鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册Unit 1 单元检测

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鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册Unit 1 单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Funny jokes can often make us when we are sad.AlaughingBlaughClaughedDlaughs2 . I hope to plant a lot of trees. _ trees, _ air pollution.AThe more; the fewerBThe less; the moreCThe less; the fewerDThe more; the less3 . _ Lisa didnt have enough money to buy a present for her teacher,she made a card by herself.AWhileBButCSinceDSo4 . We know a train in the past cant go a train at the moment.Aas soon asBso fast asCas fastly asDso faster than5 . Tina _ money because she gave all her money to the poor kid.Aran out ofBruns outCwas run out of6 . I always cant help TV plays with my mobile phone when Im studying.Its not a good habit.You are supposed to it.Awatching;correctingBwatch;correctCwatch;correctingDwatching;correct7 . Please join us.We need _ actors in our play.Aa lotBa littleCplenty ofDa bit of8 . Will your mother start to do the housework _ she gets home?AbecauseBthoughCbeforeDas soon as9 . Wars are disasters. A large number of people will lose their homes if a war _.Ais broken outBis broken upCbreaks upDbreaks out10 . Its good _ you to share things with others and its good _ you to exercise every day.Afor;forBfor;ofCof;ofDof;for二、完型填空Tom and his family live near the sea. Their house is not very _, but it is beautiful. There _ big trees and a small garden in front _ their house. They plant trees and flowers in the _. The flowers look so _. Some are red, some are white and some are blue. Tom and his family love _ garden very much._ Tom and his sister go to school from Monday to Friday. The school is _ from their home. So they _ the bus to school. The bus is comfortable. There are air conditioners (空调) in the bus. And it is a double-decker bus. After school, they sometimes help their mon _ some shopping at the Shopping Centre, and sometimes help their dad water _ in the garden. At weekends, they often take some photos by the sea. In _, they often go swimming with their parents.11 . AlongBfatCbigDthin12 . AareBisCwasDbe13 . AtoBforCatDof14 . AwashroomBgardenCkitchenDsitting room15 . AcarefulBcolorfulCusefulDhelpful16 . AhisBitsCtheirDhers17 . AAllBBothCSomeDAny18 . AacrossBshortCnearDfar19 . AbuyBgetCtakeDsit20 . AdoBhaveCsellDmake21 . AplantsBtreesCflowersDgrass22 . AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter三、阅读单选Dollar bills in the US are about to see some changes. For about 90 years, US money has looked nearly the same.The bills have past US presidents or important men on them, but great women and African-Americans have not been shown.But thats all going to change very soon. Harriet Tubman will take past President Andrew Jacksons place on the $20 bill. The change will be made to the bill by the year 2020.Harriet Tubman was an African-American woman who got away from slavery (奴隶制). Later, she became a great leader, who fought for the freedom of slaves.She did something really important in the Underground Railroad, a road that led slaves to freedom in the North.According to New York Daily News, the back of the $10 bill will have a change, too. Many women fought for their right to vote(选举)in the history.They will be pictured on the back of the $10 bill. The back of the $ 5 bill will include famous people like Martin Luther King Jr.and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who fought for human rights.All the changes will be shown by the 2020, but it may take a few years for the bills to get into circulation(流通).However,this is a change that will help Americans remember great people who shaped the US.23 . Who have been on most of the US dollar bills for 90 years?AGreat women.BPast US presidents.CAfrican-Americans.DCommon people.24 . The underlined word “led”in Paragraph 3 means in Chinese.A消除B带领C阻止D崇拜25 . Who will be pictured on the back of $5 bill?AHarriet Tubman.BAndrew Jackson.CMartin Luther King Jr.DBarack Obama.26 . Which is NOT true about Harriet Tubman?AShe will be on the $20 bill.BThe bill with her picture will be used by 2020.CShe was great because she fought for slaves freedom.DShe built the Underground Railroad to help slaves.27 . The purpose of making changes to the bills is to_.Amake the bills more beautiful and interestingBadd more modern people to themChelp Americans remember more great peopleDencourage women to fight for more rights根据表格所提供的信息,选择正确答案Monday14:0016:00English learningProf.G.WhiteWould you lke to improve your English?This is for middle school students(10 weeks)Friday19:0020:30PaintingMiss YangWould you like to learn painting?It is for beginnersOnly (6weeks)Sunday9:0010:00答案为SwimmingClub coach:Mr BrownLike swimming?Want to swim as fast as a dolphin?Come to the