长春市2020版英语九年级全册Unit 3 Safety Lesson 16 How Safe Is Your Home课时练习B卷

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长春市2020版英语九年级全册Unit 3 Safety Lesson 16 How Safe Is Your Home课时练习B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can you cook by_? Yes, I can cook wellAyouByoursCyourself D myself2 . Mr Green has a house _, and he built the house _last year.Aon his own;of his ownBon his own;on his ownCof his own;of his ownDof his own;on his own3 . Sorry Im late._ tell me the bus broke down again!ANever toBNotCDontDNo4 . late for the meeting. Its important.ANoBNotCDontDDont be5 . My name is Linda Smith. Linda is my _ name and Smith is my _ name.Alast, firstBfirst, lastCFamily, firstDlast, family6 . Daddy, can you fix the toy car for me?Well, you can do it yourself. Read thesecarefully first.AinvitationsBinstrumentsCinterviewsDinstructions7 . Please pay _to what I am saying in class.AconnectionBintroductionCattentionDconversation8 . Tony walked into the bookstore and didnt _ until 6:00. He always likes reading there.Awake upBfall overCpass byDcome out9 . I like red _ of all colorsAbetterBgoodCwellDbest二、补全对话7选5补全对话,选出能填入空白处的选项(有两项多余)Bobandhismotherarevisitingthesecurityeducationshow (安全教育展).M:Bob, come here. Here are many pictures.B:10 . M:About traffic safety. B:Uhhuh. It seems boring. M:Oh, no.11 . B:Maybe, right. Mum, look at this picture. A girl is hit by a car when she is running across the street.12 . M:So it is! B:13 . That can help us keep safe. M:Yes. Lets go to another hall. B:14 . Lets go. AHow terrible!BIts my pleasure.CGood idea!DWhat do you think of them?EWhat are they about?FIts educational to everyone.GI think we must follow traffic rules.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空15 . They go to school early in the morning. ASo do Tom.BSo Tom do.CSo does Tom.DSo Tom does.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。16 . You shouldnt spend much time _(play)computer games.17 . The teacher encouraged us _(learn)English well.18 . The little girl showed me her doll _(collect).19 . Alice, you are so _(careful). There are too many mistakes in your homework.20 . The boys like all kinds of _(activity).21 . We have already learned many _(interest)ways to relax.22 . The road to _(successful)is never straight.四、完成句子完成句子23 . 友谊需要良好的沟通。Friendship requires _.24 . 我们对于这次试验的结果感到满意。We _ the result of the experiment.25 . 她可能已在汽车站等我们。She _ be waiting for us at the bus stop.26 . 最后,他们的问题有了解决方案。Finally, their problem _.27 . 你和你的朋友相处得怎么样?How do you _ your friends?28 . 弄清楚你打算做什么。_ what _ going to do.29 . 玛丽和我对弹钢琴感兴趣。Mary and I _ playing the piano.30 . 我们应该尽最大努力准时。We should _ to be on time.31 . 我愿意和那些总是信守承诺的人交朋友。I will make friends with those who always _.32 . 他正在努力想办法解决这个问题。Hes trying to _ a way to solve the problem.33 . 即使她很忙,她也会去。_ she was very busy, she would go.34 . 她头发的颜色跟她母亲的一样。Her hair is _ her mothers.35 . 争论过后好久,她才得以平静下来。It took her a long time to _ after the argument.36 . 她每周给父母写一封信。She _ her parents once a week.五、单词填空One evening a young woman walked on the beach. She turned to see the footsteps she had 37 . in the sand, but they had already been washed away by the water. When she turned to continue her walk, she 38 . (惊奇地)see an old woman 39 . by a fire. She walked up to the old woman and asked, “Where did you 40 . (来自)? I didnt see you here a minute ago”.41 . (代替,而不是) answering her question, the old woman said, “Sit with me, my child. I have something to show you”. As the young woman sat down beside the fire, the old woman handed her a book. She turned the pages of the book 42 . (一个接一个)and amazed to discover they told the story of her w43 . life, from the early days of to the present. But when she turned to the next page, she found it empty. and the 44 . of the pages in the book were all empty.“Does this mean my life ends tonight? ” she asked. “No, my child. It means tonight your life b45 . . ” At that time the old woman took the book into her hands and began to tear(撕掉)each of the pages that had words out of the book. She then threw 46 . into the fire until all left were empty pages. She h47 . the book of empty pages to the young woman.“You see,” she said, “just as the water 48 . (冲走)your footsteps in the sand, your past is forever gone. What you t49 . have is here and now. Each moment is the beginning of the rest of your life and you should live it to the fullest, because you wont live that moment an( a)50 . time. For your future, you are free to shape it as you wish, it has not yet been 51 . /ritn/.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、补全对话7选51、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、四、完成句子1、五、单词填空1、

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