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陕西省2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Many children in the west of China live from the school. They have to go to school in the early morning.A15 kilometresB15-kilometre farC15-kilometres awayD15 kilometres far away2 . Amy , I would like your uncle to help me repair the computer. Sorry, he _help you today. He wont come back until tomorrow.AshouldntBmay notCmustntDcant3 . -Can you see the little monkey _ the tree? -Yes, I can. Very lovely!AinBonCfromDto4 . _ a cold winter evening, they made many lanterns _ oranges. How interesting!AIn; out ofBOn; out ofCOn; fromDIn; with5 . Ms. Wang asked us to _ the ways to save water and write them down.Aworry aboutBcut downCthink aboutDlook after6 . Shall we go to spend the winter holiday in Sanya?There must be too many people there.AI agree with you.BI hope we can go there together.CWhat a good idea!DIm afraid thats not a good idea.7 . Were happy that our country has developed _ these years than before.AquicklyBless quicklyCmore quicklyDmost quickly8 . The math problem is _ difficult and _ of the students can work it out .Atoo much , a fewBmuch too , a fewCtoo much ,few D .much too , few9 . _a wonderful time they _ in the park at this time yesterday afternoonAWhat,hadBWhat,were havingCHow,hadDHow,were having10 . Dad, you have worked for three hours. Stop _ and have a rest, please.Ato workBworkingCworkedDwork11 . Hi, Maria, is therein todays TV news?No, nothing.Ainteresting somethingBsomething InterestingCanything interestingDinteresting anything12 . We did _ experiment in physics class.AaBanCanyD/13 . They need _ their homework first.Ato doBdoingCfinishingDfinishes14 . When there is a fire, we canwith a blanket.Aput it offBput it onCput it outDput it down15 . Maggie, what you said may result in serious problems.I see. I was just telling the truth.AcauseBsolveCbecome二、完型填空“Is it OK to let my child do the chores at home?”“Should I punish(惩罚)him if he_to do the chores?”Parents often think of these questions. _should parents do to get their children to do the chores? Let s read a story first.Jenny was_her grandpa in the country. They enjoyed being with each other very much. Grandpa took Jenny for a ride_his car every afternoon. Every night, Grandpa washed his socks and_them to dry.One day, Jenny said to her grandpa,“I want to help your socks.”Jenny was only four years old, _ hergrandpa agreed. He believed Jenny could do it well. Jenny was_to wash the socks for her grandpa.She washed them_,so the socks became very clean. She thought since her little hands could do this work, she could do a lot more for_.So parents should give children chances to do the chores. They should let their children know they are_in the family, It s very important to a childs development.16 . AagreesBlikesCstopsDrefuses17 . AWhenBWhatCWhereDWhy18 . AvisitingBcallingChelpingDasking19 . AinBtoConDof20 . AtouchedBmovedCfoldedDhung21 . AandBbutCsoDif22 . AtiredBworriedChappyDnervous23 . AquietlyBeasilyCquicklyDcarefully24 . AotherBnoneCothersDanother25 . AfriendlyBhelpfulCwelcomeDlovely三、阅读单选A little play does not harm any one, but does much good. After play, we should be glad to workI know a boy. He likes a good game very much. He could run, swim, jump and play ball; and is always happy when out of school.But he knows that time is not all for play and that our minutes, hours and days are very precious.At the end of his play, he will go home. After he washes his face and hands, and brushes his hair, he will help his mother, or read in his book, or write upon his slate.He often says, One thing at a time. When he is done with work, he will play; but he does not try to play and to work at the same time.26 . Which of the following about the boy is true?AHe likes to play a lot.BHe is not happy when he is at school.CHe is very good at sports.DHe enjoys playing when he is working.27 . What does the word harm mean in Paragraph 1?A损害B保护C获得D同情28 . What is the writers main purpose(目的)of writing this article?AThe boy the writer knows is a good boy.BThe boy in the article is a good game player.CWe shouldnt play before finishing our homework.DWe should be happy to work after a little play.A woman is