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长沙市2019年八年级下学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You are hero in my heart for ever._AYes, Ill try to do it.BThanks for saying so.CMe, too.DYoure welcome.2 . As one of the “People Who Moved Qinhuai”, his work goes _ teaching.Yes, the teacher always thinks of the children first and takes good care of them.AbeyondBbesideCbehindDbetween3 . Can I have two cakes? They are nice.AmoreBanotherCother4 . Its important us the teacher carefully in class.Afor; to listenBof; to listenCfor; that listen5 . the traffic accident, please call 122.AIn caseBIn case ofCAs a result of6 . It was_lovely weather_we decided to go out for a picnic.Asuch a; thatBsuch; thatCsuch; asDso; that7 . _ you work today, _ successful you will be in the future.AMore hardly, moreBThe harder, the moreCMore harder, moreDThe more hardly, the more8 . _ you Mary? Yes, I _.AAre; isBIs; amCAre; amDAm; is9 . Many kids in China are crazy about the Western culture. But I still cant understandto us Chinese.Awhat does Christmas meanBwhat Christmas does meanCwhat mean Christmas doesDwhat Christmas means10 . Alex, would you mind_down the music? Its too noisy. Sorry, dad. Ill do it right away.AturnBturningCto turn11 . There _ a number of volunteers in the club and the number of them _ growing larger and larger.Ais; areBare; isChave; isDhave; are12 . Did you go to the cinema to see My People My Country last night?No, I go to the cinema. Im too busy with my study.AonlyBnearlyCstillDhardly13 . Mary wanted to get the first prize in the English competition, and she finally .AdevelopedBcontinuedCsucceededDcompeted14 . Can you believe that this small bowl costs almost 300,000 dollars?Because it is made_pure gold and it has a beautiful dragon picture on it.AofBfromCby15 . -Xining, Summer Resort (夏都), has friendly people and _ weather.- Yes. I hope _ more tourists coming here to enjoy their cool summer.Aa pleasant; there will beBpleasant; there will hayCa pleasant; there will haveDpleasant; there will be二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A. What do you like for lunch?B. I like chicken hamburgers.C. What about you?D. Lets go and have lunch now.E. Do you like chicken for lunch?F. What vegetables do you like?G. I dont like vegetables.A: Hey, Jane.16 . B: OK. What do you like for lunch?A:17 . B: Hamburgers are not healthy food.A: Yes, I know, but I like them.18 . B: I like rice and vegetables.A: 19 . B: I like carrots. 20 . A: I like tomatoes.三、补全短文4选4根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的选项补全短文。Dont be too surprised if you see a car going down the road without a driver in Beijing these days.21 . Last month, Baidu began to test its self-driving cars on open roads in Beijing.Self-driving cars began to develop in 2010. Since then, companies like Tesla, Uber and Baidu have been working to produce and test their own self-driving cars.Self-driving cars are safer than regular cars. 22 . They can remove the stress of driving and allow disabled or blind people to get around more easily.23 . In one test, researchers pointed a laser pointer(激光棒) at the cars sensors(传感器) while it was moving. The car mistakenly thought that the laser beam was in its way and slowed down or changed the direction. The software that is used to direct the cars may not be safe enough. 24 . When we use our computers or smart phones, they sometimes crash (崩溃) without any reason. But if this happened to a self-driving car, the results could be deadly. Improvements to the software could be a solution to this problem.AAt times, it may break down.BBut self-driving cars have their own problems as well.CAnd they are more environmentally friendly than regular cars.DIt might be one of Baidus self-driving cars四、完型填空One of Americans favorite foods is hamburgers._ are hamburgers welcome in America? Because most Americans live a fast-paced (快节奏的) life and they dont want to _ much time cooking. In addition (另外), _are not expensive (昂贵的).The best _ to buy hamburgers is the fast food restaurant. There people _ their food and wait (等待) for a few minutes_their food is ready. They can_ the food there or take it home or somewhere else. In fast food restaurants, people can also buy _ foods, such as chicken and ice-cream.Now hamburgers are _ in China. Many people love to eat them. But remember eating too many hamburgers is not good _health.25 . AWhenBWhyCWhereDHow26 . ApayBuseCspendDtake27 . AnoodlesBcakesCsaladsDhamburgers28 . AideaBplaceCtimeDway29 . AorderBputCenjoyDleave30 . AsoBafterCbeforeDbecause31 . AeatBbuyCfindDcook32 . Athe othersBthe otherCothersDother33 . AspecialBpopularCimportantDdelicious34 . AtoBatCforDwith五、阅读单选Teenagers shouldnt eat too much junk food.Teenagers shouldnt eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future.Teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar.Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vegetates are rich in vitamins and have little fat.Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow.Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for their bodies and minds.35 . According to the doctors advice, what does junk food include?AMilk and vitamins.BFruits and sugarCVegetables and salt.DFat, oil , salt and sugar.36 . In this passage, doctors thinks that teenagers should eat more.Afood with no vitaminsBfat and sugarCVegetables and fruitsDsalt and oil37 . The best title for this passage is.ABad Habits.BJunk Food.CUnhealthy FoodDAdvice on Healthy EatingGardening(园艺) is popular in many parts of the world. It brings us sweet smelling flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables. But you can get more from your garden.Gardening helps to keep healthy. Todays people sit indoors for too long and dont get much exercise. When you garden, you have to move around. Its a good chance for you to exercise your body by watering flowers or doing some digging. Also, when you are in your garden, you can feel the warm sunshine. This means you are getting Vitamin D. It helps your bodies use calcium(钙), which is necessary to keep your bones(骨骼) strong.Gardening is a great activity to do with children. It gets them off computers, televisions and phones. Gardening can be a great teacher to teach children about nature and healthy eating. It can also help them to understand the meaning of “No pains, no gains.”Gardening is a great way to meet people and build relationships. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. So it is a perfect time to communicate with your neighbors. Most people love to talk about their hobbies, and so do gardeners. They usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens.38 . When its _, you can get Vitamin D in your garden.AsunnyBcloudyCsnowyDrainy39 . According to the passage, _ is one of the gardening activities.Awatching TVBwatering flowersCwalking dogsDplaying with phones40 . The underlined phrase “No pains, no gains.” in Paragraph 3 means _ in Chinese.A人非生而知之者B吃一堑,长一智C不劳则无获D乐中有悲41 . The structure(结构) of the passage should be _. (P means paragraph)ABCD42 . The best title of the passage may be “_”.AHealthy Eating HabitsBRelationships with NeighborsCAdvantages(优点) of Outdoor ActivitiesDAdvantages of GardeningOcean Chinese RestaurantNoodle House N-1: Noodles with beef and tomatoTel: 77820796 N-2: La main with onions11:00 am11:00 pm N-3: Chicken noodles soupSmall bowl 10 RMB N-4: Fried noodles with cabbageMedium bowl 15 RMB N5: Fried beef noodlesLarge bowl 18 RMBCBA School RestaurantWelcome to CBA School RestaurantTel: 77820796Special meal deals for only 25 RMBMeal deal 1: Dumplings in chicken soup, egg fried rice, mapo tofu 25RMBMeal deal 2: Beef with broccoli, fired la mian, fried dumplings 25RMBMeal deal 3: Cabbage soup, chicken noodles, ice cream 25RMEWelcome to CBA School RestaurantFast food RestaurantRice ExpressTel: 77820798Try our delicious rice bowls for only 15RMB. You have a choice of:Beef, pork, chicken, and fishAdd a plate of dumplings for 10 RMB. Only 17 RMB for you choice ofGreen tea, ice cream, or orange juice.Free delivery for orders of 30 RMB and above!Fast food RestaurantRice ExpressTel: 77820798Try our delicious rice bowls for only 15RMB. You have a choice of:Beef, pork, chicken, and fishAdd a plate of dumplings for 10 RMB. Only 17 RMB for you choice ofGreen tea, ice cream, or orange juice.Free delivery for orders of 30 RMB and above!43 . . If you want a large bowl of chicken noodles soup, hoe much should you pay for it?A8 RMBB10 RMBC15 RMBD18 RMB44 . . If you have only ten yuan, where can you eat dumplings?AOcean Chinese RestaurantBCBA School RestaurantCFast food RestaurantDABC English Restaurant45 . . If you dont want to go to the restaurant, you can call it at _.A77820798B77820797C77820799D7782079646 . . If Mr. Green has dumplings in chicken soup, egg fried rice, mapo tofu, and green tea, ice cream, or orange juice, he wants _RMB altogether (总共).A20B27C35D4247 . . If you want to eat fish, you should go to_.AOcean Chinese RestaurantBCBA School RestaurantCFast food RestaurantDReal American Restaurant六、单词填空It was at an exhibition of the artists works organized by the Red Cross. I was invited as a special g48 . to attend the exhibition. During this period, two cute girls of 16 or 17 years old came to me and asked me for my signature(签名).“I havent brought my pen. Is the p49 . okay?” Actually, I knew they wouldnt r50 . . I just wanted to show a well-known writers good manners to the c51 . readers. “Certainly,” the young girls readily a52 . . I could see they were very excited. Of course, their excitement also made me feel more pleased and satisfied. One of the girls h53 . her fine notebook to me. I turned over the cover of the notebook, wrote a few words of encouragement n54 . and signed my name. The girl read my signature, frowned (皱眉), looked at me carefully and asked, “Arent you Robert Char?”“No,” I told her proudly, “Im the author of Alice Adams, the w55 . of two Pulitzer Prizes.”The young girl turned to the o56 . ,shrugged (耸肩) and said, “Mary, lend your rubber to me.” At that moment, all my p57 . turned into a bubble (泡泡) immediately. Since then, I always warn myself: no matter how outstanding you are, dont think highly of yourself.七、根据图画及所给单词写出句子看图写句子58 . In public_59 . Protect_60 . Harmful_61 . Collect_62 . Every year_八、材料作文63 . 这个周末你的好朋友李明第一次来你家做客。请根据李明家的位置,为他设计合理的交通方式,并且描述清楚你家的位置,周围有哪些标志性的建筑物。100词左右。_九、其他根据语用提示,完成句子64 . 你想询问新朋友Linda的电话,你可以这样问她:_, Linda?65 . 你想向朋友介绍你的妹妹,你可以这样说:_.66 . 你想知道这些书是不是Tom的,你可以这么问他:_, Tom?67 . 你想知道你的书包在哪里,你会怎样问妈妈:_, Mom?68 . 朋友建议你一起去打网球,你会这么回答:_.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文4选41、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、3、六、单词填空1、七、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、八、材料作文1、九、其他1、


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