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贵阳市2020年七年级上学期期中英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The Amazon rainforest is_ rainforest in the world.AlargeBlargerClargestDthelargest2 . -I hear Mr. Wang is leaving. -_ why?AAndBSoCOrDBut3 . How soon will your uncle come back from the UK?_ a few days.AAtBAfterCInDFor4 . you a student , Cindy?Yes. Im a middle school student .ADoBDoesCAreDIs5 . Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight? No, I _it last week.AseeBhave seenCsawDam seeing6 . This is Mary. is my friend.ASheBHeCHerDHis7 . -Hows your mum?-Shes _.Aat homeBa doctorCfineD32 years old二、完型填空Bike-sharing(共享单车) is popular in China now. Its a new_for short journeys in cities. Its also good to the_ development of the big cities.A report by a company says that shared bikes started the nations love for bikes again. Now more and more Chinese people are riding bikes instead of_ cars to make short journeys in cities.An engineer of that company says that_ the start of shared bikes, people have made _ trips by car. The love for shared bikes is not only among young people, but also among people _ sixty.At weekends, the number of the riders in Shenzhen_ the largest of all the cities. On weekdays, the number of people _ use shared bikes to work is going up in Shanghai.It is said that bike-sharing will help _ the cities environment. It not only helps solve the traffic problems, but also helps make peoples lives more convenient.Months ago, the Chinese bike-sharing companies went to Singapore and Britain. Users there were excited and posted photos of themselves riding bikes on social media (传媒). We believe there will be more people _bikes all over the world.8 . AchoiceBsecretCplanDability9 . AslowBhealthyCharmfulDsudden10 . AbuyingBto buyCdrivingDto drive11 . AsinceBbecauseCthoughDso12 . AlittleBlessCfewDfewer13 . AinBoverCfromDon14 . AareBbeCisDto be15 . AwhichBwhoseCwhatDwho16 . AimproveBseparateCexperienceDdiscover17 . ArideBwill rideCridingDto ride三、阅读单选Pets are popular all over the world. In fact, there are many reasons why people keep pets. They give people joy and love, look after peoples homes and make people feel good! Animals are fun to be with every day. They help people in many ways!Before you keep a pet, its wise of you to think carefully which animal is the best choice for your family. You can start by collecting enough information and advice. It wont take a long time and it will be useful and fun. Dont choose a pet only by yourself. Choosing a pet should be a family plan. You should know what kind of animals you want, the amount of freetime you have and the amount of responsibility each family member should take on. Its helpful for you to ask vets ( 兽医) for advice. A pet will become your responsibility if you have one, so be smart when you are choosing a pet!There is one more thing for you to know. Thousands of pets die every year. Many people buy pets as presents for friends. But some people dont know how to look after their pets, or they dont like them at all, so it causes some pets to die. Spend time thinking clearly whether you are ready to keep a pet. Choose the animal you love most as a pet and take on the responsibility.18 . What does the first paragraph talk about?AWhy pets are popular.BHow people feel about pets.CWhat people use pets to do.DPets are fun to play with.19 . What does the underlined word “It” refer to?AKeeping a pet.BThe best animal.CThinking carefully.DCollecting information and advice.20 . How can you have healthy pets according to the writers opinion?AWe should give pets enough food.BWe should take care of them by ourselves.CWe should never take them to vets.DWe should be prepared to keep pets.21 . What should you not do before having a pet?AAsk for our familys advice.BAsk vets for advice.CChoose a pet on our own.DUnderstand what we should do for our pet.22 . Which can be the best title of the passage?AHow to keep a petBThink over before keeping a petCWhat animals can be petsDHow people love petsDear Linda.How are things with you? It was great talking to you yesterday by phone. As I told you yesterday, I am in Rome today. Tomorrow we are getting the train down to the south of Italy(意大利) and then a ship to Greece.