Unit 5《Nelson Mandela---a modern hero》Learning about Language课件35(61张PPT)(人教版必修1)

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Unit 5《Nelson Mandela---a modern hero》Learning about Language课件35(61张PPT)(人教版必修1)_第1页
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必修1 Unit5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero,说课课件,第三课时 Learning about Language,说课内容,说教材,说教法,说学法,说教学过程,板书设计,教学反思,说教材,教学内容,课题,新课标,教学目标,教学的重点、难点,一. 教材内容分析及课时划分,人教版高中英语课程标准必修1有五个单元,每个单元围绕一个主要话题开展听、说、读、写活动,本单元的话题是“The qualities of a great person and the lives of some great people”,并以Nelson Mandela 的故事贯穿整个单元。故事的主题内容分成三个部分,由穷苦的黑人工人Elias叙述他眼中的Mandela。,1教材内容分析,第一部分是ReadingI Elias 向我们介绍1952-1963年期间的Mandela。第二部分是listening 中Elias 讲述他为了争取与白人有平等的权利而参加了Mandela的非洲国民大会青年联盟。第三部分是ReadingII Elias说到他在罗本岛监狱得到了Mandela的帮助,非国大掌权后, Elias又回到罗本岛监狱担任导游。这样通过Elias的视角对Mandela的叙述,尽可能地剔除作者的主观看法,留给学生更多的思考空间,启发学生自己去思考,主动地表述对自己心目中英雄人物的看法。为了让学生完成写作任务,教科书又提供了Mandela的生平履历表,让学生对Mandela有了一个更完整的认识。,“热身”(Warming up)部分要求小组讨论伟人应具有的品质,并通过一组问题让学生了解彼此的特点与看法。,“读前”(Pre-reading)部分提供了一些重要的历史人物,要求学生读懂每个人的基本情况,并判断他们中谁能称得上是伟大的人。,“语言学习”(Learning about language)部分突出了词汇和语法的学习与训练。本单元的语法是when,where,why,介词+which,介词+whom引导的定语从句。,“语言运用”(Using Language)部分中包括了听读写三个部分的内容,是本单元主要阅读篇章故事的延续。学生可从中了解南非黑人当时的生活状况以及他们不平等的社会地位,发现Mandela的伟大之处。该部分提出的一些问题有利于培养学生独立思考的能力和人文精神。其中“写作”(writing)部分是训练学生选取和组织材料,写出具有说服力的书信。练习册的写作要求学生学写有关伟人或名人的生平。,“学习建议”(Learning Tip)指导学生收集,选择和分析有关名人的材料,了解人们对这些名人的评论,以学会正确地评价人物。,2.课时分配,二. 课题,高中英语新课程标准必修1Unit5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero 第三课时 Learning about Language 1.Word study 2. The attributive clause (II) 由where, when, why, 介词+ which, 介词+ whom引导的定语从句。,三. 本课时的新课标理念,本课时我在真实的情景中让学生体会语言的使用,运用引导法,归纳法 “任务型”活动和多媒体辅助教学等各种方法组织指导学生进行语言语法知识的学习,在学习过程中经过观察,探究,理解,形成概念,初步运用,巩固等环节,强调发挥学生的自主意识,以达到新课标对学生能力的要求。,新课标强调学生在参与,实践,讨论,探究和合作中学会用英语来表达,交流,发展综合语言运用能力.,四. 教学目标设计,1. 知识与技能: 巩固所学词汇,能有条理地表达个人的见解和想法,从而提高说的技能。 充分利用多媒体技术,培养学生掌握语言语法知识、运用语言语法知识的能力。 2. 过程与方法: 培养学生构建知识框架,形成完整的系统知识的能力,通过自主学习、协作学习来获取信息和处理信息的能力。 培养学生的质疑意识,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。 3. 情感态度与文化意识 : 诱导学生积极参与,充分调动他们学习的兴趣,在师生互动的活动中,加强教师的亲和力,增进彼此的了解与沟通,充分发挥情感教学的优势.在共同完成一些游戏,取长补短等任务的过程中,加强团体协作意识,五. 教学重点、难点,教学重点: ReadingI中的生词,短语 由where, when, why, 介词+ which, 介词+ whom引导的定语从句。 教学难点: 语法操练与语言交际活动的有机结合,六. 教学方法,演示法: 把制作的课件、图片等显示给学生看,便于学生对微观知识的把握,并从旧知识中获得启迪,从而达到解决问题的目的。 任务驱动教学法: 将所要学习的新知识隐含在一个或几个问题之中,学生通过对所提的任务进行分析、讨论,并在老师的指导和帮助下找出解决问题的方法,最后通过任务的完成而实现对所学知识的意义建构。,七. 学习方法,高中英语新课程标准明确指出:“高中英语课程要有利于学生优化英语学习方法,使他们通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力。”,根据高中英语新课程标准要求,结合学生的实际,本课时我在教语法项目时,把每个教学环节所设计的问题和任务区分出高低不同的层次,由浅入深,循序渐进,使每个教学环节尽量符合多数学生的认知水平,力争全班绝大多数同学都能积极参与课堂活动。通过“任务型”活动培养学生 用观察,体验,探究的方法去掌握和运用语言、语法知识的能力。,八. 教学过程设计,Step1 Revision Ask some students to retell “Elias Story”. 2.Check the homework, giving some explanation if necessary.,Step2 Discovering useful words and expressions,Go over the reading passage again and give students some time to finish exercises 1,2 on page 35-36. Five minutes later, check in pairs and then check with the whole class. 