PEP英语六年级下册Day3 & Day4PPT课件

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义务教育教科书(RJ)六年级英语下册,Recycle,第二课时,Mikes happy days,一、热身导入,唱一唱(Lets chant) Every day I go to school.What do you do? Every day I play sports.What do you do? Every day I have class.What do you do? Every day I do homework.What do you do?,My Day,二、任务呈现,do,did,went,go,sleep,read,take,took,read,eat,sing,sang,slept,ate,get up,got up,Lets chant,watch TV,watched TV,wash the clothes,washed the clothes,Lets play,请说出所给单词的过去式,sing and dance take pictures see a film play computer games do my homework climb a mountain read a book ,sang and danced took pictures saw a film played computer games did my homework climbed a mountain read a book ,I often sing and dance on the weekend.,I saw a film last weekend.,A: What do you do on the weekend? B:,A: What did you do last weekend? B:,三、课文学习,Last Saturday, I was very busy.,In the morning, I got up early.,Then, I ate breakfast.,After that, I did the dishes.,Next, I cleaned the room.,In the afternoon, I washed my clothes and listened to music.,In the evening, I worked on the computer.,Then, I read a book.,Finally, I went to bed at 10:30.,最后,然后,之后,接着,I had a busy day but also a great day.,Last Saturday Mike stayed on the farm.,He was very busy.,What did he do on the farm?,ate breakfast,cleaned my room,went fishing,read a story book,played computer games,went to bed,Look, read and fill in the blanks.,看图填空,him,he,he,he,his,he,he,he,he,Retell(复述) what Mike did on Saturday.,Look and retell看图复述,He had a busy day but also a nice day.,Simon,四、训练巩固,My _ Day,Hello, Im _. In the morning, I _. After that, I _. Then, I _. In the afternoon, I _. In the evening, I _. Finally, I _.,Oh, I had a _ day but also a _ day!,Tips: 在单线上面书写,要把它当成四线格的第三条线哦!,A. busy B. Busy,Busy,Lets enjoy,What did you do over your holiday? I bought gifts and ate delicious food. Oh, it was wonderful!,What did you do yesterday? I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. What did you do last Saturday? I read a book and listened to music. What did you do last Sunday? I went hiking and took pictures. What did you do on your holiday? I bought gifts and ate delicious food.,Lets enjoy,今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:,五、课堂小结,go do play have Bill is playing ping-pong. ate breakfast cleaned the room read a book played computer went fishing,Keep something for a rainy day. (未雨绸缪),同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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