(希腊)Let me tell you something about where we have visited. I know you want to come here one day, too. We started in England and spent two days in London. We visited many places and enjoyed its history. And the only bad thing was the weather - it rained the whole time we were there. Can you believe it? When we got to Paris, the sun was shining! We only stayed for one afternoon there because my friends really wanted to visit Euro Disney. It is to the east of Paris. Well, I have to say I like the American Disneyland better. We met some nice people from Canada and spent two great days with them. One of them, Clive, is going to your school next year. What a coincidence! Clive and his wife left us when we took a train to Germany. They went up into Denmark but we continued to Munich (慕尼黑). Wow, what a great city! I bought you a surprise gift there. I hope you like it.After that, we went south into Switzerland. It was very expensive and we couldnt stay as long as we wanted, so thats why were in Italy now!OK. I want to post this letter now so you can get it by the weekend.See you soonMike23 . Mike will go to Greece from Italy by _.AtrainBshipCplaneDcar24 . Mike spent _in London.Aone dayBtwo daysCthree daysDfour days25 . Mike enjoyed many things in England, but he didnt like the _ there.AhistoryBdrinksCfoodDweather26 . Clive _.Ais from AmericaBtook a train to GermanyCis going to Lindas schoolDcontinued to Munich.27 . The letter is mainly about _.AMikes trip to Europe(欧洲)Bthe nice people in ItalyCMikes good friendsDMikes gift to LindaLast week my grandpa called me. He asked me to spend my vacation with him. He lives in a village in the countryside. Its small but its pretty cool there in summer. The weather is very hot in our city and I often feel bored here. I was very happy and thanked him. I said, “Im going to visit you when my summer vacation begins.”On July 5th, my parents and I went shopping and bought some delicious food for my grandpa. The next morning my father took me to the train station. It was the first time for me to have a train trip alone. I looked out of the window on the train. I found the scenery was beautiful. I thought the trip was relaxing.At four in the afternoon the train arrived at the station. I saw my grandpa standing outside when I got off. He was happy when he saw me. His village is about one kilometer from the station so we walked there. I looked around and found the mountains were high and green. I thought I could have a good time there.28 . My grandpa called and asked me to .Aspend my vacation with him in the countrysideBspend my vacation with my parents in the cityChave a train trip aloneDwalk to his village29 . What did my father and I buy for my grandpa?ASome fruit.BSome food.CSome clothes.DSome cakes.30 . When did my father take me to the train station?ALast week.BOn July 5th.COn July 6th.DAt 4 p.m.31 . How did we get to my grandpas village from the train station?AOn foot.BBy bus.CBy bike.DBy train.四、用单词的正确形式完成短文AviewBin charge ofCexhibitionDheightEbased onHowever, the engineer 32 . the project was confident that people would come to enjoy his project. With the 33 . of 300 metres, the Eiffel Tower was the tallest man-made structure in the world at that time.The tower opened to the public on the 6th May, and the 34 . was a great success. Over 28 million visitors came to the Worlds Fair and 1,896, 987 visitors climbed the tower. Since then, over 250 million people have enjoyed the 35 . of Paris from the towers balconies.Later, Paris officials decided that the tower served as an effective communications tower.五、回答问题Bob and Frank are good friends. They often go to see movies together(一起) on weekends. Bobs favourite actor is Jacky Chen. He has an action movie, Who Am I. Its very exciting. Frank likes the actor Rick Smith. He really likes his movie Black September. Frank thinks its a very successful thriller(惊险电影). Bob and Frank are American, but they both like Beijing Opera, they think they can learn about Chinese history from these operas.36 . What do Bob and Frank often do on weekends? _37 . What does Bob think of the movie Who Am I? _38 . Who is Franks favourite actor? _39 . Is Black September a thriller? _40 . Why do they like Beijing Opera? _六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句.41 . in the north of /Beijing /is/China/_42 . with/went to/my parents/I/ Xining /_43 . visit /can/ there/ you /the CN Tower/._44 . about /do/you/ what / Canada/know/?_45 . can/the elephant/ its trunk /use/ a big tree/ or/ to pick up/ a small peanut/._七、材料作文46 . 假设你叫Tom,请你根据下面的提示用英语写一篇不少于60词的短文。提示:1、每天早上六点起床,刷牙,然后迅速地吃早餐。2、我家离学校并不远,所以我通常步行上学。3、我喜欢唱歌和跳舞。我也会弹钢琴,而且我弹钢琴弹得很好,所以我想加入音乐俱乐部。4、可适当发挥。Hello. My name is Tom._第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、五、回答问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、

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