陕西省人教新目标英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 单元测试卷

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陕西省人教新目标英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 单元测试卷_第1页
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陕西省人教新目标英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Could you tell me _ ?-The day after tomorrow.Awhen the plane leftBwhen did the plane leaveCwhat time does the plane leaveDwhat time the plane leaves2 . Cassie got tired _ the busy life in the city, so she chose to move to the countryside.AforBtoCfromDof3 . Liu Yu said that he was serious _ being a professional runner and his parents had nothing_ his running.Aabout; forBof; againstCof; forDabout; against4 . This kind of bread is terrible. I dont want to eat it _.Aany moreBsome moreCmuch moreDno more5 . She hurriedly _ her son and drove him to the nearest hospital.Aput onBworeCdressedDwas6 . You must know the woman_ a red dress.AdressedBdresses upCwearingDwears7 . The juice is _ sweet.Yes, but dont drink _Atoo much; much tooBtoo much; too muchCmuch too; too muchDmuch too; much too8 . When did you _ the top of the mountain?At 11:45 am.AarriveBreachCgetDclimb9 . Keeping pets can teach young people how to care for others and how to_ all living things.AreplyBrespectCrepeatDreduce .10 . Sir, could you please speak a little more _?Of course. I thought you could follow me.AquicklyBpolitelyCslowlyDwisely11 . The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it _.AinventsBinventedCwas invented12 . When did you see him? _.ATomorrowBTwo hours CIn an hourDAn hour ago13 . On holidays, they prefer to _ at home rather than _.Astaying, going hikingBstay, going hikingCstay, go hikingDstaying, go hiking14 . Be careful that he was in _ mood (情绪) today.He may be angry with you.AwiseBwideChighDlow15 . Dont_ your coat when its cold outside.Aclean offBtake offCbe cleaned upDbe taken off16 . I have to prepare _my English exam _Tuesday afternoon.Aat;onBon;forCfor;onDfor;in17 . (题文) -Alice, could you help me _ the map of the world? We dont need it.-With pleasure.Aput downBput awayCput onDput up18 . Im _Darren.Though he lost his arms in an accident,he finished a 300-thousand-word novel.Aproud ofBworried aboutCstrict with19 . There are so many kinds of bicycles in the store. Its difficult for me to _ my favorite one _ them.Ashare;withBchoose;fromCbuy;in20 . The panda is a kind of animal _ can be found only in China.AwhoBwhoseCthatDwhere21 . It is very difficult to talk. There is _ noise.Amuch tooBtoo manyCtoo muchDtoo few22 . Let the children go away .they are making too much _here.AvoiceBnoisyCnoise23 . A large number of _ will visit the Great Wall tomorrow.AAmericanBEnglishCCanadianDJapanese24 . There is nobody in the room,_?Aisnt itBisnt thereCis thereDis it二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Do you like English songs, Candy?B: Yes, Zhang Min. 25 . A: Who is your favorite singer?B: 26 . A: Ah . I listen to her songs sometimes, but I prefer Chinese songs. B: 27 . A: I like many singers, such as Jay Chou, G.E.M. and A Mei.B: Wow! Have you ever been to any concerts?A: No. 28 . B: Me, too. And I often download (下载) their music on the Internet. A: Haha . 29 . AI often enjoy their concerts on the Internet.BI like Taylor Swift best.CThey are my favorites.DSo do I.EMusic is an important part of her life.FWhich singer do you like best?GWhy does she like singing?三、完型填空Music is something that everybody likes.Everybody can_sounds in a way by singing or playing a music instrument.Many kinds of music_developed as people have found out how to sing in different ways.There are_many kinds of music to hear that you are sure to find some music that will greatly_you.Music has meaning for everyone.It is_by the old and the young, men and women.It can make people happy_sad.In our modern_, radios and televisions supply us with lots of music, giving us enjoyment._in a music lesson or at a concert music means different_to different people.Music_to the whole world.30 . AmakeBdoChearDcause31 . AisBhadChaveDhas32 . AsuchBa lotCmuchDso33 . AinterestBpreferCinventDfind34 . AkeptBenjoyedCdislikedDwritten35 . AandBbutCsoDor36 . AworldBmoonCstarDspace37 . AEitherBNeitherCEveryDEach38 . AsomethingBthingsCanythingDnothing39 . AtakesBusesCplansDbelongs四、阅读单选Are you interested in country music? I like it very much !It will take me away for a while after I am tired .The guitars and songs will take me to mountains and fields.Country music usually talks of everyday life and feelings. Its the spirit of America ,easy to understand ,slow and simple.Country music developed in the Southern United States. It was the folk music of American countryside. Many of songs tell about the lives of farmers. They talk about love, crops or death.The life of the countryside can be hard, so