1. Look at the reading passage again to find words that mean the same.,2. Complete the passage with some of the words above. When Elias lost his job and was out of work, his wife was very unhappy. She knew this meant he was in trouble when all she wanted was a peaceful life with enough money every month. She tried to advise him not to fight the government as she thought it was better to accept that in South Africa black people were not as important as white people. But he was willing to continue the fight and help Nelson Mandela win equal rights for black people. For a period of time she felt helpless and lost heart, but Elias encouraged her with stories of how good life would be when white and black people worked and played together.,通过完成以上两个练习, 使学生进一步巩固和熟练运用ReadingI中的words and expressions.,Step 3 The relative adverbs study,1.这里我根据课文内容设计几个问题,引出关系副词when,where,why引导的定语从句。用问题导出所要学的知识.,1) T: When did Elias first meet Mandela? S: Elias first met Mandela in 1952. T: We can also get the answer “Elias first met Mandela when he was 12 years old.” Ill change these two sentences into one sentence “Elias first met Mandela in 1952 (when he was 12 years old).”,2) T: How far was Elias school? S: Elias school was 3 kilometres away. T: How long did Elias study in the school? S: He studied in the school for 2 years. T: Ill change these 2 sentences into 1 sentence “The school (where Elias studied for two years) was 3 kilometres away.,3)T: Why was Elias happy to help Nelson Mandela? S: Because he knew it was to realize his dream of making black and white people equal. T: So we can say “The reason (why Elias was happy to help Nelson Mandela) was that he knew it was to realize his dream of making black and white people equal.”,通过这三个场景的设计和操练, 学生对关系副词when, where, why 引导的定语从句有了一个初步的概念和了解.,2. 让学生观察和研究和讨论这三个交际场景, 分析出when, where, why这三个词在定语从句中的成分及不同意思. 教师进行必要的提醒,点拨和解释. Suggested answer: “when” means “at that time”, “where” means “at that place”, “why” is used after the word “reason”. They are all used as the adverb in a sentence.,3. 让学生找出Reading1中的定语从句, 并特别注意含有这三个关系副词的定语从句以及关系副词在这些句子中的具体的使用. The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life. Line 1 2) The school where I studied only two years was three kilometres away. Line 4 3) This was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. Line 6,4) The day when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of the happiest days of my life. Line 9 5) The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all. Line 14 6) The parts of town where they lived were places decided by white people.倒数Line 10 7) The places where they were sent to live were the poorest areas in South Africa.倒数Line 8,8) We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government.倒数Line 6 9) We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful.倒数Line 5,这样学生对when, where, why引导的定语从句有了进一步的了解, 对课文内容也有了进一步的熟悉.