2012高一英语课件:2 Unit2《The Olympic Games》英汉对照(人教·陕西专版必修2)

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2012高一英语课件:2 Unit2《The Olympic Games》英汉对照(人教·陕西专版必修2)_第1页
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2012高一英语课件:2 Unit2《The Olympic Games》英汉对照(人教·陕西专版必修2)_第2页
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2012高一英语课件:2 Unit2《The Olympic Games》英汉对照(人教·陕西专版必修2)_第3页
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AN INTERVIEW Pausanias,who was a Greek writer 2,000 years ago,has come on a magical journey on March 18th,2007 to find out about the presentday Olympic Games.He is now interviewing Li Yan,a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games.,P:My name is Pausanias.I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.Ive come to your time to find out about the presentday Olympic Games because I know that in 2004 they were held in my homeland.May I ask you some questions about the modern Olympics?,L:Good heavens!Have you really come from so long ago?But of course you can ask any questions you like.What would you like to know? P:How often do you hold your Games?,L:Every four years.There are two main sets of Gamesthe Winter and the Summer Olympics,and both are held every four years on a regular basis.The Winter Olympics are usually held two years before the Summer Games.Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.They may come from anywhere in the world.,P:Winter Games?How can the runners enjoy competing in winter?And what about the horses? L:Oh no!There are no running races or horse riding events.Instead there are competitions like skiing and ice skating which need snow and ice.Thats why theyre called the Winter Olympics.Its in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races,together with swimming,sailing and all the team sports.,P:I see.Earlier you said that athletes are invited from all over the world.Do you mean the Greek world?Our Greek cities used to compete against each other just for the honour of winning.No other countries could join in,nor could slaves or women!,L:Nowadays any country can take part if their athletes are good enough.There are over 250 sports and each one has its own standard.Women are not only allowed,but play a very important role in gymnastics,athletics,team sports and.,P:Please wait a minute!All those events,all those countries and even women taking part!Where are all the athletes housed? L:For each Olympics,a special village is built for them to live in,a main reception building,several stadiums for competitions,and a gymnasium as well.,P:That sounds very expensive.Does anyone want to host the Olympic Games? L:As a matter of fact,every country wants the opportunity.Its a great responsibility but also a great honour to be chosen.Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.The 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing,China.Did you know that?,P:Oh yes!You must be very proud. L:Certainly.And after that the 2012 Olympics will be held in London.They have already started planning for it.A new village for the athletes and all the stadiums will be built to the east of London.New medals will be designed of course and.,P:Did you say medals?So even the olive wreath has been replaced!Oh dear!Do you compete for prize money too? L:No,we dont.Its still all about being able to run faster,jump higher and throw further.Thats the motto of the Olympics,you know“Swifter,Higher and Stronger.” P:Well,thats good news.How interesting!Thank you so much for your time.,一次采访 帕萨尼亚斯是大约2,000年前的一位希腊作家,他于2007年3月18日做了一次魔幻旅行,来打听当代奥林匹克运动会的情况。