2011年秋(人教新课标必修5)高二英语:全套课件 Unit 5 First aid Language points

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2011年秋(人教新课标必修5)高二英语:全套课件 Unit 5 First aid Language points_第1页
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2011年秋(人教新课标必修5)高二英语:全套课件 Unit 5 First aid Language points_第3页
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language points,Unit 5,1. fall ill 生病,fall + adj. 睡着了 _ 清醒了 _ 安静下来 _ His son suddenly _ _ last week. 他儿子突然生病了。 She has _ _ for a week. 她已经病了一个星期。,fall asleep,fall awake,fall silent,fell ill,been ill,2. injure v. _ n. _ adj. injury to sth. (部位)的伤 他干活时腿受了重伤。(injury) He got _ at work. 他在意外事故中受了伤。(injure) He _ in the accident.,injuries to the legs,got injured,injury,injured,hurt injure wound,肉体,精神上的伤害(一般用语),疼痛 意外或事故而受伤 指外伤(刀、枪、剑伤),He got _ in the fighting. He was badly _ in a car accident. Her words _ me deeply. I _ my back when I fell. My feet _ .,wounded,injured,hurt,hurt,injured,4.protectagainst/ from 保护不受的损害 preventfrom doing 阻止,Wear sunglasses to _. You need warm clothes_. Nobody can _ (阻止他们结婚) It is my duty to _ my students from being hurt when they are in danger. A. prevent B. save C. stop D. protect prevent sb. (from) doing stop sb. (from) doing keep sb. from doing,protect your eyes from strong light,to protect you against cold,prevent them from getting married,D,3. bleed-blood-bloody (v.) (n.) (adj.),他在流鼻血。 His nose was bleeding. = He was _ . = He has a _ nose.,bleed for bleed to death,为而流血, 悲痛 出血过多而死,lose blood flesh and blood,流血、失血 血肉之躯,bleeding at the nose,bloody,5. sense (n. & v.),five senses: 触觉 sense of touch,five senses,sense of smell,sense of hearing,the sixth sense!,sense of touch,sense of sight,sense of taste,幽默感 责任感 方向感,sense of,humour duty direction,The man has _ . (无常识) What he said _ .(没道理) sense (v.) 感觉到 补全句子。 Although she didnt say anything, _ . (我感觉到她不喜欢这个主意),no common sense,made no sense,I sensed that she didnt like the idea,6 . as you can imagine,as we all know = as is known to all,as everybody can see,as we expect = as is expected,7. get+过去分词 表被动或状态 The computer got damaged when we were moving. My bike is getting repaired now. My glasses got broken while I was playing basketball. Peter and Mary got married last year.,get injured,get dressed,get lost,8.a variety of,= various,9.depend on,取决于,依赖,依靠,信赖,信任,他全家都靠他养活.,His whole family depends on him,他是个可以信赖的人,He is a man to be depended on,dependent ( adj. ),dependence ( n. ),independent ( adj. ),independence (n.),10. mild-milder-mildest-mildly,He is the mildest man you could wish to meet. mild weather a mild climate,mild sunburn,轻微的、不严重的,a mild climate 温暖的天气 mild cheese 淡味奶酪,11.electric light,electric wire,electric hair dryer,12 jewellery=jewelry 珠宝(总称) 不可数,jewel 可数,珠宝,珍视的人、物 The _ were kept in the safe. Many women like to buy as much _ as possible. Father always says I am his _ .,jewel,jewellery,jewels,A.,My sister has _. A. a piece of jewellery B. a jewellery C. a little of jewels D. a bit jewellery,13.Cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water. 立即用凉水给伤口冲凉,但不要用冰水。 -y是个形容词后缀。如: windy有风 hilly多小山的 sleepy困倦的 greeny略呈绿色的 spicy辛辣的 woody树木茂密的,14. squeeze,squeeze,sth. into sth. 把塞进 sth. from/ out of sth. 挤出 sth. out 挤出 through 挤过,15. over and over again,List some phrases or words that have similar meaning,over and over again and again over and again many times repeatedly,from time to time now and then now and again sometimes,多次,有时,16. Hold the bandage in place with tape. 用胶布把绷带固定。,in place在适当的地方。如: The librarian put the returned books in place. 图书馆员把还回的图书放到原处。 Youd better put things back in place. 你最好把你的东西放回原位。,in place 还有“准备就绪”的意思。如: The arrangements for the concert next Saturday are all in place. 周六的音乐会已经准备就绪。,in place out of place in the place of take ones place take place,Homework: 1.Preview grammar 2.学海导航 P83-88,1. The lung is an o_and so is the heart. 2. He tried to kill himself by taking p_. 3. He has gone to the hospital for special t_. 4. I was only m_interested in the story I read in the newspaper. 5. Her ankle s_after the fall.,单词拼写 (须用本单元的单词和词汇),organ,poison,treatment,mildly,swelled,6. Her foot was very s_after the accident. 7. I cant s_toothpaste out of the tube. 8. What is the typical s_of SARS? 9. Would you like me to_your shirt for you? 10. She is suffring from a lung i_.,swollen,squeeze,symptom,infection,iron,11. He_(颁发)a silver cup to the winner. 12. Did you attend your uncles wedding_(仪式). 13. He is a_(勇敢的) soldier. 14. The _(压力)of the water can turn this wheel. 15. We have to write an_(文章) about the film we saw yesterday.,presented,ceremory,brave,pressure,essay,16. You should have your own _ (毛巾). 17. Have you worked out your _ (方案)? 18. I saw an_(救护车) passing by. 19. Im_(自豪)of my son. 20. _(祝贺)to you on your success!,towel,scheme,ambulance,proud,Congratulations,21. An a_ is a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital. 22. R_is energy, often in waves of heat or light that comes from a particular source. 23. A b_ is a long strip of cloth which is covered around a wounded part of someones body to protect or support it. 24. If there is p_on someone to do something, someone is trying to persuade them to do it. 25. An o_ is a part of your body that has particular purpose or function, for example your heart.,ambulance,Radiation,bandage,pressure,organ,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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