2013届高考英语一轮复习课件人教必修5 Unit 5《First aid》

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晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,高端数据,2012年辽宁丹东市四校协作体高三摸底测试卷,最近,你们学校的个别学生因为不适应学校的生活,感到压力很 大,很苦恼,甚至产生了退学的想法。你们班为此要组织一次关于 “How to deal with stress”的演讲。请你为此写篇演讲稿。,要点如下:1.增加自信;,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,2.学会放松,体育锻炼是最好的放松方法;,3.向家人或朋友倾诉。,要求:1.可适当增加细节,以使文意通顺;,2.词数100左右。,佳作欣赏,Boys and girls,Currently, there is a widespread concern over how to deal with stress. It is really an important concern to everyone of us.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,Therefore, we must spare no effort to take some measures to solve this problem. As we know, there are many steps which can be taken to solve this problem. First of all, believe in ourselves. Be confident when faced with many difficult situations. In addition, another way con- tributing to the success of solving the problem is “learn to relax”. The best way to relax is to take part in physical activities regularly, which can help us stay in shape. Third, talk with our family members or friends, from whom we can get some valuable advice. Finally, make a reasonable plan. It will remind us what to do every day in an orderly way, thus reducing our stress.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,All in all, to solve the problem of how to deal with stress, we should find various ways. But as far as I am concerned, I would pre- fer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, the best way to keep stress away is to have a balanced life. Thank for your listening.,必备佳句,句中“in addition”起到了连接上下文的作用,使全文的结构更加 紧凑,行文更加流畅。英语写作中,句子之间或者段落之间的过渡要 自然,这是一篇优秀文章必备的条件之一。另外,本句还采用了现在 分词短语contributing to作后置定语,修饰 another way,属于高级结构,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,为文章增加了亮点。,请用正确的形式完成句子:,(1) giving a general introduction to com- puter, the course also provides practical experience.,课程除了介绍一般电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。,(2)There were some children .,有些小孩在河里游泳。,【答案】(1)In addition to (2)swimming in the river,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,句中“as far as I am concerned”与“that is to say”的使用都为文 章增光添色,不仅使句意的表达更加明了,而且显示了作者用词的功 底,令文章显得气势磅礴,归纳总结到位得体,符合佳句标准,值得借鉴。,请用正确的形式完成句子:,(1) , ed- ucation is about learning and the more you learn, the more equipped for life you are.,就我而言,教育就是学习,你学的知识越多,你对于生活的准备就越充分。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)Three weeks from today, , the 1st of May, you have to turn in the paper.,从今天起三星期后,即五月一日,你必须把报告交上来。,【答案】(1)As far as I am concerned (2)that is to say,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1.Unless necessary, youd better not refer to the dictionary.,如果没必要,你最好不要查字典。,2.John got engaged to her when travelling last winter.,去年冬天旅行时,约翰与她订了婚。,3.We were swimming in the lake when suddenly the storm started.,我们正在湖里游泳,这时暴风雨突然来了。,1.Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigor. (Sallust) 三思,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,而后行,然后就全力投入行动。 (索卢斯特),2.Humility is the foundation of glory. (Charles Hodges) 谦卑是荣誉的 基础。 (C.霍奇),3.Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished. (Swetchine) 只有强者才懂得斗争;弱者甚至失败都 不够资格,而是生来就是被征服的。 (斯威特切尼),晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1. n. 损伤;伤害 vt. 伤害;使受损 adj. 受伤的,2. n. 毒药;毒害 vt. 毒害;使中毒 adj. 有毒的,3. n. 变化;多样(化);多样(性) adj. 各种各样的 v. 变化;使多样化,4. adj. 轻微的;温和的;温柔的 adv. 轻微地;温和地,5. adj. 牢的;紧的;紧密的 adv. 紧地;牢牢地,6. adj. (动作)稳定有力的;坚定的 adv. 坚固地;,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,稳定地,7. vt. 