Unit4 1st《period》:课件九(29张PPT)(人教版必修1)

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Warming up,Unit4 Earthquake,What happened in the Indian Ocean at the end of 2004?,A terrible tsunami(海啸) broke out there on 26th December. More than 200,000 people were killed.,Question,A tsunami(海啸) is an undersea earthquake.,WHAT IS TSUNAMI?,Task1,Do you know any other natural disasters?,natural disasters,floods(洪水),drought (旱灾),hurricanes (飓风) typhoons (台风),mudflow/landslide (泥石流),volcanic eruption (火山爆发),earthquake,Lets talk something about earthquakes,Task2 Can you tell some famous land earthquakes(地震)?,San Francisco 1989,The Tangshan Earthquake in 1976,What can we do to keep ourselves safe from an earthquake?,lets play a game,Earthquakes,Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Why?,Pre-reading,personal washing things,a bottle of water,money,torch (手电筒),mobile phone,food and sweets,blanket (毯子),What will you take with you?,medicine,You will take:,Do you know what would happen before an earthquake?,Discussion,Animals are too nervous, such as cows, pigs, horses, and snakes, etc.,Can we avoid( 避免)or reduce (减少)the damage?,We can foretell(预测) earthquakes.,How to foretell an earthquake?,Lets look at some signs(前兆).,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,People can see bright lights in the sky. The sound of planes can be heard outside even when no planes are in the sky.,Mice will run out of the fields looking for places to hide. Fish will jump out of the bowls or ponds.,Animals will be too nervous to eat.,Farmers wives will notice that the well walls have deep cracks in them. The water will rise and fall, rise and fall for a few days. Steam will burst from holes or wells in the ground.,Predictions of an earthquake:,1) Bright lights flash in the sky;,3) The well walls have deep cracks with smelly gas;,4) Animals are too nervous, such as cows, pigs, horses, and snakes, etc;,5) Mice run out to look for places to hide;,6) Fish jump out of the ponds.,2) The water in the well rise and fall;,If there is an earthquake, what will happen?,Roads get huge cracks.,Steam burst from holes or wells in the ground. Water pipes are destroyed.,Houses fall down. Bricks cover the ground . Brick building are destroyed.,Factories,hospitals,buildings are gone.,Dams and bridges fall down. Hard hills of rock become rivers of dirt .,Railway tracks are now useless pieces of steel.,People died and injured. Families are killed and many children are left without parents.,A few seconds, a large city lies in ruins. Everything is destroyed. It seems the world was at an end.,What shall we do or not do if an earthquake happens?,Discussions,Dos,Donts,1.Stay in a small room,such as kitchen or bathroom,2.Hide under the table or bed , if you havent time to escape , you may stand close to the inside wall with some things covering on the head.,3.If you stay in the open air ,keep off the tall building, and go to the fields without trees .,1. Be close to the outside wall,2.Stay on the balcony,3. Jump out of the tall building,4. Use the lift,HOMEWORK :,Prepare for Reading.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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