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长沙市2019年中考二模英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He is a great man,you cant help but_ him.ArespectBto respectCrespectingDrespected2 . Which stress of the following is different from the others?AextraBsincerelyCancient3 . I never doubt _.Athat Gulliver in Lilliput is worth readingBwhether Gulliver in Lilliput is worth readingCif Gulliver in Lilliput is worth reading itDthat Gulliver in Lilliput is worth being reading4 . -your name?-My name is Jane.AWhatBWhatsCHow isDWhere is5 . -Whats her family name?-_.AAlanBGinaCEricDBrown6 . I know the girl _ is singing over there. She is my classmate, Lily.AwhoseBwhoCwhom7 . _ not to break the cup while you are drinking.ATake careBTake care ofCLook afterDTaking care8 . Which of the following underlined parts is different from others?AThey can buy things in large shopping malls.BThere are a number of department stores on Nanjing Road.CIts getting warmer because spring is coming.DTim grows many flowers in his garden.9 . - _ excellent work you have done!-Its very kind of you to say so.AWhat anBHowCWhat aDWhat10 . Which of the following is the traditional food people usually have on Dragon Boat Festival?ABCD11 . Its not easy for trailwalkers to finish walking a_ trail within 48 hours.A100-kilometreB100-kilometresC100 kilometresD100 kilometres12 . Two men, starting at the same point, walk in opposite directions for 4 meters, turn left and walk another 3 meters. What is the distance between them?A6 metersB10 metersC12.5 metersD14 meters13 . All of us can see some _ in this picture. Which is NOT right?Awomen BsheepCchildrenDbreads14 . Ms Green very beautiful in the purple dress.AlooksBsoundsCthinks15 . The little boy was last seen _ football by the river.Ato playBplayCplayedDplaying16 . In spring, a lot of young trees _ in our city.Aare plantedBplantChas been planted17 . Toms parents _ him a present last week.AboughtBbuysCbuy18 . Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has different sounds?Awarmth quarterBsmooth southernCdrama camera19 . What do you know about the accident, sir?I am sorry. I was just passing by(路过).I know nothing more _ the information on the newspaper because I read it this morning.AexceptBaboutCforDbesides20 . David and his younger brotherin the station since 1999.AworkBhad workedCwere workingDhave worked二、补全对话7选5补全对话A:Hello, Tony. What are you busy doing these days?B:Im busy exercising. 21 . A:What for? Youre in good health.B:Thank you. But I want to be much fitter.A:22 . B:At Sunshine Sports Center. Im a VIP of it.A:Wow, cool! Id like to exercise there, too. 23 . B:Dont worry. I can help you.A:Is it far from here?B:Yes. Its about three kilometers from here. 24 . A:Which bus should I take?B:You need to take Bus No. 3 to Binjiang Road, and walk along that road to the end. Then you can see Sunshine Sports Center on your left. 25 . Its easy to find it.A:Thank you very much.B:My pleasure.AYoud better take a bus.BWhy do you go there?CYou know, I want to lose my weight.DBut I dont know the way there.EIts a wonderful one.FWhere do you usually do sports?GIts between a bank and a theater.三、完型填空完形填空Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. Even though you are mentally healthy, it doesnt_that you dont have a mental health problem.Mental health is everyones business. We all have times when we feel down or_Most of the time those feelings pass,_sometimes they develop into a more serious problem. It seems that our mental health doesnt always stay the same. It can change as the environment changes and as you move_different stages(阶段) of your life.Here are four practical_to look after your mental health. Making simple changes to how you live doesnt cost much or take up lots of time. Anyone can_them. Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay in good mental health. It isnt a sign of_, but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy. Eat well. What you eat and how you feel are_connected. A proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health. Keep in touch. Friends and family members can offer_suggestions which may help you keep active and solve practical problems. Take a break. It could be a weekend to_new places to enjoy the nature, or even a ten-minute break from doing your homework. A few minutes can be enough to relax you.26 . AagreeBmeanCdoubtDnotice27 . AexcitedBsatisfiedCsurprisedDstressed28 . AbutBandCsoDas29 . AawayBinsideCthroughDagainst30 . AanswersBrepliesCwaysDchances31 . AfollowBfindCadviseDcount32 . AweaknessBlazinessChappinessDrichness33 . AeasilyBcloselyCequallyDhardly34 . AdifficultBterribleCstrangeDdifferent35 . AprotectBvisitCarriveDtravel四、阅读单选If you like shopping and you are crazy about fashion, London is a good place for you. In London you can buy not only the most expensive clothes, but also beautiful clothes which are inexpensive.Many of the worlds most famous fashion designers have their own shops in London. And every year in February and September, there is an important fashion event. It is called London Fashion Week and people all over the world come here and enjoy Englands wonderful new clothes. Usually the clothes are sold at a high price. The clothes are always in style. In the 1960s, a fashion designer Mary Quant invented the miniskirt. It made her famous all around the world. Later, in the 1970s, punk fashion became popular.Outside London there are some shopping centres as well. In the shopping streets of most towns have a Market Day. On that day, some of the streets are filled with