2012年课堂同步课件英语人教版必修3:unit 5 section ⅲ using language

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Section Using Language,The families.are usually all mixed up. 家人通常都是 混合在一起的。 1mix vt.& vi.混合;调配,典例,The workmen mixed sand, gravel and cement to make,concrete.工人们把沙、砂石和水泥混合成混凝土。 The doctor mixed him a bottle of medicine. 医生为他调配了一瓶药。,拓展 mix up 混合;混淆 mix.with.把与混合 mixture nC 混合物;U混合状态,混合 运用 完成句子 The woman _ ( 把面粉和水,混合在一起),mixed the flour with water,You are always _ me _ ( 混淆) with,my twin sister!,mixing,mixture,The kid screamed in a _ (混合) of fear and rage.,up,The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange, and there was frost on the,ground, confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. 第二天早 上,在她们的车窗外到处是灌木丛和枫树,挂满朱红、赤金和 橘黄色的叶子,地面上覆盖了一层薄霜,表明秋天已经来到了 加拿大。,2confirm vt.证实;证明;批准,典例 His letter confirmed everything.他的信证实了一切。 The treaty was confirmed by the president. 条约已被总统批准。,拓展 confirm sb.in sth. 使某人坚信(其决定、信念、观点等的正确性) confirm that.证实,运用 完成句子,confirmed that you are right,Our results_ (证实了你们是 对的) The new evidence _ ( 使我确信 我的信仰),confirmed me in my belief,In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the,lake.远处,她们可以看到在湖的南边尼亚加拉瀑布上方升腾着 的雾霭。,3in the distance 在远处,典例 The noise of the car died away in the distance. 汽车的声音消失在远方。,拓展 at/from a distance 隔开一段距离;在远处 keep a distance 别靠近;保持距离 keep ones distance from sb.对某人疏远 运用 用适当的介词填空 We saw a house _ the distance. The painting looks better _ a distance.,in,at/from,4terrify v使恐怖;恐吓,典例,Now, its the thoughts in our head that terrify us the,most.现在,令我们感到最害怕的,是我们自己头脑中的想法。 拓展 terror n恐怖;恐怖行动;恐怖时期 terrorism n恐怖主义 terrible adj.可怕的;极度的;糟糕的 运用 用 terrify 的适当形式填空 Children are _ by the _ scene.Adults do as children, because its a totally period of _.But the belief in _ cant be a solution to any problem.,terrified,terrible,terror,terrorism,5impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记 典例 He impressed me favorably. 他给我的印象不错。,拓展 be impressed with/by.对印象深刻 impression nC印象;感想,make/give/create an impression on/upon.给留下印象 have/get the impression that/of 有的印象,运用 完成句子,I was _ ( 对 印 象 深 刻 ) her,performance.,Her elegant appearance _,(留下深刻印象) all the guests from different countries.,When I first met him I _ ( 有,的印象) he was a humorous man.,impressed with/by,had/got the impression that,made an impression on/impressed,3. In the _ mountain lies a mysterious village.(distance) 4. The _English breakfast includes bacon and eggs, but many people break the _ now.(tradition) 5. The tale has _ all people.I think its a _,运用 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. This food is a _.The cook has _ butter, eggs,and water.(mix),mixed,2. I think the _ of wisdom can make someone a really,_ person.(wealth),distant,story.(terrify),impression,6. She _ her teacher with her diligence. Its the best _ the teacher got from the students.(impress),mixture,wealth,wealthy,traditional,tradition,terrified,terrible,impresses,1Its too bad you cant go as far as Ottawa, Canadas capital.很可惜你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太华。 点拨 as far as 在此句中意为“一直到,远到;,直到为止”。如:,We walked as far as the river.我们一直走到河边。,Ive read as far as the third chapter. 我已读到第三章了。,as far as 还可意为“就而言;从来看”。如:,As far as I know, thats unlikely for him to do that. 就我所知,他不可能那样做。,拓展 as/so far as sb./sth.is concerned 就某人/物而言 as far as the eye can reach 就眼力所能及 so/as far as I can see 依我看,by far 得多,显然(用于修饰比较级或最高级,起强调,作用),so far 至今为止,运用 完成句子,I will go with you _ ( 一 直 到 ) the,station.,My brother is _ (与一样强壮) you. _ (就我而言), you can do what,you like.,This book is _ (显然) the best.,as far as,as strong as,As/so far as I am concerned,by far,2Im a student at the university nearby.我是附近大学的 学生,点拨,nearby 作形容词时用来修饰名词,可放在名词之前,或之后;作副词时放在句末,相当于 near by。如: She lives in a nearby town/a town nearby. 她住在附近的一个城镇。 There is a hospital nearby/near by.附近有家医院。 运用 完成句子 They go for a walk in the _ (附近的,公园) every day.,nearby park/park nearby,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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