所以接下来就可让学生根据定语从句的初步知识以及课文内容做36页Discovering useful structures中的Exercise1, 帮助Elias解决问题, 巩固所学的语法知识.,4. Form the correct message,Elias has had some problems with his messages for his friends. Can you help him form sentences with the words and phrases on Page 36.,The mines where I worked were 9 km form my house. The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work. The time when I arrived was late at night. The government where we voted was very grand. The date when I joined the ANC Youth League was the 5th of August.,5. Please make sentences with the pictures and the given key words, using the relative adverbs.,用图片和关键词造句, 使学生对when, where, why 引导的定语从句有直观的了解和更深的理解.,Beijing the city 2008,Beijing is the city where the 2008 Olympic Games will be held.,Oct. 1, 1949 the day found,Oct.1,1949 is the day when the PRC was founded.,The reason was destroyed is that hurricane hit,The reason whyNew Orleans was destroyed is that the hurricane hit it.,New Orleans,Katrina,这些图片和句子起到了承上启下的作用, 既复习巩固了前面的关系副词的用法, 又用来引出下面一个语法点, 介词+关系代词.,1. 通过具体分析前面所造的三个句子引出关系副词when, where, why 可用介词+which来代替这个语法点.,Step4. 关系副词转换成介词+which的学习,1. Beijing is the city where the 2008 Olympic Games will be held.,_,Beijing is a city. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in this city.,which,Beijing is the city in which the 2008 Olympic Games will be held.,2. Oct.1,1949 is the day when the PRC was founded.,Oct.1,1949 is a day. The PRC was founded on this day.,Oct.1,1949 is the day on which the PRC was founded.,which,3. The reason whyNew Orleans was destroyed is that the hurricane hit it.,The reason is that the hurricane hit it. New Orleans was destroyed for that reason.,which,The reason for which New Orleans was destroyed is that the hurricane hit it.,2. 用适当的介词+关系代词来填写下列句子, 来巩固介词+关系代词这个语法点.,1. I like the house in which I lived many years ago. 2. I can remember the day on which I became a Party member. 3. I know the reason for which he was late .,Step5. 总结含有关系副词的定语从句, 并用例子加以说明.,The room is comfortable. I live in the room,The room where I live is comfortable(舒适).,in which,1).where:在从句中做状语,表示地点或场合, 可用in which, at which 等来代替.,2). When在从句中做时间状语,可用on/in/during /at which等来代替.,I will never forget the time. We worked on the farm during that time.,I will never forget the time when we worked on the farm.,during which,3). why在从句中做状语,表原因,常用在先行词reason之后,可用for which 来代替.,The reason was that he missed his train. He was late for that reason.,The reason why he was late was that he missed his train.,for which,关系副词的用法,时间,时间状语,地点,地点状语,原因,原因状语,关系副词引导定语从句时,既引导定语从句,又在定语从句中充当状语。,1. Beijing is a beautiful city. I went there last summer.,Beijing is a beautiful city where/in which I went last summer.,2. I remember the day. My father made his first real film.,I remember the day when/on which my father made his first real film.,3. The reason was that he passed the exam. He was so happy for the reason.,The reason why/for which he was so happy was that he passed the exam.,1)把下面的句子连接成定语从句,Step6 巩固when, where, why , 介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,1 The day when I first heard Nelson Mandela became the President of South Africa was a very exciting time. 2 South Africa is now a country where people of all races and colurs can live together happily. 3 This is the government building in which the trial of Nelson Mandela was held in 1963. 4 The person to whom you should be grateful for a peaceful South Africa is Nelson Mandela.,Help Elias finish the message,Elias has lost some of his messages. Can you and your partner help him by finishing them for him?,2). 