unit 4 《module 2 all》:课件十四(38张PPT)(人教版必修2)

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UNIT 4 Wildlife protection,Milu deer,South China tiger,South China tiger,Teaching Aims: a. Vocabulary in this unit: the words and expressions listed on the students book. b.Improve the language skills : listening ,speaking,reading ,writing c. Learn to use some useful structures and can express intentions & purposes and make apologies d. Grammar: The Present Progressive Passive Voice,Teaching plan: Period One Reading() Period Two Reading() Period Three Language Study and Grammar Period Four Using language Period Five Speaking and Writing Period Six Exercises and test,Period One Reading() Teaching aim: Improve their reading skills, learn some new words and expressions about the text. The importance of this period: Some new words and sentence structures. The difficulty of this period: Reading comprehension Teaching aid:Slid projector Teaching method: task-based learning,Teaching steps: Step one : Warming up. Step two: Fast-reading Step three: Listen to the tape Step four: Read the text aloud Step five:Homework,Step one : Warming up. Read the report and answer the questions: 1.what problems are some wild animals in China facing? 2.What has China done to solve the problem? 3.How have things changed since China took action to protect wild animals?,1.The problem the pandas face in China is that they do not have enough food because of the loss of bamboo growing areas.,2.To solve this problem, China has set up a protection zone inSichuan Province for the pandas. It is called WoLong Nature Reserve.,3.The number of pandas has risen from very few to around 70 after the growth of bamboo areas for the pandas.,Reserve 1.保留 These seats are reserved for spicial guests 2.预定,保留 reserve tickets,rooms, couchettes 3。In reserve 储备,留以备用 Funds kept in reserve,Step two: Fast-reading Read the text quickly and silently and get the main idea of the text.and tell us what each paragraph mainly talk about.,paragraph 1 Daisy visited Tibet where antelopes have been over-hunted.,paragraph 2-3 Daisy visited Zimbabwe where elephants have been over-hunted,paragraph 4-5 Daisy visited a rain forest which needs to be protected.,Step three: Listen to the tape Listen to the tape ,and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.and answer the questions: 1.Who is hunting and killing the Tibetan antelope? 2.Why are we humans part of the problem? 3.How did life improve for the farmers in Zimbabwe? 4.How did it improve for the animals?,Step four: Read the text aloud Ask the students to read the text aloud to understand the passage further .,Step five:Homework To recite part of the passage.,Period Two Reading(),Teaching aim: To learn useful words and expressions about the text. The importance of this period: Some new words and sentence structures. The difficulty of this period: Reading comprehension Teaching aid:Slid projector Teaching method: task-based learning,Teaching steps: Step one : Have a dictation Step two: Language points Step three: Consolidation Step four: Exercises Step five: Homework,Step one : Have a dictation stomach apply suggest rub protect from mosquito affect pay attention to powerful contain,Step two: Language points Read the text again and pick out the words they are unsure of.,1.Stomach 1.have a stomach for 2.have a weak/strong stomach On ones stomach Turn sb stomach Have a stomachache/headache/toothache/throatache,2.Apply 1.apply to sb for sth 2.apply -to 3.apply to 4applied Applied chemistry,3.Suggest 1.suggest sth/sth to ab/doing/sbsdoing/that sb (should)do Suggestion Sugest sth to sb/explain sth to sb,4.Contain 1.His classmates,including Tom 2.His classmates, Tom included 3.The bottle contains water 4.hold Consist of UK consist of Great Britain and Norhtern Ireland,Step three: Consolidation Allow the students some time to consolidate what we learned.,Step four: Exercises Do some exercises to practise the language points.,Step five: Homework Finish the exercises and review the points.,Period Three Language Study and Grammar Teaching steps: Step one : Have a dictation Step two: Revision Step three: Grammar Step four: Exercises Step five: Homework,Step one : Have a dictation,Step two: Revision 1.To review the language points.Check the answers to the exercises and then explain some difficult questions.,2.Do Ex.1,3 on page 28 of the studentsbook.,1.the form of the present progressive passive voice “am /is /are + being done”,2. the meaning 1) 表示说话时主语正承受谓语动词的动作 The machine is being repaired by a worker. 2)表示现阶段主语正承受谓语动词的动作(说话时不一定正在进行) A new road is being built in the city. 3)表示按计划,安排主语将要承受谓语动词的动作 An English evening party is being held tonight.,Step three: Grammar,3. Find out some sentences in the passive voice from the passage. eg. Our fur is being used to make sweaters like yours.,Step four: Exercises To practise the grammar. Do Ex.2 on page 29. and Ex.1 on page 64.,Step five: Homework 1.Finish Ex.2 on page 64; 2.Read “The return of the milu deer”on page 65.,Period Four Using language,Teaching aim: Improve their listening skills, and learn some new words and expressions . The importance of this period: Some new words and sentence structures. The difficulty of this period: listening material,Teaching steps: Step one : listening Step two: Read the passage Step three: Explanation Step four: Exercises,Step one : listening 1.Listen to the tape and do Ex. 1 on P30. 2.Listen to the tape again and fill in the blacks. Many animals have _during the history of the earth.The most famous of these animals were _.They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long before humans_.there were many different _of dinosaur and several of them have been found in China.The eggs of _species have been found in XiXia County,Nanyang,Henan_, and not long ago a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur was _in Chaoyang County,Liaoning Province.,disappeared,dinosaus,came into being,species,twenty-five,Province,discovered,The scientists were surprised to find they could run like other dinosaurs, but also _trees .They could tell this from the way the _were joined together.,climb,bones,Step two: Read the passage Read the text quickly and try to find out the words or phrases that you are unsure of.,1. Tens of thousands of/ Dozens of/ Hundreds of/ Thousands of/ scores of Hundreds of millions/ Piles of piles of,Step three: Explanation,2.for sure sb. be sure of/sb. be sure about sb. be sure to do/sb. be sure of doing sb. be sure that It is certain that,Step four: Exercises,Period Five Speaking and Writing,Step one Speaking Imagine you are with the dodo and you try to help it .Talk in pairs about what you might do. And you can use the following structures: Im going to I will Id like to Im ready to I intend /mean /plan to,intension,Step two Writing 一.Write a letter to the dodo to tell him how you will help him.,a. Your passage should include(包括) the following information: How to protect the dodo from man. 2. How to stop man from killing dodos. 3. How to teach man to hunt another animal.,b. Begin the letter in this way: Dear Dodo, Im writing to you because I have heard of your problems. I know man is trying to kill all the dodos and I ant to help you.Here are my ideas,二、Ask several students to read their passages and discuss them together.,Period Six Exercises and test 1.Check the useful words and expressions 2. Practise using the language points and grammar 3. Reading comprehension(passages about the wildlife protection),THANK YOU!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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