having some trouble(患病)with her eyes, so she goes to see the doctor. He is a new doctor and doesnt know her, so he asks some questions and one of them is, How old are you?The woman says, I dont know, doctor, but let me think about it. She thinks for a minute and then says, Yes, I know now, Doctor!When I marry(结婚), I am eighteen years old, and my husband is thirty. Now my husband is sixty. And that is twice(两倍)thirty. So I am twice eighteen. Thats thirty-six, isnt it?”29 . Something is wrong with the womans _.AheadBeyesCearsDmouth30 . The woman cant rememberage.AthedoctorsBher husbandsCherDher sons31 . The woman isyears old now.AeighteenBthirtyCthirty-sixDforty-eight32 . The woman isyounger thanher husband.AtwelveBeighteenCtwentyDtwenty-four33 . A _ has a party.AboyBfamilyCschoolDshop34 . The meeting is _.Ain the classroomBon the playgroundCin the dining hallDin the science lab35 . People can take photos _.Afrom 9:00 to 10:00Bfrom 9:00 to 11:00Cfrom 10:00 to 11:00Dfrom 11:00 to 12:0036 . Students can _ from 14:30 to 17:30.Ahave lunchBplay footballCgo to the partyDvisit the school37 . Which is the following is TRUE?AThe party is on Sunday.BThere is a TV in the dining hall.COnly students can come to the party.DPeople can call 663-5027 for tickets.January is a great month. I only need to go to school from the first to the fifteenth. Every year, our school has an art festival. This year it is from January 13th to January 15th. All the students and parents can come to the festival. My mother says she can go to the festival with me, but my father cant. He is busy. All the people sing, dance and play games at the festival. After the festival, the term is over. I dont need to go to school and can have a long holiday. My parents and I want to take a trip in Sanya, Hainan. And we want to spend (度过) our Spring Festival (春节) there. We will come back to Beijing on February 15th. Im sure well have a good time!38 . The school has a(n) _ every year.Aschool tripBart festivalCEnglish partyDsoccer game39 . The art festival lasts (持续) for _ days.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive40 . 划线单词over的汉语意思是_ .A结束B漫长的C无聊D有趣的41 . They want to go to Sanya to _.Asee a friendBbuy some clothesCtake a tripDwatch ball games四、句型转换句型转换,每空一词42 . Eddie buys a radio and a mango. (改成复数)Eddie buys some _ and _.43 . How do you celebrate Halloween? (同义句转换)_ do you _ to celebrate Halloween?44 . He watches half an hour of TV every day.(划线部分提问)_ TV does he watch every day?45 . Mr. Green often lies on the sofa after supper. (用now改写句子)Mr. Green _ on the sofa now.46 . It takes him half an hour to write this letter. He_ half an hour _this letter.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母写单词,注意变形。47 . While the trapeze artist was b_ on the net, young George got the idea for inventing the trampoline.48 . Solar power, wind power, nuclear and fossil fuels are the main s_ of energy that are used to produce electricity.49 . Kindle is an e-book reader that enable users to download and read 3.2 million e-books available in the Kindle Store. And you can read the books wherever you are. Its like a p_ library.50 . Its important for you to take notes in class. They will help you to review the lesson a_.51 . The officials i_ the cause of the Ethiopian Airlines plane crash and found out it was the planes technical problem rather than the pilots wrong operation.52 . The aquatic animals and plants that coral lives on will start to die. It will also cause the death of coral u_ people try to stop global warming.53 . It was a serious rainstorm. Strong winds were blowing and the rain was beating heavily a_ the windows.54 . Dont give up in the face of difficulties or failures. P_ is one of the most important factors that lead to success. So keep on trying until you succeed.55 . Although the game ended in a tie, we could tell by the look of s_ on our coachs face that he was quite impressed with our wonderful performances and was happy that we didnt lose.56 . A government spokesman r_ the governments attitude so he has to think twice and weigh his words before responding to reporters.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次,每空不限填一词。