待遇,8. vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 vi. 申请;请求;使用;有效 n. 申请人 n. 申请(书),1. (对伤患者的)急救,2. 生病,3. 触电;电休克,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,4. 榨出;挤出,5. 反复;多次,6. 在适当的位置;适当,7. 许多;若干,8. 找到,9. 区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用,1.Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,burn.,2.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.,3.There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slades life.,1.So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious. 因此,你可以想象到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了,就可能非常严重。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2010湖北) (正如我们强调的那样)many times, “serve the people” is our first policy. (stress),2.For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad. 对于二度烧伤,要保持湿布清凉,把湿布放回冷水盆中,拧出水后再放 在烧伤面上,这样反复地做一个小时左右,直到不太痛为止。,真题探究,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,notice.,A.with B.until,C.for D.at,真题探究,(1)(2011全国)This shop will be closed for repairs further,(2)(2011上海)If a lot of people say a film is not good, I wont bother to see it, or Ill wait it comes out on DVD.,A.whether B.after,C.though D.until,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,3.It was Johns quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slades life. 正是约翰的快速反应和急救知识救了斯莱德女士的命。,真题探究,(2011四川)Was it on a lonely island he was saved one month after the boat went down?,A.where B.that,C.which D.what,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,词汇拓展:,1.injury; injure; injured 2.poison; poisonous 3.variety; various;vary 4.mild; mildly 5.tight; tightly 6.firm; firmly 7.treat; treatment 8.apply; applicant; application,短语在线:,1.first aid 2.fall ill 3.electric shock 4.squeeze out,5.over and over again 6.in place 7.a number of 8.put ones hands on 9.make a difference,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,which在定语从句的区别。,【答案与解析】As we have stressed 根据句子结构可知,空格处为 定语从句,且以整个主句作为先行词,另外,该从句位于主句之前,此 时非限定性定语从句只能由“as”来引导,主句的内容作定语从句 谓语动词的宾语。根据“many times”可知,该从句应用现在完成 时态。,教材链接:,1.【命题分析】考查非限定性定语从句,重点考查关系代词as和,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,2.(1)【命题分析】考查介词。要求根据语境正确判断介词。,【答案与解析】B 句意:这家商店将关门整修, 有进一步 的通知。根据空格前后的内容可知,此处应该意为“直到”,表示重 新开门营业的时间,故答案为B项。,(2)【命题分析】考查状语从句。各个连词的辨析是本题难点。,【答案与解析】D 句意:如果很多人说一部电影不好,我就不会看, 或者我会等 它的DVD出版。结合句意,尤其是空格前后的 “等”和“DVD出版”可知,此处表示等持续的时间,意为“直到”,故D项正确。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,3.【命题分析】考查强调句,重点在于强调句的一般疑问句形式。,【答案与解析】B 句意:他是不是在船沉了一个月之后在一个孤 岛上被人救出来的?根据句式结构可知,空格前的“on a lonely island ”为空格后句子的地点状语,由强调句的基本结构“It be+被强调部 分+that.”可判断,本句为强调句,强调地点状语,B项符合强调句句 式。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1.aid n.资助,用法拓展,aid sb to do sth / in doing sth帮助某人做某事,aid sb with / in sth 帮助某人某事,first aid (对伤患者的)急救,with the aid of 在的帮助下,in aid of.为帮助,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)He should be able to read this .,他应当能够不用字典就读懂这个。,(2)They the poor country money.,他们用钱帮助那个贫穷的国家。,(3)His workmates the diffi- culty.,他的工友们帮助他克服了困难。,【答案】(1)without the aid of a dictionary (2)aided; with / in (3) aided him to overcome / in overcoming,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,(1)完成句子,Were collecting money cancer re- search.,我们募捐是为了帮助癌症研究。,You should learn something about in case you get injured unexpectedly.,你应该学习些急救措施,以防止意外受伤。,Theyve made an urgent request for .,他们紧急请求国际援助。,【答案】in aid of first aid international aid,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)单项填空,(2012辽宁三校联合模拟)We are greatly in our investigation by the cooperation of the police.,A.exposed B.aided C.submitted D.switched,【答案与解析】B 考查动词辨析。