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重庆市2020年(春秋版)九年级上学期9月月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jay Chou plays the roleKatothe film The Green Horney.Aof; ofBof; inCin; inDin; of2 . Mum,must I stay there the whole day? No,you _ . You _ come back after lunch, if you like.Amustnt; canBneednt; mustCneednt; mayDmustnt; might3 . Is it _ that he missed the bus?No, he didnt tell the _. He was late because he got up late.Atrue;truthBreal;truthCtrue;realityDreal;reality4 . -_ is it from the park? -Its about five minutes walk.AHow manyBHow muchCHow longDHow far5 . I think _ is very important _ the children to learn to swim.Ait; forBthat; forCit; ofDthat; of6 . Please remember _ your sisters notebook here.She needs it.AbringBto bringCtakeDto take7 . I have to study _ my math test _ Friday afternoon.Aat;onBon;forCfor;inDfor;on8 . (广东省2017年初中毕业生学业模拟考试)Are you afraid of the big dog?No, just a little _.AangryBseriousCnervousDsad9 . She _ some cards at this time yesterday.Ais makingBwas makingCwere making10 . Our teacher often uses the Internet _ he often sends emails.AorBandCbut11 . -Please dont throw paper on the floor. -_, I wont.ASorryBExcuse meCThats all rightDNever mind12 . There _ a parents meeting tomorrow afternoon.Ais going to haveBhasCis going to beDbe13 . _?Of course not. Here you are.ACan I use your bike?BCould you lend me your bike?CWould you please lend me your bike?DWould you mind lending me your bike?14 . The teacher told us Carl took _ active part in the speech contest last month.A/BtheCaDan15 . Do you like Chinese food or Western food , my dear?_ I have been away for so long, I _ Chinese food, of courseASince; would ratherBBecause; would ratherCSince; preferDBecause; prefer16 . I think we should dress than before.AcasuallyBmore casuallyCmost casuallyDas casually as17 . There are fewer and fewer tigers in India. The situation will continue _ humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones.AifBunlessCbecauseDsince18 . Stephen Hawking was famousa scientist, he made a great contribution to the world, and he died March 14th, 2018.Afor; onBas; inCas; on19 . 选出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项pleaseAh eadBr eadCsw eaterDbr ead20 . -Can he get the first prize for running?-Impossible now. He _ so, but he has just hurt his leg.Awould expect to doBwas expected to doChas expected doingDis expected doing二、完型填空For years I wanted a flower garden, I used to spend hours _ different things I could plant. I believed they would look nice together.But then we had Mattew. And Marvin. And the twins, Alisa and Alan. And then Helen. Five children! I was too _ raising(抚养) them to grow a garden.Money was tight(拮据), as well as Lime. Often when my children were little, one of them would want something expensive. And Id have to say, “Do you sec a money tree outside? Money doesnt_ on trees, you know.”_, ail five got through high school and college and were off on their own. I started thinking again about having a garden. Then, one morning on Mothers Day, I was working in my kitchen. Suddenly, I looked out of the window and there was a _ tree planted right in my garden. I thought it must be a weeping willowow(垂柳), because I saw things _ around on all its branches(树枝). Then I put my _ on and I couldnt believe what I saw, There was a money tree in my garden!I went _ to have a closer look. It was _! There were dollar bills all over that tree. There was also a note in the tree. It_, “We all love you. Mom.”21 . Atalking aboutBthinking aboutCpreparing forDlooking after22 . AtiredBcarelessCbusyDpoor23 . AgrowBmakeCcomeDget24 . AClearlyBTotallyCCertainlyDFinally25 . AmoneyBnewCyoungDtall26 . AblowingBturningCproducingDrunning27 . AovercoatBhatCshoesDglasses28 . AupBdownCawayDout29 . AstrangeBtrueCspecialDperfect30 . AsaysBwritesCtalksDtells三、阅读单选Dear Betty,Im your eraser Jill. This afternoon you lost me in your classroom. Simon found me and gave me to your English teacher Ms. Green. Now Ms. Greens three keys and I are in Ms. Greens bag. The bag is yellow. Its on Ms.Greens desk. Please call Ms. Green at 718-0167 and ask her for me. You can come to the library, too. Ms. Green is in the library now.Jill31 . Simon found a(n) _ in the classroom.ApenBbookCrulerDeraser32 . Which one is true(正确的)?AMs. Green is an English teacher.BMs. Green lost her keys.CMs. Greens bag is on the bed.DBettys phone number is 718-0167.四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子)33 . He had to give up the plan. (改为否定句)He _to give up the plan.34 . There is little milk in the fridge. (改为反义疑问句)There is little milk in the fridge_?35 . They didnt go to see a film. They went to the concert. (保持句意基本不变)They went to the concert_seeing a film.36 . He was so tired that he couldnt go on walking. (保持句意基本不变)He was_ tired_ go on walking.37 . My little brother went to bed after my mother came back. (保持句意基本不变)My little brother_ go to bed _my mother came back.38 . Alice likes playing basketball in the club beer than going home after school. (保持句意基本不变)Alice _playing basketball in the club _going home after school.39 . Some people like to drink strong coffee to stay awake late at night. (保持句意基本不变)Some people like to drink strong coffee_they can stay awake late at night.