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九年级英语试卷七(2月1号)一、单项选择(1 5小题,每小题1分,共1 5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( ) 1Grace had_unusual experience last winter. She had_happy Spring Festival in ChinaAan;an Ba;a Can;a ,Da;an( ) 2Life is like the _Sometimes it rains or even storms,but we will also have sunny days and blue skiesAtime Bstory Ctemperature DWeather( ) 3Im quite interested in this bookSomething in it_ the writers deep love for nature Aexpresses Bdiscusses Cimagines Dexpects( ) 4一You look so worriedWhats wrong? 一Well,I_a test,and Im waiting for the resultAtake Btook Cam taking DwillTake( ) 5一I heard that you went to Hong Kong last weekHow was it? -ExcellentIve never had_trip before Athe more pleasant Ba most pleasant Ca more pleasant Dthe most pleasant( )6A mothers love is like a circle,_has no beginning and no endingIt has cheered us up and guided us fight Awhich Bwhat Cwhen Dwho( )7Alice looks out of the window,and to her surprise,it _heavily Asnowed Bwas snowing Chas snowed Dis snowing( ) 8Look! The beautiful gift is dressing up as an old woman_a grey dress Ainto Bwith Con Din( ) 9一Excuse me,_I get my book back,Sir? 一0h,Im really sorryI thought it was mine Amust Bshould Cmay Dneed( )10一How well you draw! Im sure you will be a good painter when you grow up 一Thank youMaybe I_my fatherHe is a famous painterA take out Btake after Ctake off Dtake away( )11一Maria and Nancy,could you tell me something about the film The Jungle Book? 一Sorry,_of us has ever seen it Aall Bnone Cboth Dneither( )12Some students are busy setting the chairs in the classroom,because a meeting_ there Aholds Bwas held Cis holding Dwill be held( )13He didnt get used to the life in America_he graduated from college Abecause Buntil Cwhen Dif( )14_clever boy! And the head teacher is so pleased with the boyA What BWhat a CHow DHow a( )15一Im going to give the students a talk on the Mid-autumn Festival 一Great! But dont forget to tell them _ Awhat should they eat at the festival Bwhen we would give presents Cwhy people enjoy mooncakes Dhow do people celebrate it二、完形填空(1 O小题,每小题1分,共1 O分) 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 Once a group of 50 people were attending a seminar(研讨会)Halfway through the talk,the speaker stopped and decided to have a group 16 _He went around the hall and gave each person a balloonEach one was 17_to write his or her name on the balloon using a marker penThen all the balloons were collected and put in another room The speaker then led the group 18 _the room which was full of balloons and asked them to find the 19 _which had their own name within five minutesEveryone was hurriedly20 _the balloon with his or her name,knocking into each other, and pushing each other aroundIt was a 21_At the end of the five minutes,no one could find his or her ownballoon Now each person was asked to randomly(随便地)collect a balloon and give it to the person whose name was on it . Within two minutes everyone 22 _his or her own balloon. When everyone quieted down,the speaker began to talk,saying that this is 23_ what is happening in our lives every day24 _is hurriedly looking for happinessBut no one knows 25 _ it is Our happiness sometimes lies in the happiness of other people. Give them their happiness and you will get your own happiness.( ) 16. A.celebration B.business C. activity D. talk( ) 17.A. asked B. said C. caught D.known( ) 18.A. at B.to C. with D. for( ) 19.A.person B. room C.pen D.balloon( ) 20.A.caring for B. looking for C. preparing for D.paying for( )21.A.mess B. result C. period D.chance( ) 22.A. gave B. broke C. sold D.found( ) 23.A. quickly B. exactly C. carefully D.luckily( ) 24.A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Everybody D. Anybody ( ) 25.A. why B. how C. where D.whether3、 阅读理解。(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇材料,然后按文后要求做题。 AA few weeks ago, I went into Chases class for help. I e-mailed Chases teacher one evening and said, “My son keeps telling me that the thing you are sending home is math-but Im not sure I believe him. Help, please.” She e-mailed me soon and said, “No problem! I can help Chase after school anytime.” And I said, “No, not him. Me. He gets it. Help me.” And thats why I stayed with Chases math teacher. We talked about teaching children. We agreed that subjects like math and reading are not the most important things that are learned in a classroom. We also talked about something else-kindness and bravery. And then she told me this. Every Friday afternoon Chases teacher asks her students to take out a piece of paper and write down the names of four children with whom theyd like to sit the following week. She also askes the students to nominate(推荐)one student who they think is the most popular student that week. They neednt write down their names on the paper. After the students go home, she takes out those pieces of paper, and studies them. In fact, Chases teacher is not looking for a new seating chart(表格)or “popular students”. She is looking for lonely children. Shes looking for the ones who are unwilling to connect with others. She is discovering whose gifts are not noticed by their classmates. Then she gets to know who needs help. After watching Bowling for Columbine the wise woman realized that all violence(暴力)comes from loneliness. So she decided to start fighting violence early and often, and what she is doing is SAVING LIVES. And she finds the lonely kids through those lists and tries to help them.