句意:在警察的合作下我们的 调查得到了 。根据空格后的“investigation”及by介词短 语所表示的内容可推断出,空格处意为“帮助”,故答案为B项,aid sb in sth意为“帮助某人某事”,本句中使用了被动语态。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,2.injury n. 损伤;伤害,用法拓展,injure vt. 伤害;使受损,injured adj. 受伤的,injury to sb / sth 的伤害,be badly / seriously / critically injured 受伤严重,the injured 受伤者,get injured 受伤,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,词汇辨析,injure, wound和hurt,三者都可表示“受伤;伤害”。,(1)hurt可指对身体上的伤害,也指对心灵造成的伤害。,(2)wound一般指外伤,如刀伤、枪伤等,尤其指在战争中,打斗中受伤。,(3)injure 一般是指在事故中受伤,往往意为“外伤”。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)Two people in a road ac- cident.,在一起交通事故中,有两个人已受重伤。,(2) their key player could be a decisive factor in the game.,他们主力队员受伤可能是这场比赛胜负的决定性因素。,(3)He escaped from the train wreck .,他在这次火车事故中没有受伤。,【答案】(1)have been critically / badly / seriously injured,(2)The injury to (3)without injury,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,(1)用injure, wound和hurt的正确形式填空,Dont yourself with that tool.,These criticisms have him deeply.,About 50 people were seriously in the attack.,He suffered serious to the arms and legs.,【答案】injure hurt wounded injuries,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)单项填空,(2012河北邯郸两校联合模拟)I count myself lucky to have escaped from the accident without serious .,A.crime B.disaster,C.infection D.injury,【答案与解析】D 考查名词辨析。句意:我认为自己挺幸运的,在 这次事故中并未 。根据“lucky”以及“the accident”可 知,空格处意为“受伤”,故答案为D项。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,3.variety n. 变化;多样(化);多样(性),vary v. 变化;使多样化,various adj. 各种各样的,用法拓展,各种各样的,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)The hotel offers its guests amuse- ments.,这个旅馆为住客提供了各种各样的娱乐活动。,(2)Everyone arrived late at the party for .,由于种种原因,每个人赴会都迟到了。,(3)The grocer has plenty goods in stock.,杂货商有种类繁多的存货。,【答案】(1)a variety of (2)various reasons (3)varieties of,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,单项填空,(1)(2012浙江余姚中学高三质检) People like to shop in the supermar- ket because they are interested in the of goods on offer and can buy whatever they want.,A.price B.variety,C.value D.amount,【答案与解析】B 考查名词辨析。句意:人们愿意到超市购物,因 为他们对超市所售商品的 感兴趣,能购买到他们想要的任 何商品。根据“can buy whatever they want”可知,空格处意为“种 类多样性”,故答案为B项。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)(2012吉林省长春外国语学校高三期中)In the botanical garden we can find a(n) of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers.,A.species B.groups,C.amount D.variety,【答案与解析】D 考查名词辨析。句意:在植物园,我们能找到 植物,既包括高树也包括小花。根据定语从句的内容,可知定 语从句的先行词为 “各种各样的植物”,a variety of意为“多种多 样的”,符合句意。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(3)(2012江西省南昌市七所重点中学高三联考) Our school plans a wide of outings, such as performances, picnics, swimming and museum trips.,A.lot B.variety,C.number D.amount,【答案与解析】B 考查名词辨析。句意:我们学校计划 外出活动,如表演、野餐、游泳和去博物馆。such as起到列举的作 用,由此得知,空格处表示“种类繁多;各种各样”,a variety of意为 “多样多样的”,符合句意。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(4)(2012河南省方城县一中高三月考) Nowadays, people get news around them and about the world from media, on TV, by ra- dio, in the newspaper or on the Internet.,A.formal B.precious,C.various D.normal,【答案与解析】C 考查形容词辨析。句意:如今,人们通过 媒体获得身边的和世界的新闻,包括电视、收音机、报纸或者网 络。根据“on TV, by radio, in the newspaper or on the Internet”可 知,媒体多种多样,即空格处意为“各种各样的”,various符合题意。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,4.firm adj. (动作)稳定有力的;坚定的,用法拓展,firmly adv. 