stalls selling food, flowers, dresses, hats, bags, and many other different things. The clothes there are always at a low price. Nearly everybody can afford them.36 . When did punk fashion become popular?AIn the 1950s.BIn the 1960s.CIn the 1970s.DIn the 1980s.37 . On a Market Day, we_ in the streets.Acan buy flowers, hats and bags from stallsBcannot buy food from the stallsCcan buy some clothes at a high priceDcant find the stalls which sell flowers38 . What does the underlined word afford mean in Chinese?A购买B负担得起C收购D支付不起39 . Whats the best title for the passage?AStalls selling clothesBClothes in fashionCLondon Fashion WeekDShopping in LondonHave you ever rubbed your hands together when they get cold? Why do we do that? We do that forfriction. Friction happens when two things that arent very smooth (光滑的) rub together to make heat energy. The faster you rub two things together, the more friction you can make. Lets discover friction!_Soap Water Your hands_Make sure your hands are dry.Rub your hands together until you feel the heat of your hands.Now, use soap and water to get your hands very slippery (滑的).Try to make friction happen while your hands are slippery. Please write down what has happened._Friction is an energy that happens when two things rub together. When friction happens, it makes heat! When your hands are slippery, they wont make very much friction and your hands wont get so hot._Friction happens when you stop your fast running bike.Ancient people made fires by rubbing two pieces of wood together. Friction happened though they didnt know it._Friction is everywhere. Have you ever noticed situations where friction is happening? If not, ask your parents to take you out in a car. If it is not hot, touch the tires (轮胎) of the car before and after a short drive to see how much warmer they get from friction.40 . Youd better make your hands _ to get heat when you rub them.A. slippery B. dry C. wet41 . The word “friction” in the first paragraph means “_”.A. 摩擦 B. 震动 C. 膨胀42 . We can know from the passage that its a _ experiment.A. physics B. chemistry C. biology43 . The topic of the last column (栏目) is _A. THINK IT OVER! B. WHAT HAPPENED? C. WORK WITH PARENTS.44 . The main idea of the passage is _.A. how to discover friction B. how to rub your hands C. how to make fires by rubbingJoe was an old man. The 75-year-old lived very happily in a village and had a beautiful family. His children grew up and moved to different cities. Now, Joe has four grandchildren, and they visit him during their holidays.During one vacation, Joe was preparing his home for the kids: cleaning and buying their favorite foods. After he finished working, he realized he lost his favorite watch. The watch was a gift from his wife when their first child was born. Joe treasured the watch very much, especially after his wifes death. He was very upset about losing it.Once his grandchildren came, they promised him they would find the watch. One granddaughter asked: Grandpa, do you remember when you saw the watch last before it went missing?I guess when I was cleaning the barn! Joe replied. The children looked for more than two hours with Joe, but they could not find it. The kids were now also sad, but they tried to comfort their grandfather.One grandson went back to the barn to look again. Joe asked why he was going there a second time. But the little boy just asked the others not to follow him and to keep silent.He was there for about 15 minutes and then rushed to his grandfather. He found the watch and happily gave it to Joe.Joe was surprised and asked how he was able to find it. The little boy replied: I sat there without making a noise, and the barn was so silent. After a few minutes, I heard the tick, tick sound and found the watch.Joe hugged and thanked the little boy.This is the power of silence. If we stay calm, we are more able to find the solution!45 . From Paragraph 2, we learn that Joe .Aknew his grandchildren very wellBliked doing housework very muchCgot tired of his grandchildrens visitDlooked forward to his grandchildrens visits46 . The underlined word Treasure means .Astore for future useBvalue highlyCwear anytimeDmention carefully47 . How did one of the grandchildren find the watch?AHe did a thorough cleaning of the barn.BHe searched the barn carefully for two hours.CHe made no noise and followed the ticking sound.DHe asked other children for help.48 . Which is the right order of what happened in the story?a. His grandchildren came.b. They looked for more than two hours.c. The little boy sat in the barn without making a sound.d. One grandson went back to the barn again.e. Joe lost his watch accidentally.Ae a b d cBe b a c dCa e d b cDa e c b d五、阅读判断The ants and the grasshopper(蝗虫)lived in the same big field. The ants always worked hard, and tried to prepare and harvest enough food for winter.Their happy neighbor, the grasshopper, couldnt understand them. He just kept singing. One winter day, the ants were busy spreading their grain(谷物)in the sun to dry. The grasshopper was nearly dying of hunger, so he went to the ants to ask for some food.“Good day to you, kind neighbor,” said the grasshopper. “Wont you lend me a little food? I will certainly repay(偿还)you before this time next year.” “Why dont you have any food of your own?” asked an old ant. “There was a lot of food in the big field all summer. What did you do?”“Oh,” said the grasshopper, forgetting his hunger, “I sang all day long, and all night long.” “Well, then,” said the ant, “If you can sing all summer, you should dance all winter.” And the old ant went back to her work, singing the ant song, “We ants never borrow; we ants never lend.”