the words in country music are often sad. At first, people played the music only at family parties. But it became more popular later. In the 1920s,people played country songs on the radio, and they made them into records.When people in the countryside moved to towns and cities to look for work, they took their music with them. Country music continued to change and became popular across America.John Denver was one of Americas most famous country singers in the 1970s.His song “Take Me home, Country Roads” is well-known and people still play it today.40 . Country music is usually about _.Aeveryday life and feelingsBfarmers feelingsCthe lives of workers41 . Country music developed _.Ain John Denvers cityBin the Southern United States.Cin the Northern United States42 . People began to make country song records _.Ain the 1920sBin 1920Cin the 1970s43 . Why did Country music become popular in America?ABecause city people liked the music.BBecause farmers moved to cities with their music and it continued to change.CBecause country music talked about city peoples lives.44 . Who is famous for the song “Take Me Home, Country Roads”?AA farmer in the countryside.BA person who moved to townsCJohn Denver.There are many different kinds of music in the world. Now lets study some of them.Classical music Classical music is a form of music which needs high musical skills. If you want to learn this kind of music,you have to go through proper training.Heavy metal music Heavy metal music came out after World War . The melody (旋律)of the song is heavily influenced by the structure of it. It is also known as “information music”. In heavy metal music,songwriting is based on a form.Hiphop music This kind of music always includes the use of instruments such as the guitar,violin,piano,bass (低音电吉他),drums and so on. In this kind of music,the bass is the main instrument. It was first played by a group of traveling singers and poets of West Africa.Opera music It first appeared in Italy in the 1600s.It has a great mixture of theatrical (喜剧的)art and musical invention and is used in theaters.Jazz music This kind of music has strong and complex (复杂的)melodies. The main musical instruments are the cornet,trumpet and violin,which help carry the melody.Besides these,there are many other kinds of music such as the blues,newage music,Celtic music,religious music,and chamber music (室内乐).45 . _ music needs high musical skills.AClassicalBHeavy metalCHip-hopDOpera46 . The main instrument in hip-hop music is the _.AguitarBviolinCpianoDbass47 . The _ is used in both hiphop music and jazz music.ApianoBviolinCtrumpetDcornet48 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AHeavy metal music appeared after World War .BOnly after proper training can you learn classical music.COpera music first appeared in Italy.DPeople call jazz music “information music”.49 . Whats the BEST title for the passage?ADifferent kinds of musicBOur favorite musiciansCWe love music bestDWelcome to the music clubKellys favorite subject is P.E. But she has a hard time in P.E. class. She is not good at jumping very far, she has trouble throwing a ball, and she cant run really fast. Sometimes, some kids make fun of (取笑) her. So why does Kelly love P.E. class?The reason is that her teacher Mr. Burns always tells her to do her best. Though she only runs for a few minutes, Mr. Burns says, “Good job! Next time you will be able to go a little longer.” Mr. Burns even put a small box on the floor so Kelly would be able to practice jumping over it.That night when Kelly finished dinner, she put three boxes and began practicing jumping over them. She made it! Kelly thought to herself, “Tomorrow I will be able to jump over those boxes in P.E. class.”And sure enough, Kelly jumped over three boxes in class the next day. The other kids said to her, “Good job!”There was a relay race (接力赛) on Tuesday. Kelly was scared that she would not be able to go very far. But when Mr. Burns said, “Ready! Set! Go!”, Kelly thought to herself, “I can do it.” When Kelly ran around the track (跑道), she heard many cheers and kids shouting, “Go Kelly! You can do it!” That was all she needed to hear. Kelly ran fast. She finished first! The kids cheered for her. Kelly felt so good. “Thank you Mr. Burns,” said Kelly. “Kelly, you ran the race, not me.” “Yes, but you always said I could do it.”50 . According to Paragraph 1, we can learn that Kelly has trouble _ in P.E. class.Aplaying soccerBskatingCswimmingDrunning51 . How did Mr. Burns help Kelly practice jumping?ABy jumping with her.BBy asking other kids to help her.CBy putting a small box on the floor.DBy giving her a book on how to jump.52 . In Paragraph 3, Kelly jumped over _ box(es) after dinner.A1B2C3D453 . Kelly was scared before the relay race because she was afraid that _.Ashe would fallBshe would not run very farCother kids would make fun of herDother kids would run faster than her54 . At the end of the story, we can learn that Kelly felt _.AhappyBboredCupsetDindependent五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和中文注释,在答题卷相应的横线上,写出所给单词的正确形式。