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贵阳市2019年英语八年级下册U1堂堂练2C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Peter looked _. He was looking _ at his friends.Ahappy; happilyBhappy; happyChappily; happyDhappily; happily2 . _December 11,2001, China formally became the 143rd member of the WTOAInBOnCAtDUntil3 . Look! Our daughter _ her own room.AcleansBis going to cleanCis cleaningDhas cleaned4 . Jane didnt know how to get along with her new classmates. She felt _.Aup and downBout of placeCon fire5 . I know this is a robot _ English.AforBofCinDwith6 . Your gloves are really beautiful, Andy.Thanks. My mum bought them for me to keep my hands _ in winter.AtidyBhotCcleanDwarm7 . Linda and I watched the movie Gone with the Wind yesterday. The movie was so _ that we really enjoyed it.AterribleBwonderfulCboringDimportant8 . -Mike hurt his leg while playing football yesterday.?- _ .AThats nothingBThats all rightCNever mindDIm sorry to hear that9 . Trees make our streets_ and_.Amore beautiful; less noiseBmore beautifully; less noisyCless beautiful; more noiseDmore beautiful; less noisy10 . Are these tigers _ great danger?AofBinCforDat11 . _ people in the world are sending and receiving e-mails every day.AMillion ofBSeveral million ofCMillions ofDSeveral millions12 . I was born _ April 6, 1980.AonBfromCatDin13 . At home,my mother helps me _my math.AtoBwithCforDat14 . Is Amy popular in your class?No,she isnt. Because she doesnt _ others.Abring outBget onCfeel likeDcare about15 . Let him _ the classroom for us.AcleansBcleaningCto cleanDclean16 . I think life _ is a journey and every step we take moves us in some direction. I cant agree more.AitselfBhimselfCherselfDthemselves二、根据音标写单词Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcription.17 . Trees remove dust and _/prdju:s/ the oxygen we _ /bri:/. Trees reduce sound pollution for city center and _/d/ beauty to cities.18 . In the last 200 years, more than _/h:f/ of all the trees on the Earth have been destroyed. For every tree being _ /pla:ntd/ today, 30 trees are being _ /kt/ down. We need more trees.19 . We _ /w:ml/ welcome anyone who would like to_ /dn/ us in this project.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、根据音标写单词1、

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