中考英语 第一轮 课本知识聚焦 第13讲 八下 Units 7-8试题1

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第13讲 八下 Units 7-8一、单项选择。1Do you know about the scientist Tu Youyou?Yes,she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine because of her great B (2016,滨州改编)AsurpriseBachievementCeducation2(导学号:36422124)Where were you born,Michael?I was born in a small village with only three A people.(2016,福州)Ahundred Bhundreds Chundreds of3I cant tell the exact time.My watch goes a few minutes B (2016,河北改编)Asooner Bfaster Clater4May I speak to Mr.Smith?Sorry,he isnt in.He B Changsha.(2016,怀化)Ahas been to Bhas gone to Cwent to5(导学号:36422125)The Caspian Sea is B than any other salt lake in the world.(2016,岳阳)Adeep Bdeeper Cdeepest6(导学号:36422126)The safety of food has become one of the C problems in our daily life.(2016,益阳)Aimportant Bmore important Cmost important7(导学号:36422127)I C my ruler yet.Could I use yours?Of course you can.Ahave found Bdidnt find Chavent found8Bob has got good exam results.His parents are proud of his A Asuccess Bchance Cdream9 Whose book is it?Lin Feng likes reading novels.It must C to him.Asupport Bexplain Cbelong10Song Joong Ki is now one of C stars in Asia.Apopular Bmore popularCthe most popular二、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(David and his classmate Grace are talking about their coming weekend.)A: What are you going to do this weekend?B: Nothing special.I suppose Ill just listen to the new CD I bought.A: 1. C B: Well,its all music.2. A I like smooth music that can relax my mind after a long week at work.A: Sounds nice.Id like to watch a movie this Saturday.3. B B: Hmm,depends on which movie.4. E I just want to laugh and I dont want to think about too much.You know what I mean? A: Oh,its a pity.The movie that I want to see this Saturday is a little serious.B: 5. G A: Its about World War and the director is famous.ATheres no singing.BWould you like to watch a movie with me? CWhat kind of CD is this?DWhat do you like to eat for breakfast?EI only like movies that are funny.FAre you in a club?GWhats the movie about?三、(导学号:36422128)阅读理解(一)。(2015,莱芜)In 2015, on a TV show I Am a Singer 3, Li Jian became the most popular one, because he has great singing ability and sense of humor. Li has a smooth voice. His songs can really touch the listeners. People even give him the nickname “Poetic Musician” because of his poetic lyrics.Li was born in Harbin in 1974. He showed great talent for music from an early age. He learned to play the guitar by himself. Later, he became a good guitarist and won the first prize in a national competition. “In my younger days, guitar was like my best friends.” Li said.Though he studied electronic engineering in Qinghua University, he never gave up music. Then in March 2001, Li formed a group called Shuimu Nianhua with his friend. Later, Li didnt agree to change their musical style. So the pair went their separate(分离)ways next year.Unlike some other musicians, Li does very few interviews or concerts. He spends more time writing songs. “Writing songs is like collecting water in a cup. When the cup is full, the water will come out naturally.” he said.1Li Jian gets the nickname “Poetic Musician” because of A Ahis poetic lyricsBhis singing abilityChis smooth voiceDhis sense of humor 2Li Jian was good at B when he was young.Aplaying the violinB. playing the guitarCsinging Beijing Opera Dmaking model planes3Li Jian formed Shuimu Nianhua at the age of A A. 27B. 28C40D414Li Jian left Shuimu Nianhua because D Ahe would form a new bandBhe had few chances to give concertsChe had too much pressure in universityDhe refused to change their musical style5The underlined part in Paragraph 4 suggests(暗示)that C ALi Jian is tired of writing songsBLi Jian likes collecting water in a cupCLi Jian spends more time writing heartfelt musicDLi Jian will give more interviews or concerts in the future.四、(导学号:36422129)阅读理解(二)。Have you seen the videos on TV? Do you wear large Tshirts and baggy (宽松的) jeans? Or have you heard someone rap(说唱)? HipHop is very hot now.HipHop music was started in the middle of the 1970s by African Americans in New York.The music,breakdancing(霹雳舞) and graffiti (涂鸦) make up Western HipHop culture.Most of the HipHop songs are about love,jobs or even games.Usually in rap,singers speak words very quickly to a certain beat(节奏)Most of the words are fun.Singers play off words to make fun of themselves or others.HipHop music has few rules.Singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way.It makes a lot of teenagers fall in love with the music.Many of them like wearing large Tshirts and baggy jeans.Famous rap and HipHop stars include Eminem in the US and Jay Chou from China.Today HipHop is more and more popular across most of the world.1Is HipHop very hot now?Yes, it is.2When was HipHop music started?It was started in the middle of the 1970s./In the middle of the 1970s.3What are most of the HipHop songs about?Most of the HipHop songs are about love, jobs or even games.4Does HipHop have many rules or few rules? It has few rules.5Why do a lot of teenagers fall in love with the music?Because singers can do what they want and rap it out in a clever or creative way.五、(导学号:36422130)词语运用。(有两词多余)publishfromwhenbringlovelyfordifferencehewho smile final bookThe Little Prince was written by a French pilot and writer Antoine de SaintExupery.It is one of the most famous 1.books around the world.It 2.was published in 1943.This story has been translated into 42 languages and was adapted(改编) into a movie.The little prince lives on a small planet alone.He leads a happy life.One day,the wind 3.brings him a seed.The seed then turns into the 4.loveliest flower he has never seen.He takes good care of the flower,but 5.finally he decides to leave it and his planet to search for a secretthe most important thing in his life.During 6.his journey in space,the little prince meets a king,a businessman,a lamplighter and a geographer.They all live alone on 7.different planets.At last he finds out the secret 8.from a fox of the Earth.Before he returns to his planet,he tells his secret to the writer of the book,9.whom he meets in the desert.The secret isthe power of love.When you read this touching and sincere story of the little prince,you cant help 10.smiling and feeling the beauty of life and love in your heart.六、书面表达。音乐是一种艺术形式,美妙的音乐给平淡的生活增添韵律,使人们陶醉其中。遨游在音乐的天地里,人们可以忘掉痛苦、挫折,然后开始享受奇妙与惬意。在你的生活中,你一定有自己最喜欢的歌手或者乐队。请根据以下要点提示以“My favorite singer”为题写一篇不少于80词的短文。要点提示:他(他们)的音乐风格;你喜欢他(他们)的原因;听完他(他们)的音乐后你的感受提示词:favorite喜欢的; moving 打动人心的要求:1.词数:不少于80词。2书写规范,语句通顺,意思连贯,合理想象,适当发挥。3文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名和老师名等相关信息,否则不给分。One possible version:My favorite singerEveryone has his or her own favorite singer or band.As for me, my favorite singer is Han Hong who is from Tibet.Han Hong has a sweet and special voice.She sings songs with her deep feelings so that people can understand them from the lyrics.Because of the feelings, her songs sound very beautiful.When I am sad, I listen to her songs and become very happy soon.My favorite song is Tianliangle.And its really a quite moving song.So, I love her very much.Her songs not only make me relaxed but also bring me different understandings to the world around me.


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