中考英语 第二轮 语法专题聚焦 专题十一 非谓语动词实战演练1

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中考英语 第二轮 语法专题聚焦 专题十一 非谓语动词实战演练1_第1页
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中考英语 第二轮 语法专题聚焦 专题十一 非谓语动词实战演练1_第2页
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专题十一 非谓语动词1(导学号:36422291)My parents dont allow me B late.(2016,南充)Astay up Bto stay upCstays up Dstaying up2This weekend our class will go to a mountain near our city C trees.(2016,资阳)Aplant Bplanted Cto plant Dplanting3(导学号:36422292)You should ask Bob D his own clothes.He is ten years old now.(2016,重庆A卷)Awash Bwashes Cwashing Dto wash4(导学号:36422293)Tina is busy B at school,but she never forgets her mother every day.(2016,巴中)Awork;to call Bworking;to call Cworking;calling5I tried to make Alice D her mind but I found it difficult.Well,I saw you that when I went past.(2016,呼和浩特) Achanged;do Bchanges;doingCchange;to do Dchange;doing6It made him A to know that he was on the winning team.(2016,德阳)Afeel lucky Bto feel luckyCfeel unlucky Dto feel unlucky7(导学号:36422294)How time flies!We should show love for our parents and make them D how much they mean to us.(2016,十堰)Ato know Bknowing Cknew Dknow8(导学号:36422295)I tried to make the baby D by singing,and that worked well at last.(2016,随州)Ato stop to cry Bto stop crying Cstop to cry Dstop crying9(导学号:36422296)Tom has decided B a parttime job after he graduates from school.(2016,攀枝花)Ado Bto do Cdid Ddoing10(导学号:36422297)We havent seen our good friends for years.Were really looking forward B them.Ato meet Bto meetingCmet Dmeet11(导学号:36422298)Im new here.Dont worry.Ill do what I can B you.Ahelp Bto help Cinvite Dto invite12Many old men prefer A in a peaceful countryside.Ato live Bliving Clive Dlived13(导学号:36422299)It took Jenny two hours A reading this interesting story.Ato finish Bfinished Cfinishing Dfinish14(导学号:36422300)My classmates and I enjoy B English songs before class.Asing BsingingCto sing Dto singing15Driving less,walking more is good for our health.So Id rather C an hours walk to work than consider a car.Atake;drive Btaking;to driveCtake;driving Dtaking;driving16(导学号:36422301)Im sleepy.I prefer A at home to going out for a walk.Asleeping Bto sleep Cslept Dsleep17Its relaxing to get close to nature C the beauty.Aenjoy Benjoyed Cto enjoy Denjoys18We have to put off B the Great Wall because of the bad weather.Avisit BvisitingCto visit Dto visiting19(导学号:36422302)Why not C your teacher for help when you cant finish the story by yourself.Ato ask,write Bto ask,writingCask,writing Dasking,to write20He used to A in a small village,but now he has been used to in a big city.Alive;living Blive;liveCliving;living Dliving;live21(导学号:36422303) C good care of your pet,or it will get ill easily.ATaking BTo take CTake DTaken22(导学号:36422304)The book is well worth C I plan one.Aread;to buy Breading;buyingCreading;to buy Dto read;buying23When I walked past the park,I saw some old people C Chinese Tai Chi.Ado Bdid Cdoing Dare doing24Do you enjoy D a bike in the countryside?Aride Brides Cto ride Driding25Would you mind B in the dining hall?Of course not.Anot to smoke Bnot smokingCsmoke Dnot smoke


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