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( )26._ wants to get help according to the first paragraph AChase BChases teacher CChases parent DThe popular student ( )27Why does Chases teacher ask her students to write down some names on paper? A. Because she is looking for the popular students BBecause she is looking for a new seating chart CBecause she wants to help her students learn math DBecause she wants to find the lonely children ( )28The teacher realized that all violence comes from loneliness_. Awhen she graduated from university Bafter she talked with the writer Cwhen she became a teacher Dafter she watched a movie ( )29What do you think of the teacher? AKind but silly BWise and kindCCareful but cruel DHard-working and brave ( )30. Whats the best title for this passage? ATeaching Math BLoneliness CLooking for the Lonely DPopular Students B Besides the sun,the moon is the object in the sky we probably notice most oftenOn some nights it is a bright full circleOn other nights it is only a sliver(长薄片)Why does the moon change its shape? It doesnt change at all,in factIt only seems to change. The moon is always a sphere,like a ballWhat changes is how much that sphere we can see How can a sphere appear to have different shapes? Picture a large ball in the middle of a roomYou and your classmates are all siting in a circle around the ballThe room is completely darkYou turn on the flashlight in your hand and shine it on the ballTo you,the ball looks like a bright full circle as the light shines on itBut someone a few feet to your right sees only half of that lit circle. The person across from you cant see the ball at allEveryone sitting in the circle sees a different part of the ballIt looks different to each personBut the ball is still a sphere Its the same thing as the moonThe sun shines on the moonBut as the moon travels around the earth,we see different parts of its lit surface。When all the lit surface faces the earthwe see a full moonEach day we see less and less of the lit surfaceAfter about two weeks, all of the lit surface is facing away from the earthThen we cant see the moon at allIts a new moonOver the next two weeks or so,we can see more and more of the moon until its full again The different shapes of the moon are called the moons phase(相) 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填人题前括号内。 ( )31What does the underlined word“sphere”mean in Chinese A立体 B球体 C圆圈 D图形 ( )32When your classmates sit in a circle within a dark room,who cant see the ball if your flashlight shines on the ball? AThe person only a few feet to your rightBThe person only a few feet to your left CThe one across from you DEvery person sitting in the circle ( )33According to the passagethe moon has different shapes because_ Awe see different parts of the moon on the earth Bthe earth travels around the sun Cit changes its shapes regularly Dthe moon is a sphere ( )34Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? AIn fact,the moon is always changing its shape while traveling around the earth BWhen all of the lit surface is facing away from the earth,we can see the full moon CWhen aof the lit surface is facing the earth, we cant see the moon at all DThe sun and the moon are the objects in the sky we probably notice most often ( )35Whats the main idea of the passage? AThe circle and the flashlight BThe moons phase CThe sun and the moon DThe circles shapes C Do you like traveling? If you are interested,come to our travel service as soon as possibleWe offer the following travel lines for you to choose 2-Day Hangzhou Colorful Group TourHow about going to Hangzhou for the weekend? You can visit the West Lake ,Leifeng Pogota, Lingyin Temple and taste Zhejiang delicious food, such as Dongpo pork and West Lake vinegar(醋)fish. Tour Price: ¥398Call us at 800-651-8888. 