稿,

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