Unit 5《Music》课件11(23张PPT)(人教版必修2)

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Unit 5《Music》课件11(23张PPT)(人教版必修2)_第3页
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Language points,Unit 5Music,1. with + 宾语 + 宾补 常见形式如下: with + 名词/代词 + 形容词 with + 名词/代词 + 副词 with + 名词/代词 + doing with + 名词/代词 + to do (表示要执行的动作) with + 名词/代词 + done(表示动作的完成及被动) with + 名词/代词 + 介词, with everyone clapping and enjoying your singing? with + n. /pron. + -ing 伴随状语 The old man sits on the chair, with his dog lying beside him. with + n./pron.+ -ed/adj./adv./prep./to do With tears in her eyes, she left the room. (1)The old musician fell asleep _ the window _.( 开着窗子) (2) It was a pity that the great writer died _ his work _.(工作未完成) (3) _ production _(生产提高了60%) the company has had another excellent year.,with,unfinished,with,open,With,up by 60%,原因状语,(4)_ the final exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this month. A. Besides B. With C. As for D. Because of,原因状语,说实话,我认为我们没有获胜的机会。 To be honest, I dont think we have a chance of winning.,Policeman: You must be honest. Criminal: Sir, believe me. Im quite _ you and Im quite _ what I do and say.,honest with,honest in,2. be honest with sb.:tell exactly what one thinks 对老实说 be honest in sth. 坦白,3. earn : get money by working 赚;挣,earn ones / a living earn ones bread/keep谋生,Peter: Teachers earn their living by working in schools. Most of them earn 40,000 yuan a year. Patter: Wow, so much! To be honest with you, I intend to become a teacher in the future.,sitting at the back,the train leaving,at eight,坐在后面的人请安静,好吗? Will the people _please keep quiet? 我们到得太晚了,没能赶上八点的火车。 We arrived too late to catch_ _.,6. while 然而 You are interested in rock n roll and rap, while I am fond of folk music and jazz. Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement. Some people are rich while others are poor.,大约有二十个。 我们大约停留了不得3个小时。,There are twenty or so. There are about twenty. We stayed for three hours or so. We stayed for about three hours.,7. or so; about 大约 注意: or so 放在它所修饰的词后面,而about 放在被修饰词前。,8. However, the band broke up in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s. The party broke up when the police arrived.,解散,散去,The little boy broke up the radio to see what was wrong with it.,拆散,打碎,break down The car broke down halfway. His plan broke down when it was put into practice(实践).,(机器、发动机等)出故障;,(计划、谈判)失败、破裂,break out(战争,灾难)突然爆发 break in突然闯入,When will school break up?,(学校)放假,News reports say peace talks between the two countries _ with no agreement reached. A. have broken down B. have broken out C. have broken in D. have broken up CoCo and BoBo had quarreled with each other. So their friendship _ . A. broke down B. broke out C. broke in D. broke up,(关系)破裂,break up /into / out / down,Last week parades(游行)_ in Hong Kong when WTO had meetings there. The Korean farmers are strongly against WTO. The parades went on first in peaceno shops were _ , no fires _ in public and no passers-by or policemen were injured. However, just before the WTO meetings _ last Sunday, some fierce turbulence (激烈的骚乱) _ : the Korean farmers tried to _ the meeting hall and the policemen tried to stop them. Many police cars _ on the streets. After four days parades in Hong Kong, Korean farmers _ in despair(绝望).,broke out,broken into,broke out,broke up,broke out,break into,broke down,broke up,解散 强行进入 爆发 不运转 跨了,9. above all: most important of all; especially 最重要的是,尤其 in all: altogether; as a total 一共;总计 after all: 毕竟;终究;别忘了 at all: (否定句)根本;完全 (疑问句)到底,究竟,Id like to buy a house - modern, comfortable, and _ in a quiet neighborhood. A. in all B. above all C. after all D. at all 2. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. _, she is a great musician. A. After all B. As a result C. In other words D. As usual,What have we learned so far?,1. with + n. /pron. + -ing 伴随状语,with + n./pron.+ -ed/adj./adv./prep./to do,原因状语,2. be honest with sb.:tell exactly what one thinks 对老实说 be honest in sth. 坦白,3. earn : get money by working 赚;挣,earn ones / a living earn ones bread谋生,4. play jokes/ a joke on sb 戏弄某人,5. an advertisement looking for rock musicians,现在分词做定语修饰前面的名词,6. while 然而 Some people are rich while others are poor.,7. or so; about 大约 注意: or so 放在它所修饰的词后面,而about 放在被修饰词前。 8. break up,解散,散去,拆散,打碎,(学校)放假,(关系)破裂,break down,(机器、发动机等)出故障;,(计划、谈判)失败、破裂,break out(战争,灾难)突然爆发 break in突然闯入,9. above all: most important of all; especially 最重要的是,尤其 in all: altogether; as a total 一共;总计 after all: 毕竟;终究;别忘了 at all: (否定句)根本;完全 (疑问句)到底,究竟,10. on a tour (of a place) :visit a place When they visited Beijing on a tour, they went on a tour of the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum and so on. 11. give a performance: put on a performance; perform 12. not/nowithout Nobody is admitted into the party without being invited. What cant we go without? We can go without _,water, food, clothes, shelter,I cant live without you.,afterwards: later 以后;后来 I will see you afterwards. 半分钟前他们俩还互称“蜜糖儿”, 后来却分手了。 Thirty seconds ago, they called each other “honey”, but broke up with each other afterwards. 我们先吃鲍鱼,然后再吃燕窝吧。 Lets eat abalone first and have swallow nest afterwards.,13. dream of / about sth / sb./doing sth 向往,梦想; 梦见,梦想,梦见,He often dreams of being a scientist. The soldier often dreamed of his hometown.,dream to do sth ,15. hit v.: 打,打击 Dad, dont hit me on the head any more, or I will be as foolish as a pig. hit the nail on the head. 一针见血 hit (v.): success; person or thing that is popular 成功;红极一时的人或物 Hes a hit with everyone. They sang the latest hit. hit songs, records 流行歌曲、唱片,16. passers-by,周报 1 FrenchmanFrenchmen parent-in-lawparents-in-law two girl classmates two women classmates two boy students two men doctors,这是我梦想中的家。我们什么时间能搬来? 2. 最重要的是,你现在应该对我实话实说。 3.他喜欢开别人的玩笑,但是不喜欢别人开他的玩笑。 4. 警察驱散了人群。 5. 有那么多的工作要处理,经理很焦急。,dream of,above all, be honest with,play a joke on,break up,withto,This is the home I dream of. When can we move in?,Above all, you should be honest with me right now.,He likes playing jokes on others, but dislikes being played jokes on.,The police broke up the crowd.,With so much work to deal with, the manager felt worried.,Translation,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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