5-Day Sanya Private Tour Sanya is famous for its sunshine, white sandy beaches and clear water. You can relax here, walk along the beaches and breathe the fresh air!Tour Price: 1 person 2-5 persons 6-9 persons ¥ 766 ¥ 660/person ¥ 630/personCall us at 800-652-6666, 6-Day Colorful Taiwan Group TourIf you like to take a round-island trip, Taiwan is the best place for you! You can climb Ali Mountain, go boating in Sun Moon Lake and experience the various cultures of the islandTour Price:¥8,600 Call us at 800-6538688 8-Day London Private Tour Come to London for a few relaxing days to enjoy the view of the Thames and visit some places of interest such as Tower Bridge and Big BenTour Price: 1 person 25 persons 69 persons ¥ 16,999 ¥ 14,800person ¥ 12,600personCall us at 8006547380根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填人题前括号内。( )36How long does the Hangzhou Colorful Group Tour last? ATwo days BFour days CFive days DEight days( )57Tony plans to take the 5-Day Sanya Private Tour with his two sonsHow much should they Pay? A¥2,298 B¥l,980. C¥1890 D¥660( )38If you want to climb AliMountain,you should call_. A80065 18888 B8006526666 C8006538688 D8006547380( )39What can you do if you take the 8一Day London Private Tour? ATaste Zhejiang food BGo boating in Sun Moon Lake. CEnjoy the view of the Thames. DBreathe the fresh air( )40Where is the passage most probably from? AA driving school BA travel serviceCA sports center DA bus station D How do you stay true to yourself when your friends or family around you all have an opinion on everything you do? Its not easy! 41_ Here are four tips which can help you live a colorful life. 42_ Stay true to yourself by listening to the opinions that really matter-your own and those from people who believe in and encourage youAfter all,you know yourself better than anybody elseDont fear people 43 _The reason most people dont take risks,or live on the edge(边缘)is the fear of what others might think of themIf you want to live the life you truly want:,you must give up the need to be liked by everybodyValue yourself and your choices When you do,others will,tooOwn the choices you make in your 1ifeWhen you doubt yourself,others will doubt you. 44_ Show confidence(自信) in your choices and What you stand for whether others agree or notFocus on appreciation(感激) No matter What the conditions are,there is always something to be thankful forAll successful people ask,“What am I thankful for? How can I improve my situation and use these difficult times to inspire (激励) others? 45_ These steps,if used,will help you keep your mind peaceful,change your lifestyle,and make you productive 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。 AWhen you believe yourself,others will believe in you, too. BStay fearlessly in everything you will have to do CBe thankful to life and be helpful to others,and youll live a successful life. DHowever,there are great chances that you can lead the life you really want ENever let others opinions guide your choices 41_ 42_ 43_ 44_ 45_四、词语运用(10小题,每小题1分,共1 0分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。 so day learn fall with because easy he practice on teach finalMy friend Mike got a bikeLots of kids in my neighborhood knew how to rideI also wanted to ride, but all the boys told me I couldnt do it 46_ I was a girlI decided to prove(证实)them wrong,so Mike let me try his bikeI wasnt on for one minute before I 47_ off. He came over to see if I was OK, but then started laughing That night I told my dad how I wanted to be as good as boysA few 48_ 1ater my dad brought a new bike home and I became the laughing stock(笑柄)of the neighborhood since thenAll the boys thought it was a joke that I really wanted to 49_how to ride My dad spent four long weeks 50_me everything I needed to know about the basics of ridingDay after day he worked 51_me, and I began to progress Each ride on my dirty bike,I got a little better,and 52_ I was ready for a trip with some boysBut I couldnt keep up and the boys had to wait for me Every time I came back,I would cry , and my dad would put 53_arms around meHe would tell me not to 1isten to them and with more 54_,I would be as good as others or better than them Things got 55_at 1ast,as if I could ride with my eyes closed. I am still laughed at,not because Im not good,but because they felt afraid that a girl can do what they did51_ 52_ 53 _ 54 _ 55 _56 _ 57 _ 58 _ 59 _ 60 _五、补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A:Hi,Bob!Where are you going after the exam? B:I have no idea.61_? A:Im going to Shanghai B:What?You went to Shanghai last summer62_? A:Somewhere else? Yes,I planned to go to Nanjing this summer, but you know Shanghai Disneyland has been openedI want to visit the Disneyland B:Sounds wonderful! 63_? A:Im going there with my parentsWould you like to go together? B:Why not? Id love to64_ A:Sure,we all have a good time B:80_? A:We will take a plane B:0h,great!I cant wait for it六、书面表达(1 5分) 生活像一只快乐的小船,承载着无数的欢声笑语。请以“A happy _”为题,用英语写一篇短文,描述你经历过的一件快乐的事。 要求:1在题目空格处填人你要描述的对象,如day,trip或memory等; 2文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称: 380词左右。 A happy _

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