坚固地;稳定地,be firm with对某人严格,be on firm ground 坚定的;坚决的,a firm hand 牢固控制;严格纪律;铁腕,take a firm stand on / against sth 对某事物采取坚定的立场或态度,hold firm to sth 坚信;坚持,stand firm 坚定不移;不让步,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)That boy needs to help him grow up.,那个男孩需要严加管教才能有所长进。,(2)They smoking in the school.,他们反对在学校吸烟的立场很坚定。,(3)Because of their pleasant personality, they had soon formed .,因为他们友善的个性,他们很快就建立起坚固的友谊。,【答案】(1)a firm hand (2)took a firm stand against,(3)a firm friendship,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,(1)完成句子,Parents must their children.,父母对孩子一定要严格。,I shall that it is not any business of hers.,我将毫不含糊地告诉她这不关她的事。,【答案】 be firm with tell her firmly,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)单项填空,(2012北京重点中学联考)If we stand , I believe we shall succeed.,A.firm; firm B.firmly; firmly,C.firm; firmly D.firmly; firm,【答案与解析】C 考查形容词和副词。句意:如果我们坚定我们 的立场, 我坚决地相信我们会成功的。分析句子结构可知,两空都需 填副词,firm作副词时,意为“稳固地;坚定地”,stand firm为固定短 语,意为“坚定不移”;firmly为副词,意为“坚决地”,修饰believe符,合要求。由此可知答案为C项。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,5.apply vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 vi. 申请;请求;使用;有效,用法拓展,apply.to sth / doing sth 把应用到,apply to sb for. 向某人申请,apply oneself to (doing) sth专注于;专心做某事,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)I advise that they the council a home improvement grant.,我建议他们向市政会申请改善住房的贷款。,(2)In this way they can better .,这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。,(3)He .,他致力于学习法语。,【答案】(1)apply to; for (2)apply theory to practice (3)applied himself to learning French,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,(1)用正确的介词填空,They will apply the money building up a little library.,He has applied a post in England.,You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself your work.,The results of this research can be applied new develop- ments in technology.,【答案】to for to to,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)单项填空,(2012福建省养正中学、安溪一中高三)When a job, you should highlight your experience and skills.,A.applying to B.applied to,C.applying for D.applied for,【答案与解析】C 考查动词短语和非谓语动词。句意:当你 一份工作时,你应该突出你的经验和技术。根据句意可知,空格 处所表示的意思为“申请”,apply for a job意为“求职”,符合题意; when引导时间状语从句,根据句式结构可知,此处为省略形式,完整,句式为“when you are applying for a job”,主从句主语一致,故省略 从句主语和系动词,由此可知答案为C项。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2012黑龙江省大庆铁人中学高三月考)The position he wants to apply is difficult to get.,A.to which B.for which,C.for that D.with which,【答案与解析】B 考查介词和定语从句。句意:他想 的 那个职位很难得到。根据position可知,介词应用for, apply for意为 “申请”,符合题意;本句为定语从句,先行词为the position,介词后的,关系代词指物时,应用which。that不可用作介词后的宾语。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1.fall ill 生病,用法拓展,fall为系动词,意为“变成;成为”。,fall asleep 入睡,fall behind 落后;输给别人,fall in love with 爱上,fall off 跌落;下降,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)Be careful not to fall off the ladder.,当心别从梯子上掉下来。,(2)They first met at university and later .,他们在大学里初次相遇,后来相爱。,(3)After a while I .,一会儿以后我睡着了。,【答案】(2)fell in love with each other (3)fell asleep,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,(1)完成句子,The major world powers in the arms race.,世界各大强国均惟恐在军备竞赛中落后。,She may , in which case she will have to be taken to the hospital at once.,她可能病了,如果是这样,就得马上送她上医院。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,It used to be my favourite restaurant but the standard of cooking recently.,那是我以前最喜欢的饭馆,但近来烹饪水平已大不如前了。,【答案】are afraid of falling behind fall ill has fallen off,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)单项填空,(2012海南省嘉积中学高三教学质量监测) ill worried my parents greatly.,A.I fell B.Me falling,C.My falling D.I falling,【答案与解析】C 考查非谓语动词。