根据短文内容判断正误,正确T,错误F。49 . The ants and the grasshopper lived in different fields.50 . While the grasshopper was singing, the ants were preparing food for winter.51 . One winter day, the grasshopper invited the ants to sing with them.52 . The grasshopper sang day and night all summer.53 . The ants agreed to lend the grasshopper some food in the end.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文从下面方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确形式填入短文中,使短文通顺正确(每个词或短语只用一次)。ticket,also,interesting,as a result,send,once,think about,of,such as,differenceWhen I was tidying up my room yesterday,I found an old box of my fathers. He gave it to me two years ago. It was really54 . to discover something about my fathers life as a child. He 55 . told me about his hobbies as a child. He wrote to people from all over the world,and they56 . him letters back.57 . he had a book58 . interesting stamps. People59 . gave him things from60 . countries,61 . a silk fan from China,a little model car from Germany and a small model ship from Australia. My father even kept the 62 . from his first football match. The box made me63 . my hobby. I want to keep my old picture books and magazines for a long time too.七、填写适当的单词补全对话64 . Complete the dialogue with proper words, one word for each blank.A: Ill miss you, Diana!B: Oh, I feel just the【小题1】! We must try to continue our friendship, even though we will no【小题2】be at school together.A: Yes. I wish we werent going to different senior high schools. I feel really sorry to have to say 【小题3】to you and all our other old friends.B: Well make new friends, too, though! But lets promise to stay in【小题4】. We may not see each other so often, but we can get together in the summer vacation.A:Yes, thats a good【小题5】. And think of all the happy times well have then!八、填空任务型阅读(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。A few days ago, I ran into (撞上) a stranger as he passed by. I said sorry to him, and he said, “Excuse me too, I wasnt even watching for you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went on our way after saying goodbye.Later in the kitchen at home, as I cooked our meal, my daughter Betty walked up to me, very quietly. When I turned around (转身), I nearly knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted angrily. She ran away, crying.That night, when I lay in bed, my husband said to me, “You were so rude to Betty. Go and look around on the kitchen floor, and youll find some flowers there. Betty brought those for you. She picked them herself pink, yellow, and your favourite blue.”When I heard this, I thought deeply: “While meeting with a stranger, I was calm and polite; but with my daughter, I was not patient (耐心的). I felt sad and tears began to fall.I quietly went to Bettys bed, “Wake up, my dear,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled, “t found them by the tree. I knew youd like them, especially the blue.” I said, “I am so sorry that I treated (对待) you that way today.” And she whispered (悄声说), “Mommy, thats okay I still love you anyway.” I kissed her and said, “I love you too and I do love the flowers.”That day Betty gave me a lesson on how to get along with each other in the family. I spent much time on work before and didnt realize how important family life was. I decided to do better in the future.65 . The writer _ to a stranger when she ran into him.66 . When the writer nearly knocked Betty down, she _ at her.67 . The writers _ told her Betty had picked those flowers for her.68 . The writer felt sad and began to cry because _.69 . The writer decided to _.九、多任务混合问题The Winter Olympics,which is also called the White Olympics,were first held as a separate competition in 1924 at Chamonix Mont Blanc. France. At this time,many colorful stamps are published to mark the great games. The first stamp marking the opening of the White Olympics was issued(发行)on January 25,1932 in the United States to celebrate the third White Olympics. From then on,issuing stamps during the White Olympics became a tradition. To celebrate the fourth Winter Olympic Games,a group of stamps were published in Germany in November,1935. Stamp collectors liked them very much. Many parents also liked the stamps because they wanted to collect them for their children. The five rings of the Olympics were printed on the front of the sportswear. It was the first time that the symbol appeared on stamps of the Winter Olympics. 70 . s_ forming a unit by itself;not joined to something else71 . m_ to write or draw a symbol,line,etc,on something in order to give information about it72 . 阅读短文,完成同义句转换,每空一词。Many parents also liked the stamps because they wanted to collect them for their children.Many parents also liked the stamps because they_collecting them for their children.阅读短文,回答问题73 . Where were a group of stamps published in order to celebrate the fourth Winter Olympic Games?_74 . What the Winter Olympics is also called?_75 . Who liked the stamps of the fourth White Olympics?_十、书信作文76 . 书面表达假设你是Tina, 你的中国同学Su Yue即将结束她在美国的交换生学习生活。为此, 你打算为她举办一场送别聚会(farewell party), 并邀请全班同学参加。请你写一份英文邀请函, 内容包括:(1)举办此次聚会的原因;(2) 你对Su Yue的印象(友好, 学习最勤奋, ):(3)聚会的时间(本周六晚6:00)和地点(学校大厅);(4)聚会的活动安排(分享美好回忆, 表演节目, ”。注意:词数:80左右(文章开头结尾己给出, 不计入总词数);文中不可出现真实人名和校名等相关信息;文章必须包含所提供的主要信息, 并作适当发挥。_第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填写适当的单词补全对话1、八、填空1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、书信作文1、

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