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)40 . Liao Changyong is an excellent Chinese_who has held many concerts. (sing)41 . The snake can reach a_of one hundred centimeters. (long)42 . I guess the gentleman with a pair of glasses must be in his early_now. (fifty)43 . Several recent_showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan. (survey)44 . The jacket is available in_colours. You can choose what you like. (variety)45 . Every morning the students greet the teachers_with a smile at the school gate. (polite)46 . Ive just bought my new car, so I make up my mind to_my old one. (sale)47 . Mikes classmates arent satisfied with him because he is always_. (honest)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Everyone needs friends. But how do you find real friendship and keep it?The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says founding friendship is just like planting a tree. 48 . First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. 49 . For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend could listen to your complaints (抱怨) and do his or her best to help you. 50 . You should make each other happy and share your lives.But things can not always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. 51 . You have to talk to him or her. When there is no one around, have a good talk. If he or she doesnt want to talk, you can write a letter.There are three steps to be friends again:Tell him or her how you are feeling. 52 . Remember that friendship is one of the most important things in your life. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整。AA good friend should be kind and patient.BTell him or her what they did wrong and talk about why you did this or that.CYou plant the seed and take care of it to make it grow.DTo make a friend, you cant be too shy.EWhat should you do when you have fight with your friend?It was an early sunny morning. When I woke up, I 53 . realized that it was Easter morning. We would go to Aunt Marys house 54 . we spent Easter there every year.When we reached my aunts house, I hugged all my 55 . , including my cousins, aunts and uncles. After talking with them for about an hour, I started to get56 . . So I decided to play video games with my cousin Alex.We 57 . for a long time. Then Aunt Mary called 58 . for dinner. After we ate dinner, we walked to Davis Park to take part in an Easter egg hunt.After the adults 59 . all the Easter eggs, we all began running like hungry cheetahs (猎豹) 60 . trees and large rocks to look for the eggs. Alex and I decide to work as a 61 . so that we could get as many eggs as possible. When we found that we couldnt 62 . any more eggs, Alex and I walked into Aunt Marys house. For the rest of the afternoon we held the video game controller in one hand and Easter eggs in the other hand.七、单词填空根据短文内容和首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 6675 的相应位置上。Nowadays, studying abroad is becoming more and more popular in China. Many parents send their children abroad instead of letting them receive e63 . at home.There are many advantages for people to attend school abroad. Firstly, he can use the foreign language in his everyday life so that his ability in the second language may be greatly i64 . . While studying in a foreign country, he will meet many students from abroad and it is much easier to make f65 . with them. Also, he can get familiar with the latest knowledge in different fields. In this w66 . ,there is every chance that he is a67 . to widen his horizon (眼界) and broaden his mind.Of course, attending schools abroad may b68 . a lot of problems. The most serious one is language barrier(障碍). Most of the students who go abroad dont have e69 . skills in the language spoken there. As a result, on arriving there, they will find it difficult to u70 . what the teachers say. Moreover, they dont know the customs(风俗) of local people very w71 . , and they may have trouble dealing with some situations.Therefore, one must think of both sides carefully before m72 . a decision. The place where you study is not very important, but the desire(渴望) to learn matters the most.八、多任务混合问题People think being an artist must be a wonderful way to make ones living.And of course, there are lots of great things about working for oneself at home alone.What I really like is that nobody tells me what time to start in the morning, or what to wear, or whether 1._ and go to a football match.But then, I have no one to talk with, 2._.Sure, I can spend the afternoon doing something I enjoy, 3._.But the work will still be there when I get back home, 4._.Working at home means that people can always find me.No one would dream of calling in if I worked in an office.So how would you like to work?Working at home alone or working at your office together with your workmates?将AD填入文中合适的位置,然后回答第5题。Ano one to discuss last nights match with during the lunch hourBlike swimming, or walking the dog, or even sleepingCI can take the afternoon offDand its still to be finished in time73 . _74 . _75 . _76 . _77 . The writer wrote the passage to _.Aencourage readers to work at homeBexplain why he has changed his jobCdescribe his working lifeDsay how he would like to work九、材料作文78 . 假如你是美国的丹尼(Danny),你的中国同学孙丽即将结束她在你们学校为期一年的交换生学习生活。为此,你打算本周六晚上在你家给她举办一场送别聚会。请根据以下要点提示,在你们班级群里留言,邀请你班其他同学参加本次聚会。要点提示:1. 对孙丽的评价;2. 举办此次聚会的原因;3. 希望同学们来参加聚会并表演节目(put on a show)。 要求:90词左右;格式已给出,不计入总词数。Hi everyone,_Danny第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、材料作文1、

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