句意:我生病了,使父母非常 担心。分析句子结构可知,空格处为句子主语,故用动名词形式,fall ill为固定短语,意为“生病”;另外,作主语的动名词前如加其逻辑主 语时,只能用所有格形式,因此正确答案为C项。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,2.a number of 若干;许多,用法拓展,the number of 的数量,表示“许多;大量”的短语有:,(1)只能跟可数名词的复数形式,a number of, a good / great many等。,(2)只能跟不可数名词,a great deal of, an amount of, amounts of, too much等。,(3)既可跟可数名词又可跟不可数名词,a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a quantity of, quantities of等。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)A number of students are playing football on the playground.许多学 生在操场上踢足球。,(2)Yesterday the baby girls born in this hospital was two, while the baby boys was twenty-five. 昨天这家医院出世的女婴仅有两个,而男婴的数量 为二十五个。,(3) of work awaits me.,许多工作等着我去做。,【答案】(2)the number of; the number of (3)A great deal,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,单项填空,(1)(2012河南模拟) of people who have lost jobs reduces day by day, and of them have found jobs again.,A.A number; the number,B.Number; a number,C.The number; a number,D.Number; number,【答案与解析】C 考查语义辨析。句意:失业的人数一天一天地 减少,很多人都已经再就业了。根据句意可知,第一空意为“的 数量”,故用the number of;第二空意为“很多;大量”,a number of符,合题意。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)(2012福建省厦门市杏南中学高三月考) the students in our class is 50 and them study very hard.,A.The number of; the number of,B.A number of; the number of,C.The number of; a number of,D.A number of; a number of,【答案与解析】C 考查语义辨析。句意:我们班的学生人数是50, 很多学习都非常努力。第一个句子中的系动词为is,且结合句意可 知第一空意为“的数量”,the number of符合要求;由句意可知,第二空意为“很多”,a number of符合题意。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(3)(2012河北省保定市高三摸底统考)Today, more Chinese people speak English and China may have the number of English speakers in the world.,A.more B.most,C.larger D.largest,【答案与解析】D 考查形容词。句意:如今,说英语的中国人更多 了,也许中国拥有世界上最多的说英语人口。空格处修饰number, the number of意为“的数量”,如果表示数量多,应用large修饰 number,根据句意可知,此处应用最高级,故答案为D项。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,3.make a difference 区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用,用法拓展,make no difference 没有影响;没有关系,make some difference 有些作用或影响,tell the difference 分辨;区分;区别,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)The sea air has her health.,海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。,(2)It to me whether you go or not.,你去不去对我都一样。,(3)She insisted that it did not to her.,她坚持认为对她来说没什么区别。,【答案】(1)made a difference to (2)makes no difference,(3)make any difference,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,(1)完成句子,It which way he goes.,他走哪条路会很不同。,The twins are so alike. It is difficult to .,这对双胞胎长得太像了,很难分辨。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,They are now in great need of help. So your support will certainly .,他们现在急需帮助。因此,有你的支持,肯定会不同。,【答案】makes a great difference tell the difference make a difference,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)单项填空,(2012福建省厦门市杏南中学高三月考)Why dont you try to do exercise to lose weight?,I have tried everything but it has made no .,A.use B.result,C.conclusion D.difference,【答案与解析】D 考查名词辨析。句意:“你为什么不试试锻炼 来减肥?”“各种方法我都试过了,但是没有 。”but表示 转折语气,由此可知,空格处意为“没有变化;没有不同”,make no,difference为固定短语,符合题意要求。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1.Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn. 除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的 话,可以用剪刀。,要点精讲,if necessary为省略之后的条件状语从句,完整形式为if it is nec- essary。状语从句的省略现象包括:,(1)当状语从句的主语和主句主语一致且从句中含有be动词时,可以 省略状语从句的主语和be动词;,(2)当从句中的主语是it且谓语动词中含有be动词时,可以把it和be动 词一起省略,另外,还可以用so或者not代替上文内容,此时可有“if not / so”省略句式。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,句式仿写,(1)走在街上的时候,我听见有人叫我的名字。