55 . -I think the football game without Messi boring.-I dont think so. One player cant make a _(队).56 . Thanks for your help! We dont need to _(改变) our plan for the holiday.57 . Books by Liu Qinxuan are very _(受欢迎) among students in junior schools.58 . Every year, for Chinese, a fish dish is a must-have on the Chinese New Years Eve dinner_(菜单).59 . Linda _(似乎) very busy every day buying presents for her friends.60 . When my mother gets my favourite cake _ (准备好) for me, I know little things can be special in life.61 . On Halloween, children like _(穿衣) up as ghosts and painting their faces.62 . Students in the UK can enjoy 3D-printed food at school. _ (也许) we can also eat it soon in China.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):63 . The school library is on the _ floor of the new building. (two)64 . We are all working hard to make our country strong and _. (power)65 . My mother always says _ is the most important when we do everything. (safe)66 . The little boy had a _ look on his face when seeing the magic show. (surprise)67 . “What you say is partly _,” the teacher said to me in class. (truth)68 . The movie is _. Its not good for children to see it. (frighten)七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词69 . 在19世纪,她深得剧场里每一位观众的喜爱。She _ everyone in the theatre in the 19th century.70 . 她会说日语和英语。She can speak Japanese_ English.71 . 北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。Radio Beijing sends the news _.72 . 我的年龄是他的两倍还不止。I am_ as old as he.73 . 夏天到了,蚊子又出来了。When summer comes, mosquitoes_ again.八、语法填空根据短文内容在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内所给单词的正确形式。At our school, there is a music drama(戏剧) program. Over the last eight years, students in our school 74 . (perform) many music dramas. This February we performed Legally Blonde. It tells a story of a girl 75 . (name) Elle Woods. She studies at Harvard Law School and tries to help others 76 . the knowledge she has gained at school. The School Music Club organized the activity. The teachers helped all the performers learn 77 . (they) lines(台词), and the band played the background music. Students who 78 . (want) to join in this drama had to show their talents to the teachers first. Luckily, I got a chance to join in this years music drama 79 . an oboe(双簧管) player. After all, I started to learn the musical instrument when I was only five. To prepare for the show, we practiced 80 . (play) the music from 7 pm to 8:30 pm every Monday and rehearsed(排练) with the performers every Saturday. On February 8, the big day for the final show, I was so nervous, 81 . the music drama turned out well. It lasted for one and a half hours and all the teachers and students praised us82 . our good job. It was my 83 . (one) time as a member of a music drama like this. I really had fun. I am going to join in the music drama again in the next school year.九、多任务混合问题There are a lot of kinds of folk music in China, because China has 56 nationalities and every group has its own style of music. There is a lot of poetry(诗意) in Chinese folk songs, including ideas, feelings and images. But in pop songs, there is no poetry. Each Chinese folk song has its own personality, for example,“Jasmine(茉莉花)”, “Dancing of Youth(青春舞曲)” or “My youth has gone away like a bird and never comes back.”Folk songs are from the people. Folk songs are like a way of serving the people, although folk songs express the feelings of the people. Chinese folk songs express the feelings, the emotions and the hopes of people about being in love or how hard it is.“The more national, the more international.”In order to spread Chinese folk music, a forum(论坛) of folk songs called“Nanning International Festival of Folk Songs Art”is held every year. Chinese and overseas art groups and artists often perform at the opening ceremony, such as Chinese minority singersHan Hong, Teng Geer and A Lilang. The more widely it spreads, the more attention the music attracts.84 . 判断正(T)误(F)。The folk songs only express the feeling of the people.85 . 根据短文完成句子。There is a lot of poetry in Chinese folk songs, including _, _ and _.86 . 将文中划线部分译成中文。_十、话题作文87 . 书面表达音乐在我们的日常生活中扮演着很重要的角色。请根据以下提示,以The Role of Music为题用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。提示:1. 音乐可以使我们放松身心,缓解压力;2. 音乐可以振奋并鼓舞人心;3. 音乐可以抚慰我们的心灵,帮助我们走出困境;4. 音乐可以帮助我们更好地了解别的文化。注意:不可逐句翻译,可根据自己对音乐的理解适当发挥。The Role of Music_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、语法填空1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、话题作文1、


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