现在他正在采访一位2008年奥林匹克运动会的志愿者李燕。,帕:我叫帕萨尼亚斯。我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”。我曾经写过很久以前奥林匹克运动会的情况。现在我来到你们这个时代,想了解有关当代奥运会的情况,因为我知道2004年奥运会是在我的祖国举行的。我可以问你几个有关现代奥林匹克运动会的问题吗?,李:天哪!你真的来自那么久远的年代?当然你可以问你想问的问题。你想知道什么呢? 帕:你们的奥运会多久举行一次?,李:每四年一次。运动会主要有两种:冬季奥运会和夏季奥运会。这两种运动会都是四年举行一次。冬季奥运会总是在夏季奥运会的前两年举行。只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参加奥运会。选手可以来自全世界任何一个地方。,帕:冬季奥运会?冬天运动员怎么可能赛跑啊?又怎么可能赛马呢? 李:噢,不!冬奥会并不包括跑步和骑马比赛。但是却有像滑冰和滑雪这类需要冰雪的比赛项目。所以才叫它冬季奥运会。跑步、游泳、划船和一些团队项目是在夏季运动会上进行。,帕:我明白了。你原来说邀请来的运动员来自世界各地。你指的是指希腊世界?我们希腊各个城市之间曾经为了赢得荣誉而彼此竞争。别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。,李:现在只要他们的运动员达到了参赛的标准,任何国家运动项目,每个项目都有自己的标准。妇女不仅允许参加,而且她们还在体操、竞技和团队等比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用,帕:请等一下!所有这么多项目,所有这么多国家,甚至妇女也都参加!所有这些参赛的人住在哪里呢? 李:每届奥运会都有一个特殊的村庄(奥运村)供参赛的人住,一个主要的接待大楼,好几个供比赛用的体育场,还有一个室内体育馆。,帕:那听起来要花很多钱吧。会有人想承办奥运会吗? 李:事实上,每个国家都想抓住这个机会。被选中不仅要承担巨大的责任同时也享有极大的荣誉。国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样地激烈。2008年的奥运会将在中国的北京举行。你知道吗?,帕:是的,听说过!你们一定很自豪。 李:当然。那么2012年的奥运会将在伦敦举行。他们现在已经开始筹划。在伦敦的东部将为运动员建立一个新的奥运村和所有的运动场。当然还会设计新的奖牌,帕:你刚才说奖牌是吗?就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了!天哪!你们也为奖金而竞赛吗? 李:不,不是的。仍然是为了能够跑得更快,跳得更高,掷得更远。你知道,奥运会的口号就是“更快,更高,更强”。 帕:这是个好消息。很有趣!占用了你的时间,非常感谢。,THE STORY OF ATLANTA Atlanta was a Greek princess.She was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in Greece.But she was not allowed to run and win glory for herself in the Olympic Games.She was so angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her.,Her father said that she must marry,so Atlanta made a bargain with him.She said to him,“These are my rules.When a man says he wants to marry me,I will run against him.If he cannot run as fast as me,he will be killed.No one will be pardoned.”,Many kings and princes wanted to marry Atlanta,but when they heard of her rules they knew it was hopeless.So many of them sadly went home,but others stayed to run the race.There was a man called Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atlantas rules,“Why are these men so foolish?”,he thought.“Why will they let themselves be killed because they cannot run as fast as this princess?”However,when he saw Atlanta come out of her house to run,Hippomenes changed his mind.“I will marry Atlantaor die!”he said.,The race started and although the men ran very fast,Atlanta ran faster.As Hippomenes watched he thought,“How can I run as fast as Atlanta?”He went to ask the Greek Goddess of Love for help.She promised to help him and gave him three golden apples.,She said,“Throw an apple in front of Atlanta when she is running past.When she stops to pick it up,you will be able to run past her and win.”Hippomenes took the apples and went to the King.He said,“I want to marry Atlanta.”The King was sad to see another man die,but Hippomenes said,“I will marry heror die!”So the race began.,亚特兰大的故事 亚特兰大是一位希腊公主。她长得十分美丽,跑得比希腊的任何一位男子都要快。但是她却不被允许为了自己的荣誉而参加奥运会赛跑。因此她非常生气,就对她的父亲说,她不会嫁给任何没有他跑得快的男人。她的父亲说她必须嫁人,所以亚特兰大就和父亲达成了一个协议。她说:“这是我的规则。要是有人想娶我,我就跟他赛跑。如果他不如我跑得快,就要把他杀掉,任何人不得求饶。”,许多国王和王子想娶亚特兰大。但是当听到她规定的条件时就感到无望,其中许多就闷闷不乐地回家了。其他人则留下来赛跑。有位叫希波墨涅斯的人,听到亚特兰大的规则大为吃惊。“为什么这些人那么愚蠢呢?为什么他们跑不过这个女人就让别人把自己杀掉呢?”然而当希波墨涅斯看到亚历山大从屋里出来跑步时,他改变了主意。他说:“我要娶亚特兰大,否则就去死。”,比赛开始了。虽然那些男人跑得很快,但亚特兰大跑得更快。希波墨涅斯观看赛跑时想:“我怎样才能跑得像亚特兰大一样快呢?”他去向希腊爱情女神求助。希腊爱情女神答应帮助他,并给了他三个金苹果。她说:“当亚特兰大跑过你的时候,你就扔一个金苹果在她前面,当她停下来捡苹果时,你就可以继续向前跑而获胜。”希波墨涅斯拿走了这三个金苹果并且去见国王。他说:“我要娶亚特兰大。”看到又有一个人去送死,国王很难过,但是希波墨涅斯说:“我要娶她,要不然我就去死。”于是比赛开始了。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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