club(9 weeks)28 . Prof,Gwhite teaches middle school students English .Ain the afternoonBin the morningCin the evening29 . Miss yangs painting class is just for.AartistBmiddle school studentsCbeginners30 . Mr Brown is the coach of .Aa swimming clubBa dolphonCa painting club31 . If you like swimming ,ou have to learn it forAten weeksBnine weeksCsix weeks32 . You have to learn painting every Friday for .Atwo weeksBnine weeksCsix weeks四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及提示完成单词33 . Mary always _ (抱怨) that her boss gives her too much work.34 . The hotel has an _ (户外的) swimming pool.35 . If you _ (匆忙), youll get there in time.36 . It was quite a large fishabout _ (那么) long.37 . Let me _ (to hold something in your hand or arms) that box for you.五、根据音标写单词Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标,完成句子)38 . The Greens often go _ /sakl/ in the countryside.39 . You can _ / dsks / this problem with your classmates first.40 . People must not _ / plu:t / the water, air or land.41 . We are their _ / grnsnz / .42 . Sea animals live in the _ / nz /.43 . His grandparents go to the park_ / :lmst / every day.44 . Ive been to Seaside Town on _ /lki / Island.六、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子45 . Kids will _ each other on April Fools Day. 在愚人节那天孩子们会互相捉弄。46 . Many people make their houses _. 许多人让他们的房子看起来很恐怖。47 . Behind all these things _ the true _ of Christmas. 在所有这些东西的背后存在着圣诞节真正的意义。48 . He doesnt _ others _. 他对待别人不友好。49 . He warns Scrooge _ his ways if he doesnt want to _ him. 他警告Scrooge如果他不想最终像他那样,就要改变他的方式。50 . The Ghost of Christmas Past takes him _ his childhood and _ Scrooge _ his happier days as a child. 圣诞过去之灵把他带回了他的童年时代,让Scrooge想起了自己孩提时较快乐的时光。七、用单词的正确形式完成短文短文填空从下面方框中选出10个单词,并将其正确形式填写在答题卡相应题号后,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。photo, strawberry, like, play, and, four, go, be, fat , on, get, inHello. My name 51 . Linda. There are 52 . people in my family my father, my mother, my brother Henry and I.My parents are both teachers. I like going to school. I 53 . to school by bike every day. For breakfast,I 54 . bread, milk and fruit. For lunch, I have some rice, chicken and 55 . . I only like rice and vegetables for dinner, because I dont want to be 56 . . At night, I read some books before I go to bed. I have many books 57 . my bookcase. Two nice 58 . of my family are on my desk.My brother Henry likes sports 59 . he has a basketball. He often 60 . basketball with his friends after school.八、填空Its said that both work and play are important for a developing mind, Though it may be important for everyone to work hard, it is also important to relax from time to time.Last year, the average amount of leisure time (人平休闲时间) for Chinese people was 2.84 hours per day, higher than 2017s average of 2.27 hours according to the China Media Group (CMG).CMGs surveys focus on the happiness of Chinas population. The surveys, which began in 2006, cover many areas, including leisure time, vacations and spending habits. Each year, CMG surveys around 100,000 households (家庭) across the country, the Paper noted.This years survey also showed what people prefer to do during their leisure time. Seven in ten people enjoy surfing the internet, while 55 percent like to watch TV and 46 percent prefer shopping.Whats more interesting is that people in different provinces like to do different things. For example, people in Guangxi like reading books. Those who live in Tianjin prefer to go to a concert or movie. People in Jilin province prefer to exercise.In general, people are happier when they have more leisure time, the survey suggests Having enough leisure time has even become more important than income (收入) for Chinese people, CGTN noted.However, it is still important to work as well. Working hard during part of the day makes leisure time more valuable and enjoyable, CCTV News reported.CMG has also found that over the last 10 years, Chinese people have generally become happier. In 2018, over half of Chinese people felt pleased with their living condition.The Surveys about Working and Relaxing41.The average amount of leisure time for Chinese people was _ in 2018 than in 2017.42.CMG s surveys_ leisure time, vacation and spending habits.43.What people in Guangxi like to do is _ that in Jilin.44.Working hard during part of the day makes leisure time _ and enjoyable.45.The Chinese people have generally become happier, over half of them felt _ with their living condition in the last few years.61 . _62 . _63 . _64 . _65 . _九、话题作文66 . 你刷过碗,洗过衣服,做过大扫除吗?劳动既锻炼我们的动手能力,又培养我们的责任感和自信心。请以“It is good to do housework ”为题写一篇英语作文,讲讲做家务的好处。要点:1你是否经常帮助父母做家务?2你觉得做家务对自己、对家庭有什么好处?3描述一次做家务的经历以及你的感想。要求:1包含以上要点;2条理清晰,行文流畅;3词数:60字。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、填空1、九、话题作文1、


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