高一英语人教版必修2精选课件《Unit 4 Wildlife protection》Task课件

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高一英语人教版必修2精选课件《Unit 4 Wildlife protection》Task课件_第1页
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高一英语人教版必修2精选课件《Unit 4 Wildlife protection》Task课件_第3页
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Listening and reading,Unit4,Dictation: 1.千百万年前恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多. 2 科学家是根据恐龙骨骼的连接方式做出这种判断的. 3 没有人确切地知道. 4 其他人认为地球变得太热,恐龙不能再继续生存了.,Answer to questions about listening,1. One of his fields was too dry to grow crops.,2. His first idea was to dig a ditch to bring water to the land.,3. Because the crops on the rest of his farm began to die.,4. His second idea was to dig a well to get water from the ground.,5. He took away the water from the farms of his friends.,6. He thought about crops that liked dry land and could get the water from the ground. So he grew coconut and lychee trees.,Once there was a farmer who lived with his family on a small farm. He grew rice and vegetables and made a lot of money at the market. But one of his fields was too dry to grow rice or vegetables. Every year it lay empty and the farmer worried about how he could improve this part of his farm. “Perhaps I can move the river and make this land grow crops,” he thought. So he tried. He dug a,ditch from the river so that the clear, clean water would reach his dry land. The river changed its course and the dry land became wetter, but the rest of the fields did not get enough water and the crops began to turn yellow and die. “Oh dear,” thought the farmer, “ that is not the answer.” So he moved the river back to its old course.,“Perhaps I can dig a well,” he thought, “and that will make the land grow crops.” So he dug a deep well. The water that came up from the well was clear and clean and made the dry land wet and ready to grow crops. But the farmers neighbours came running to see him, “You are taking our water. It has disappeared from our wells,since you dug yours.” They said, “ If you continue to do that we shall have no crops for ourselves.” “Oh dear,” thought the farmer, “that is not the answer.” So he stopped getting water from the well. Then he noticed a beautiful bird. “ Why not grow trees here?” it said, “There is a lot of water deep under the ground for trees to grow. We birds will,be happy to rest in the trees. You can have a crop of coconuts or lychees. Everybody will be happy,” So the farmer did as the bird suggested. Every year the trees grew taller and the fruit grew larger and more plentiful. The farmer grew rich and every year there were more beautiful birds to be seen on his farm. He became famous and people came from near and far to see his trees and the beautiful birds. Everybody was indeed happy!,Suggested answer to Exercise 2.,I think the message of the story is that you must pay great attention to the environment. You cant push your own ideas that may not fit with the environment. You need to discover what works best to keep the animals and people happy.,The Return of the Milu Deer,Reading questions: 1.What did Britain and China work together to do ? Why ? 2. Why did the Milu Deer disappear from China? 3. Whats the name of the park that the first Milu deer was sent to? 4. Britain helped China by bringing back the Milu deer to show what?,To bring the Milu deer back to China. To show their friendship to China people.,Milu deer were often hunted for food or sport in Ming and Qing dynasty many of them were killed.,It is called Nanhaizi Milu Park.,To show their friendship and understanding to china.,Like other deer but with large horns,Live together, eat grass and tree branches ;like cool,wet weather,Over-hunted and killed,Lived happily and number increased,In 1985 the government of China asked for some to be returned to China,Great increase in number and several Milu Deer centres have been set up,An increase in the friendship between China and Britain.,Discussion: What can you learn after you read this passage?,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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