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贵州省2019版七年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . If you dont tell her the truth youll _ it later.AregretBfailCstopDadd2 . - _- Yes, please. I want a pair of shoes.ACan I help you?BHow do you do?CHello!DHow are you?3 . See what you have done! Dont you have a _ of right or wrong!AsenseBfeelingCthoughtDknowledge4 . What do her parents do?Her parents doctors.Aare allBall areCareDis5 . We often go home _ 4:30 _ the afternoon.Aat; inBat; onCon; inDat; at6 . When I met Daniel at the station _ the first time, he was in the waiting hall _.Afor; aloneBat; aloneCfor; himselfDat; by himself7 . I _ go to bed _ my mother returned home.Adont ,untilBdont, whenCdidnt ,untilDdidnt, when8 . I dont know if heif ittomorrow.Acomeswill rainBwill comerainsCwill comewill rain9 . Whats _ name?Lisa. She is from England. ( )AmyByourCherDhis10 . - _ has Daniel been a League member?- For at least two months.AHow oftenBHow longCHow soonDHow far二、补全短文6选5Hi, boys and girls! Come and buy your clothes at Youth Clothes Store at our great sale.11 . Do you like shirts? We have shirts in all colors.12 . . For boys, we have white and black shirts for just $25. We have red hats for only $14. How much are the shorts?13 . And the yellow ones are $40.14 . You can buy them for $5. What color do you want? We have socks in yellow, red and green. How about these black and white shoes? Only $45 for 1 pair.15 . If you want more information(更多信息). You can e-mail us at youthmail. com or call us at 6008536.Come to Youth Clothes Store now!AThe schoolbag is nice.BOnly $ 80 for 2 pairs.CThe red shorts are $ 45.DOur socks are on sale, too.EWe have great clothes at very good prices.FFor girls, we have blue shirts for just $22.三、完型填空My cousin Amy likes shopping. She often buys_for her family. One day, she goes to a_. Its on sale. She buys a_skirt for her mother Cindy. Blue is her mothers favorite color. Amy buys a white shirt for her father Henry and a sweater for her sister Linda. The sweater is green and_very nice. She buys a pair of sports shoes for her_Jack. He likes playing sports, so he_them. Amy loves her grandma. And_does Amy buy for her? She buys her a_bag. She can put her radio, keys and many other things_it. Her family like the things very much. They_Amy is a good girl.16 . AfoodBshoesCbooksDclothes17 . AschoolBstoreCroomDlibrary18 . AblueBgreenCredDwhite19 . AwatchesBsellsCsoundsDlooks20 . AsisterBbrotherCfriendDuncle21 . AfindsBknowsCneedsDplays22 . AwhatBwhoCwhereDhow23 . AsmallBbigClongDshort24 . AatBonCinDto25 . AloveBgetChelpDthink四、阅读单选These days,. see a lot of shopping festivals. For Chinese shoppers, Singles Day is a big one, and its on November 11. In the United States, Black Friday is the most well-known one.Black Friday always falls on the day after the Thanksgiving holiday. On this day, stores give special deals(特别折扣). Shoppers wake up very early. They wait in line(队伍)at stores before they open, but they might start to wait in line as early as 2 or 3 a.m. Sometimes there are too many people. They are not able to get inside the store.Black Friday is not the only shopping festival in the US. Another similar(类似的)holiday is Cyber(网络的)Monday. This day always falls on the Monday after Thanksgiving.Personally, I dont like any of these holidays. They place too much importance on buying things. I like Buy Nothing Day. The holiday falls on the same day as Black Friday. It is an international holiday that is against the trend(趋势)of over-consumption(消费过度). What do you think about these holidays?26 . How many holidays are mentioned(提及)in the story?AThreeBFourCFiveDSix27 . On Black Friday, people usuallyAstay up overnight to shop online.Bget together to celebrate the holiday.Cget up early and wait in front of storesDstay at home to keep away from bad luck.28 . What does the writer think of these shopping holidays?AHe doesnt care about these holidays.BHe hopes to celebrate these holidays on another day.CHe likes these holidays and celebrate them every year.DHe thinks they can cause the problem of over-consumption.I have three good friends . We like sports very much. My favorite sport is basketball. I have three balls. I think playing basketball is interesting. Jim and Tim think it is boring to play basketball. Their favorite sport is soccer . They play soccer every afternoon. They have four balls. Mary is a nice girl. Her favorite sport is volleyball. She plays it very well. Its relaxing for her to play volleyball. But she has only one ball. Sports are good for us.29 . Whats Jim and Tims favorite sport ?ABasketballBSoccerCVolleyball30 . Whats Marys favorite sport?ASoccerBVolleyballCBasketball31 . Who has only one ball?AIBMaryCTim32 . Does Mary think its boring to play soccer?AYes , she does.BNo , she doesnt .CWe dont know .33 . How many balls do I have ?AThreeBFourCOne五、阅读判断AnnaI work in a bank from Monday to Friday. My house is near a park and is about ten kilometers from my office. I usually go to work by train. I usually get up at 6:30 a. m. and take the train at 7:00 a. m. It usually takes me about thirty minutes to get to my office. The train is quick and cheap. I am never late for work. JoeI am a student. My house is near a beautiful lake. My school is across from