,(2)如果没必要,你最好不要查字典。,【答案】(1)While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called.,(2)Unless (it is) necessary, youd better not refer to the dictionary.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,真题探究,(1)(2011江苏)It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine. , wed better take it to the garage immediately.,A.Otherwise B.If not,C.But for that D.If so,【命题分析】考查省略句。,【答案与解析】D 句意:汽车的发动机听上去好像出了问题。, 我们最好马上把车开到修理厂。根据空格后的句子可知,空 格处意为“如果是那样的话”,用so代指上句提到的“车坏了”这 件事,故答案为D项。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)(2010浙江)The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if regularly, can improve our health.,A.being carried out B.carrying out,C.carried out D.to carry out,【命题分析】考查省略句。,【答案与解析】C 句意:实验表明,如果有规律地进行适量的锻炼, 就能够提高身体健康状况。根据选项可知,if后为省略的条件状语 从句,完整句式为if it is ,题中省略了it is, it代指exercise,故 此应构成被动语态,即答案为C项。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,2.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming. 约翰正在 屋里学习,突然听到一声尖叫。,要点精讲,when作为并列连词时,意为“就在这时;恰恰在此时”,多用在 以下句型中:,.be doing.when. 正在这时,.be about to do.when. 正打算做这时,be just going to do.when. 正要这时,had just done.when. 刚做了这时,be on the point of doing.when.正要这时,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,句式仿写,(1)他正在睡觉,这时有人敲门。,(2)我们刚开始工作,这时机器坏了。,【答案】(1)He was sleeping when there was a knock at the door.,(2)We had just begun to work when the machine broke down.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,真题探究,(2011浙江)One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away my daughter heard cries for help.,A.after B.while C.since D.when,【命题分析】考查连词。,【答案与解析】D 句意:一个周五,我们正打包要出去度周末, 我女儿听到有人求救的声音。根据空格前后的两句话可以得 知,空格处意为“就在这时”,故选用when,构成句型“.be doing. when.”,表示“正在这时”。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,3.There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slades life. 毫无疑问,是约翰敏捷的思维 和在学校所学的急救技术,使得斯莱德女士得救了。,要点精讲,There is no doubt that.是固定句式,意为“毫无疑问”。 There is some doubt whether / if.意为“是否还不确定”。另 外,doubt还可以作动词,当doubt是肯定形式时,其后用whether或if引 导宾语从句;当doubt被否定词修饰时,后面常跟that引导的宾语从句。注意区分Its no wonder that.意为“难怪”。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,句式仿写,(1)毫无疑问他们会最终赢得这场比赛。,(2)他曾经在美国留过学。难怪他英语口语那么好。,(3)我不敢肯定是否汤姆拿了我的手表。,【答案】(1)There is no doubt that they will win the match in the end.,(2)He studied in the US. Its no wonder that his spoken English is so fluent.,(3)I doubt whether Tom has taken my watch.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,真题探究,(2009安徽) a certain doubt among the people as to the practi- cal value of the project.,A.It has B.They have,C.It remains D.There remains,【命题分析】考查there be句型。,【答案与解析】D 句意:关于这项工程的实用价值人们还存在有 一定的疑虑。根据空格后的“a certain doubt”可知,空格处应该为 there be句型,There remains.是there be句型的一种变形,意为“仍然 有”,remain为系动词。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,省略句,将下列句子中省略的部分补全,1.They were scolded whenever late for school.,2.When split, an atom can release energy.,3.The exhibition is more interesting than expected.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,4.He looked everywhere as if in search of something.,5.If possible, I will go to Beijing tomorrow.,【答案】1.They were scolded whenever they were late for school.,2.When it is split, an atom can release energy.,3.The exhibition is more interesting than it is expected.,4.He looked everywhere as if he was in search of something.,5.If it is possible, I will go to Beijing tomorrow.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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