完成36页exercise2, 帮助Elias找到丢失的信息.,Step7:Game 对所学知识进行拓展性训练 Divide the students into groups of four. The first person begins with a sentence and each person in the group adds extra and different information using the attributive clause.,Example: S1: The school was very large. S2: The school where I learned judo was very large. S3: The school where I studied for six years was very large. S4: The school where I was unhappy was very large.,Then change places so S2 begins the game with another sentence. Do this several times until everyone has had a go. Choose the most interesting set of sentences and present them to the class.,More versions,1.The factory is very large and modern. The factory where my family work is very large and modern. The factory where we paid a visit is very large and modern. The factory where you can see many tall buildings is very large and modern.,2.The day was a very exciting time. The day when I met my old school friend in the street was a very exciting time. The day when the Chinese football team beat the Japanese football team was a very exciting time. The day when I began school was a very exciting time.,通过这个游戏活动, 让学生在轻松, 愉快, 又有竞争意识的氛围中, 自然而然地巩固复习所学语法知识, 并对所学知识产生深刻的印象.,1.They came to a farm house, in front of _sat a small boy. A.which B.that C.what D.where,Step8 Practice 对所学知识进行检测与综合训练,2.Ill never forget the days_ we spent together. A.on which B.in which C.that D.when,3.I can still remember the sitting-room_my mother and I used to sit in the evening. A.what B.which C.that D.where,4.I shall never forget those years _ I lived in the country with the farmers ,_has a great effect on my life. A.that,which B.when,which C.which,that D.when,who,历届高考题回顾 1.In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _she could turn for help.(92) A.that B.who C.from who D.to whom 2.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _he grew up as a child.(96) A.which B.where C.that D.when 3. We came to a place _they had never paid a visit to before.(99 BJ) A.where B.which C.to that D.to which,D,B,B,翻译 1.他指给我看他丢钱包的地方. He showed me the place where he lost his wallet. 2.我不认识那个和你说话的女孩 I dont know the girl whom/that you speak to. 3.你记不记得我们到这儿的那一天? Do you remember the day when we arrived here? 4二十年前我们住的那幢楼已经被拆除了 The building where we lived / in which we lived/ which we lived in 20 years ago has been pulled down. 5. 我们了解很少的南极洲整年都被厚厚的冰覆盖着。 Antarctic about which we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year around.,6. 有数百万人丧生的的第二次世界大战结束于1945年。 The Second World War in which millions of people were killed ended in 1945.,7. 她乘坐旅行的那列列车晚点了。 The train on which she was travelling was late.,9. 这是过去跟他一块儿工作的那个男孩. This is the boy with whom he worked.,Step 9 Homework,1.完成课本71页Using Structures中的Exercise 1,2 。 2.总结并熟练掌握由where, when, why, 介词+ which, 介词+ whom引导的定语从句并以game和练习 的方式进行训练. 3. 预习Reading II “The Rest Of Elias Story”.,关系副词的用法,时间,时间状语,地点,地点状语,原因,原因状语,关系副词引导定语从句时,既引导定语从句,又在定语从句中充当状语。,九.板书设计,十、教学反思 任务型语言教学的倡导者认为,掌握语言的最佳途径是让学生做事情,即完成各种任务。当学习者积极地参与用目的语进行交际的尝试时,语言也被掌握了。在教学实践中我体会到,上语法教学课同样可以在轻松愉快,充满趣味的学习氛围中达到学习的目的;关键是设计时要充分考虑到学生的认知特点,始终以学生作为学习的主体,使他们在不断的观察,发现和实践中体验学习的乐趣,从而产生自主学习的愿望和动力。,再见!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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