the lake. I can walk to school across a bridge. It takes me about thirty minutes. But I often go to school by boat, because it is more fun. It takes me about twenty minutes. MollyIm a waiter. I work in a restaurant from Monday to Saturday. I often go to work by bus. It is about five kilometers from my house to the restaurant. It takes me about twentyfive minutes to go to work. Sometimes I am late for work because the traffic is very busy.34 . Anna usually arrives at her office at about_.A6:30 a. m.B7:00 a. m.C7:30 a. m.D8:00 a. m.35 . Joe often_ to school.Atakes a busBtakes a trainCwalksDtakes a boat36 . Molly lives about_ kilometers from her working place.AfiveBtenCfifteenDtwenty37 . The underlined word “traffic” means_ in Chinese.A餐馆B交通C市场D车站38 . Which of the following is TRUE?AAnna is sometimes late for work.BJoe lives near a river.CMolly works five days a week.DThe three of them go out by different means of transportation(交通方式).六、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。前六小题每空格限填一词)39 . He usually has lunch at school.(改为一般疑问句)_ he usually _ lunch at school?40 . That amusement park has lots of tourists during the holiday. (就划线部分提问)_that amusement park have lots of tourists?41 . He really likes sports. ( 保持句意基本不变)He _on sports.42 . Shared-bikes are very popular in some big cities. (改为感叹句)_ shared-bikes are in some big cities!43 . There is some water in the bottle. (划线部分提问)_ water is there in the bottle?44 . Yee flies to America five times a year. (划线部分提问)_ does Yee fly to America?45 . my son, for, spent, I, three hours, a birthday, making, cake (连词成句)_七、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)46 . Would you like to help me _(带来) it in?47 . We always keep our classroom clean and _(整洁).48 . Peter has a _(模型) plane.49 . Are those books _ (我们的)?No, theyre _ (他们的) books.50 . There are many boys on the _(操场).51 . Simons _(毛衣) is yellow.52 . I _(通常) go to school at eight oclock.53 . Robert bought two _(双) of skates yesterday.54 . I like that red _(毛衣).55 . I dont like the colour of the _(裤子).八、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空56 . Russia is a _ (wonder)country.57 . I want to find another job. Because my job is too_ (bore).58 . The film was quite _(enjoy), so I liked it very much.59 . I think going to a basketball game is much more_ (excite)than watching it on TV at home.60 . My family like to watch_ (education)movies on TV.61 . I like watching_ (sitcom)very much.62 . Does he plan _ (watch)talk shows tonight?Sorry, I dont know.63 . We expect_ (learn)a great deal from watching other players.64 . I enjoy_ (read)English loudly in the morning.65 . My father is much_ (busy)than my mother. He works for ten hours a day.66 . Mike is _ (true)talented. He always gets the first prize in singing.67 . My home is the closest to school but Toms home is the_ (far).九、完成句子根据汉语完成句子,每空一词68 . 我想带男孩们去我们学校的足球场。Id like to take the boys to _ football field.69 . 交换学生的家乡在英国。These_ hometown is in the UK.70 . 我的一位老朋友要来看我。An old friend_ is coming to visit me.71 . 我们镇上有许多好商店。There are_ good shops_.十、填写适当的单词补全对话根据上下文补全对话A: Whats your 72 . sport?B: I 73 . 74 . football best.A:75 . you swim?B:76 . , I cant.A:77 . you like playing computer 78 . ?B: Yes, I 79 . .A: Do you like 80 . television?B: No, I 81 . .十一、多任务混合问题任务型阅读A: Hello, Dale. How are you?B: Hello, Cindy. And you?A: Im fine, too. Whats this in English?B: Its a pen.A: 它是什么颜色的?B: Its black.A: Oh, thank you.B: Youre welcome.根据对话内容完成下列任务。82 . 在处的横线上填上合适的英语句子:_83 . 将画线句子翻译成汉语。_84 . 将画线句子翻译成英语。_85 . 将画线句子翻译成汉语。_86 . What color is the pen?_阅读下列短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。Have you ever been to Taiwan? Chinas biggest island? (1)你想到那里参观一下吗?Well show you the best of Taiwan island.A five-day tour.(2)_Only 5,000IncludingRound- trip plane tickets between Beijing and Taiwan.Bus service around Taiwan.Great tour guide service.PlacesSun Moon LakeA beautiful lake. A small island. On one side of the island, the lake looks like the sun, and on the other side it looks like the moon. (3)_.Ali MountainThe nearest mountain around Sun Moon Lake. A nice experience to have a party withGaoshan people. A wonderful place to see a very beautiful sunrise.Penghu LakeA great place for swimming, fishing, boating and eating delicious fruit and fresh fish.Gao XiongA great place to spend a full day shopping.Book (预定) NowOffice hours:Monday-Friday: 9:00a.m-7:00p.mSaturday: 9:00a.m-4:00p.mTel: 64599561Book by phone now for next month.87 . 将文中划线部分(1)的汉语句子译成英语。88 . 在文中划线部分(2)的空白处填入一个英语单词以说明所谈论的话题。89 . How many places can tourists visit in Taiwan seconding to this passage?90 . 将文中划线部分(3)的英语句子译成汉语。91 . How long is the office hour on Saturday?十二、材料作文92 . 书面表达没有无私的、自我牺牲的母爱的帮助, 孩子的心灵将是一片荒漠。我们要学会感恩, 学会回报。某英语网站举办以“My mother”为题的英语征文活动, 请你根据下列思维导图提供的信息, 写一篇短文, 介绍自己的母亲和你的亲情故事。要求:(l)语句通顺, 表达正确;(2)短文须包括全部要点,可适当发挥;(3)不得出现真实的校名和人名。(4)字数不少于60词。_十三、其他选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的的一个选项。93 . AcakeBnameCmanDface94 . AboxBopenCshopDlong95 . AmeetBreadCgreatDmeat96 . AmakesBplaysCpensDbags97 . AtimeBkiteCniceDmusic第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、句型转换1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、完成句子1、十、填写适当的单词补全对话1、十一、多任务混合问题1、2、十二、材料作文1、十三、其他1、

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