seat our until lend wise57 . The talent show will start in five minutes, boys. Please take your _quickly.58 . Our parents dont worry about us, because we can look after _when we are alone.59 . On October 1st, my family watched the National Day Celebration on TV _ it was over.60 . You need to read more books and study harder if you want to be _ than others.61 . Tony_ some useful books to Sally so far and tried to help with her English project.根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式,每个短语限用一次。cheer for, train for, stand for, play against62 . InChina, red _ good luck.63 . Which team are they _ at the moment?64 . The children are _ their team in the gym.65 . Lin Tao is _ the coming tennis game in the gym.七、单词填空短文填空Nowadays it is found that school students hardly have any sports. Is it because they have no66 . in sports? It may not be the fact. They often say they have 67 . few more important things to do though they are actually interested in sports.What are these important things? Examinations! They have to get themselves ready for the most important School Certificates of Education , and also to deal with the tests and the exams in school. 68 . many of them become bookworms.In the summer holidays after the examination they could do 69 . they like, but at the moment, they have to spend all their time on the preparation. So studies have stopped them from70 . sports.Because of the pressure from their parents and teachers, they have to work harder and71 . most of their time on books. Many parents 72 . their children to pass this examination in order to get a stepping stone for higher studies or 73 . jobs. As for the students74 . , they want to get good results so that they can get their studies better. So it is necessary that they give up their school activities, especially sports.Indeed, every school cannot go 75 . physical training, for a quick mind seldom goes along with a weak body. It is well said, “ All work and no play makes Jack a dull(迟钝的) boy.” In one word, without a strong body, you can never do anything better, let alone a great success in their future life.八、回答问题阅读短文,简答其后的问题。Read the passage and answer the questions briefly.It was Christmas Eve already. Bobbys three sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother, but Bobby didnt have any money to buy her a present.Bobby walked along the street. Then, suddenly, he saw a dime(十美分硬币)on the street. But his excitement quickly disappeared because all the salesmen told him that he could not buy anything with just a single dime.He saw a flower shop and went inside to ask the shop owner if he could buy a flower for his mothers Christmas gift. The shop owner smiled and said, “I just happen to have some roses on sale for one dime a dozen(一打). Would you like them?” Of course Bobby bought the roses at once and returned home.The shop owners wife asked her husband, “Who are you talking to and where are the roses?”He answered, “A strange thing happened to me this morning. I heard a voice and the voice told me to keep a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. Then just a few minutes ago, a little boy came into the shop and wanted to buy a flower for his mother with one small dime. When I looked at him, I saw myself. Many years ago, I was a poor boy and could not buy my mother a Christmas gift. A man stopped me on the street and gave me ten dollars. When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice was, and I put together a dozen of my very best roses.”76 . When did the story take place?_77 . Who did Bobby want to buy a present for?_78 . Bobby didnt feel excited when he saw a dime, did he?_79 . What did Bobby buy at last?_80 . How much did Bobby pay?_81 . All other salesmen said that one dime couldnt buy anything, why could Bobby buy a gift with it?_九、书信作文82 . 假如你是David,请根据下表所提示的内容,写一封推荐信,推荐你的同学 Tom(七年级四班)获取今年的最佳学生奖。学习努力学习,所有学科都学得很好。能力篮球打得好,他想下学期进入校篮球队。爱好喜爱动物,他在家养兔子当宠物并把它照顾得很好。品德乐于助人,经常帮助同学复习功课。有礼貌(polite),在公共汽车上热心的要求:1.条理清楚,语意连贯。2.紧扣主题,适当发挥。3.书写规范,标点正确。正文90词左右。信的开头称呼和结尾落款已经写好,不计入词数。Dear Sir,I am writing to recommend Tom for this years Best Student Award._I think Tom has all the qualities to get the award.Yours,David第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、书信作文1、

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